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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26348937 No.26348937 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best period in human history to be born a socially autistic weirdo. Never has making money been this accessible for complete and utter retards. I can make a million in my room with piss bottles at my feet and a cum sock on my mouse.

>> No.26349458

How many piss bottles to make it?

>> No.26349600

Money was worth a hell of a lot more in the 1950s, your labour was actually valuable back then and you could pay for a family + a car + a house on one salary. Now you have to be a cubicle monkey just to get by renting some shitty apartment as a normie.

>> No.26349626

Or you could just buy rubic

>> No.26349653

true but now might be even easier than back then, like literal 20 year old retards are running around w 6 figs in crypto rn

>> No.26349683

>shillcoin bagholder shilling their latest shillcoin before it inevitably dies
Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.26349770

I was just thinking about this today
If you’re smart and have an internet connection you can do virtually anything

>> No.26349882

I already swung it for 10x. Up to about 20x now. You sound upset. Poor person upset.

>> No.26349913
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>be born a socially autistic weirdo
>also is bad at math and IT
now what?

>> No.26349926
File: 1.15 MB, 1079x1349, nico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't be a "socially autistic weirdo" if we weren't living in zog society, you would have a house, wife, family and nation. Instead you have fake internet money.

>> No.26350021

>fake internet money
What is this cope? I genuinely do not understand. It made sense 5 years ago, sure. Normalfags are buying "fake" internet money on their cellphones. I cash out my efferiums and have dollareenos in my hand.

>> No.26350075

>You wouldn't be a "socially autistic weirdo" if we weren't living in zog society, you would have a house, wife, family and nation. Instead you have fake internet money.
You have to go back (to pol)

>> No.26350123

why would the cumsock be on your mouse though? on your dick you meant?

>> No.26350178


these guys are making the same point and they're not really wrong

>> No.26350249

Get better at them? Free information is abundant.

>> No.26350300

I've cashed out over 300k and diversified them into stocks and bought a house, and that's just the past 3 months alone. Stay mad /pol/tard. I make more than you ever will slaving away for some company in 50 years in 1 year sitting on my ass.

>> No.26350337

He's just a retard that doesn't understand how exchanges work

>> No.26350368
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>Poor person upset.

>> No.26350431


>> No.26350479


>> No.26351019


>> No.26351113

Why the fuck would you sell your crypto to buy into stocks or the housing market?

>> No.26351234

He’s completely right besides that last part about fake money

>> No.26351255

he's not wrong and your 300k is lunch money

>> No.26351300

It's just technology. It was similar shit with the tech lords of today who reside in silicon valley. Techies rule the world.

>> No.26351334

Dread Pirate Roberts had 69,000 BTC (that we know of) imagine if he never got caught. Imagine being an anonymous billionaire. You might be more powerful than the president because they're in the public eye and have to play by rules.

>> No.26351346
File: 344 KB, 1752x1703, 1603361809797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying very hard to be a successful NEET investor but I'm getting JUST'ed on all sides since I started playing with funny internet beans.
Pretty much lost 50% of what I've put in (started Sept) --and don't ask me how I could have lost money in the middle of a bullrun.

>> No.26351416

>blaming jews for your autism
/pol/acks everybody

>> No.26351546

Learning curve

>> No.26352608

You'll be fine

>> No.26353000

This. Wow you're a millionaire, you still can't even afford a house except in buttfuck nowhere

>> No.26353069

They’re right