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File: 85 KB, 293x271, I will kill myself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26331824 No.26331824 [Reply] [Original]

I did everything I was meant to do in this life. I finished school with good grades. I got a degree and found prestigious job. I own a place to live. I even had good love affairs. But the truth is I am doomed to wage. I will never be able to cope with this. I had a complete mental breakdown today because of my job and I left it. I barely have any money saved due to me buying a place to live recently and a car.

Just the thought of having to work again fills me with suicidal thoughts. Yesterday I almost killed myself. My family is falling apart because of my aunt going insane. Everything seems so fucked.

Every side hustle I have turns out wrong and does not create enough interest.
I knew about BTC since 2011. Never bothered investing even 5 dollars.

I just want to be free. Nothing else. I don't want to work ever again.

Sorry if this seems chaotic. What is the most painless way to kill myself?

>> No.26331887

Don’t do it anon. You can still make it. I believe in you.

>> No.26331915

Everyone who goes suicidal on /biz/ is redirected to /lit/ and become cured

So with that said, your time here is over friend, its time to move to /lit/ and study philosophy like a real man

>> No.26331979

Grow the fuck up kid

>> No.26332048

You're not going to do it. Otherwise you'll lose the crazy bullrun we're about to see

>> No.26332099

Deal and steal if you have to but don't kys without having tried everything

>> No.26332215
File: 293 KB, 796x1062, micheal aoun flou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better not be bait anon. Anyway, you know if you killed yourself, you might not go to hell or heaven like they say, but have an eternal nightmare during some minutes after your death? imagine the worst nightmare you had other than your life. make that 10 times and eternal with no escaping. Anyway that is my opinion, but cannot be further from the truth. Just imagine the eternal nigthmare, I call it hellmare. Do you really want to experience it?

Other thing, you know that if you are on /biz you are already soemone who could access to the elite autists and brainwits or based retards? just imagine you were the chosen ones. Some normies will die bouv and all those years of evolution and creation was like for nothing. Do you want to die like (((them)))? I am sorry If I seem condescending, but bro use your brain and hope it is bait.

And imagine if you reincarnated in a shittier soul and life?

And you know you can not work by being a welfare state type of guy? nobody will know.

Be free. You are free, think about it. Stop cooming also.

TL: DR: JUST WAGESLAVE FOR 40YEARS LMAO. do not do it, it is not a win win situation and I think it is bait.

>> No.26332238

At least go out Minecraft style

>> No.26332275

Take loan, buy Chainlink from Coinbase. Wait 5 years max for financial freedom. Pay the intrest while working. You will definetly have money from Link end of this year to pay back the loan. Now meanwhile you wage and wait, use the time to work gym/self development/meditation or go to just speak therapist. Its pain i know been there. You will make it. PATIENCE.

>> No.26332312

buying a place and a car
>I have no money

well, you were never meant to make it lol.

>> No.26332315

feel you anon
Idk how to cope with waging either. Live barely worth it anyways.
I don't think there is another way, I'll just keep going till I give up.

Can't help you anon, but know youre not alone.

>> No.26332357

wait 5 years
>wait 5 years

>> No.26332368

fuck this nigger

>> No.26332388

nothing of value is lost

>> No.26332394

If you have a place to live and a car (in a first world country) you're doing better than 99.99% of all people that have ever lived.

Chin up butter cup

>> No.26332430

You own your car and house outright and you're depressed? You realize there are people in their 30s and 40s with hundreds of thousands in debt, right?

You have literally 100% of your essentials down. Perhaps you need to come up with a business idea, or go see a shrink.

>> No.26332434

if you jump off the right bridge I guess it's quite painful but it's also a guaranteed death

a lot of methods aren't as good because you will subconsciously foil yourself because of primal instinct to try not to die

>> No.26332437

This. You need /lit/ and /fit/

>> No.26332458

>Buy bitcoin
>Wait 5 years
It's actually that simple
Best way to kys is an exit bag. Google it.

>> No.26332591

how old are you

>> No.26332598

What you should do is this: just walk away. Walk away from everything, literally on your feet. Buy a big backpack, choose a city 500 miles away, and walk there. Buy a real map and find the smaller highways to walk on, stay away from interstates if you're in the US. Camp out of your pack just wherever you stop that night, or get a hotel if you really need every few nights, but conserve your money.

This should take a couple months at least. You will not make an income during this time. You will default on any loans you have. Your close family will resent you for doing this. Your friends (if you have any) will either be impressed or thing you're a massive autist. This will be a meditative and transformational monk-like experience. Trust me.

If you're going to kys anyways, might as well try this. I promise it will be an adventure.

>> No.26332661


>> No.26332667

You can still make it anon. Keep in mind the ultimate revenge on your boss, friends and everyone who thinks you have to be a wagie is to make it by trading obscure shitcoins.

>> No.26332672

Hey you fat skulled retard.
Spend a year aquiring as much spy ETFs as possible, and move to cambodia.
Sell covered calls, and you can easily live on half of the premiums while reinvesting the rest.

Now you don't have to wage, and you can spend all day in a hammock, sipping a smoothie, and getting your dicks sucked my a qt.

>> No.26332676

Quit your job
You’re being manipulated by a machine

Get on unemployment, and then invest some of it, or whatever you don’t need to live, eat, and have internet-access

>> No.26332678

I wish you had done it before posting this thread.

>> No.26332681

YOU OWN A FUCKING HOUSE THIS PUTS YOU IN THE TOP 0.0001% of the fucking world.
just get on the dole or something and neet in your own place fuck

>> No.26332685

i am pragmatic now, but this is the safest option

>> No.26332708

Honestly this or anything close to this, if you're really going to kill yourself and don't care anymore might aswell do something like this.

>> No.26332734

How tf are you having an existential crisis at 25, bitch you don't even had time to accumulate capital to get out of the shithole, you're cringing me out so much lmao

>> No.26332740

I dont understand you people. Why wouldnt you *** a bank or something like that if its really come down to this. I used to work at a bank and people did it all the time it wasn't even a shocking event.

>> No.26332742

This. If your gonna do it then at least do something to better the world on your way out. Like the other anon said, if you live in a first world country, have a degree, and own a house/car, you are in the top 5% if not 1% of wealthy people in the world. Stop being a whiner and man up, find a job you don't hate as much.

>> No.26332800

I have a friend like you. Used to send me pics from college parties while I was sitting home browsing /biz/. Seethed pretty hard when I showed him my $500k portfolio. I only brought it up because he got a job developing AI and I am 100% LINK.

>> No.26332819

And now with everyone wearing cuck rags on their faces there's a way higher chance of getting away with it.

>> No.26332824

Read rich dad poor dad, anon
And don't kill yourself
I completely understand why you'd dislike working

>> No.26332932

God you are such a pussy

>> No.26332947

Just find something that makes you happy and keep moving forward
most exit bags dont work anymore cause they started putting oxygen in helium tanks to prevent suicide

>> No.26332946

You grow the fuck up too. I swear kids these days

>> No.26332961

everyone feels this way... perhaps watch some vids about hikers who live their life just hiking.... i followed a few that lived in tent for 5 years, walking the entire uk coast like walking each day and then setting camp by end of day. you dont need to do such big thing, but it does click in your head, that you do not need a house, you do not need these materialist things society forces us to go for, you can live in tent just as easy a house and be happy and free. food becomes free when you know how, theres this homeless guy who does this too and he gets free food as being homeless he knows how to get it. if you treat homelessness as a none stop hiking trip, it actually becomes better than being housed. and then you realise you fretted for nothing and society is too materialistic and sucky and they hid this better lifestyle from you... hell if you have a house you could probably do that comfortably if you can sell the house and have 100k or so banked, the people doing this had no money at all lol so youd be fine, this always helps me, i now have a pack and tent waiting for me producly for the time that i ditch housed materialist life for happy life of freedom and outdoor camping. just avoid big cities... cities suck at all times. your camp must be in woods away from people. otherwise it will probably feel shit in a gray city.

>> No.26332980


>> No.26333051

Ok since I see some assholes here taking it lightly. I tried to kill myself a few years back. Thankfully it didn't work, but as soon as I woke up I was craving life more than ever, and very thankful. Sometimes we go through dark places but in retrospect it's really nothing. As other anons said, you are already better than the average person, financially. Focus on other things on your spare time and stop thinking about "making it". I have more serious issues now than I did when I tried to kms at 25 but I'd take that over eternal nothingness (or who knows what's there)

>> No.26333078

>sell house
>sell car
>buy one of those traveling vans
>hit the road


but instead of walking try train surfing

>> No.26333084
File: 28 KB, 300x289, 1597963187008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

Genesis 3:17b-19

>> No.26333093

Also, you sound like you'd like a life of spiritual growth and contemplation

>> No.26333106

Don't let the chaos energy destroy you copypasta

>> No.26333134

kek just become a neet faggot
how much do you need?
if you make x a month and spend only 0.2x being a neet, you have 4 free months for every worked month. If you work for a year, you have 4 years worth of neet life in savings.
I don't work more than 3 years in the same job. When I'm done I quit and live off my savings, exploring new things, learning, creating cool projects. Then I feel I can work aging, and always find a better job because my skills have grown, but I always try to make it during my NEET-season. If it doesn't work, I wage cuck for another 2 years and try aging.


>> No.26333153

I've thought about doing this>>26332598 OP, and for your situation you should too.

Save what you can for a little while, throw it into Crypto or some speculative investment, and then just go backpack or live off the land for a few years.

You either come back to nothing, or hopefully you'll have enough to be secure and not have to work.

Killing yourself is pointless

>> No.26333191

just buy some shitcoin shilled on here, invest $1k and 2x your money 3 times and retire. What's so hard about that?

>> No.26333212

if your willing to kill yourself you are also willing to make drastic changes in your life, dont kill yourself, use that as motivation to make some life changes you have been too depressed or scared to do, you can make it

>> No.26333228
File: 617 KB, 1043x1621, 1611176870450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy rubic before it moons and you will make it.

>> No.26333249


>> No.26333301

I work 15-20 hours a week, it feels like almost nothing, merely a nuisance. The job is telephone operator at a market research company. THey always look for people, and they hire ANYone. Its boring but 3 hours a day are enough to pay rent (fuck landlords)

>> No.26333309


I don't want to tell you the whole story of my life, but I want you to know you ain't alone. I been through some dark shit in the past. Parents divorced, dad only cared about new gf and her daughter. Felt fucking lonely. Got bullied in school, got choked, I thought I was going to die. My dad found gf's daughter hanging, suicide at 15. Dad had suicidal thoughts, always talking about killing himself. My ex which was my first gf left me for her ex and ODd 6 months after she left. Lost all my revenues in a day, started taking all drugs possible, drowning in alcohol so much I couldn't remember what happened the day before. Xanax + alcohol, alcohol + speed and heroine. Almost died a couple times. And some other fucked up shit I won't tell you here.

I focused on stopping these addictions and poor life habits. Lost 25 pounds, started doing YouTube, learned how to do photography and videography by myself. Now I got contracts and I make over $100 a day with YouTube. Doing 60k+ a year but still living in my inlaws basement and owning an old car. Investing this money in crypto and in a couple months maybe by a house.

You ain't what you own, you ain't your degrees, you ain't your past. Get rid of what you don't need, focus on yourself, exercice and learn new things.

Things will get better I swear. Suicide is never an option.

>> No.26333381

please don't do this. This is a gamble.

>> No.26333406

i feel you anon, i'm 25 too, jobless neet living with parents, i did make decent investment choices and have some kind of money though i guess, but i just had the realization that cashing out isnt going to really change my life
50k, 100k, 300k, i still need to find a way to turn that money into more money, and no aping into shitcoins or even waiting 3 years for a bitcoin cycle no more, so i recommend you first spend time finding something you enjoy
>you can sell porn art online
>you can make podcasts
>you can code websites, games, whatever
theres a lot of things in this life you can monetize, but thats not the point, the point is that from these 3 things above, or whatever else you find, you pick the one you ENJOY doing, just stop worrying about money for a bit, you can borrow, you can wagie a brainless job where you literally spend time thinking about this new hobby you acquire, that WILL make you money in the future if you commit to it, is there anything you feel like you would enjoy anon?

>> No.26333408

Someone did this to you, anon.
Ending your life when you enemy is in front of you is a total waste.
At least bloody his nose before you go.

>> No.26333442

Why haven't you seen a doctor?

>> No.26333459


>> No.26333516

wagie, wagie, what jobs were you working at that they're so bad you wanna kill yourself? I'm profiting left right center here and I miss working with my hands. give your head a wobble and go develop a skill.

>> No.26333538

actually inspirational holy fuck

>> No.26333563

What's your YouTube account?

>> No.26333582

Why not buy an index fund
Or learn about value investing
I suggest you read:
The richest man in babylon
Rich dad poor dad
The little book that beats the market

>> No.26333587 [DELETED] 

>I focused on stopping these addictions and poor life habits. Lost 25 pounds, started doing YouTube, learned how to do photography and videography by myself. Now I got contracts and I make over $100 a day with YouTube. Doing 60k+ a year but still living in my inlaws basement and owning an old car. Investing this money in crypto and in a couple months maybe by a house.
this is exactly what im talking about anon, you can monetize anything nowadays

>> No.26333626

Anon you will make it. Don’t fucking do it, life is worth living. I almost lost my own life due to suicide and I can tell you it will get better. Trust me, there are still plenty of shitty days, but in general my life has improved. Don’t fucking do it you bastard, you might think you are cashing out, but the ones left holding your bags are friends and family. I might be an anon faggot on a mindless forum, but I’m not just shilling for life.... it WILL get better bro

>> No.26333675


sounds like you need to do shit.

most of the shit you do doesn't work.

that's life.

you keep doing shit until you find something that works. then you keep doing it until it stops working or you die or wanna do something else.

that's it.

if you're in pain, just start doing hard drugs.

think of it as killing yourself slowly in a much cooler way

>> No.26333689


>I focused on stopping these addictions and poor life habits. Lost 25 pounds, started doing YouTube, learned how to do photography and videography by myself. Now I got contracts and I make over $100 a day with YouTube. Doing 60k+ a year but still living in my inlaws basement and owning an old car. Investing this money in crypto and in a couple months maybe by a house.
this is exactly what im talking about anon, you can monetize anything nowadays

>> No.26333737
File: 76 KB, 665x400, 1611180974968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this, board is filled with normies suggesting "just stop being sad lol"
unironically this and so much this. Buy benadryl and take it.

>> No.26333746

ill look into it but i just couldnt be fucked to keep this money up in the air like this, im 25 but i think like a boomer, i need a real business of some sort, id rather even oversee businesses making me money than look at charts and wait for my money to multiply but also potentially evaporate like what happened in march

>> No.26333761

imagine seeing someone who wants to kys and the only thing you can think of is plugging your little scam again.

>> No.26333807

I can't tell now that i've said all this weird shit about me. But I own a music account.

>> No.26333955

Why not own parts of businesses instead?
Or real estate

>> No.26333960

Ok I posted an encouraging remarked, but fucking keked at this pajeet who literally couldn’t provide a shred of intelligent commentary without shilling his latest rupee

Good friend very sorry many blessings from Krishna he would want you to buy this coin to feel better

>> No.26334042

Please don't do it anon.

>> No.26334177

dude stop panicing.
Your unconscious is making you miserable so you wake up and live your life the way you want to, in freedom.
By Following societies standard program you have betrayed yourself, for years and years,
now it is coming to an eruption of suppressed betrayel of your own lifepath and destiny. Which can only be DISCOVERED by yourself , no one knows your destiny.
Now good thing you quit your job. take a step back, zoom out, dont think about past and future, just take a view on where you are right now. make a list, write it down, then also write down what makes you feel bad, and lock yourself in isolation from any distraction and influences (this is hard for most people because we are so used to endless consumption of media aka NPC lifestyle) AND then write down what you want from your life experience, the more detailed the better. after you fall asleep from exhaustion you will feel better and have a list of goals the next day, that is the first step to the path of your very own life. you just need to connect the dots and make a roadmap kinda like a shitcoin project kek, of how you are going to go after the stuff you want and not what somebody wants of you. also take responsibility for your life and its direction now. It is hard and will make you miserable in the short term, but longterm you will be more content with what your life has become than anything that you are having right now. dont give up, dont give in to the easy way out. find a reason to life, even if it is just to see mount fuji from the top or something . i wish you strength and honor.

>> No.26334384

what a start in life .
Glad you found the way out of addiction and took responsibility.
You should definitely at some point make video about your life story or write a book and help young men give a perspective that there is a way out of misery. Stay based.

>> No.26334491

You want unironic advise? Join a dating site, filter for older career women, date, have a baby with them, retire into the life as a stay at home dad.

>> No.26334504
File: 21 KB, 267x400, IMG_0268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, know that life is precious, and that it's a gift.

You have like a 1/28 billion chance of even being born when you account for the fact your little sperm and all of your forefathers sperm made it to your maternal line's eggs over 250,000 years of modern human evolution.

Just wait for a family member to die and observe their inanimate corpse as they lie in the coffin, and remind yourself how lucky you are to be alive.

Read the 15 Rules to Life and ignore the chan memes about it

>> No.26334518

Just start fighting the evil in this world. Since your suicidal anyways, now you’ll be like an invincible soldier !!!!!
Godspeed ANON

>> No.26334541

yeah i mean being a shareholder is something i plan to do in the future, real estate is also on my mind, i just need more capital for the latter, i dont have too much of that yet

>> No.26334732

Thank you anon, I really appreciate it. Would be hard to do since my family doesn't really know about my struggles. Always kept it to myself. I could publish a book anonymously. If it could help others I'd be glad.

>> No.26334854

This. >>26331824 go /litfit/ you tremendous faggot.

>> No.26334905

my brain hurts a lot

>> No.26334970

How do I mentally deal with chronic pain?

>> No.26335013

rent out rooms in your house?

>> No.26335085
File: 107 KB, 1080x639, 1587580091769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

collecting wagie tears is one of my main hobbies beside vidya and lifting

>> No.26335090

Please help.

>> No.26335093

Anon you fucking got this. Fucking crush it. You got this man.

>> No.26335335

Smoking can help
Sadly it will hurt your motivation, and you may lose some time. But in the long run pain will make you lose more time, maybe all of it

>> No.26335343

tell the truth to your parents ands ask for forgiveness first. What is family good for if you cannot accept each other. after initial shock they might accept you or not. after that think about the book/helping others part anon. First help yourself

>> No.26335452

What pain

>> No.26335489

hate when people say this but this is a time when google is your friend. you'll find more answers than in this thread

>> No.26335629

> wagies kill themselves
seems kinda based not letting yourself get jew'd, but at least have fun in life before ending it. see >>26332275

>> No.26335757

You posted something like this a week ago right? About quitting your job?

>> No.26335779
File: 424 KB, 1312x692, 65284020a0f77533d1e165a2fb5dcd2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also I noticed pic related use wagie wojak. you think he browses /biz/ kek

>> No.26335786

don't do it fren. get some professional help. it might not feel that way right now, but you can have a better live in the future. it does get better. but you cannot give up. We believe in you. Get some professional help as well!

>> No.26335851

>lives in the easiest time to be alive
>in america
>finished school and got a good job
>wahh I don’t want to work
I 100% genuinely hope you do kill yourself I don’t even care if you stream it just fucking do it

>> No.26335856


>> No.26336064


>> No.26336244

You're young, it gets easier. Once you're in your 30s or 40s you'll have been through enough fires to have context. It might suck now, but it won't suck in a few months and you won't even remember most of the bad days.
> But the truth is I am doomed to wage.
You know that's not true anon. You can always go on your own and start fresh. Move to a new city, start something that you can call your own. There are plenty of possibilities in front of you.

>> No.26336362

Thanks just bought 100 links

>> No.26336751


>> No.26337187

I lost over 160k today. I have had no will to live for over 3 months now, and i feel you, i truly do. Uncertainty about future, you wanting to just be free and make it, and the constant hurry. I know life is horrid, i have been to shit myself, even worse then this crash.
I recommend to you what all others here have, backpack, grab your shit and head out. Go places that other men never go to, take a long hike across the country.

While others are busy trying to live, you should be the one truly living

>> No.26337199

based, great work

>> No.26337582

You did the right thing quitting your job - at the enf of the day, your health comes first.

Not having money is not a reason to kill yourself bro, trust. There are plenty of people here who "made it" but are still unhappy.

Take some time out and settle your thoughts before you do anything else.

You NEVER know what is around the corner in life bro, so plese don't neck yourself.

>> No.26338403

This, /biz/ retards chase money which can make anyone suicidal because consumerism is soulless in the end. Direct your attention to ancient wisdom and knowledge and find contentment within

>> No.26338483

I was 12 in 2011 and I wanted to play Runescape and I'd just discovered porn and masturbating so I do not blame myself for bad priorities. Still, I wouldn't be poor now had I'd actually done something after first learning about it. Still, look forward to the future, there's going to be plenty more money to make if you just go and do it and keep trying and take risks.
Don't kill yourself, sell your asshole for money to invest.

>> No.26338546

Please don’t do it man. Get over to /fit/ it’s time to start your journey

>> No.26338734

i'm like you but I have 21 btc.

It's my way out of this timeline.

Never selling.

>> No.26339067

fuck up cunt

>> No.26339105

Very comfy isn't it

>> No.26339368

>got a degree
>got a job
>house + car
>love affairs
>boohoo I want to kill myself
oh go fuck yourself, you're just a spoiled brat who wants everything served on a plate

people have actual problems and don't kill themselves, at least if you had some medical issues I'd understand

anyway, I'll give you some advice though, quit your job for a few months (hope you got savings). You need time away from that shit.
Also, buy GRT, you will 10x by next year

>> No.26339579

just bee urself

>> No.26339633

>he thinks this will make him happy

>> No.26339660


>> No.26339693

>Knew about Bitcoin in 2011 and didn't invest $5

You're assuming that you would've known to sell in late 2017. You're assuming you wouldn't forget your password and get locked out of millions, or sell in 2015 to make $60,000 when you could've sold in 2017 or 2020 to make millions, or wouldn't get fucked over by Mt.Gox, or get caught up in the wrong altcoin. You could've decided it was over in 2018, sold when it was in the low thousands, and missed the bull run that just happened and may still be happening.

>> No.26339743

Life is suffering. Learn to embrace and channel the pain.

>> No.26339958

i lost 1/10 of life savings today and felt the same but you must persevere ....consumerism will kill you on the inside.. find intellectual freedom and wealth rather than commodities that personify what is 'living'. God bless ya anon <3

>> No.26340006

he has a mortgage on both probably.

>> No.26340027

youre still crazy young lol, you will look back when your 30 and say wow im a fucking retard.

>> No.26340074

I don't chase money because of consumerism, I chase wealth and power to secure the current and future generations of my family and give them a lifestyle that won't force them to be wagies or live in pods and eat bugs.

>> No.26340148

>chase wealth and power
>cares about fake colored paper
Money is not power. Knowledge is power. With the correct knowledge you could have as much money as you desire.

>> No.26340184

You should be able to do this long term with a job and investments. Why don't you like your job? Maybe its time fore something else?

>> No.26340343

Don't do it OP.

Cut out substances. Exercise and do what you love as a passionate hobby. Meaning fuck work if you have to

>> No.26340358

How much linkies ?

>> No.26340531

how does anyone unironically fail suicide? If you're only trying to get people's attention or cry for help then that's not a real suicide attempt

>> No.26340742

Get some help you faggot.
And grow the fuck up with your shitty first world problems. I grew up in poverty, studied and worked even as a kid to get to the life I had now. Im a Accountant-lawyer, but a virgin at age 28 and terrible with romance with women.

You sound like everything was handed to you in a silver platter, yet you are depressed because "boohoo I have to work"

>> No.26340809

Based virgin do you have PIED?

>> No.26341252

Oh fuck off you piece of shit. Boo hoo I grew up in poverty and never been with a woman. I can almost guarantee you will cry and go into severe depression the first time a girl dumps you. OP came for advice and you shit on them whilst giving us your sob story.
Fuck you Anon. Fuck you

>> No.26341360

uR A faggot too, but i am too for this post

>> No.26341368

Ur a POS peddling ur shitcoin here

>> No.26341415

Hello sir

Please buy rubic before die

Rubic is help you



>> No.26341552


>> No.26341640

Don’t do it
>What is the most painless way to kill myself?
Helium tank and mask

>> No.26341672

>130 replies
Meanwhile my suicide threads get me banned and I have to buy a second 4chan pass. Fuck Jannies

>> No.26341691

there are ALWAYS new opportunities. Trust me. They pop up all the time, and some of them you can make.