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2633949 No.2633949 [Reply] [Original]

Here is a thread for no-coiners to laugh as coiners lose everything


>> No.2633968

heard it all before

>> No.2633981 [DELETED] 

https://t.me/finepumps for gentlemen only

>> No.2633983
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>mfw a coinfag said fake electronic money was the future

>> No.2633994

Jokes on you, I'm still up on my original investment even after this crash.

>> No.2633998

The rebound already started
I cant wait to watch you fags cry as we make 10% in the next 5 hours

>> No.2634005
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Still up at least $3k from my initial investment despite this "crash" - you're just not used to seeing these swings on a daily basis gramps go back to your over regulated stock market maybe (((they))) could prop up the market so you could make a decent 10% gain this year before the DOW corrects itself.

>> No.2634020

>lose everything

still up 300% of original investment...enjoy your 6% return of ((stocks and bonds))

>> No.2634061


Ah yes, my 500 dollar investment that is now 15k after the "crash". lol no coiners

That 15k is going to at least double by the end of the year. How long would it take you to double in stocks?

>> No.2634134

I'm a nocoiner. I knew ETH was a retarded ponzi, but I also knew it was an easy way to make some money at others' expense. I was smart and took profits at the ATH, now I'm just enjoying seeing all the "muh new paradigm" HODLers crash and burn while I FUD

>> No.2634137
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>they fell for the coins meme

>mfw things that never happened

>> No.2634152
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>> No.2634159

same. im not in the red yet

>> No.2634201

Same. I'm still up 4x and I've only been doing this since April.

>> No.2634219

Hello newfriends

>> No.2634259


>things that never happened

Oh sure, Ethereum was always over $200... yep.
RDD wasn't 5 satoshi at one point either, nope. If you got in at least late 2016, you would have had to be retarded not to at least double your money, if not quadruple it.

>> No.2634266

Not gonna lie former crypto holder here, it's great to see buttcoin crash and burn.

But we seriously can't let them double their money again!

>> No.2634276



it's not a 10% gain if you're 30% down to begin with

>> No.2634285


If a newfag doesn't believe me, look at the ROI on icos


Okay now no coiners find me a stock that gives this type of ROI in a year or two. Bet you can't.

>> No.2634287
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>Being a nocoiner
>Not shorting shitcoins during a bear run

>> No.2634288

you must be shorting rite?

>> No.2634291
File: 23 KB, 1008x446, damn....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that nocoiners ignore the rise before the crash and think the green circle is enough to laugh

>> No.2634311
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Bought AMD @ $3,- a share, been HODLing aside from a tiny sell off in February to continue living the jobless life.

Visited 4 continents this year alone, got trips to Japan, Nova Scotia and Egypt planned for the rest of this year.

Feels good being a nocoiner

>> No.2634324


Literally this. Anyone that bought double digit ethereum or less would still be massively in the green. They're newfags who think crypto has always been this expensive. How many even remember BTC being double digits?

>> No.2634347

Kek :-)
I'm still 11 x up this year on my 10 k investment last Christmas; half is already cashed out. Im using the rest as a float for arbitrage opportunities when my wire transfer clears on Gemini.

>> No.2634348


You would have made better returns buying literally any ico (except bancor lul). Also you can get those kinds of returns really easily and quickly in crypto because it's a 24/7 market.

>> No.2634359

ITT: nocoiners coping over a more than 1000% return YTD

can't make this shit up

at least you get a well deserved break from coping now

>> No.2634391


>> No.2634398

I have 200 now I could only dream of putting it on stocks since I can only get so little, would you blame me if I put it in a few affordable crypto?

>> No.2634404
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except when this happens

>> No.2634407

I pull out $2000 in crypto almost every single week and have for the past year to fund my lifestyle and pay rent.

>> No.2634416
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>> No.2634426


>what is Gemini

I can sell and buy instantly. I get money into my bank account in 2 days max. I get pre-credited if I buy and instantly gain USD if I sell, the very second I decide I want to liquidate.

>> No.2634430

a sub human coiner was trying to deal with their 40% loss in a week telling me their fantasy money ""investment'" is about to increase

wew sad

>> No.2634458
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Except I don't need to jump through hoops to get my money, and I don't need to chase anything. I just put a pile of money in and I get 2x ~ 5x the money back and I don't need to chase the market.

I invested a bit in crypto and doubled my investment but it took a lot more effort than simply picking a company you know is required by the market whose value dropped to below what they have in assets.
This technique has paid out for me over and over again. Nokia, AMD, T-Mobile US, all have allowed me to live a life without the daily slog.

Tell me anon, when's the last time you've seen the sun set over an ancient Nile temple Oasis while having not a worry in the world?

>> No.2634472


Depends on what they bought. If it's BTC it will definitely go back up. ETH? Probably but it will be volatile. Anything else it's a fucking gamble and he has no choice but to sit on his hands until the coin shits out some profit.

>> No.2634554


How is signing up for one website jumping through hoops? Signing up for coinbase is probably the easiest it will get. If you want to trade more coins you would need to go on another exchange, but if you only care about the bigger coins that's just one step to do. In contrast try learning how to mine the coins effectively and I'd agree. Buying them is definitely easy.

>> No.2634563

If this happens I will literally cry of happiness. I'm a big holder and would put my life savings in.

>> No.2634604
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>mine btc in 2011
>keep it
Literally free money.

>> No.2634618

I was around for the pizza tbqh.

>> No.2634706

>tfw the totally legal products I have to buy a fraction of a BTC for just went cheaper on me


>> No.2634759


They said ICO. AKA new shit coins. Often have to go through the hassle of trading to BTC first which requires exchanges, and then hoping it's the right exchange and that you're already verified with them to allow you to actually transfer and shit.

Fuck that noise nigga, Price Waterhouse Coopers takes care of me.

>> No.2634775
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can't lose anything when i already cashed out my initial investment faggot

>> No.2634799

But I have not lost anything. I didnt sell in the dip.

>> No.2635351

>t. desperate nocoiner