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26358614 No.26358614 [Reply] [Original]

Has any of you been paying attention?


Craig Wright has started enforcing copyright claims on the Bitcoin whitepaper on the main BTC websites hosting it.
Bitcoincore.org has taken it down, Bitcoin.org, Bitcoin.com and Square have received the same notice and will either take it down or fight in court.
This could amount to nothing, or be the beginning of a long legal battle for Bitcoin's name.

To those of you who understand where this leads, i think now is a good time to place some bets, 2021 will be an interesting year

>> No.26358719


>> No.26358837
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i don't think Faketoshi has the money to fuck with Dorsey. this isn't your typical poo poo crypto CEO

>> No.26358920
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how does 60 billion dollars sound to you? ;)

>> No.26358950

square hosts whitepaper using twitter
will creg sue twitter now?

>> No.26359002

The name comes from the open-source code, not from the whitepaper.
If the cexes want to play cuck, dex is coming to show bitcoin will still be bitcoin.

>> No.26359024


Twitter is gonna die soon anyway, watch the stock. They are bleeding users so hard since trump left. I'm already making good bucks on my short

>> No.26359045


>> No.26359055

Craig claims that BCH is the 'real' BTC right? Bullish for BCH?

>> No.26359057
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>> No.26359061

this thread again
ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill.
there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.
Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen

>> No.26359082

If the insane australian destroyed this braindead hipster commie I'd be eternally grateful.

>> No.26359146
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No, craig claims that BSV is the real BTC,
BCH website (bitcoin.com) has also been asked to take down the whitepaper within 14 days.

>> No.26359217

I see, what's BCH supposed to be then? What's BTC gold? So many variants, all of questionable authenticity.

>> No.26359228
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Dorsey was the first to ban Trump and talk shit to congress in hearings, I doubt he has any fear of an Australian scammer

>> No.26359254

creg literally said BCH is the real one

>> No.26359502
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You noobs really need to study and research more.

Bitcoin camp had a fight between people who wanted bigger blocks (more tx, lower fees), and people who want small blocks and develop layer 2 instead.
Bitcoin split into two chains, BTC is the small block one, BCH was the bigger block one (at this time Craig Wright was supporting bch, as well as Jihan Wu, and several developers).

At a later time, Jihan Wu wanted to make more changes to BCH, as if it was his pet project, Craig wright camp refused cause their goal is to keep Bitcoin as close to the original vision as possible, so BCH split again into BCH and BSV (Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Satoshi Vision). BSV implemented even bigger blocks and lower tx fees (blocks are now unlimited), and restored all the original features of Bitcoin that were turned off in BTC (allowing complex scripting).

Other forks like Bitcoin gold etc. had no real support behind them and just rogue people trying to scam some money out of people through forks.

It's not about fear, it's a legal matter, but yea, if i was CSW i wouldn't have gone against Square, i see a lot of downside and very little upside. But it seems he wants to prove a point this year

>> No.26359531

Dorsey is an actual puppet, like Biden.

>talk shit

He showed up in his pajamas because he's an autistic manchild with no real opinions of his own, which is why he banned trump because his staff told him to and then he started musing about how banning would decentralize the internet into parler, twitter, gab and other like-kind websites because his handlers told him to. He doesn't have ideas, he's not a genius- he's just a face that exists for that company.

>> No.26359542

you can't separate the bitcoin name from the software and nobody has exclusive rights to the software.

>> No.26359567

>You noobs really need to study and research more.

This is 4chan, you either say newfag or you leave, you fucking newfag.

>> No.26359621

craig alway's big on larping
his satoshi larp is terrible but this one is okay

>> No.26359628

Was gonna say newfag but wanted to be kind to them, they may be new but if they're asking questions at least they're not fags. They're already better than 90% of this board

>> No.26359678 [DELETED] 
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will craig dare go after the man?

>> No.26359709
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will craig dare go after the man?
(sorry wrong pic on earlier)

>> No.26359792

Based Saylor

>> No.26359800
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lmfao that article is pure gold...

>Dorsey has talked about BTC (erroneously referring to it as “Bitcoin“)
>As author of the paper, he (craig) retains copyright to its use
>He (craig) has mentioned in interviews that he retains copyright to the Bitcoin transaction database itself — a key part of BTC’s and BCH’s functionality, as well as Bitcoin (BSV). BTC and BCH are infringing copyright by using the database, he said

>> No.26359805

He can't even prove his signature after all these years. The judges acting for him are engaging in frivolity and hindering legitimate businesses

>> No.26359824
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From a pure traing perspective, it seems clear to me that something has changed in the bsv/btc dynamic. My thesis is the pump of Jan 9 and subsequent stop in decline versus btc was caused by insiders knowing about this upcoming legal action.

I'm just an investor and i try to be impartial but for the time being bsv seems like a better asymmetric bet than btc.
If craig loses and is proven a fraud, not much changes, most people already believe that so i dont expect price to plummet.
If he puts some wins under his belt (bitcoincore removing the whitepaper already counts as one), the potential for upside is greater imo.
But this is a complex game, how exchanges react will also be impactful

>> No.26359835
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hahahahahahahahahah craig wright hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha why is anyone paying attention to what this nigger has to say hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah bsv hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.26359851

Jack needs to use a small amount of funds to sue Craig for slander

>> No.26359852

isnt it ironic how core shills have been posting the whitepaper when it is antithetical to all their beliefs? kek

>> No.26359890

you haven't been following any of the court cases, wright? craig can't prove shit and you dumb motherfucker believe all his shit hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.26359959

I will say noob and you will shut up, faggot.

>> No.26359964
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i'm grasping for air hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha there are still 3 people that hold/buy bsv hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.26359988















>> No.26360016

What year does the tulip trust expire? (protip: it was 2020)

My odds are the following:
Craig has no access to satoshi keys: 40%
Craig has access to satoshi keys but is not supposed to use them until the ira lawsuit ends 20%
Craig has access to the keys and plans to use them in 2021: 20%

There's also several possibilities that he only has access to certain keys, or that some keys were lost when Dave Kleiman died and are either lost forever or they're still trying to crack them

>> No.26360036


















>> No.26360050

he has control of a few magnitudes more money than calvin. so that would be interesting. calvins lawyers are very intimidating to simple twitter users. but dorsey and saylor are in a different league.

>> No.26360099

thanks for the free bumps

Yea that's pretty funny actually. In fact i believe the Bitcoin core team was so quick to remove the whitepaper cause they were waiting for an occasion like this. What they are working on doesn't reflect the bitcoin whitepaper anymore, and now they have an excuse to blame creg for that and just take it off

>> No.26360169

>Craig has no access to satoshi keys:
>Craig was somehow part of team Satoshi:
>Craig killed Satoshi and stole his keys:

>> No.26360229

t. twitter immigrant. Bet you say $BTC and $Link instead of BTC and Link.

Core team just wants to get rich off of jews.

>> No.26360287

ive been holding BSV since 2019 when it dumped to $50 after the delisting
I cant believe Creg is finally doing somethin I had written this off as a loss
holy shit BSVbros were all gonna be rich
if you dont have atl east 21 BSV suicide stack you might as well off yourself right now because things will get UGLY for corecoin

>> No.26360314

>Bet you say $BTC and $Link instead of BTC and Link.
this is my pajeet filter, works amazingly well for removing jeet scam threads.

>> No.26360315

Didnt the Ira lawsuit already ended?
Kleiman hdds were incrypted with TrueCrypt. Craig tried to force break them using a farm set up by Calvin, back in 2018-2019. He had even given a deadline for march 2019, NEVER HAPPENED.

>> No.26360327
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>> No.26360365

I never used twitter, faggot basement fat fuck.

>> No.26360431
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the real bitcorn

>> No.26360504

Ira lawsuit was supposed to end in 2020, but everything was postponed due to covid, now the court date is june 2021 if i recall correctly.

I bet this fucked up Craig's plans, the tulip trust was supposed to give him access by end of 2020, and he was probably planning big moves for 2021 (both legal and coin moves), but now he's somewhat fucked cause the ira case is still ongoing and he cant move shit until that is over (unless he and ira reach an agreement behind closed doors and drop the case). I believe what we are witnessing here is part of his "plan" unfolding, but not like it was supposed to be, since the ira case is still not over and that effectively cuffs csw from doing anything with the keys

>He had even given a deadline for march 2019, NEVER HAPPENED
This is wrong, craig never said that, you need to lay off the blockstream/core propaganda

>> No.26360611

What a fucking bottomfeeder.

>> No.26360647
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>post whitepaper anonymously with no mention of copywrite
>years later make dubious unproven claims of being said anonymous author
>claim copywrite on literally everything related, despite bitcoin being community built far beyond the rough outline in the whitepaper
honestly how does anyone take this retard serious?

>> No.26360696

>I'm already making good bucks on my short
I like the cut of your jib, lad.

>> No.26360731

That dude needs a bullet in the face.

>> No.26360844

these are the real probabilities nigga come back when you are ready to face them

>> No.26360846

shoo shoo papjeet

>> No.26360922

First of all, it's copyright, not copywrite,
second of all, copyright is an automatic inalienable right of the author, it's not something that needs to be mentioned or specified, that's basic ip law.
But it is true he will have to prove authorship in court somehow, so that will be interesting..

>> No.26360947

that's not exactly how it went and copyright is the natural right of the author. it's not claimed or won or rewarded.

>> No.26360991

Unironically based, I hope both of them end up in prison.

>> No.26361013

>he will have to prove authorship in court somehow
exactly and this is where the entire thing falls on it's face. craig was very well motivated to do so for years and years. and nada. but according to sv cucks now magically it will happen any day now... any day. just wait!

>> No.26361067
File: 34 KB, 240x310, Screenshot from 2021-01-22 15-14-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will creg sue twitter now?

Seems like he decided it's time to kick the giant in the balls... Not sure if that's a smart idea but will be entertaining nevertheless

>> No.26361109

craig is scammer

>> No.26361177
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>> No.26361220
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kys election tourist

>> No.26361308

>cause the ira case is still ongoing and he cant move shit
about that
one more nail in craigs coffin

>> No.26361312
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>> No.26361310

>natural right of the author
not if posted anonymously. even if he proves he wrote it (he can't or he would have already) it's dubious at best
even if he somehow claims copyright on the whitepaper, it would be only on the exact writing of the whitepaper itself. everything else that makes bitcoin (including the name) is still public as it was developed by a community who laid no claims to any protections
so he's still a fucking retard no matter how much you try to nitpick my spelling or the exact definition of copyright

>> No.26361333
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>> No.26361386

>not if posted anonymously.
even then it's just really hard to prove authorship.

>> No.26361467
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>> No.26361490

>so he's still a fucking retard no matter how much you try to nitpick my spelling or the exact definition of copyright
oh i would never dispute craig being a fucking retard or a liar and a fraud or any of that.
he is a compulsive liar and a narcissitic sociopath.
doesn't mean what i wrote about copyright is incorrect. craig could only prove him being satoshi one way and one way only. and that won't happen we all know that.

>> No.26361506

He's a man known for desperation

>> No.26361535

and here is the bane to craigs existence

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)


>> No.26361572
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>> No.26361698
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>> No.26361710

Yea that transaction is interesting, could mean anything, from a random miner moving coins, to creg or a trustee, no idea. Tbh not sure of the legalities of craig moving coins while the lawsuit is still on, i guess he can but if he loses he would still have to give half his btc to ira.
I believe a lot of those are actually in Dave Kleiman's hard drive, probably never will be recovered.

>> No.26361720

And how would you go about authenticating a copyright claim?

>> No.26361757

to me it means craig is full of shit and can choose what he goes to prison for.

>> No.26361848

>not sure of the legalities of craig moving coins while the lawsuit is still on
well if the tulip trust was real and the lawsuit would be about these specific assets it would be a big violation kinda like trying to sell a house and run with the money while going through divorce...

but of course the tulip trust is made up bullshit.

>> No.26361949

oh and one more thing in current legal practice if coins are moved from an address and you can't prove ownership to the new address (exchange wallet btw) then it's considered a sell event.

so that tx is a sell by law. this is gonna be hilarious.

>> No.26361992

I didn't give you any bumps. I used sage. This time too.

>> No.26362279

>What they are working on doesn't reflect the bitcoin whitepaper anymore
you mean things like
- a trustless permissionless publicly auditable ledger that is also secure
- a non-custodial peer-to-peer electronic payment system
- a network of nodes enforcing a common ruleset shaping a common reality in a trustless manner
- the longest blockchain under the consensus ruleset with the largest cumulative hash proven by a specific form of proof of work
- a protocol that describes how consensus is reached on ordering transactions and how difficulty and coinbase supply adjusts over time
- a greater consensus on the ruleset that governs the protocol
- a standard reference client implementation created by nakamoto and maintained as an open source project
- an unspent transaction output spendable to a script returning true

not everything is in the whitepaper but this was all true for the first bitcoin release and still true to the latest... cashies are just retarded that's all.

>> No.26362440

or stuff like this perhaps

>The proof-of-work also solves the problem of determining representation in majority decision making. If the majority were based on one-IP-address-one-vote, it could be subverted by anyone able to allocate many IPs. Proof-of-work is essentially one-CPU-one-vote. The majority decision is represented by the longest chain, which has the greatest proof-of-work effort invested in it. If a majority of CPU power is controlled by honest nodes, the honest chain will grow the fastest and outpace any competing chains.
>Nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone. They vote with their CPU power, expressing their acceptance of valid blocks by working on extending them and rejecting invalid blocks by refusing to work on them. Any needed rules and incentives can be enforced with this consensus mechanism.

note how it doesn't mention it's okay to call a minority hash shitfork the real bitcoin because of feels and shit...

>> No.26362564
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but then, why wouldnt craig just say he's not satoshi and easily end that lawsuit asking him for billions? I don't understand how people can justify this reasoning. He's been burning money in lawsuits and mining bsv and funding bsv companies... i don't think this behavior can be explained if he had no claim on those early coins.

My most likely explanation: Dave and Craig were the satoshi team (confirmed by witness on ira's side, gavin, ian grigg..). Craig somehow does NOT have access to most of those early bitcoins.
Craig IS an autistic asshole with no peoples skills and has forged/doctored documents, but he is ALSO part of the satoshi team. I believe this is the only explanation that can explain everything.
I believe the two camps on the extremes are both wrong (craig has nothing to do with satoshi / craig and only craig was satoshi and has access to all early coins).

Most people don't understand that being satoshi (or part of) and being a fraud/liar are not mutually exclusive. Satoshi was a super successful scam artist who managed to scam tons of people to buy into his pyramid scheme which would make early holders incredibly rich at the expense of late adopters. Whoever he is, Satoshi is the most successful scammer in history.

>> No.26362677

>i don't think this behavior can be explained if he had no claim on those early coins.
maybe he's psychotic and truly believes something that isn't true

>> No.26362759

>Whoever he is, Satoshi is the most successful scammer in history.
its not a scam if it works as it should and people want to use it. it's just a clever invention that made them rich.

>> No.26362776

>but then, why wouldnt craig just say he's not satoshi and easily end that lawsuit asking him for billions?
i think he would see jail simply for wasting everyone's time. technically for perjury and false testimony lying under oath whatever yadda yadda.

>My most likely explanation: Dave and Craig were the satoshi team
that's completely unlikely. but let's just say you really want that to be true for some weird reason.

>Most people don't understand that being satoshi (or part of) and being a fraud/liar are not mutually exclusive.
hahahahah come on... what use is a satoshi that is a liar and a fraud to anyone?

>> No.26362961

>Satoshi was a super successful scam artist who managed to scam tons of people to buy into his pyramid scheme which would make early holders incredibly rich at the expense of late adopters.
you should leave this board and never come back. you are too stupid for this world. sorry. this is not trolling this is my honest advice. you don't understand the first thing about any of this. you are more clueless than a little baby.

>> No.26363060
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Ah yes the original vision of Bitcoin -- useless dapps nobody asked for. So glad my Bitcoins can check the weather. Thanks Craig

>> No.26363088
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>19 posts by this ID

>> No.26363159

i can do one more

>> No.26363204

they can't tho. dapps need deterministic state mutation. no such thing on sv. and the script can't interact with the garbage dumped on chain either.

>> No.26363376

>what use is a satoshi that is a liar and a fraud to anyone?
It's not a matter of "what use" is a satoshi like that. It's a matter of truth, reality is ugly most of the times, real people are flawed, neuro-atypical weirdos who are at the top of business/politics are usually very flawed, no real person can stand up to the ideal of satoshi people have in their minds, as ian grigg stated when csw came out. We'd all wish satoshi was a nice personable guy, he wasn't, it was two autistic loners dedicating their life to cybersecurity, one living in a wheelchair and found dead in his home surrounded by feces, one needed crypto to run online gambling sites and is a narcissistic liar. I was in bitcoin since late 2009 and knew all the people in that close-knit circle on irc, i am still in touch with Gavin and i still agree with him, beyond reasonable doubt Craig Wright is the main guy that was using the satoshi pseudonym.

People who idolize bitcoin are retarded, the initial group of people surrounding bitcoin was autistic neckbeards and then low iq anarchists and drug addicts. Still, I am an autistic neckbeard so managed to get lucky and make millions off of it, but people need to stop pretending bitcoin and satoshi are some holy things

>> No.26363594

>It's not a matter of "what use" is a satoshi like that. It's a matter of truth
no i meant why do you want him to be a liar and a fraud? because this what you are posting here is all about what you want to be real. it has nothing to do with facts. it's just a mythology you built in your head.

and you built it because you can't comprehend how come satoshi never cashed out. you don't understand it because you could not restrain yourself. you would have exit scammed like every shitcoins devs exit scammed since.

people don't understand what satoshi did. he put the first nail in the coffin of the banks. he rang the bell for the central banks. he changed human history. single-handedly. he unleashed something that can never be contained.

scammer huh...

>> No.26363638

>I was in bitcoin since late 2009 and knew all the people in that close-knit circle on irc, i am still in touch with Gavin and i still agree with him, beyond reasonable doubt Craig Wright is the main guy that was using the satoshi pseudonym.
>People who idolize bitcoin are retarded, the initial group of people surrounding bitcoin was autistic neckbeards and then low iq anarchists and drug addicts. Still, I am an autistic neckbeard so managed to get lucky and make millions off of it, but people need to stop pretending bitcoin and satoshi are some holy things
oh we progressed to autistic fiction and larping pretty fast... just go kid! just fucking leave!

>> No.26363710
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yeah bro my dad works at nintendo too

>> No.26363798

dude if you buy 100$ of btc and send it to someone and they resell it you've transferred 100$ and nobody got scammed. the market doesn't move from an equivalent trade, only the miners get fees which is just payment for keeping the network running.

now sure there are speculators buying up coins and reselling them, but that's just them doing investment speculation. IF you never buy low and sell high or you never buy high and sell low, then it's working as intended. a provably non falsifiable store of wealth (no inflation) and a transaction medium.
the fact that there are investors making good and bad decisions on when to buy and sell does not change the fact that it's an immensely useful tool and that's why investors are speculating in the future price to begin with.

A bank can lie about their money. A bank can lie about their gold, but a bank can not send you a bitcoin they do not have. Someone might have someone else "hold your bitcoins" and then loan it to someone else, like banks do. fractional reserve banking. this is bad in the event of a bank run from a bank going bankrupt. but bitcoin can save us all from this. we can store our money on our own keys, be our own banks. if for example our country is going to war or they're deciding to steal everyone's money by hyperinflation, then you can buy bitcoin, move your coins to your own personal wallet, flee the country, and resell it in a country that isn't plagued by war and corruption.

it's not just a transactional tool, its not just a store of wealth, it is censorship resistant and freedom. with freedom comes great responsibility. people can do evil, but that evil is a necessary risk to take in the event of our countries becoming authoritarian dystopias. good luck wiring your bank money to a foreign bank during times of war and censorship. look at china. bitcoin is their saving grace. it's how they protect themselves.

look into the future where we are headed. buying bitcoin is safety and freedom.

>> No.26364179

literally doesnt matter if you buy bitcoin for 100k or 10k as long as people buy it and sell it for the same amount. in the future bitcoin will be less volatile, it will only become bigger and bigger.

>> No.26364196

I don't WANT him to be a liar and a fraud, I don't care either way, just seek to understand the most likely truth, you are the one reasoning in terms of want, as people WANT satoshi to not be a liar and a fraud.
I'm merely interested in knowledge and knowing what the true story was, i have already made more than enough money to not care for it, i'm just in it for the knowledge and to enjoy the shitshow on each side.
There are many possible explanation for satoshi not cashing out, all quite likely at this point.
Satoshi (or some of the satoshi team holding keys) died or lost the keys, i know several people from the early days who simply "lost" millions in bitcoins (a friend of mine was lucky and managed to recover his hard drive, spent 50k on it to recover what now would be like 400 million dollars, true story). It's also possible satoshi indeed put them in a trust to protect them from confiscation/taxation/bankruptcy with plans to only move them later on. Or he consciously decided to never move early bitcoins. Maybe we'll know more this year, maybe we'll never know. From the information that's out there, i still believe the most likely answer is that dave and craig were satoshi, with craig probably being the main mind behind it, and dave helping with coding and mining. But with regards to early coins its still entirely possible that those "patoshi" coins were not even satoshi's, hopefully we'll know more this year

>> No.26364638

>just seek to understand the most likely truth
That Dorian is Satoshi?

>> No.26364690

People get way to focused on the indentity and have lost sight of where bitcoins value originated from, the very carefully thought out design.
At the start nobody gave a shit who satoshi was, bitcoins value didn't stem from the reputation of a pseudonym.
So why do you all focus so much on whether Craig is Satoshi or not? The proof won't change bitcoin's design. You're all blind to what's staring you in the face. Go read the whitepaper.

>> No.26364773

Its reddit, normies need a messiah to worship and now its "Satoshi" even though its obvious he wants to remain anonymous and not have sensationalists dox him.

>> No.26364777

see, as soon as that came out, satoshi came out publicly saying he's not dorian. Yet in all these years since craig has come forward nothing similar happened from satoshi nor people close to him.
Closest we've had was the signing showing some of the addresses he provided in court are not owned by him (unless someone stole/hacked those keys, which is also possible, since craig's outing all started with him getting hacked and blackmailed).

>> No.26364937

The simplest answer and most obvious is that Dorian is the same Satoshi that created BTC. Craig will claim that he used this whole larp to protect Dorian's identity in the end.

>> No.26364974

Sorry. By BTC I mean the system as a whole. Not just BTC the coin.

>> No.26365052

somewhat true, its not as relevant as people think, though its mainly relevant to investors if or when he will move his holdings.
I don't think the satoshi stash will ever get sold, nor that craig has the keys to those.
Though as for who satoshi is, it's one of two options, it's either creg or he's dead. If satoshi was alive and not craig he would have outed him and destroyed him completely.

>> No.26365172
File: 62 KB, 547x547, 1596020373880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ID says "fag" and "juda"

>> No.26365383

i noticed. i actually have a jewish name (but i'm not ethnically or religiously jewish) and i am a faggot so it's pretty damn funny.

>> No.26365469
File: 234 KB, 540x823, 1611174396305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i noticed. i actually have a jewish name (but i'm not ethnically or religiously jewish)


>> No.26366485

>I don't WANT him to be a liar and a fraud
yes you clearly do. but dunno why. probably because that's how you would play it.
>Satoshi (or some of the satoshi team holding keys) died or lost the keys
satoshi constantly railed everyone about backuping wallets and then he proceeded to lose his... yeah of course. if he lost it he lost it on purpose.
>Or he consciously decided to never move early bitcoins.
what i said. until satoshi exit scams he is not a mere mortal but a myth a god among men.
>But with regards to early coins its still entirely possible that those "patoshi" coins were not even satoshi's
that's pretty fucking unlikely but sure.

the only thing i know for sure is craig never mined any bitcoin. he is a fucking gox baby. he met bitcoin around 2013 lost a bunch on gox because he sucks at trading. i mean why ever would satoshi buy bitcoin on gox?? come on... this is bullshit. the first time craig ever talked about bitcoin to anyone was when he tried to scam the ato (successfully btw) and enlisted his ex wife to help him with that.

>> No.26366757

top kek, I can't wait to see him ass-raped in prison by all the rape dwarves lurking in those walls

>> No.26367056

>the only thing i know for sure is craig never mined any bitcoin. he is a fucking gox baby. he met bitcoin around 2013 lost a bunch on gox because he sucks at trading. i mean why ever would satoshi buy bitcoin on gox?? come on... this is bullshit. the first time craig ever talked about bitcoin to anyone was when he tried to scam the ato (successfully btw) and enlisted his ex wife to help him with that.

This shows you haven't looked hard enough at all. Theres witnesses of him and Dave discussing bitcoin in coference calls in 2009, he had already registered bitcoin related companies in 2009 and the ato was aware of his bitcoin holdings since 2009, they had problems has to how to classify it and problems with him getting loans against his bitcoin holdings and using them for bitcoin research and writing it off as a research liability. Everyone back in the day had a mtgox account, i had one too. It's entirely likely satoshi would have made one too at some point, to buy/sell/trade or even just test it out.

>> No.26367121

I bet on AVAX

>> No.26367947

seek help anon, it's not too late :/

>> No.26368222

>Theres witnesses of him and Dave discussing bitcoin in coference calls in 2009
there are witnesses that would tell you they saw me walking on mars. must have happened then.
>he had already registered bitcoin related companies in 2009
nope, no such thing happened just a bunch of backdated documents and shelf companies purchased later way later.
>Everyone back in the day had a mtgox account
but he also fucking bought all the btc he ever had there. let that sink in. he never sent btc to gox. he bought.

>> No.26368274

play stupid games win stupid prizes

>> No.26368306
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>> No.26368692
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>> No.26369276

The funny part is to believe CSW is not Satoshi you have to be a full blown conspiracy theorist. By definition. These NPC's will never be convinced, not even on the day when their king shitcoin has to change name and drop anything resembling "Bitcoin" and number go down. Well maybe 6 months after that.

>> No.26370069

kys swingie.

>> No.26370236

>i mean why ever would satoshi buy bitcoin on gox
1. be satoshi
2. massive bitcoin exchange comes out
3. im a paper 100 millionaire, price has already gone from 0.0001 to 1000.000
4. why would i want to look at this exchange thing?