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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 96 KB, 980x551, aptopix_financial_meltdown_wall_street_nyrd115_5962217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2630651 No.2630651 [Reply] [Original]

>way overvalued equities in every index in the world
>housing looking like 2007 in many different parts of the world
>options moving to bearish
>decade of 0% interest rates and QE
>even shitty start ups rolling for IPOs that get eaten up by normies
>bond-pricing is all kinds of crazy and delusional
>oil stuttering
>even cryptos trailing behind traditional investments due to people who search for sick gainzz in overvalued market
>commodities value is fucked up
>giant financial institutions trading in high risk CDOs again and they have polluted their books with every toxic asset possible
>normies enter into the market with leverage
>FED and ECB know all this and that's why they are so careful with their statements and interest rate increases

2018 is looking like the year everything is gonna blow up. We are going to see some very serious shit. I suggest you prepare for the dip to end all dips, only the strongest and bravest will survive.

>> No.2630685

Agree with everything you said.
Yield curve has been flattening a lot and maybe inversing very soon.
Many banks around the world are fucked and about to go bankrupt.

I've been thinking about those things for a time and trying to come up with a plan to get through crash in the best possible way.

>> No.2630735

My best plan so far is to dump my shit soon, november at the latest, hold fiat (provided cash is useful after the bubble burst) and then buy in again after the pit's bottom is found.

>> No.2630754

I predict massive inflation. Fiat isn't going to save you. Create value independently.

>> No.2630756

I will be surprised if we make it to 2018, stack those rice bags anons

>> No.2630778

I hold some land that has no debt, that's my only holding that has some worth in a world after the bubble.

>> No.2630795

I don't think it's gonna hit this summer, even though we have some clear indications of a bursting bubble.

>> No.2630808

FED plan to increase interest-rates again in 2017

>> No.2630813

Would you hedge with gold?

>> No.2630840

Equities aren't ever going to bearish any time within these next two years, sideways movements in the indices if anything.

However, safe havens will likely look to be on the increase, as risk management comes into play. You've already noticed bond yields coming down. Precious metals are experiencing significant accumulation (you see this quite clearly with silver finding strong support near $16.40), gold also withstood what people are calling a "fat finger" mistake where apparently 1.8million ounces of gold sold in that volume spike which caused the price to temporarily crash yesterday. It withstood 1.8 million ounce sell spike...

There is definitely safe haven accumulation occurring, no doubt. I'm just doubtful the stock market will give a shit.

>> No.2630926

>Equities aren't ever going to bearish any time within these next two years, sideways movements in the indices if anything.
I'm sorry but I have to beg to differ. Maybe I'm too "doom&gloom" memer, but it's seriously looking like 2007-2008 again.

>> No.2630937

how do one prepares for a crash ?

also i remmeber that last 2008 crash , the apartment prices fell but not that much. like 20-30%
im not that keep in buying an apartment now , the prices are high for what they offer.

i think ideally with 4 appartments (1 mil investment) and earning from the rent ( 7-8k euros/month), you could pass the crash with no major hits and also earning comfortably all your life.

>> No.2631073

>but it's seriously looking like 2007-2008 again
if we get a repeat of 2008 I am literally storming the nearest bank I can find and lynching every single staff manager, even the janitors. I swear to fucking god, don't try me you filthy hebrews. Don't fucking try me.

>> No.2631078


>> No.2631082


>> No.2631090

Land will also fall in value during crisis. Cash might be the only thing.

>> No.2631096

>lynching every single staff manager, even the janitors
Hello Bonnie, or should I call you "Mein Fuhrer"?

>> No.2631097

>implying (((they))) will let the great western scam collapse

>> No.2631104

>trusting the stock market
Look at the bond market dweeb.
All the pros over there.

>> No.2631120

Gold could be smart. Oil too.

>> No.2631125

They caused 2008 too, which in the long run was a very profitable crisis for them.

>> No.2631132

I've got just the soundtrack for this

>> No.2631142

to be honest 2008 was a walk in the part compared to what 2018 is going to be
I'm not even worried about fiat, my only concern is food and residence

>> No.2631180

get out of the city, these ain't industrial times to warrant it

+local community cohesion
+fosters manly skills
+no pretensiousness
+healthy spirit in healthy body
+conductive to independence from monopolies
-intellectual deficiency
-amenities questionable
-vulnerability of larger properties
-possible remoteness
-less communications
-requires driving to acquire anything impractical to produce

>> No.2631184
File: 100 KB, 782x1168, IMG_8905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy some silver now? Will it increase in price when SHTF?

>> No.2631188

gold/silver can aid you in providing a head start for post-SHTF situation of rebuilding and reestablishing civ

during SHTF it's barter/violence/local community sticking together

>> No.2631197

You think usd will crash?

>> No.2631209

And shrink their balance sheet. Doubt they will find many buyers for all the poison they are holding but you never known

>> No.2631234

Dumbfucks buy all kinds of cancerous garbage all the tile.

>> No.2631318

Agreed. Been predicting this since everyone went crazy with QE after 2008.

Having said that US$ always seems to scrape by.

>> No.2631333

>You think usd will crash?
it's just a matter of when and how

reminder that no fiat in history survived to this day

>> No.2631392
File: 37 KB, 479x382, 1495431673984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weapons are a good investment.

In the coming mad max world, the only thing that'll be worth anything is

>property (don't expect property rights after the fall, you must defend it)

Good luck, gentlemen.

>> No.2631403

batteries, generators, fuel sources, alcohol, medicine, hygiene products, water filters™

>> No.2631411

Sugar too.

>> No.2631419

According to that one serbian guy's inphographic, also coffee, tobacco and meds.

>> No.2631490

Of course, that is if you don't get robbed and executed in the middle of the night.


>> No.2631504


>> No.2631625

Why alcohol? (seriously)

>> No.2631675

It's useful for cleaning things and for forgetting your existence.

>> No.2631688
File: 662 KB, 685x463, FloridaFrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Florida here. They are building mcmansions everywhere. it looks just like 2007. Its happening.

>> No.2631701

If there's anything good in a general YUGE crisis, it's the /biz/ memes.

>> No.2631729

>water filters™
>why alcohol
because people love getting fucked up. more so when things are depressing and they wanna forget things for a while

>> No.2631736

also, can sterilize wounds
plus if it's potent, starting fires

>> No.2631744

>current temperatures
>5 F
dude i love the cold. fuck heat

>> No.2632829

We will be the last to fall because the US$ is a meme at this point. Everyone will rush to us in a global crisis. At that point the game is up once everyone realizes we've been running a ponzi scheme.

>> No.2632861

Chinese basically supported world economy since 07 with 30 trillion in expansion of bank balance sheets

too bad all they did was build fucking retard ghost cities

china isn't the future of anything, it is the biggest most corrupt bubble in the history of the world. That's where the next problem is, but this time you can't print money to save it

>> No.2633395

I think the China meme will die in the aftermath of FED and ECB balance sheet tsunami.

>> No.2633609
File: 403 KB, 800x900, 5a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'87 crash
>early 90s crash
>Tech wreck
>Housing bubble
>'15-'16 dip

>Crypto crater


>> No.2633637

What does this mean? None have survived to this day except the ones that are currently in use?

>> No.2634968

You can either sit in cash and wait to find a bottom, or you can invest in nice, safe boring investments like utilities, consumer staples, defense industry and like you say, apartment REITs.

For recessions, investing in 'inferior goods' like discount grocers, moving and storage companies and whatnot.

If you feel ballsy you can put some money into gold but commodities generally turn into shit and the price of gold is determined by retards so thats risky.

Anyways, I think there is at least a 20-40% correction on the way. Only reason S&P500 is up was because of oil and tech stock. Oil is shit now and tech stocks are absurdly overvalued.

Only thing is the real economy isn't that bad. It's just stock prices and those are also only this high because the bond market is such shit, there is nowhere else to put money.

I'd dump tech stock shit ASAP though.

>> No.2635090

A real normie solution would be to issue government currency with 0 interest (i.ei. debt free money)

>> No.2635996
File: 38 KB, 550x550, Too smartt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, backed by weaponized viruses and nanotech.