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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2634890 No.2634890 [Reply] [Original]

>whole market crashes and everyone gone mad because BNT crashes too
>BNT begins to rise in value now
>Nobancs on suicide watch

>> No.2634897


>> No.2634907

I have ANT. Loads of ANT. Aragon is going to moon soon.

>> No.2634927

I would hardly call that a rise in value considering what is lost

>> No.2634938

Nigga those e-shekels were DOA. They've been bleeding out since before the market tanked.

>> No.2634944

who is this semon deman

>> No.2634991


noone cares about your jewish shitcoin

literally no one is on "suicide watch" because your scam coin went up $0.10

>> No.2635020

Yeah, I'm sure a small bump from 100k to 110k is going to make people cry.

>> No.2635043
File: 100 KB, 395x650, 1498249212863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bancor shills are the most annoying shills of the whole fucking board.

>> No.2635176

>he doesnt have antshares

>> No.2635286

2% is not mooning faggot

>> No.2635359

t. DGB shill

>> No.2635535

will buy 1 coin at 10 cents :3

>> No.2635554

kinda funny and sad how in stocks it actually is.

Normies actually get excited when their 1k position in a stock makes them $20 one day
>heh looks like a free lunch today huh good thing I bought shares of mcdonalds

>> No.2635571

fuck off you jew it didn't even make it back to ICO price

>> No.2635602

How many fucking times do I have to explain this?

Bancor is simply an alternative holding device for ETH. That's it.

When ETH goes up, BNT will go up.

If you are holding ETH, it makes more sense to simply hold it in BNT.

BNT holds its price against ETH and sometimes goes up where it is now. Yes it broke below shortly but it's recovered and it'll be at about 0.01 ETH for a while at least. That's the point.

Get it?

In the longterm, BNT will mirror ETH and most likely be slightly above the 0.01 ETH point. But now that it's close to 0.01 ETH is the ONLY opportunity people will have to put their ETH in it without the risk of it going back down.

That's what's going on here.

>> No.2635607

what was the initial price?

>> No.2635611

You are not going to get rid of your bags that easily.
Around 4 dollars when ETH was $400

>> No.2635632

Again, my bags are in ETH. When ETH rises, BNT follows. That's all there fucking is to it.

In case you live under a rock, ETH isn't looking so hot right now.

BNT is basically a storage for holding your ETH. that's it. nothing more.

>> No.2635649

One of the Israelis who made BNT. Give her your shekels

>> No.2635654

The fucking GENIUS behind this coin is that when ETH goes up, so does BNT by design.

But because the markets aren't rationally against USD when BTC drops, BTC going up means pretty much all other coins do. So when BTC goes up, so does BNT.

Thus BNT should go up when ETH and/or BTC goes up, but is far far more strongly pegged to ETH, the one with smaller market cap.

It's fucking genius of them to do this.

>> No.2635659

ETH is falling, BNT is rising. I sold out My ETH yesterday, to buy ANS and BNT. Now all is green.

>> No.2635662

your explanation is fucking retarded
you miss lots of shit and that makes you think this is a crazy money machine when it isn't

>> No.2635672

>ETH is falling
ETH is up 11% on Gdax today by the 24 hour price change thing.

Get the picture?

>> No.2635682

What I think, as I've said, is that BNT is a nice way to store your ETH with the hope of getting a little extra money on top. But only when you can still buy in close to 0.01 ETH. After that, who knows.

>> No.2635698 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 1501x657, 2017-06-27_19-59-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh 24hrs
>goes into a long term double peak bubble formation

Have fun at 150~USD

>> No.2636601

Bnt outperforms eth already by 7% and its only the start. Gbosis tokenchanger by next monday

>> No.2636632

>After that, who knows.
After that we wait for the token changers and new BNT backed tokens.