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26346796 No.26346796 [Reply] [Original]

I work full-time and have a decent salary but have thinking about other ways to make money to invest in Crypto/Stocks. Anyone ever driven for UE or DoorDash? Does it pay decently in a large city? Tell me, Anon.

>> No.26347641

This is BUSINESS board not WAGESLAVE board. Fuck off kid

>> No.26347741

WORKING isn't what we do here.
We make money through BUSINESS.

>> No.26347761

How do you stop being a wage slave without first living as one.

>> No.26347782

you don't have to wage slave to make money. It's called passive income kid

>> No.26347795

wageslave mindset. ngmi

>> No.26347810

Yep and chicks love it, they get so turned on by the thought of getting fucked by an Asian uber driver

>> No.26347814

My friend literally quit his job to just do Doordash. People fucking love it and can make a ton. If you’re into the idea do it now before they drop the fees when faggy liberals decide that DD drivers need health insurance and the payments go way down.

>> No.26347817

get a job that pay good and dont have kids, then invest

>> No.26347827

Oh yeah, you should do this. In fact it's surprisingly good and fun if you do it full time.

Hell, don't quibble over the pay; you get some great stories and connections out of it.

>I may or may not own large amounts of DASH and UBER stock

>> No.26347850

I thought of doing this on my scooter that cost practically nothing to operate but then COVID and masking so I dropped that idea.

>> No.26347861

Make 65K a year, live a lonely life. Trying to make extra cash my lord. Instead of sitting around all day.

>> No.26347917

I work only as a gig delivery driver and all my money goes into crypto. I'm at the point where daily swings are more than I can make in years of delivery so It's going ok. It's extremely chill but you're probably better enjoying your evenings than making an extra $30 for papi Sergey

>> No.26347950
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>Anon, my naan bread and butter chicken have gone cold! I have just downvoted you and contacted UberEats to lodge an official complaint!

>> No.26347958

Do you live in a city? If not you probably won’t make any money. I’m sure there’s a database online where you can see what the average driver makes in your area.

I did it for a little while and it was totally fine. Hopefully your car is comfy.

>> No.26347998
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i had a misdemeanor dui in 2014. can i still drive door dash?

>> No.26348011

I did it for a bit but the pay is too bad if you base it on time online. If you base it on the time you were actually physically working it's probably minimum wage, but you can't make a lot of money doing it. If you had jobs every second you were online it would be okay.

>> No.26348061

I do Uber on my bicycle in a fairly large city. It feels like a video game sometimes, highly recommend it. Pay is decent, no nagging boss, choose your own hours, and very little interaction with others.

>> No.26348118

I was doing it on a pedal bike before my foot got fractured. allowed me to get a business almost started, invest, and get good exercise. learned about my city, new restaurants and bars.
it was a pretty good racket until they cut the profit by honestly 40-50%. I could go for a few hours and come back home with $150.. couple days did it for like 12 hours and was a over $500. a lot less now but still a stable thing where you pick your hours and can choose how much you'll make before you go home. not everyone is lucky to be living with your parents, have groceries covered, one or two bills, and fuck around with crypto all day.

>> No.26348137

haha I know that video game feel

>> No.26348195

it depends on where you live. I was always having jobs come in while I was going up an elevator of a sweet condo to finish an order. never a lull time at all especially if you go to areas that's not saturated with the recent immigrant delivery people

>> No.26348262

fucking with people's livelihood and trying to better their situation is one of the scummiest things you can do. Karma will catch up to you

>> No.26348295


>> No.26348306

That still requires wageslaving you dumbass.

>> No.26348357

why is that? clearly you don't know what the job market is like right now. and even if I wanted to get a job, this would pay more then my options. biking around my, flirting with customers and restaurant hostess' and waitresses is a good time

>> No.26348429

It's reasonable pay for what it is. Just don't think it's more than what it is.