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26326664 No.26326664 [Reply] [Original]


Hope you faggots have some liquidity ready to buy into the moon mission tomorrow.

Get your CoinMetro accounts ready with some funds in advance, this will hit 0.20 cents on listing like PRQ did.

>> No.26326697

At least spoonfeed some info on it if you are going to shill to us faggot.

>> No.26326842

>useless old token getting listed on a literal who exchange with no volume
yep, it's gonna moon alright... STRAIGHT TO THE ZERO

>> No.26326912

Kevin Murcko of CoinMetro brings only gems onto his exchange. The first exchange to list Link, the only exchange to have prq, brought on Quant...
This Encrypgen project is getting a double whammy of funding - it's utility token is being listed tomorrow which will mean an easy x10 within a month, and it's also being listed as an STO project which allows CoinMetro users to invest.

The coin is 0.04 cents right now. Have a look on CoinMetro listings and see what happens after they get listed - hint: they only go up.

>> No.26326972

Oh hey what's wrong, not enough money to fill your bag? Which coin have you bought at the top recently anon?

>> No.26326999


>> No.26327108

Oh hey again buddy, how's it going?
Thanks for the links before, you helped keep my hands steady a couple of weeks ago.

>> No.26327257

>The first exchange to list Link,
they weren't the first you retard
>the only exchange to have prq
haven't bought anything for over a year, comfy with my linkies. the token is useless and old there is no denying it. the only positives about it is that cm is listing it. that's it. and cm isn't the gem machine you newfag shillers like to make others believe it is, just look at the other garbage no one wants they have on there
i get that you're eager to dump your bags on newfags, but please don't mislead them too much

>> No.26327363
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x800, xcm night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's wrong about link but they did list it when it was a low cap
and they were the only good exchange to list prq for quite a while, hell they had the IEO of parsiq on there
and also listed qnt when it was a low cap
so yeah they kind of are the gem machine

i know you linkies only like two coins but you really should have picked up some parsnips when they were 0.009

>> No.26327559

this shit is such a fucking scam lmao
>website looks like shit
>founders is two random images with linkedin links
>following linkedin links leads to "profile unavailable"

I hope you don't have too much invested in this OP

>> No.26327598

Your fud is too desperate, perfect example of a secret bagholder.

>> No.26327805

>secret bagholder.
what does that even mean? bagholder of what?
do you genuienly believe this token has any value?

>> No.26327860

>this is what biztards call "research"

>> No.26327922

The flashier the website is, the more likely it is to be a scam retard. Has a project that has been ongoing since 2017 sound like it's going to rugpull?

yes, look into the project.

>> No.26327962

yes, buying into a project that has FAKE FOUNDERS on their website is probably not a good idea. You do you though anon.

>> No.26328078

>yes, look into the project.
i have, and my conclusion is that it's a useless token that no one wants. why don't you think so?

>> No.26328085

oh wow now i know for sure you're nuts bro, Have you even watched the interviews and checked out the Twitter profiles? They check out.

>> No.26328172

i know where this anon is coming from, i probably would have thought the same if i just went to the website with 0 context
listen, they have been working on this since 2017.. can you even imagine how many projects from that era are still around? the fact they didnt give up when the coin went to 0 shows insane motivation, and now they are ready to show what they worked on

yeah so no one wants to have privacy when doing dna tests? no one wants to make money from selling their data instead of giving that same money to the jews, yeah dude its useless, no one would want that

>> No.26328244

I have been buying dna for the last month lel

>> No.26328305
File: 27 KB, 128x128, thicc impostor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already got a bag from uniswap ready, how do i ad liquidity?
(im not sure if coinmetro is available here in NYC)

>> No.26328330

This shit hasn’t move since 2017. They’ve made no progress

>> No.26328439

science websites are usually poorly styled anyway, anyone who has been to a university knows that.

>> No.26328495

they are making big progress now with a few projects and will get a shedload of funding from the cm sto...

>> No.26328501
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>(im not sure if coinmetro is available here in NYC)
im sorry anon :(

>> No.26328524

>yeah so no one wants to have privacy when doing dna tests? no one wants to make money from selling their data instead of giving that same money to the jews, yeah dude its useless, no one would want that
glad we agree, i don't think so either. only incel nerds cares about privacy, if you haven't noticed

also the token isn't even needed. from their own website:
>Bitcoin (BTC) Ethereum (ETH), DNA tokens and soon other cryptocurrencies may be used to purchase genomic data and other DNA products and health related services in the Gene-Chain Marketplace.
>>>Bitcoin (BTC) Ethereum (ETH), DNA tokens and soon other cryptocurrencies

>> No.26328583

Yeah after 6 months of discussion with Kevin Murcko that will most likely change - he dramatically changed the tokenomics of prq too if you don't remember.

>> No.26328729

source of murcko being responsible for new prq tokenomics pls (prq tokenomics are still garbage tho, but that's for another thread).
as it is now, there is no reason to buy, unless you think a cm listing alone will hype it enough short term, which it probably won't

>> No.26328863

if you're too lazy to join the cm discussions and DYOR yet keen to fud on dna then i'm calling you out as a secret bagholder.

>> No.26328953

>no source
thanks, that's all i needed to know. the only bagholder here seems to be you

>> No.26329073

you really hate on everything dont you? even on fucking privacy and not having big companies sell YOUR data away for profit.
am i falling for bait?

I'd be really interested in the projects you find good, they must be 10/10

>> No.26329176

i only hold link and xcm. i don't hate on privacy, just aware of that no normie gives a shit. token has no value, end of

>> No.26329400
File: 586 KB, 880x946, coin metroid 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're really not baiting then damn, you're even more critical of projects than i am.
but maybe you're looking at it the wrong way

sure normies might not care about privacy.. but they care about free money.
23andme does not collect meta data, something really important for scientists, encrypgen offers that, meaning the data coming from there is even more valuable for scientists, meaning normies can make a lof of money
so they come on board
on top of shizos and nerds who care about privacy.
see? you're missing things when you look at things thought such a gloomy lens

one more thing, what do you think about quant, could be a pretty good buy for someone like you

>> No.26329476
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also this shit

>> No.26329804


>> No.26329911

Africa on board is also confirmed

>> No.26330086

what does that even mean, who is africa exactly

>> No.26330166

Partnership with a genome company in Africa is confirmed. Doing your own research will be rewarded in this case.