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26342570 No.26342570 [Reply] [Original]

It is the year 2025. your years of waiting have finally been rewarded. your crypto wallet is now worth $15m (for you greedy fucks just imagine any number). you can now quit your job and never have to worry about money again for the rest of your life. what are you going to do day in and day out for the next 30-50 years?

>> No.26342777

smoke weed and wait for the universe to turn me into dust

>> No.26342806

Same shit I do now. Knowing my children don't have to work at mcdonalds is enough for my happiness

>> No.26343496

lift weights, walks, open a cafe. Buy a couple of houses that I can live between/airbnb as my mood demands

>> No.26343532

i can't imagine ever having so little link that in 2025 id only have 15million sorry mate i cant get into this .

>> No.26343542

checked and based. doing this while managing rental properties and watching my kids grow with not having to worry like I did

>> No.26343557

>become rich
>realize your youth isn't coming back, all those experiences that young people have you missed because you were little bitch faggot loner addicted to vidya
what's the point

>> No.26343675
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Pay my loving and caring kosher government 120% of my crypto gains so Diquanda and Ms. Gomez can squirt out some more little shitskins. God bless America

>> No.26343714

Lift weights, wear nice cologne, own a modest house, travel to foreign countries. Tbh I’d probably keep working

>> No.26343894

I hate how that doesn't seem hyperbolic anymore.

>> No.26343914

if i get rich, i want to put together an all female rock group and be the behind the scenes svengali and also allow them to get addicted to drugs and use them for sexual favors

>> No.26343976

Buy a groomed girl at the legal age of consent and breed her repeatedly. Travel the world and visit every site on my bucket list. Read all the books I bought that I haven't read yet. Write a book. Frankly the world is my oyster at that point, it's on you if you don't have any interests to fill your time outside of waging.

>> No.26344092

Buy monero now, convert stacks to monero once atomic swaps are implemented. Uh oh, all that bitcoin tied to your identity just got lost in a boati- I mean hack, shit.

>> No.26344102
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Well first off ill assess the situation. Secure a future for my family and bloodline. Then perhaps simultaneously build a rich lucrative future in running a small citadelesque city state in a secluded area completely autonomous from this fake and gay globohomo kike hellworld.

Also raise my future children to lead not follow.

>> No.26344112


>> No.26344250

i haven't followed Monero much. Am a current Linkmarine. Is it possible for someone to explain how Monero is untrackable simply or am I too much of a lazy retarded cunt

>> No.26344746

Here's my understanding, which is based on reading a few of the generals and not reading the whitepaper.

Send and receive addresses are uniquely generated for each transaction and aren't tied to a particular wallet. So just because your receive address is now written to the blockchain, it's not tied to you or any of your other receive addresses. Then, transactions are bundled in groups of 11 or 13 and processed all at once (I think), so that even if someone was tracking all spends and gains, they can't separate your transaction from everyone else in the group. What this means is that a wallet's balance can't be derived from data on the blockchain like with bitcoin, yet all transactions are still cryptographically secure and there's no double spending.

It's a pretty solid system and I think it's basically the true successor to bitcoin itself as a currency. Atomic swaps will, if I understand correctly, allow bitcoin and other cryptos to be exchanged for monero securely, allowing actually effective bitcoin laundering (now that mixers aren't good enough to be considered effective). I plan to swap a significant portion of my holdings for monero when I can because bitcoin is too traceable and eventually regulation will come down hard on it, while monero will be much harder to regulate.

>> No.26344860

Interesting. Truly appreciate the input. May have to give serious consideration to putting a portion of my holdings into this if our jew overlords act on their raging crypto-rape hard-on

>> No.26345008

The most telling thing for me was seeing that ransomware hackers stopped requesting bitcoin for payment and started requesting monero. Criminals are guaranteed demand, so I think it puts a floor on the price.

>> No.26345009

Once I get 2 million dollars worth of btc I am quiting my job and just holding it in blockfi. Get 120k a year in interest. I can live off that. Continue doing the things I like. Making music, jerking off, watching anime, listen to philosophy podcast, rock climbing, and maybe I’ll go to the gym now that I have more free time. Replace work with gym I guess

>> No.26345081

I had an epiphany today in the hospital. When I make it I am free to study any field of interest and work any job I’m excited about. Not having to worry about salary opens up a world of possibility where I can wake up every day and enjoy what I do, and the second I don’t I can quit and pursue something else. As I change as a person I won’t be tied down to one shitty future with golden handcuffs. My futures will be infinite.

>> No.26345351

I'll pretend it's stocks as I'm not in crypto, missed that boat.


I never take another job again. Immediately pull all $15m out into cold hard cash, in the bank. Split it up amongst my immediate family (parents and siblings). After which move my money into various safe assets with only a maximum of 20% in risky assets.

Things I would do
>Have an easier time focusing on God as my worries regarding finding a job and holding a job are removed. Yes I realize I shouldn't let work interfere but sometimes it really makes me mad or exhausted from draining me.
>Focus on my family more to help them and talk witg as it feels like I'm neglecting them and being lazy too.
>Focus on my personal endeavour of making a video game, have already made one. Wish to make many even if they are unsuccesful. Although it'd be nice for it to be successful as it'd mean a lot of people, likely, liked my game.
>Have a large piece of land purchased with a small home built on it with specific environmental qualities. I had a dream of this, it was a wonderful dream and it felt like bliss. No worries regarding the world. It was one of the few times in the recent past that I've felt at complete ease and unworried....only for it to be inside of a dream.

>> No.26345405

Create cutting edge VR storytelling experiences

>> No.26345460


>> No.26345560

All my debts and the debts of my direct family are now paid off. Probably take my dream trip to Japan, and tour europe. Two cars- an RR, and a ferrari or new vette. Open a Cafe somewhere that is full of 24/7 lo-fi hip hop beats to study/relax too for fun. Otherwise, my portfolio is diversified.

>> No.26345720
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Shitpost. Play video games. Watch anime, go hiking and camping. Fish. Cook really good food. Learn to play an instrument. Try composing music. Try making my own video game. Try becoming a sound designer. Maybe try art? Maybe try getting a boat and sailing across the sea? Sit around lying in the sun all day. Become a teacher? Buy a docile mail order gf?

>> No.26345928

imagine thinking you can cash out.
Go ahead. Try.

>> No.26345976

Ride a motorbike around SEA with a brown QT on the back

>> No.26346171

No one likes your cologne. Just take a regular shower

>> No.26346220

Why wouldn't you just put it into index funds? Anything can happen to bitcoin and especially blockfi who can just "get hacked" and then bye bye coins.

>> No.26346296

Train Muay Thai and BJJ.
Smoke insane amounts of marijuana