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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2633258 No.2633258 [Reply] [Original]

BitBay General

A dip? I Hadn't Noticed Edition

BitBay (BAY) is the world’s first FULLY FUNCTIONAL (RIGHT NOW) decentralized market client that utilizes double deposit escrow. The highly anticipated rolling peg is anticipated to be complete around the end of this year. Eliminate the middlemen, save some money, TRADE YOUR CRYPTO FOR FIAT, 100% safely, from the comfort of your own home.


ANN Thread:

Invitation to BAY community Slack (850+ Members)



Official Website:


Wall of Features (current and upcoming)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrXm03ZSr_0 (Espanol)

>> No.2633521

Too comfy m8

>> No.2633556

I already lost a good amount in ETH today.

If it bounces back, what makes bitbay have any prospects to differentiate it from other top 100 crypto?

>> No.2633719

Also - don't forget about the new Discord BAY community!


What initially attracted me to BitBay was that it is not vaporware. The decentralized market client works, right now, as we speak. If you see the wall of features link (http://bitbay.market/walloffeatures/)) these are not features that are nebulous vapourware concepts, they actually are enabled right now in the client.

Adding to that, the development team is entirely transparent. You can contact David Zimbeck directly in the Slack and check in, as well as the rest of the team members including myself. You can also contact some of the team in the Discord, although it has been in action for less than a week so not everyone is over there yet, waiting to see how that pans out. But the point being, we are not hiding, we are not afraid of talking about the platform's pros and cons, this is a legitimate project and we are willing to stake our collective reputations on that.

Finally, the simple raw utility of the marketplace and rolling peg. While the rolling peg is not quite on the horizon in the short term, it is slated for Q4 2017, and when the volatility of BAY is reduced it will encourage greater adoption of the platform for consumer use. After the rolling peg, it is simply a matter of implementing the smart contract templates and dressing up the platform so it is pretty enough for your average normie usage.

If we can get even a small portion of Amazon, eBay, Alibaba's market - we're going to explode. Why wouldn't we be able to take some of their marketshare? Cutting out the middlemen simply saves us all money and time.

I could go on, but I will end there for now. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask!

>> No.2633822


>> No.2633842 [DELETED] 

If it doesn't go down during a dip it won't be going back up either

Enjoy the bags

>> No.2633854
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Patience is a virtue anon, I assure you I am not in the business of selling snake oil and neither are the rest of the BAY team. Also, checked.

>> No.2633868
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i've been comfy since last week.

>> No.2633966
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Great to hear it!


:^) pic related

>> No.2634191

when is david going to stop being a jew and let other developers get on the project so this thing can really fucking grow?

also, when is bitbay going to start marketing and spreading the word? Its actually different and its own thing in comparison to all the other shitcoin bitcoin clones.

the only people aware of it stumble upon it. whats it going to take to spread the word?

>> No.2634260
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Rolling peg will Garner attraction from investors.

As for the meantime just comfy grassroots. The problem with overexposure is you end up like Digibyte where you get too hyped and then killed because expectations were too high.

BAY is a slow buy steady growth coin. It works only by its own merits and actually working functionality, not a fuckton of /biz/tards artificially pumping it with memes and hentai.

Invest only what you feel safe losing, but know you have strong steady gains to come with actual content to back it.

>> No.2634343


If you can find us a good dev, we plan on scaling up in the near future. One of our team members, Aletha, works in the business of recruiting such folks and is looking for talent currently. One thing about it though is the fundamental features of the client are almost complete - at this point getting a dev up to speed would hinder progress imo, all we need is the rolling peg and at that point finding devs to do things such as implement the smart contract templates, pretty up the client will be much simpler than dropping everything to hunt for talented devs right now. That being said, your concern is a common one and will be addressed in the future. It is a common topic in the BAY Slack.

As for the marketing, we only just recently organized a marketing team and while things are not quite rolling yet, as you can see I am here, the team has been getting more interviews, the Slack has done some numbers in recent days as well. It is hard from the outside to notice, but I assure you people are starting to hear about us. In addition, it has worked to our benefit in a way to stay under the radar and avoid some of these nasty pump and dumps you see in the cryptosphere, my gains have been /comfy/.

Another factor to keep in mind is that this was not a large project until very recently, and scaling up must be planned carefully lest we expand too quickly and the efficacy of the current team is compromised.

>> No.2634483

Look Bae, you just keep pegging, and I'll fight off all these mean bullies.

I believe in you bae.

>> No.2634494

dear god I hope you two in ITT are right. if this pans out and it grows I will personally find both of u and zuck your dicks no homo

>> No.2634544

I have 15k bae. Is it enough to get to lamboland?

>> No.2634904
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Pic related - We sleep in shifts on BAYwatch


Well, my personal opinion that it is not a matter of being correct, it is a matter of working hard every day to make the BitBay platform a viable alternative to absolutely C U C K E D services like eBay or Amazon. We have an opportunity to remove the middlemen and enable what I envision to be truly free trade through the BitBay client, and that's not something i'm going to give up on. I don't take this shilling lightly, I really like this fucking platform.

Checked. And no, probably not my man. But it will damn sure take you to Honda Accord land, a nice reliable vehicle that will last you at least ten years if taken care of.

>> No.2635244

Godspeed, BAYshill, Godspeed.

>> No.2636011
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Am I retarded for thinking Bay can hit 3-6 dollars?

I'm in 7k and have held for 2 months now, but I just can't fucking read how the fuck crypto fluctuates.

I mean the platform itself is a pretty solid idea and an active dev, but yet compared to shit like cloakcoin which just another block chain, it's growth has been really slow even in this bull market.

What makes BTC clone #82852 moon, or stern/waves go up while BAY just slowly creeps up gradually I'm this market?

I feel like this is just a sleeping dragon nobody is paying attention to because it is very poorly marketed and can make Steen and the like in price by its value.

Then again I might be fucking retarded

>> No.2636081
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I definitely think we will see some quite attractive price movement, and fast, given that the marketing has only just begun.

We're all going to make it, anon. Remember when you were a kid and they told you slow and steady wins the race?

>> No.2636398

So I guess this coin grows slowly because it only has 1 dev?

What happens when it gets to 2? Or will he ever let that happen

>> No.2636511

I'm with you man. Same amount invested (albeit I bought at the ATH before it dipped). I don't know what it will take for it to start catching the rising train. But I guess BAYshills advocate slow growth so gotta take their word for it

>> No.2636618
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A lot of people think David is against getting more devs, but the fact is that this project was essentially "dead" (in terms of money coming in) until crypto "came back" earlier this year. Hiring another dev would have been unsustainable, and furthermore, there's no real reason to so long as the project keeps making acceptable progress. He's openly expressed that he's willing to work with other people on the client, but as the most fundamental features are coming to fruition (such as the rolling peg), it may be better to just let the man finish and then bring in more devs for the clean up crew (tidying up the UI, making it easier for normies to use, etc). We do discuss how we will scale up semi-frequently in the core team chat.


Well I'm totally cool with fast growth too, but it sure is nice that we haven't seen any massive dips lately! So long as it pumps fast off real, organic growth of people who are actually in it for the project and not some moonkid nonsense I would 100% prefer that.

>> No.2636755

I get what you're saying. You have to understand that everyone is apprehensive about David being the only developer for several reasons:

1) if the source code isn't on available, what if he's in an accident (hope not but still) and boom everyone's money is gone
2) that clean up programming and UI design you're talking about can still be done simultaneously. No need to wait
3) I get what he means by waiting and executing appropriately. But if he feels like this is his "baby", he's gonna be weird about bringing people in. A perfectionist mindset. Which is great because the product will be great. However, it takes teams to code projects. There's literally not 1 monster app or service that was one guy who did everything in terms of coding.

But if this is a monster as you say, should be no problem finding another programmer. That's why I don't know if it's actually been really difficult as they say or he's just scared to let someone tinker around with his baby

But hey man, I'm in. I have a lot vested. It's great a marketing team is now together so I see the project is moving along well. Good shit on that.

>> No.2637329
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Bumping for the BAYbes

>> No.2637391

Shill who started the bitbay awareness on /biz/ by pointing it out as a possibly undervalued coin like pivx in a crypto generals thread a few long months ago and then got bored and started shilling Dopecoin here, you're all a bunch of bitgays

>> No.2637963
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You say it like its a bad thing.

>> No.2638017

I think his reticence might be due to how it all started with BobSurplus's scammy cunts making off with everyone's bitcoin and leaving David holding it all together.

Wouldn't surprise me if the guy had some trust issues after that. The fact he's taken it upon himself to drag the project this far single handedly shows the integrity of the guy.

t. bay long term hodler, in at 344 sats.

>> No.2638264

Fuck it, im going to buy some bay. You fucking bitgays got to me.

>> No.2639129
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>> No.2640403



Fuck Bob surplus

T. Oldfag

>> No.2640421


>> No.2640435


Source code is available but obfuscated if I recall correctly

>> No.2640438

get lost bagholder

>> No.2640439

Friendly reminder that Syscoin is better and will always be. They don't have to shill on biz to get buy orders.

Praise kek.

>> No.2640561


Why is it better?

>> No.2640600
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>Holding bags

>Gets 15-50% weekly while staying stable during waves.

Do research before you invest, but BAY is a solid HODLcoin with solid gains. Check the charts.

And once the rolling peg comes out, it'll spike. In the meantime we are just riding waves and getting comfy, steady, reliable gains.

>> No.2640767


How many times do you cunts need to be told DONT BUY AT AN ALL TIME HIGH, especially when there was a massive sell wall at 2k sats.

>> No.2640848
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Buying high, a /biz/ classic.

>> No.2641592


This is true. I don't mention this in the threads because frankly that was literally years ago and it would be best to just move on from the ICO shenanigans. A lot of very shitty people latched onto David's reputation and sucked the project dry, which as a somewhat new coiner is symbolic of the times in my opinion. Lots of cynicism has followed this project since the start due to that, but thankfully we have reached a point today where we can say all investors have had fruitful returns on their investment in this project, and anyone who sticks around will certainly see their patience rewarded tenfold.

One advantage to the ICO being so tainted (at least for new investors like me) is that when BAY initially rose out of the grave (around the 300 satoshi mark), all of the bagholders came back to dump. While this affects the price in a negative manner, when those old-timers are done dumping the price will certainly have an easier time climbing up to its rightful place.

No disrespect intended to any long term BAY bagholders, you have certainly earned every right to dump if you have held a project with such humble beginnings for this long.

>> No.2642012
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bumpity bump for comfy gains train

>> No.2642021

Did you buy in deeper during the drop? Can't wait for this badboy to break 2k sats.

>> No.2642135
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I've been edging to the 1d chart for hours now.... the breakout is soon, brother, and it's gonna be yuge

>> No.2642214

I'm heavily invested, but I don't think it's breaking 2k, or even 1700, for a little while. Some fuck set up a big old sell wall. I'm just riding the waves and increasing my stack for now, until we break though (next week, I'm hoping)

>> No.2642229
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>> No.2642254

It's only a couple of BTC, I don't think it'll break 2000 either but it will reach it like a couple days ago when it hit a REAL sell wall (10+ btc) tomorrow I reckon.

>> No.2642390
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it'll either break tomorrow with the momentum its gaining after overcoming the sellwalls, or it'll just stablize for a week like it always does.

In the meantime get comfy and get ready for the REAL launchoff when the rolling peg comes in the winter.

>> No.2642399

Q4 will be heaven brother.

>> No.2642533



>> No.2642560
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Logging off for the night - remember to check out the new BAY Discord! https://discord.gg/sP8b66W

>> No.2643071
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Bumping for BAY.

Get on board if you haven't yet fags.