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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26308112 No.26308112 [Reply] [Original]

All the rubic shit flushed down the drain where it belongs

>> No.26308233

there’s a bunch of bagholders that fell for the shilling campaign
now they shill it themselves
people want to be a part of something

>> No.26308251

Nah, the bobo pajeetz are invading, get bodied

>> No.26308314

another flavor of the week shitcoin. let this be a lesson to biz newfags, never buy a coin thats suddenly shilled here after weeks of no mention

>> No.26308329

>make way boys, the pink wojacks have arrived
Kek my money is literally safer in rubic than in fucking eth and btc

>> No.26308358

you have no idea what the fuck is coming
few hours

>> No.26308396

This. The meme magic that is rubric has only just started

>> No.26308707

Lmfao stay poor OP

>> No.26308751

Was just browsing home page and saw a rubic thread right above this one

>> No.26308931
File: 100 KB, 680x583, rubic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nocoiner cope detected

>> No.26308936

Isn't every crypto just about shilling and attention? Does anybody really think there is a realistic chance bitcoin replaces fiat money?
Every coin out there is part of a pyramid or ponzi scheme and if you are in the upper parts of the pyrmide, you are good.
So Rubic is worth nothing like every other coin, maybe the reddit and youtube guys catch it, the newspapers write about it and we have another ETH. Or it dumps and no one remembers in two months. Whatever. That's how things work in crypto.

>> No.26308980

You better turn that RBC into ALGO or you'll be sucking random dicks for your only fans account

>> No.26309222

It's true for 99% of the shitcoins. there are a select few which are not that shitty and have actual usecases. These will survive and grow long term. the rest will just go the way of Bitbean, Bitconnect, Waltonchain and all the other shit from 2017. New shitcoins will replace them, terards will FOM in, pump them, get dumped on by whales who bought at 0.001 cents, and lose money. then they move to the next shitcoin doing some revenge deals and lose money again while doscord trannies chuckle and rub hands all the way to the bank.

>> No.26309302

...and anyone who didn't buy after the pump like an idiot it still up 10x. fucking room temperature IQ nocoiners, I swear.

>> No.26309477


>> No.26309571
File: 50 KB, 946x162, rlynewfag2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26309695


>> No.26309812

And then Elon tweets the word 'rubic' an we are um 10.000%. Getting rich today isn't reasonable.