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26325826 No.26325826 [Reply] [Original]

What are your jobs and how much is your portfolio?

>Fresh grad into b2b sales job
> put a 1.5k into ETH & some more LINK in April
> Sitting at around 19k right now

>> No.26325869

No male nurses pls

>> No.26326624

Virtually identical scenario except I'm in tech consultancy. I fucking hate wagecucking

>> No.26326678

I am OP pic

>> No.26326687

Fresh grad doing UI/IX
38k when eth hit ath

>> No.26326748

graduated with a degree in finance, work in construction sales.
i mined a grand total of .1 eth and am just sitting on it.

>> No.26326757

>University lecturer
>€4k pm
>€200k crypto

>> No.26326772


>> No.26326782

5 Years in Staffing/Recruiting Industry. 1K in ETH /4K in GRT.

You faggots better start showing up to work on time. Stressing me the fuck out, losers.

>> No.26326815

>35k base pay
>4000+ in commissions every month

>all in on VET

>> No.26326850

Sale Engineer
12 BTC, 105 ETC

>> No.26326874

Stop calling me faggot

>> No.26326951

What the fuck is virtual tech consulting? I do B2B Security/Cyber Sec sales and salary blows but 10% net of deals is pretty solid you just gotta work your ass off

>> No.26326989

>Programmer, dropped out of college, 120k/yr
>Contributed to a crypto a few years ago and they gave me some tokens, $0
>Worth ~$800k now

>> No.26327003

Are you a recruiter? If so that’s a fucking tough job having to weed out the shits and even getting companies to sign on

>> No.26327040

Drop the name

>> No.26327064

Yeah. I worked for Agencies for a while but now I staff for a large manufacturing company. I dont have to worry about selling our services to customers.

>> No.26327075

I'm one of your wagies and you guys are scum imo get paid half the amount the agency gets paid for us.
stay mad i will continue to be late and not give a fuck until I'm paid properly

>> No.26327176

Concrete Construction project estimator.
110k in crypto (right now 50% link 50% BTC)

>> No.26327188

KEK. I guarantee you have no clue how it works. Also, you know the company they place you with sets the wage right? They ultimately are the ones that fucked you. Some agencies are scummy though. I bet you would love working with me, Anon.

>> No.26327203

Professional concept artist and illustrator working on films and movies, showing my artwork in my atelier. No savings because art pays shit, but there is no better career out there.

>> No.26327210

>$28k in BTC, ETH, AAVE, SNX, LINK
>$88k in boomer stonks
probably going to consolidate aave and snx

>> No.26327223

and yes i understand the agency need to make money but half our fucking wage and when you equate that to the massive labour force often employed by agency's we are being robbed

>> No.26327240

Teacher, 45k starting. 10k in crypto from 2k

>> No.26327251

commercial real estate analyst
90k portfolio

>> No.26327270

perhaps i have had a raw deal life just been hard trying to juggle getting into the electrical trade and keeping myself afloat on agency work. im just bitter about it anon

>> No.26327305

Do you actually think the agency takes your wages? Thats illegal. They charge a bill rate on top of the pay rate set by the company you are placed with fren. You receive the full amount of pay.

>> No.26327367

Ohhhhhh... Bro... I used to staff strictly Electricians and Data Cablers. That shit was miserable as fuck. The companies pay shit, treat people like shit and fire them for absolutely no reason. I will pray for you, Anon. You need to apply for a union job or a legitimate electrical company.

The only people they treated well was licensed master electricians and industry certified folks. They also paid them bank.

>> No.26327415

Broadway stage hand but my job got shoad by chinese aids so I'm currently working as a carpenter for a GC.
40 in crypto
5 in PMs
80 in stocks and bonds (retirement account)
33 and live at home. Ready to go innawoods.

>> No.26327484

yea its shit but i need money so i can get into electrical design and actualy ean bank without destroying my body anon. apologies for being a dick, the word agency just gives me ptsd.

>> No.26327504

Virtually identical scenario means I'm also a fresh grad who flipped my money with Link and Ethereum. Basically I talk to our Pajeet coders all day for our clients and help them build payment systems

>> No.26327530

I'm in XRP/XLM/Flare/LTC/Spark
for profit prisons, War, Arms manufacturing.

Seed banks, etc.

>> No.26327639

They make enough to cover insurance and can write off a shit load for taxes for bonuses
Literally making money by calling a company asking "do you need temp today"

>> No.26327722

>former airline CSR
>currently programming student
>7.5k mostly on XRP and linkies

>> No.26327731

>Image analysis PhD
>Mined in 2011, sitting on 17 btc in wallet + 32 on mtgox which Ill never see
I should get a japanese lawyer

>> No.26327818

I never thought you were being a dick, fren. You will absolutely make it. Hope things get better for you very soon, try to save as much as you can.

>> No.26327828

Dead end part time IT “assistant” doing bitch work and learning barely anything related to IT making 15$/hr

>> No.26327900

23 railway welder for DB
3k net
500€ in GRT

>> No.26327903

>Literally making money by calling a company asking "do you need temp today"

If only it were that easy. I understand people have bad experiences but not every agency is like that. My company pays competitively and they are all temp-to-hire positions. I have folks come in and get hired on FT after 2 weeks - 3 months. They get full benefits, 401K w/ company match and PTO right off the bat. Good companies are out there.

>> No.26327964
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PhD econometrics

no crypto, sold last night

>> No.26328041

Software sales

40k in investment accounts

$0 in crypto



>> No.26328093

sold enough in 2018 top to not work for a few years, waiting for this run to retire me & the wife. wage cucking is such a scam

>> No.26328118

>Med student +50k debt waiting to start masters, doing random hospital jobs for the time being for about 2,5k per month
>25k boomer stocks
>Started about 3 weeks ago ~2k spread around BTC, ETH and Dot

>> No.26328152
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99% of the replies here are LARP, I'm the other 1%

>$4000/month income
>$70,000 portfolio

>> No.26328188

Stop lying about how good every job is.

>> No.26328248

>32 on mtgox
Holy fuck sorry anon

>> No.26328253

>Med student
>2.5k a month
Fucking what? I made more as a dishwasher + tips 5 years ago

>> No.26328358

Account development Rep for startup
15k in crypto
13k in stocks
23k in savings
Age 27

>> No.26328372

I know people doing residency getting paid 14/hr

>> No.26328420

I clean the pee pee and poo poo

>> No.26328432


KEK. What job did they lie to you about? You ever think about researching a company online before accepting a position from an agency?

>> No.26328605

I have 2 jobs I'm totally unqualified for one makes me €12.5 per hour, one makes me €14 per hour, most of my money comes from doing nightshifts which pay about €30 per hour but I can only do 2 per week so yeah my salary sucks. But €14 per hour is considered a well paying job as a student here unfortunately

>> No.26329060

Lawlyer in M&A
460k yearly compensation
Own two BTC and 100 link

>> No.26329191

Network Engineer
>400 LINK

will I make it frens?

>> No.26329272

Pavement inspector

>> No.26329580

OnlyFans top 1% 450,000

>> No.26329740

Larp or you’re just retarded

>> No.26329831


>> No.26329850

>Broadway stage hand
How gay are you?

>> No.26330003

IDK if this is real or not

>> No.26330014

>Vehicle dismantler at a scrap yard
>got into crypto a couple days ago
>lost about 34 bucks, put 200 dollars into a mix of eth, bitcoin, lite coin, XLM and XRP
>gotta diversify

>> No.26330069
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male nurse, but I think I pass
Pic related

>> No.26330221

I daytrade and buy apartments in Ukraine to rent out.

>> No.26330675

Where are you based

>> No.26330714

would rather not say

>> No.26330736

Then dont respond you fucking retard

>> No.26330739


>> No.26330871
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>> No.26331354

>comp scientist
>bullish on eth 2.0 and link

>> No.26331702

I work for a crypto market maker.

$200k in crypto.

>> No.26331796

>20k, all in ETH :v)

Not feeling so good after that 16% drop but that's life.

>> No.26331853


>> No.26332138

So fucking cool

>> No.26332154

chemical plant monkey
sitting on half a coin since '17

>> No.26332200


Why does nobody talk about actual business and finance here? All they do is speculate on shitcoins, which are simultaneously the most useless and least predictable commodity.

>> No.26332239
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Ops Manager at CVS. Make 25/hr

Got like 4.5k in LINK GRT and a little in DOGE lol

>> No.26332395

Not a LARP faggot I’m moving in house next year

>> No.26333514

Operating theatre orderly
500 000 portfolio riding on Sergey

>> No.26334162
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>> No.26334552

This was an IRS thread. Thank you. Moshe shlomo will come for you!

>> No.26334625

100 ETH
100,000 Link
145K OzBucks

>> No.26334694

>IT Analyst
Got bags in PRQ, DOT, and Bonded because of Sameep

>> No.26335274

i take out loans to pay IRS

>> No.26335754
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Wildland firefighter

XRP :)

>> No.26336316

There was a gay kid who was afraid to come out bc he thought he'd be ridiculed. I'm a carpenter and that dept is full of based and redpilled masculine guys. The irish and italian mob had their hands in the technical side ,because of the unions I guess, and it lead to a lot of "street wise punks" working those jobs. So overall, much less gay then you'd imagine.