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2634594 No.2634594 [Reply] [Original]

>highest level of education
>total assets
>total debt
>other comments

Lets go friends.

>> No.2634653



>highest level of education
Some college
Going back to school to get a BA in Network Admin
HP Server Reseller


>total assets
2 vehicles

>total debt

>other comments
Trying to get into mining but I need to build systems to mine better my regular PC ain't doing much with a 1050ti at 10mh/s on ETH

>> No.2634664



Graphic Designer

100k+ depending on the bonuses and profit sharing that year

Somewhere around 80k

0 debt

>> No.2634675 [DELETED] 

https://t.me/finepumps pump with gentlemen

>> No.2634692


>highest level of education
Bachelors of Arts (it's shit because....)
Waiter (Yep.)
$2150 per month
>total assets
>total debt
>other comments
I count on Cryptos to deliver me from wage cuckery.

>> No.2634729
File: 526 KB, 964x1037, 20170625211225_glitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highest level of education
College - Paramedic
Patient transfer attendant
13.50/hr F/T
>total assets
fuck all. Live with a friend. Oh, 0.02btc and 0.05btc worth of a shitcoin I'm banking on going up.
>total debt
>other comments
Life is rough.

>> No.2634735


>highest level of education

Have offer to work on a drilling rig...

Would be $2000 a week

>total assets

>total debt
$21000 student loan

>other comments
Pretty lost at the moment. Part of me wants to work in oil and get all of that fat cash and rotational time off, and part of me wants to be home in my own bed every night comfy working in town.

>Graphic Designer

Yeah ok...

>> No.2634736

Guess I should do myself.
>highest level of education
Masters in Accounting
>total assets
>total debt
>other comments
still a first year so my degree should pay for itself as i get promoted and such

>> No.2634752


Secondary School, guess thats high school equivalent. Some college, no degree

Work for a paint supplier, could probably say Im something like a technician

€500 per week after tax

1 car is my only real asset

€8000 debt approx

I feel a bit of a failure as Ive very little savings, long term single and live with my father. I could move out but would be further from work, probably have to live with strangers paying the ridiculous rates this country is getting to, and have much less space & likely no doggo.
It'd be extremely counter productive.

>> No.2634754

>Highest level of education
Bachelors in Information Systems
SQL contractor
$30/hour, usually $4800 month
>Total Assets
$10 K in cash, $700 in crypto
>Total Debt
>Other Comments
Going to put a down payment on a condo soon with my stockpiled cash, also getting trained in SAP. Plan to get a master's in CS because application level isn't as fun as coding something from the ground up. Hope ARK
and CFI moon post crash

>> No.2634761

>highest level of education
freshman year of college
$14000 in gibs/year
>total assets
$4000 in bank, $3000 in investments, $900 car
>total debt
uhhh whatever is on my credit card this month, probably $100 lole
>other comments
college sucks boys

>> No.2634766

>highest level of education
Degree in Cyber Security and Networking
Programming at Low-end company trying to emigrate.
>total assets
>total debt
>other comments
Over 22K in Crypto from early adoption and working closely with mining and coin development.

>> No.2634774

where do you live where 10k cash is enough for a down payment on a condo?

>> No.2634781

>highest level of education
2nd year math
not working
no pay
>total assets
>total debt
>other comments
currently 3rd year math

>> No.2634789

By soon I mean within 12 months

But to answer your question, [Major Texas city]

>> No.2634811

I know the cost of living is cheaper in Texas than where I am, but how much do you plan on putting down (cash and percentage)? I'm in a similar situation but probably more like 15-18 months for me

>> No.2634814

>M.S. student
>tfw poor
>8000 USD
>tfw unemployable STEM meme degree

>> No.2634828

what's your degree? biomedical?

>> No.2634852

$20-25 K, 10% of full price. I'm going to work full time for another company soon and will piggyback off of the signing bonus for the down payment

>> No.2634857


>highest level of education
B.S Microbio, Immunology, Molecular Genetics

med student

lmao literally nothing right now

>total assets
1 vehicle, a few shekels of crypto

>total debt
let's not talk about it brehs :,(

>other comments
Personally i'm very disappointed in in PTOY. Could've been a huge revolution for electronic health records. Just imagine, your entire medical history, easily accessible on any platform whether it be Cerner of Epic, with a simple click of the mouse. It would help speed up the ER and treatment efficiency so much. Too bad it's run by some idiots.

>> No.2634874

>highest level of education
bachelor degree in CS
no job, studying for master degree
>total assets
>total debt
>other comments
No debt because education is free in my country.

>> No.2634875

Thats awesome anon, congrats.

>> No.2634910


>highest level of education



>total assets

>total debt

>other comments
I just buy stock I feel good about and HODL forever

>> No.2634912

Just move to Texas for your own situation, no state income tax and plenty of work available

>> No.2634949

software engineer
a small amount of eth / btc. 100k between liquid/retirement investments.
>other comments
california = life of wage slavery. fuck this place. there is a quickly closing window of opportunity and you are either rich or poor. the housing market is a ponzi scheme

>> No.2634960

>soon an MA
>see above but I'm getting a small amount of money as a pension for my mom's early death
>about $14k in fiat and crypto
>0, education is free in my second world country
>additional information: none

>> No.2634961

I'm in Florida now so no income tax but way higher cost of living. But to be completely honest I was already thinking about it. Way more industry in Texas, the reason I Have to wait 15-18 months is that I want a promotion so if/when I move i can get a higher paying job.

>> No.2634992

>highest level of education
Masters degree in process (Finance)



>total assets
A Macbook pro and a 1000 USD gaymen computer

>total debt
$30,000 student loans, thankfully no credit card debt

>other comments
American, but doing my masters in another country, if i cant get a job due to visa restrictions i might be homeless soon.

>> No.2634995

2k neetbux/month
I live at home, my mom brush my hair every evening while we watch tv

>> No.2634999



Finance middle office wagecuck


2k in crypto

100k student loans

NYC so I cant afford to do anything and live in a shithole because loan payments > rent. How fucked am I?

>> No.2635003

>Junior at a good STEM school
>Getting MechE degree plus maybe a matsci concentration if I feel like it
> im a student with no money and a junk car
> really hate almost every aspect of my life to be quite honest

>> No.2635014

>in uni
>10k usd + idk clothes/possessions/etc.
>i worked a lot in/after high school to get the money i have

>> No.2635017

>highest level of education
Electrical Engineer
>total assets
>total debt
>other comments

>> No.2635019

oh also forgot to mention, bought like 200 ETH at 8$ over a year ago, and sold during the first hype train for like 16$ and never bought again.

>> No.2635033

100k studentloan is this normal ??

>> No.2635036


>>highest level of education
Currently majoring in psychology

English teacher

R$20.00/hour (around 6.5 dollars an hour)

>>total assets
R$1000.00 in the national treasury (around 333 dollars)

>>total debt
R$170 (around 50 dollars)

>>other comments
I'm from Brazil. I earn little but I also spend little. I have no formal education in English and the pay is higher than any trainee job for my age, and it's pretty much the only job which doesn't get in conflict with my studies. Besides my annoying boss I have no complaints.

>> No.2635039

Law degree
assets: near 0
total debt:
student: 250k
consumer: 5k

Just hoping for the day the government wipes out all student debt, then I'm set.

>> No.2635047

How the fuck does a graphic designer make 100k

>> No.2635067

No, i'm a retard and took out private student loans because my family didnt pay for me

>> No.2635074

>Waiter (Yep.)
>$2150 per month
>total assets

U wot m8? you have almost a million in assets and you're a fucking waiter?

>> No.2635078

25, almost 26
>>highest level of education
BA in design
Tech at a hospital
>>total assets
4k in crypto, and a car
>>total debt
>>other comments
Going back for nursing to hopefully make 50k a year

>> No.2635094

Why don't you just invest that $1mil and live off the return instead of being a waiter!?

>> No.2635098

>highest level of education
apprenticeship in IT support mcdst and some other shitcert
had to quit work to care for family member
was £400 a month, now £0 because ATOS
>total assets
£200 in LTC that i mined a couple of years ago
>total debt
>other comments
cant work because of care duties. would an hero but im needed

>> No.2635113

I was in the oil field for a couple years up until the crash of '15.

i worked for pumpco in pleasanton,tx ona fracking crew.....man.....

16hr days for 14 straight days doing brutal work. if slavery was still legal theyd be in the oil field. after a hitch you got a week off and got 40 hours paid.

make sure its what you really want....relationships will suffer, social life will suffer, you will suffer in general. its good money and you will end up making in the neighborhood of 100k/year, but dude its barely worth it. whatever you have in your head about how hard it is, legit triple it and im not kidding. you need to be on meth to function after a few days. i never was, but people around you will be and youll look slow if you arent tweaking.

be aware youre dealing wtih the lowest common denominator of people out there. felons, drop outs, tons of mexicans, just shit people in general. youll work in a thunderstorm, in 120 degree heat, youll hvae blisters all over your feet, your hands, you wont even be able to walk until you get used to it. EVERYONE will be on your ass the first 2 months trying to get oyu to quit because they dont want fairies out there( and that i understand), but its non stop. theres 10000 other people who want a 100k job that requires no education so youre easily replaceable.

if all that sounds ok to you, along with a bunch of other stuff (and it was to me at the time, anything was worth the money), then go for it, but be prepared. youll have dreams about swinging a hammer. Ive always been in shape, wrestled my whole life, about 5 10 and 190lbs with abs, and ive straight broke on the pad swinging hammers, and so will you.

its cut throat as fuck and you better be a mans man, and i mean that. pussies will not hack it.

after the crash, i taught myself how to program and now im making 75k this year working from home, sitting on my ass in the ac, laughing about all the assholes out there humping up some fucking missile swinging hammers.

>> No.2635114

>Why don't you just invest that $1mil and live off the return instead of being a waiter!?
Or invest it, live off the returns, and be a waiter. You could easily get 30k off $1 million very safely, and make another 30k as a waiter a year very easily as well. 60k a year is pretty easy to live off of (if you're single).

>> No.2635121

You mean "One of these free datamining threads"?

>> No.2635150

>>highest level of education
172 hours of college between 3 majors, no degree. 9 hours away from an Accounting degree. Not going back though.
Property management and real estate sales
$40K salary
$20K in monthly sales bonuses
$++ a year in sales commission (at $50K so far this year which is my best start ever)
>>total assets
$50K or so in cash, etc.
>>total debt
$80K in student loans
$150K on mortgage
$9K on wifes car
>>other comments
My life would be so much better if I hadn't gone and wasted 8 years of my life going to unis. Don't think that college is the only way to be successful. Trades are the way to go right now imo.

>> No.2635167

This morning news they where talking about how a bunch of people have a schedule to pay off their student loans in 30 years. Then they went on to talk about how to cut that down by living frugally, getting a roomate, eat at home dont eat out, and all that.

>> No.2635173

One last other comment - don't waste your youth and fuck everything that walks because you'll miss getting new ass when you get married.

>> No.2635188

I'm single, live at home and get zero ass.

>> No.2635196

Oh well at least I'm saving a lot of money

>> No.2635219

That is ok too anon. I'm married and haven't gotten laid in a month which is worse.

All you young fags should look in to being an automation machinery technician/repair. When things go full force automated, machines will still break and I have heard the service calls for large automated centers is enough to retire on after a few big jobs (might need engineering degree but the Techs make bank too)

>> No.2635220

>Bachelors in Political Science
>Bank teller
>including my 401k? Like $8,000?
>$3,500 in credit cards
>still living at home, my car is under my mom's name. Savings and trying to move out with my gf next year

>> No.2635235

>highest level of education
STEM degree
low hourly rate
>total assets
about 2BTC worth of shitcoins
>total debt
30k student debt. Government pays the interest for me tho
>other comments

>tfw you'll never be pretty enough to attract a wealthy man

you think its bad being an ugly guy? try being an ugly woman

>> No.2635271

> 25
> College
> Programmer
> $800 or so (3rd world)
> Some physical silver, some btc (0.4)
> 0 (pampered child)
> Really want a lambo.

>> No.2635324

Worse. Theoretical physics.

>> No.2635326

>highest level of education
BS in computer science
Sr software engineer
120k + stock worth half a mil at current valuation. Slam dunk of a company will cash out
>total assets
30k crypto 16k stocks. 20k car
>total debt
12k car loan 5k credit card

>> No.2635331

30k is very easy to live off when you're single, I used to live off half of that in London.

I'd take less money and not a be a wagecuck.

>> No.2635343



>highest level of education

Network Security Admin

88k in low cost of living area

>total assets

>total debt

>other comments
Went Air Force for cyber instead of college
Free training, certs, and clearance no debt

>> No.2635352

>in undergrad for physics
>delivery driving
>$90 a week
>$500 in crypto, almost no fiat assets
We're all gonna make it brah

>> No.2635368
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>highest level of education
First year Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Business.

Part time at auto parts store

Sweet fuck all. Maybe $50 a week because I get no hours due to uni taking up time.

>total assets
Maybe $3000, including cash, computer and crypto /sad/

>total debt
$10000 uni debt so far

>other comments
Always been interested in Finance, but also an IT/business kind of guy. Thinking of swapping to a B. Commerce, thoughts anons?

>> No.2635377

Any other accountants?

>> No.2635381



I own a metal recycling company, family mostly, only half way through our third year, turn over was £950,000 last year and we've been growing since.

I took home £22000 with £5000 dividends last year, hoping for 30% more this year, its looking promising.

My company, my house.

Student debt around £20,000, very small repayments, barely £12 a month and a mortgage. I lived the normie life through my early 20s and have only since last year paid off all my loans, credit cards and now living frugally, I love it, having savings is a far better feeling than any normie bullshit.

The work I do is currently not worth the money I take home, very long hours with intense labour and stress. Keeps me in decent shape though. Hoping to open another business next year and sit on my crypto for years

>> No.2635410

>highest level of education
master mathematics
>total assets
50k in crypto+25k floating around
>total debt
>other comments
my gf just left me and i am anxious not being able to find another chick thats fits my standards (< 23 y/o, slim, nice personality, white)

>> No.2635418
File: 139 KB, 640x480, 28260_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highest level of education
bachelor of software engineering
senior software dev
$45000 gross, $40000 net. That's not that bad considering I live in Eastern Europe
>total assets
$20000 in crypto and deposits, a $45000 apartment and
>total debt
>other comments
The first time in my life I saw more than $500 in one place was my first salary when I was 21. So considering where I started, I'm feeling optimistic...

>> No.2635420

>Went Air Force for cyber instead of college
>Free training, certs, and clearance no debt
And thank you for your service. I almost did as a way to get out of some trouble I found myself in but it was during the whole Iraq deal and I pussed out. Somehow this amazing opportunity for anyone living in the US is often overlooked.

>> No.2635440

Is pic related?

>> No.2635442

I am 9 hours away from an accounting degree and do our companies accounting, but I am not going back - too late for me to finish.

>> No.2635458

>Chef at Wendy's
>$320, .06 BTC, .83 ETH
>$22,000 culinary student debt

>> No.2635469

Yea it's not really worth is unless you plan on sitting for the cpa exam. I just wanted to see what kind of raises I can expect in the future

>> No.2635470

>highest level of education
High School Diploma
Field Implementation Engineer
$88k year
>total assets
1 car 12x580 gpus mining ethereum, 369ANS, 4ETH, .5BTC
>total debt
>other comments
Enjoying the mining life

>> No.2635485

I'm actually a little underpaid (base salary) for my level of experience/Area of US I work. Glassdoor estimates I could be worth 97k/yr. If I moved to the Bay Area I could probably pull 125k+ in addition to getting tons of stock (50k) - year.

I love where I work now so I'm willing to take less.

>> No.2635491

Not my property but I live 1km from there (wouldn't post an actual pic on 4chan).

My view is not as good, but I'm only paying $400 in rent.

I could easily pay double that and live in pic related, but I don't want that for the time being.
I Prefer investing in crap for the next 1-2 years.

>> No.2635497

>Chef at Wendy's

>> No.2635498

Military gets a bad rep from the marines/army
It was best decision of my life, and got free healthcare for life, and college if I ever decide to go or give it to my kid.

>> No.2635547

>>highest level of education
>master mathematics

Slightly jelly, slightly mirin

>> No.2635596

>>highest level of education
2 YEAR DIPLOMA IN Computer Networks.
Restaurant Manager
40K Canadian year with tips +benefits+ free food
>>total assets
252k house + 26k cash +1k vehicle
>>total debt
198k left on mortgage
>>other comments
i need to go back to school since kathleen wynne fucked me in the ass with the 14$ minimum wage so i have to give all my employees raises and i probably wont get one for like 10 years.

>> No.2635609

>some college
>factory line worker
>1 vehicle
>I have 200 in crypto, want to put in more

>> No.2635616
File: 54 KB, 960x636, thats my purse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highest level of education
Correctional Officer
75k with no O.T. could do six figures doing one a week
>total assets
1.7m parents passed away right before starting retirement
>total debt
200k left on mortgage
>other comments
I hate my job so much but it pays mortgage and in 15 years i can retire with 50% w/e

>> No.2635639

oh fuck dude C.O's are so underpaid. You deserve every dollar you get. but 1.7m just retire dude.

>> No.2635667


How liquid is the 1.7 million? At that point you're getting to the point where you could be living on interest, so I assume it's not something easily movable.

>> No.2635679

>age: 25
>highest level of education: some college
>job: lol im a janitor through a temp agency
>pay: €10/hr @ 30-35 hrs/wk
>total assets: ~3,200€ but only about 400€ liquid cash
>total debt: ~10,000€

>other comments: compsci student, working on making that fix this mess that i'm in.

>> No.2635681


>highest level of education
Bachelors Degree in Computer Science

IT System Administrator

€1550 on my bank account + car w/ free fuel + €180 food stamps + hospital insurrance

>total assets
If I sold everything.... 10-15k liquid.

>total debts.

>other comments
Pretty happy with my situation,but I don't want to be a wagecuck for long.

I dont get how people in this thread call something an asset like a house if it's not theirs yet (mortgage). But I'm young so feel free to correct me

>> No.2635688

in a PhD program now
PhD candidate
60k / year (due to industry related work and not being paid by university)
4 btc or so, a 2010 car as well I guess
5,000 (student loans)
I was a retard and chose a useless undergraduate major so I have to go back and get a PhD because there are no jobs for people who have a BS in microbiology

>> No.2635700

>highest level of education
Bachelor's in Electronics Engineering
No job - working on my master's degree
No pay, but I get around 600€ per month through scolarship and whatnot
>total assets
A car, a heap of electronics test equipment, couple of grand on bank/in crypto - let's say ~15k€ total
>total debt
No debt
>other comments
Life is alright at the moment.

>> No.2635711

>I dont get how people in this thread call something an asset like a house if it's not theirs yet (mortgage). But I'm young so feel free to correct me

If you've got it on your balance sheet its an asset and a liability (via the mortgage). I would only call it an asset as far as the equity I had in it.

>> No.2635712

i think technically you can call the equity you have on the house an asset.

but if you still have an outstanding mortgage, you obviously don't have 100% equity on your house.

but i'm also not sure, i'm not an accountant lol

>> No.2635730
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I'd like too but I want to retire with a comfortable amount and never work ever again. Plus I feel the need to work so people dont see me as some loser living off mommy and daddy's money.
its about 200k in cash and 1.5 across various investment and retirement accounts.

>> No.2635814
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B.S. Economics & mgmt
> job
Recently quit job as building restoration crew (slave labor)
Was measly $11/hr
> assets
$2000 car $2500 cash .6btc worth of shit coins
> debt
$1700 on credit card
Pretty lost in life rn trying to figure out a way to make $ that doesn't suck. Currently living with my gf and applying to jobs nearby. Kinda interested in doing electrical work but haven't found the right opportunity to start that yet. Next plan to make $$ is to lease a luxury apartment with a friend in a popular part of town and have it always available on airbnb.
Pic related is gf cats

>> No.2635838

>phd in economics
>assistant professor of economics
>200k in stocks/bonds
>0, dont own a car, rent an apartment, never use credit cards

>> No.2635855

>highest level of education
none(sucking off poor parent's tiddies)
0k everyday
>total assets
>total debt
>other comments
this neet life will last for this summer, after that either cafe work or apply college

>> No.2635856

>its about 200k in cash and 1.5 across various investment and retirement accounts
I'd consider paying off that mortgage if I were in that position. Whats your mortgage? If you have $200K cash you aren't making much on it and have to have 3.5% on home loan. If you can find a better investment for the $200K, then go for it but after taxes, etc. its going to be hard to beat paying off your home.

I had $120K from a grandfather who passed when I was 19. $100K of that went to lawyers. I regret that still to this day, 14 years later.

>> No.2635915

>highest level of education
MSc Business intelligence (glorified IT/data science really)
IT Security Admin
>total assets
1 3 year old pickup truck
>total debt
>other comments
Interned for $20/hr doing jack shit and they asked me to come back once I graduate, now I get paid $25/hr but I'm also working over 40 hour weeks, not worth it. Paying off debt by investing in crypto

>> No.2636036






>total assets
$150k in stocks, $5k in crypto


>other comments
long term holding ETH, SC, GNT -- don't need the money at present, I can wait years if I need to

>> No.2636075
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>Pilot, USAF
>Public information, I'm an O-2
>25k in crypto, 10k in savings, paid off truck(resale value worth ~20k)
>~10k in student loan payments
>Girls are expensive, having white trash parents sucks. Paying your way through college really sets you back financially.

>> No.2636117
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>highest level of education
college [dropped out]
self employed (NOT crypto)
12 to 15k a month
>total assets
about 80k
>total debt
>other comments
school fucking sucks

>> No.2636118

he probably added in the total value of his house which he is still 29 years away from paying off

>> No.2636126

Yeah PTOY is a great concept but after watching an interview with the CEO I'm not touching that shit. She knew fuck all about the technical aspects of her product

>> No.2636151

>highest level of education
iOS Developer
>total assets
$80K in stocks
>total debt
>other comments
I live in eastern europe

>> No.2636183
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Still waiting on what I have to pay in estate taxes, once that's figured out that amount should go down to just an emergency fund with the rest invested in my lazy 3 fund portfolio.
I'm sorry to hear that you got swindled like that it's fucking sickening how people see a young kid looking at an inheritance as a mark. I hope you've recovered.

>> No.2636259

wtf what do you do to make 12-15k per month? i just quittet my job got 170k in my bank take some vacations to find myself and start a business too

>> No.2636291

>Bachelors of Science
>Aerospace Eng.
>$90k + $80k from wife
>$150k assets, $20k liquid
>$380k mortgage

I'm sad I used my SLI'd 8800 GTXs GPU cycles to help Stanford fold proteins instead of mining and I'm down quite a bit in RNAi stocks. On the flip side I bought into the American meme in 2012 giving me quite the leveraged equity gainz.

>> No.2636294

Always a tax to pay!
Mine was self induced through getting arrested doing stupid shit.

>> No.2636341

How do you guys still want to live woth all that debt?

>> No.2636363

>100k to lawyers
what the fuck?
could you not sue?

>> No.2636389

You go to the university of Texas, don't you

>> No.2636402

This makes me jelly I didn't do Air Force

>> No.2636445

I'm 24 with a bachelors in Comp Sci currently working in .NET development. What steps did you take to get into mobile dev?

>> No.2636493 [DELETED] 

>highest level of education
flunked out of OSU in a drug fueled daze my sophemore year
Own a Cash for Gold also a licensed gun dealer.
>total assets
>total debt
0, gooooose egg nothing.
>other comments
Getting out of the confines of a paycheck to paycheck life was a struggle but the greatest decision I have ever made.

>> No.2636500

At 19 -Trafficking, possession, failure to affix a stamp (tax issue on Drug money).
Year later, 2 distribution charges
Year later, 2 possessions

$100K between 3 arrests with zero anything on my record now after hiring the best defense attorney in Alabama.

>> No.2636565


University dropout
Industrial powder coater
No debt
Getting a big promotion in september

>> No.2636581

Thanks for the detailed reply.

I worked on two drilling rigs before and then swamped for a company that moved rigs, which is why i managed to get this offer. I couldn't imagine working for some obscure outfit out of Texas... I do not doubt one bit that it was a shitty experience.

Also, I'm in Canada so the work and safety standards and culture is waaaaay better. But yeah even the industry up here still typically employees lots of shit bags, and a lot of cocaine gets passed around, but there's also enough level headed normal guys too. Honestly I'm still really nervous about going back into it. I start in two weeks but still hoping a get something else out of the 50+ applications I've put out.

>> No.2636610

What's he gonna do, sue his lawyer? I doubt his lawyer would be willing to file a lawsuit against himself.

>> No.2636625

nice going. Where abouts in UK?

I tried starting up my own business (web design/development) but turned out my 2 other business partners were taking money out/hiding money from me. FML

>> No.2636676

>highest level of education
A-levels (one before university here in UK)
Head of Web Development at small agency
£40k (~$51k US)
>total assets
£35k in 2 cars (Range Rover + Lotus). No loans
£140k equity in a house
~£20k crypto
>total debt
£50k left on mortgage
>other comments

>> No.2636697

>highest level of education
average 10000$ month
>total assets
25k trading account
34k bank
60k bonds
138k stocks and private equity
>total debt
got lucky and started with 50k$ 2 years ago

>> No.2636816

>highest level of education
2 year AS from community college
Network admin
>total assets
$36k stocks
120 ETH
$8k savings
>total debt
Upcoming wedding and house will change that though

>> No.2636826

Couple of semester in Colette but no degree
~50k mostly tied up in 401k or other non-liquid sets
4K credit card debt

>> No.2636860


24 years old

Some college

I run a resell business. I buy things off craigslist and sell them on ebay (or again on craigslist) for profit

It varies. I've only been doing this a few months and have only been making a few hundred a month.

I have one decent car and about $600 in the bank

No debt

I want to kill myself for getting into crypto to late.

>> No.2636881


>highest level of education
BA in biology

600 a week regardless or up to my discretion

>total assets

>total debt

>other comments
About 4500 deep into crypto and profit is only at about 200-300 due to the small crash. Tried trading and it wasn't too bad. Got a bit more and think I'll try trading now.

>> No.2636901

Same age, education, pay, assets and lost in life just like me.

Good luck brother

>> No.2636907


sucks. lawyers got fucked

>> No.2636939
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>>highest level of education
Fund Manager
240K gbp base.
>>total assets
approx 1.2mio
>>total debt
>>other comments
still cant afford a half decent zone 1 house in London

>> No.2636948

>highest level of education
College Degree
Graphic Designer/Valet
>total assets
290k Hard Assets/20k Trading
>total debt
>other comments
College is the greatest scam/ponzi of all time.

>> No.2636977

so are you employed by anyone?

>> No.2637004

Nope, i manage my own money
that's my full time job

>> No.2637013

Some uni courses
PC operator
$100 a month
An almost broken notebook, $340 in cash, $50 in crypto
Damn it's good to be a Belarusian

>> No.2637019
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>240K gbp base.

PhD poorfag here,

gib monies plox

>> No.2637039


>>highest level of education
B.S. in Engineering

COO of a fintech startup

80k plus some equity

>>total assets
Probably around 80-100k

>>total debt

>>other comments
Get an engineering degree. You will always have a job.

>> No.2637043

>highest level of education
neet/crypto trader
1 ETH per day on average
>total assets
>total debt

>> No.2637104

cool, but where'd you get the 50k you started with?

>> No.2637126
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>highest level of education


$0, maybe $1,000 per month if we're talking any income at all but it's mostly for school

>total assets
$10,000 in cash

>total debt
$0, most important part of this greentext

>other comments
don't go into debt, always have an emergency fund that would last 6 months, and you're doing fine :)

>> No.2637142

>>$22,000 culinary student debt
Great investment m8

>> No.2637495

my parents are pretty cool

>> No.2637683


Post Grad marketing something or other

Senior Communications Officer


>total assets
Few hundred grams of gold
1 car
(((Mortgage))) put a deposit of £70,000 on a 180,000 house in 2013. Its supposedly worth 220k now and will be all mine in 2033.
£20,000 in premium bonds
£5,000 in an isa doing fuck all
Around £1000 in my impulse buy/quick cash account

Student debt of abour £12,000 pay like £100 a month off. And obv the mortgage.

Looking to get into investing and make some proper money.

>> No.2637950
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We're gonna make it bro! Godspeed anon

>> No.2637967

Biggest regret is not studying engineering desu

>> No.2638009


>highest level of education
some graduate school
medical sales
>total assets
>total debt
>other comments
Crypto gonna let me retire early. Going to mine my way to the moon and hand out FOMO bags left and right to every sucker with a pulse.

>> No.2638097

all online, don't wanna spoil my market niche

>> No.2638126

>highest level of education
high school
Token developer (no kidding)
48k USD paid in tokens
>total assets
2000 USD
>total debt
>other comments
I got hired this week, which is why my assets are still so low.

>> No.2638218
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I don't want to be poor /biz/.

I'm 19 with a few coins to my name and i'm planning to put money in a roth IRA here soon.

I'm a business major, what should I do?

>> No.2638269
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>be guy above
>acquire $30,000+ worth of debt so I can qualify to become a business major
>basically told your jobs to be a corporate cuck >leave

>> No.2638280

ROTC, 4 years paper pushing then some cushy DoD or private contracting job after

>> No.2638356

Some college
No debt

I drive a 2016 TicTac paid off and I own a house paid off that sits on 1 Acre. in the countryside.

>> No.2638387

study accounting :^)

>> No.2638397

Doing first year of petroleum eng in September.
No job.
Around 960k U.S. dollars last I checked.
No debt.

>> No.2638412

Inheritance like me, most likely.
I don't even have a job and have not had one for 3 years and have almost 1 mill in assets.

>> No.2638434
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>highest level of education

Graphics dude

1k after taxes per month, but I only work 25-30 hours per week

>total assets
Uh... 1k on my bank account and my computer. No car.

>total debt

>other comments
Fooling around with trading for fun. I´m not rich, and I don´t need to be. I wouldn´t mind a bit more money though but I don´t wanna wagecuck more than 30 hours a week. I´m fine.

>> No.2638485

>1k after taxes

I work a min wage job and get paid more than that, and work around the same hours

>> No.2638488

>High school
>Just quit
>45k savings, house, car, and my stocks and crypto
>1 late bill

Where can I dump half of my savings and hodl?

>> No.2638531
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different country and different job. Not to mention that graphic grunts are usually not payed all that well.

>> No.2638574
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High School
See Above
Car and Savings
I hate customer service

>> No.2638676


move to the midwest.

>> No.2638707






>> No.2638761

>highest level of education
general counsel / intellectual property attorney
140k base + bonus target of 50k
>total assets
Bitcoin, shitcoin, memes
>total debt
30k - school, car
>other comments

>> No.2638769
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>>highest level of education
B.S. Electrical Engineering

I&C Engineer for a nuclear power utility


>>total assets
~$55K Fiat
~$30K mutual funds started by parents/grandparents
~$5K crypto

>>total debt

>>other comments
Just built a 6.2 mining rig with 1070s. One of the cards is fried, the other 5 are performing nicely.