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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26395224 No.26395224 [Reply] [Original]


You’re probably gonna get shilled the stupidest projects on /biz/, a place with no reputation system. I’ve wasted a lot of time here, for every 100% pump I’ve been shilled a 100% dump. The best thing that has come out of /biz/ is LINK. If you suck at everything just buy that and hold for the next 4 years.

If you really want to improve your knowledge of crypto, follow the list I posted. It contains some of the actual big brains behind crypto that won’t be shilling you scams and actually teaching you along the way. Traders, developers, investors. You’ll expand your knowledge faster than on /biz/ alone, I’ve been here since early 2017. I wish I had access to this network on Twitter back when I started, so I made this list to help out all the new guys. If you don’t have a Twitter, make one just to follow the list. I don’t want you to just buy the shitcoin of the day on /biz/. I want you to understand what is actually going on.

>> No.26395268


>> No.26395297

thanks i'll check it out. is link still going to 100x again in the next 4 years?

>> No.26395489
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bless you bro

>> No.26395563

I believe so. It’s designed in such a way that LINK has to keep being bought by node operators via basic game theory. The more the Chainlink network grows the more the token will be needed as collateral. Oh, and they have been working with the fucking WEF.

>> No.26395572
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I found out about Apollo outside of biz. Can't wait for the "why didnt I listen" threads

>> No.26395647

should i DCA in for the next 6 months or just try to time the next dip and buy a lot?

>> No.26395704

Also guys, check out Kylin.
Public sale should be somewhere in Q1 2021.
It's a data oracle for polkadot.
Don't sleep on this one bro's.

>> No.26395804
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Glad I can help others. Sent it to Soulja Boy as well. Pic related.

I really can’t give you the best advice on LINK it always looks bullish then dumps then randomly pumps months after good news. All I know is it will be worth a lot more in the future than it is now unless there is some giant black swan event. You should always be prepared for it to dump 50 percent but the upside is so much more. Right now, all 3 pairs look bullish to me and waiting to break out (BTC, ETH, USD). But again, I have difficulty timing it.

>> No.26395853

thank you op i wanted to do something like this was but too lazy to find all the somewhat reputable voices

>> No.26395871

This one?

>> No.26395887

And as far as dips go, when we’re in a bull market, I’d buy whenever the RSI is below 30 on the 1H, 4H, 1D charts. But right now there is bearish sentiment as well among big brains, a lot of people are unsure what is coming up the next two weeks.

>> No.26396017

Thanks very much anon

>> No.26396035


> for every 100% pump I’ve been shilled a 100% dump

THIS. For the love of god, stop FOMOing by the hyped (shilled) shitcoins here. Case in point: RBC. I lost a lot of money on defi summer, but my biggest gains out of all that was CORE, and guess fucking what, I knew about CORE before it got shilled here in /biz/. By the time CORE (shill) threads started popping up in this board, the price was already at 3000 USD. Be careful.

>> No.26396249

Glad I could help others, especially if the fun doesn’t stop here with crypto in the short term.

That’s why a reputation system works better sometimes like on Twitter. Here, the same person can dump multiple coins on you.

>> No.26396443

>Sent it to Soulja Boy as well. Pic related.
What is wrong with you, you giant faggot?

>> No.26396463

>I’d buy whenever the RSI is below 30 on the 1H, 4H, 1D charts.
thanks, i have no idea what this means. i will do some googling

>> No.26396497

I'm an absolute noob, only started frequently lurking /biz/ recently, hold literally nothing other than some 0,5% guaranteed state bonds but RBC stinks to high heaven. I was lurking when some of the now established tokens popped up, and the conversation didn't look like this.

>> No.26396550

Aren't they backing that infi that was shilled yesterday and lost almost half its value already?

>> No.26396602

Any tips on wallets/markets/apps?
From what I gathered, only kraken and bitfinex are recommended, and it literally doesn't matter which one you take. Not planning on margin trading, ever.

>> No.26396630

i've been using binance.us because of the low fees. should i switch?

>> No.26396800

use xrp or doge to send money to other exchanges, the fees are almost 0
never hold leveraged tokens
there exists malware that replaces the adress you paste, so check it carefully
don't use chink exchanges, binance is ok

>> No.26396897

this list is literally full of shills LOL

>> No.26396900

>use xrp or doge to send money to other exchanges

>> No.26397074

No no no dude!
This one: https://kylin.network/
I see it like the chainlink of polkadot

>> No.26397136

>i have no idea what this means
Please for the love of god watch this series on trading basics instead


>> No.26397177

Is this a joke about some old shitcoin that was a total scam? Or is this some hot new shit set to release next month?

>> No.26397341

FTX has the lowest maker fees, especially if you stake some of their token it's 0 maker fees. Usually up when other exchanges are down.
Wallets I use MetaMask and swap on uniswap. It is pricey to use stuff like uniswap if you're starting with a small amount so make infrequent trades and trade with confidence.
Yeah don't do this with coinbase where XRP is delisted. Use Stellar instead which is available on most exchanges and same speed.
You sell your coin into XLM, send quickly to another exchange, then sell XLM back to your token. Don't fuck up the memo tags and lose all your money. Or just don't do this if a complete noob.

The tokens they've shilled have all made me money. Why would they advertise a coin they believe is going to go up and not hold it?

>> No.26397565

>You sell your coin into XLM, send quickly to another exchange, then sell XLM back to your token.
so i could use this to move my BTC or LINK from Binance.US to Coinbase? So I'd be paying fees for all this just to have my coins on a different exchange?

>> No.26397716

I agree OP. Anything that isn't in the top 10 of market capitalization is likely a shitcoin with little future.
There are some exceptions, but you won't have a fucking clue which are and which aren't if you haven't spent some significant time learning.

>> No.26397831

There are the scams and there are the really good ones early on, From BTC-ETH-LINK-AVAX to successful runs like 0x, Quant,Raiblock, Antshare or even Ubiq back in early 2017.

>> No.26397884

Yeah just send it like normal, probably not worth the hassle to save a few dollars on fees.

I'll shill my bags here in order of size:


Some of these won't make it but most of these should pump quite a bit in a bull run.

>> No.26397962

And this portfolio is optimized by the amount I have. If I had less money I'd allocate the lower ones higher than ETH or BTC.

>> No.26398028
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Recommend doing research on 0xBitcoin.

>> No.26398041

Damn why does Binance.US suck so bad for alt coins? They don't have any of these.

>> No.26398055


0xBitcoin was a /biz/ invented FPGA miner scam token.
Almost everywhere online 0xBTC threads are deleted, ie plebbit, its that big of a scam.
The actual daily 24hr volume on 0xBTC is under $10,000 - CMC reported volume is 99% wash trading
Don't believe me then buy $300 worth of 0xBTC and watch the price move by 20%

Around the time that these miners were pumping 0xBTC they shilled /biz/ CONSTANTLY with it.
There was at least 15-25 spam threads about it daily up until they dumped their bags on all the anons buying in.
It was a coordinated pump and dump and these 0xBTC scamming faggots think that /biz/ has forgotten about what they did.
Lots of anons were fooled into buying it at $2-$4.
Now there are tons of bag holders of this shitcoin and ALL of the 0xBTC threads on /biz/ are made by these miner faggots where they coordinate /biz/ shilling in their 0xBitcoin discord.

This project has a better chance of always being worthless than even worth $0.50
No one will really tell you the truth about this scam because so many ppl were suckered into buying it on /biz/
Truth is, not many ppl are smart and wise to scams and it takes a high IQ to realize that 0xBTC is a miners scam token.
What's more is the FPGA miners mining this shit are now only making about $0.03/0xBTC and it keeps dropping.
It's incredibly not profitable for anyone besides FPGA fags to mine this shit.

Don't fall for this fucking miner scam token, its always going to be worthless.
>entirely community driven
>zero money for marketing or exchange listings
>scam artists for devs - who literally orchestrated a pump and dump on bizlets
>miner shill faggots who constantly spam threads about it bc they are so desperate for you to buy their bags because LITERALLY NO ONE IS BUYING THIS SHIT ANYMORE

What's more is that 0xBitcoin DOESNT EVEN PUMP WITH REAL BITCOIN!!
>do not reply to 0xbtc shills

>> No.26398169
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this could possibly be some fud just so this anon can accumulate more 0xBTC.
Same thing happened to link.

>> No.26398251

Because the government wants you to stay poor.

>> No.26398297

Pro tip: If your coin is still down a lot since 2017, it is shit.

>> No.26398302

>comparing link to this shit
you shills have no tact

>> No.26398355

I know, fuck. Is it legal to use Uniswap/Metamask for alt coins in the US?

>> No.26398396

0xBTC is better than link.

>> No.26398468

Yup it is legal. Just don't scam people or exploit the protocol for a large sum of money. And the first time you use Uniswap you may be confused, perhaps look it up on YouTube, you need to do an approve transaction first for the token you're selling and you have to be aware of the gas.
Sometimes the gas is very very high, I suggest a price that gives 30 seconds for trades. You might spend like $20-30 on fees just for a single trade, just a heads up.

You don't want to see some of our fees.wtf pages.

>> No.26398491

>0xBTC is better than link.
Yeah no one in this thread listen to this guy.

>> No.26398549

are both good references
i like to wait until gas is around 35 gwei to start trading, though it'll still cost like 10 bucks to do anything

>> No.26398592

Let's compare. Sergey started out with the entire supply and has access to the rest of Link. 0xBTC has a locked supply,only way to "get it out" is by solving the computations aka mining, and ownership has been burned. The supply is way less modeled after btc. But it isn't pegged to it in price like wbtc is. Wbtc is an IOU.

>> No.26398706

What forums exist for crypto that are not /biz/? Where there are a bit more educated discussions happening?

>> No.26398763

As a newfag should I buy up some of these alt coins or should I just focus on BTC/ETH/LINK? I feel like BTC/ETH is a sure thing but I missed the opportunity to make huge gains with it, while LINK might actually 100x in the next 5 years, and I'm too dumb to pick shit coins

>> No.26398794

there are none. /biz/ is the highest level of discussion

>> No.26398862


>> No.26398887


Establish a position yourself with bluechips first and foremost (BTC, ETH, LINK). Anything extra goes to other potential bluechips, or gambling shitcoins on Uni.

>> No.26398889

>while LINK might actually 100x in the next 5 years
Highly unlikely. Too many coins, too little volume.
> I missed the opportunity
There are only something like 63 million bitcoin wallets worldwide. We aren't even close to peak adoption.

>> No.26398892

Crypto twitter and /biz/.
I gave up on reddit a long long time ago.

How much money do you have and which state/country

>> No.26398907

>unironically considering buying shitcoins called BADGER and CREAM
just buy a helmet and pick up a few link kid

>> No.26398917

They are generally small communities that discuss investing as a whole, any sufficiently big place is filled with retards. Generally they are hard to find as they need to gatekeep.

>> No.26398926

Unless he doesn't have too much money to start with. Don't expect more than a 10x from here on ETH or LINK this year, and less than 5x on BTC. In ideal conditions.

>> No.26398950

Example of these small communities if you may?

>> No.26398958

biz is both the best and the worst at the same time
and biz only gets worse during bull markets- the oldfags that bought during the bear market and 'made it' leave and all the newfags rush in after them
crypto twitter is pretty good, most of the time
there's outright obvious shills but if you start with vitalik and the winklevoss twins just follow them and see what people they follow in term and eventually you'll have a decent net of people to read up on

>> No.26399002

Replying to myself here, is there anything extra that I should consider being located in eastern yurop? Like certain exchanges/wallets I should avoid due to fees/speeds/legalities? Is it sensible to go with burger-centric exchanges?

>> No.26399061

I have $15k USD right now but could possibly get up to $50 or so by this July. I'm in the USA (NM)

>Highly unlikely. Too many coins, too little volume.
is this right?

>> No.26399166

Yeah these are my fun tokens, less than a percent of my portfolio but I get a thrill if they moon.

>Generally they are hard to find as they need to gatekeep.
This. Part of an invite only Telegram. The leader's sentiment (been around since 2013) is bearish until Bitcoin closes above 40k.

>the oldfags that bought during the bear market and 'made it' leave
Sorta. Everyone drops in here from time to time just to see what is up, you never fully leave.

>there's outright obvious shills but if you start with vitalik and the winklevoss twins just follow them and see what people they follow in term and eventually you'll have a decent net of people to read up on

You can skip this step and just follow the list I've made here. Some of these people have 20x their portfolio last year, others have 100x. And from legitimate projects, not /biz/ pump and dumps.

>> No.26399251

>This. Part of an invite only Telegram. The leader's sentiment (been around since 2013) is bearish until Bitcoin closes above 40k.
so when should a newfag buy BTC nowadays?

>> No.26399267

Nothing extra that I know of. I think the UK banned margin recently. Most popular Ethereum wallet is MetaMask. Burger-centric exchanges are heavily regulated so I think the safest. Notice how other exchanges say "We do not allow customers from *absolute shithole overreaching dictatorship countries* and the US" Makes you think.

>> No.26399439

Dunno, I'm in a Discord that I found out about as I researched international business in my shitty < 50m habitants country. After some CD-KEY 40% profit arbitrage shenanigans gone awry, the group closed invites.

>> No.26399456

thoughts on radix?

>> No.26399546

This isn't typical advice but psychologically, anything lower than 26k or above 40k or the price action will drive you crazy in between.

Okay so you will likely not 'make it' this bull run but you'll do pretty well if there is. The coins in the OP are pretty safe bets if we have a bull run. You might make more with RSR, SUSHI, OCTO, ALPHA, ROOK, and RUNE (on Sushiswap) since they are lower caps. Worth buying a 3:2:1 allocation of LINK ETH BTC as well. I don't want to give specific advice as I've been wrong many times on price action. I know some good people are saying do not sleep on RSR this year. Not even on coinbase yet. Everything about the project seems great except for the number of tokens that will be unlocked at main net this year.

>> No.26399626

Not something I've researched. Shilled by @bitcoinpanda69 as a longer term hold for him. I'm not investing in longer term holds right now other than BTC ETH and LINK.

>> No.26399704

Thanks for the replies. I was too apathetic to do anything beyond counteracting inflation for a long time (state bonds, state subsidised real estate savings accounts). These are absolutely bottom-tier in terms of returns, but carry more risk. Now even my midwit friends will buying airline bottoms, so I thought I'd make the leap.

>> No.26399727

*carry no risk, obviously

>> No.26399747

>Okay so you will likely not 'make it' this bull run but you'll do pretty well if there is
What is considered "making it" anyway. If I can get a 10x and have 500k i will be pretty fucking happy, might even retire to a cheap country with it.

As far as the bullrun, where exactly are we in the current cycle? So people are saying the bullrun is just starting but based on past trends it looks like things will dip and crab for another year or two before another big spike up. Does anyone really know? What do the "big brains' you speak of think?

>> No.26400070

>Now even my midwit friends will buying airline bottoms
This isn't gonna end well.

At least $1 million after taxes. Or at least was before our inflation. With 50k a 10x is doable, maybe not after taxes, but 375k is still pretty good, you could work part time remotely in a cheap country. SUSHI SNX and RUNE I think will 10x from here in a bull run. Ethereum many think $10k, others say half of that. LINK who knows, $100-200. Bitcoin 100-150k.

No one knows where we are since past performance doesn't guarantee this time it will happen the same way. When you find yourself thinking "there's no way we can crash here" that's when to start selling off. The big brains seem short term neutral-bearish and long term bullish. The buying pressure has been low on bitcoin the past week or so.

I don't want you to think anything is guaranteed. Trading is a game of probability.

>> No.26400284

Thanks, I do appreciate all your replies. Most here just call me an idiot which is fair considering how new I am.

So here is my plan. Please critique it.
>invest $15k USD over the next 2 months in LINK/BTC/ETH (probably in that order) by DCAing into each of them (starting with LINK, hoping BTC/ETH will dip more) but will buy big if there are any big dips.
>put smaller DCAs into each for the next 5 months until I get like $50k from a real estate sale in July and then invest that also into LINK/BTC/ETH
>hodl for 5 years with these and occasionally throw a few $k into shitcoins to gamble
>use Binance.US for my exchange due to low fees, but get a hardware wallet once I have a sizeable stack
>use metamask/uniswap for shitcoins

>> No.26400506

>This isn't gonna end well
Why? I said midwit specifically because the guy probably has the mental capacity to hold until they recover to usual value. I doubt the coof will put Lufthansa in a coffin.

>> No.26400534

Your fucking list is just a bunch of shitposting.
Fuck you fag.

>> No.26400923


>> No.26401119

>Right now, all 3 pairs look bullish to me and waiting to break out (BTC, ETH, USD).
Posted this 3 hours ago! Hope someone aped off this lol.

Everyone is ignorant of every subject until they are given an opportunity to learn. I would use Coinbase Pro instead of Binance. I don't trust anything Chinese and neither does my Chinese friend. For 5 year timeframe you should be good but there will probably be a bear market again worth selling near the top when everyone is euphoric. Buy some Aave and SNX as well, and Sushi if they list on Coinbase Pro while under $13. Good plan, you won't maximize your potential as you're reducing risk, but you probably value that money more than some of us who made our money in crypto. I wouldn't DCA but that depends on your style. A big crash like yesterday is a good time to go in, or when they post the suicide hotline number on /r/bitcoin.

Just that everybody is becoming an "investor"
Same thing happened dot com bubble
Same thing happened real estate bubble
Same thing happened 2017 ICO bubble

If you can't weed through the shitposts to extract alpha then that's your issue. They're not going to spoon-feed you with each and every tweet, people like having fun while making money.

>> No.26401127

what is that fourth coin in your picture

>> No.26401243

BTC ETH LINK SNX AAVE. Made them all slightly transparent so I was hoping the SNX logo would be more visible.

>> No.26401330

>I would use Coinbase Pro instead of Binance. I don't trust anything Chinese and neither does my Chinese friend
I also don't trust Chinese but the fees are so much lower. Maybe I can look into that thing you mentioned earlier about using XLM to transfer it over. You think Coinbase Pro is best? I keep hearing others get shilled.

>For 5 year timeframe you should be good but there will probably be a bear market again worth selling near the top when everyone is euphoric.
Yeah I probably will. It seems like every time there is a big spike up it always goes back down.

>Good plan, you won't maximize your potential as you're reducing risk, but you probably value that money more than some of us who made our money in crypto.
What could I do to maximize potential more? Just put more of my stack into LINK instead of BTC/ETH? Only other option is shitcoins but like i said i'm too dumb to know which are good other than your recs

>I wouldn't DCA but that depends on your style. A big crash like yesterday is a good time to go in
Yeah but I could wait around for LINK to hit 15 again and it never happens...

>> No.26401581

That would make no sense. You'd be selling XLM on Coinbase Pro then buying your other tokens. That method is just to transfer money cheaply and quickly. Just use Coinbase Pro, any fees I've paid are nothing in comparison to gains. I trust FTX as well but it's not for Americans.

Yeah kinda follows this

Yes. Lower market cap pumps more usually but also dumps faster.

Then DCA in if you want! Don't let me hold you back we all have different strategies. Even among the big brains they find an area or method they're good at and concentrate on it usually. What works for me might not work for you and vice versa. Some people yield farm, others NFTs, others DeFi platforms, others scalp, others just buy Bitcoin, there's a whole variety of strategies in this space.

>> No.26401747

What cheap coin give me big money
I'm a retard who only has 50 Link, 500 MANA, 100 BAT and 200 NU
Tell me why I'm dumb and what I need to do so I can buy my mum a nice present this year

>> No.26401788

Buy Fat Albatross

>> No.26401829

>That would make no sense. You'd be selling XLM on Coinbase Pro then buying your other tokens. That method is just to transfer money cheaply and quickly.
I guess I didn't understand what you mean earlier. I will try to read it again so you don't have to explain too much over again.

>I trust FTX as well but it's not for Americans.
Are you sure? Looks like there is an FTX.US now

>Yeah kinda follows this
So we are basically in the same part of the cycle as late 2017 or early 2018 right?

>yield farm, others NFTs, others DeFi platforms, others scalp
i barely know what any of this is so i need to do some more research. i was thinking of doing "staking" or "earn rewards" on coinbase but the coins they offer it for are limited.

Anyway, thanks again

By the way, just in general, how late/early am I in the grand scheme of things? Feels super late right now but I guess in 5 years I will feel like I got in early... If I can get at least a 10x in 5 years with BTC/ETH/LINK I will feel like a fucking genius

>> No.26402310


>> No.26402360
File: 66 KB, 750x937, 116923108_3174480395934150_627505864457761974_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> buying every shitcoin shilled on biz
> not researching for yourself
ngmi fucking retard

>> No.26402452

If you're dumb, and dumb money hasn't really entered yet, then you wait til other dumb people pump your bags and you sell. I don't have a super secret token or magic pill.

Yeah just forget about it, only worth it when Ethereum network is congested.

Last I checked the liquidity was low and less selection.

Hopefully! According to the chart 100-150k should be the top this year. Chart doesn't mean it will happen though.

Do the Coinbase Earn to earn free coins, then invite your family members and sign them up more rewards. I made a couple hundred a few summers ago from this. Not sure what is available now.

The fact that you know LINK puts you ahead of 95% of the population. If you research it more, you'll know more about it than some of the big brains that just know "Chainlink is an oracle" and don't know why the token increases in value with network growth. Here's a good starting point to joining our cult lol https://chainlinkgod.medium.com/scaling-chainlink-in-2020-371ce24b4f31

>If I can get at least a 10x in 5 years with BTC/ETH/LINK I will feel like a fucking genius
You should be able to get more with just that within 5 years. Personally I'd buy at a 3:2:1 ratio of those 3, LINK has more upside than ETH which has more upside than BTC.

Good luck!

>> No.26402487

Some of the stupidest shit pumps the hardest, now I can afford to just ride the coins with more value.

>> No.26402659

>Hopefully! According to the chart 100-150k should be the top this year. Chart doesn't mean it will happen though.
What month do you think it will top? As i mentioned, I wont have a lot of cash until July so hoping its low then. How much of a rush should I be in to buy BTC/ETH/LINK now vs a few months from now?

>The fact that you know LINK puts you ahead of 95% of the population. If you research it more, you'll know more about it than some of the big brains that just know "Chainlink is an oracle" and don't know why the token increases in value with network growth. Here's a good starting point to joining our cult lol https://chainlinkgod.medium.com/scaling-chainlink-in-2020-371ce24b4f31
Thanks. I've been lurking /biz/ constantly last few weeks and the only thing anyone seems to agree on is that LINK will pay off big. There is almost no FUD

>You should be able to get more with just that within 5 years
I hope you are right. I guess no one knows for sure but everyone seems to think they are great long term.

>> No.26402739

What's a good app to monitor BTC price?

>> No.26402820

If you dont have $AR in your portfolio you are not gonna make it.

Arweave is the next 100x in this space. Dont sleep on it anons.

og marine from block 478.

>> No.26402930

>I would use Coinbase Pro instead of Binance
Just installed the app, flat out doesn't work. Directs you to webapp to finish sign-on, the form for signing in or signing up doesn't work. Tried to reset password on non-activated account, doesn't work. App has a rating of 2,3 on play store.

>> No.26403362

>What month do you think it will top?
>How much of a rush should I be in to buy BTC/ETH/LINK now vs a few months from now?
also want to know this

>> No.26403757

So BTC crashed and everything else followed until it was all bought back, which gave more power to whales.
what can be done about whales from having this much power to dump the whole market?
it looks like crypto had a good fair game for everyone at the start but the longer it goes on the worse it gets for people who didnt 'make it' at the start. tether manipulating the market comes to mind

>> No.26403987

I'd definitely start DCAing this month if that's your plan. If the US gets their stimulus soon it could save the pump or might crab for a while without it.

Yup once you get it you realize even 1000 LINK will be worth a lot some day.

Coinmarketcap. I use FTX pro app usually because it is the fastest I just check the Perpetual price.

I will make it without AR.

I only trade on my laptop, not apps. If you keep having an issue with it then use something else.

Either this month or mid summer would be my guesses. Anyone who tells you with absolute certainty is lying or foolish.

How would you feel if you saw 45000/1800/35 next week? What about 26000/850/14? Both are possible. Plan accordingly. I don't want to miss a train leaving the station so I'll buy things at ATH, sometimes it drops, I keep holding. Fear of missing out outweighs loss of money for me in crypto.

>> No.26404170

Nothing can be done. There is no fair distribution. The devs in DeFi struggle with this issue when distributing their tokens. Not everyone has the conviction to hold Bitcoin since 2010. Not everyone can handle the volatility. There was only a fair game to the small set of individuals who actually knew about it. To everyone else, this information asymmetry has worked against them.

Tether is sketchy but they're not exactly manipulating the market. They print when there is more demand for Bitcoin. The demand precedes the printing more than the printing is responsible for the pump. At least, in my opinion.

>> No.26404211

All the coins shilled there and the coins you hold yourself already did a 20x.

Why don’t you shill something in the space that is still early to get in on.