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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 3 KB, 506x62, insanity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2632814 No.2632814 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck, Coinbase. How in the fuck is it more than $2 to send $10 worth of BTC? I don't need it done in the next gorram picosecond, this is a non-emergency transaction. This is the last fucking straw. I'm done with this fucking piece of shit site. Let me fucking set the transaction fee goddammit.

>> No.2632884

paid 30$ fee on a 1000$ transaction on blockchain.info. lost another 40$ on the falling price. fastest $ I ever spent.

>> No.2632918

I'd be totally willing to pay $0.03 as a transaction fee, but Coinbase sets the fees way too high, and there's no way to lower them (even if you, again, don't need the transaction done urgently). That's what pisses me off.

>> No.2632942

why is there a transaction fee anyway, just reward the miners indefinitely

>> No.2632956

miners are jew

>> No.2632981

Transaction fees are how miners get paid without infinite inflation. BTC is designed to be non-inflationary, which means miners have to be compensated somehow once BTC stops paying out entirely on new blocks. The retarded thing is just how high the fees are set; if they were less than 1% of the transaction, 1% at the absolute maximum, that would be ideal. But instead we have 20+% transaction fees.

>> No.2632996


this is why LTC wins

LTC has cheaper transaction fees than BTC or ETH

>> No.2633015

send someone 50 cents of ETH to test
had to pay 20 cents gas to send it

ridiculous bullshit. ETH is just as bad as BTC

>> No.2633046

so how does one start out in crypto without loosing a lot to these fees? I was recommended coinbase yesterday...

t. coinless

>> No.2633063

Transaction fees are flat you idiots. That means it's the same price if you're sending $10 or $10,000 in any coin.

>> No.2633089

how about you stop trying to send tiny sums of money on a system that clearly wasn't designed for it?
send $500 and then the fees won't seem so unreasonable

>> No.2633121


Raiblocks has NO fees

>> No.2633131

Because ur sending $10 u fucking dipshit

>> No.2633138

Buy bitcoin somewhere other than Coinbase. Even better, pay someone in cash to send you BTC into a wallet that can adjust transaction fees.

They're not flat, they're determined per kilobyte; every kb you add to the blockchain you pay some BTC for, but it shouldn't be $2 worth of BTC for such a tiny transaction.

The whitepaper pretty explicitly states that it's designed for microtransactions. $10 isn't even a microtransaction, that's an expensive goddamn pizza.

>> No.2633155

so something like localbitcoins?

>> No.2633168

Exactly. Those have the lowest fees and highest privacy of all the possible ways to buy BTC.

>> No.2633172

>BTC is designed to be non-inflationary
there is nothing wrong with inflation, it is a permanent way of rewarding miners at the cost of everyone. It's perfect

>> No.2634069

the whitepaper was written in 2008, it's clearly not a microtransaction-friendly system these days

>> No.2634148

Use blockchain.info wallet and transactions

They let you choose a tx fee and a recommended fee for priority. Great UX.

Also it doesn fuck around as much as coinbase and is still up right now

>> No.2634170


>> No.2634193
File: 22 KB, 326x316, 1497957178509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember this is perfectly okay because this is bitcoin, and bitcoin is the only coin that matters and it was the first, remember it is getting segwit and lightning, remember its getting rootstock, best coin, only coin, its okay to pay 20% fee to transfer, infact it would be okay to pay a 100% fee because it is bitcoin and its the only coin that matters

get rekt ethkeks

get rekt ltccucks

get rekt shitcoiners

>> No.2634233

>$10 isn't even a microtransaction, that's an expensive goddamn pizza.
t. faggot that only eats little Caesar's hot and readies.

>> No.2634315

so lemme get this right:

I buy btc through LBC, and then I transfer it to something like bittrex to do trading, and then I can also hold it safely in something like blockchain.info or multibit?

>> No.2634586

Why send so little you fucking retard. Kys and don't make stupid fucking posts. Saged.