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File: 14 KB, 801x801, polkadot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26340524 No.26340524 [Reply] [Original]

Polkadot seems really promising. It seems to be an overarching protocol. Some call it the Ethereum Killer. I don't know about that, but your thoughts on Polkadot?

>> No.26340701
File: 185 KB, 1200x680, bffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an eth killer, more like eth helper
any shitcoin called itself an eth killer is a desperate scam. ETH isn't going anywhere and DOT has proven to be the spearhead for this cycle's alt season

>> No.26340794

Cool. Well to be fair they don't call themselves that. There's articles though. https://medium.com/coinmonks/polkadot-is-the-new-ethereum-killer-556a3f7cc7d7

>> No.26340938

medium articles are pajeety af anon. so much so the pajeets that are lurking /biz shilling their bags. DOT has an interesting ecosystem and a clever way of capitalizing using the parachain auction fomo. crypto always repackages itself into something new and shiny normies will eventually flock into and take over the ponzi.

>> No.26340950

DOT is great. 12% APY staking, and it's held its value better than almost any other coin through this dip.

>> No.26340971

Been following it since the ICO in 2017. I like it. I wouldn't consider it an "ETH killer". You're right, its a protocol for protocols, or a meta-network. It wasn't designed to kill Eth, rather to coexist with and support it. Gavin Wood co-founded Ethereum and hopes to bridge the two networks. Unlike Charles Hoskinson, he left the project on good terms. Not that Cardano isnt a good project though.

I think the auction process and governance model make it stand out. Lots of big projects are building on it, even ones whos roots are in Ethereum. Look at Centrifuge for example.

Also check out Kusama, its their experimental test network. Only a limited number of high profile and audited projects will be able to lease a slot on Polkadot's network. But experimental projects will be able to launch on Kusama.

Anyone talking shit about it is just an emotional bag holder for another projects. They literally have no FUD other than calling Gavin a pedo.

>> No.26341171

Weaker than avax
>Entirely new consensus model
>Creator of Facebook's Libra works for them now
>7% apy for validators
>Unlimited subnets that you can use right now, dot limited to 100.
>Smart contracts on mainchain right now, dot can't support native contracts
>erc20 native asset support and ethereum bridge
> native onchain assets with incredible features including freezability.
>Already supported by a number of top stable and defi projects

By the time Polkadot has an ethereum EVM finally working, AVAX will already have exceeded its market cap.

>> No.26341269

If AVAX is added on Kraken I'll give it a go. Haven't heard of that one before. Gonna read.

>> No.26341297

I hold 100 but have no idea what it is.

>> No.26341347

dot is shit.
1. limited number of parachains and you can lose your in an auction if you don't pay enough. That is retarded af.
2. Slow af, avax has finality in a second.
3. Limited number of parachains and you keep paying for it. Avax you pay once and keep it forever.

>> No.26341614

1) If what you bid on doesn't win the auction, your DOTs are returned. Projects reward you for funding them like an ICO except after the lease period, you still get your DOTs back.

2) Idk about that, I'll look at it.

3) The slots are limited to start but will grow as the network ecosystem matures. That is the smart approach. Also, it means that the initial projects that get slots will be the most well funded and professional projects. Centrifuge is not building on AVAX. And you do not keep paying for it. I don't think you understand the auction/lease period process at all.

This is what I mean by emotion bag holders. I'm willing to look into AVAX further, but you just come shitting out nonsense based off of no research.

>> No.26341628

Npos is slightly optimized Dpos, Polkadot is EOS successor.

>> No.26341796
File: 70 KB, 576x768, Gavin Wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah, finally a DOT thread
>AVAX Turks come in and ruin it
bought more DOT during this dip, bye

>> No.26342054

ARDR is literally better they just have the stupidest marketing team on earth

>> No.26342063

DOT is cool, but HTR has more potential.

>> No.26342219

Does the parachain ownership end or not? Yes, it does, it ends after six months. So if you don't win the auction, you (as the creator who puts in the work) ends up with a project that isn't running on a parachain anymore. Basically you will lose your entire project's progress because you don't have the parachain anymore unless you can secure another one. Why would you buy something on such an unstable platform? Buy a subnet once, have it for life. Why wouldn't you just do that instead of worrying about losing your parachain because some dude has more money than you?

>> No.26342359

There are 100+ parachains available and they want to scale up in the future. Unlike ETH where 95% of the projects are pajeet scams.

Stay poor faggot

>> No.26342398

The project could still be deployed on KSM network, retard

>> No.26342437

10% inflation

>> No.26342509

Imagine being a dev, you pour six months into making a parachain project.
> lose auction
You the smart anon "they want to scale up in the future, stay poor faggot"

Can you see why avax people don't take your project seriously?

Pay once for a subnet, keep it forever.

>> No.26342580

Nope, there also needs to be a parachain slot open on KSM network as well. Sure, it might be cheaper because it is a testnet but there is still a cost, and the cost is in a completely different token too. Even then, if you have a successful project, do you really want your users relying on an unstable testnet? Good way to destroy your reputation.

>> No.26342793

You think they overlooked that? Heres what Gavin said about that recently:

"Now, the idea is that when your parachain, if your parachain is sufficiently unuseful, you can’t collect together the funds for renewing your slot and it’s not that this happens overnight, right. You get 18 months, in principle, you get an 18-month grace period. So, you’ve got one-and-a-half years to convince people to make your token worth enough that you can swap enough of it for DOTs to pay for your parachain slot, to lease out your parachain slot, and you get 18 months to actually secure that next six-month period. So, you will know very much ahead of time if this is coming, but that said, suppose for some reason you just can’t scrape together the DOTs, then you don’t just disappear in a puff of smoke with all of your Oracle data or anything. Your chain stays active. It sticks around, it’s there. An Oracle will tend to use passive data transfer, which basically means you look at the relay chain to see what the last block was for that particular chain and then you get one of the people who has the blockchain and its information to give you a proof that…hey, what was the gold price most recently, and they’ll come back with a proof that will use the data on the Polkadot relay chain plus some extra witness, some extra data that fits alongside that and you plug them together and you can now be sure that the price of gold according to this parachain was such and such."

If your project is successful, people will want it around.

>> No.26342886

XD ok fanboy, go back to your AVAX with their irrelevant team. Btw, if the project doesn’t manage to secure a parachain auction there are multiple other ways to still deploy and use the DOT blockchain, they are called parathreads.

No more spoonfeeding, go buy your AVAX. We’ll see what both projects are capable of in 2021

>> No.26342958

Inflation is mostly because of the pay-out to stakeholders, it gives incentive to stake rather than selling

>> No.26342993

>You have chain death but it is fine because your data is still there.
Yeah, we all get how chain death works, congratulations Gavin. Fucking genius.

>> No.26343042

Good shit /biz/bro, doing alot of research myself but always learning more each day about the DOT ecosystem. Wgmi

>> No.26343044

Yeah, you can rewrite your project to be different and use a different system, obviously. I swear you guys are so high on your own supply, you are completely incapable of seeing this from the dev's perspective.

>> No.26343098

If a project does perform well and is no longer supported by its community after a 18 month grace period, maybe they are better qualified to move over to AVAX.

>> No.26343138


>> No.26343163

DYOR, go buy your shitcoins brainlet

>> No.26343303

You know that parachains and parathreads are different, right? Someone has to deal with that difference.

>> No.26343595

Half this DOT thread is your AVAX shilling, you reek of desperation, go the fuck away you cockroach

>> No.26344192

This coin barely dipped during the crash wtf