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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 681x608, Yellen-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26302929 No.26302929 [Reply] [Original]

>inflate the dollar to oblivion
>inflate the stock market with fake dollars
>say you're going to tax unrealized income forcing everyone to sell
>can't sell to dollars because they become more worthless by the day
>can't sell to metals since ((banks)) have been "coincidentally" buying them up for the last decade
>can't sell to real estate due to massive barrier to entry and chinese millionaires buying up everything
>so you sell for bonds and what are bonds? You giving your money to the government long term.
>government then uses your money to buy the crashed stock market
>in the end the government holds all your dollars in bonds, all your stocks for cheap, banks i.e the other government hold all metals, China holds your house

Thanks for playing goys. Maybe the masters will throw you some scraps if you work hard.

>> No.26302977

Shes a super accomplished economist, probably the most accomplished economist in the world, she's not gonna ruin shit stop with this fatalist retardation

>> No.26302998

Bump for justice

>> No.26303002
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You don't know what you're talking about retard

>> No.26303013

Your name is laquisha or fen fen?

>> No.26303048

she literally said she supports a stronger dollar
oh look the fucking piss stains on my toilet seat showed up

>> No.26303051
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Gas yourself kike

>> No.26303052
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>> No.26303069

no, anon.
the government doesn't even buy up the crashed real estate anymore, that privilege now belongs to Blackrock Finance.
They own a lot of the US now.
Whitney Bill Gates most of the US farmland...

>> No.26303075

ur poor

>> No.26303103

with jews you win

>> No.26303112

day of the rope will come

>> No.26303137

there are no black people on this board

>> No.26303145

Holy shit. You’re a retard.

>> No.26303194
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>hurr durr they've never taxed the rich before, but they're gonna do it this time I swear.
Can you Yellen posters and Biden tax plan posters just shut the fuck up already? NOTHING EVER HAPPENS AND NEVER WILL HAPPEN!!!

>> No.26303204

literally a super reasonable opinion but most people on this board have sub 100 IQs so ur reaction doesn't surprise me

>> No.26303207
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Nigga do you even short?

>> No.26303211


Prices have gone up big time in USA. 27 bucks for 2 fast food meals. Dollar is collapsing get ready lads

>> No.26303213

>Believing a kike overlord is to run normie-friendly legislation

>> No.26303240

Why are you pissing on your toilet seat?

>> No.26303244

>appeal to credentials
get a load of this clamped faggot

>> No.26303269

based. antisemitism will NOT be tolerated on this board

>> No.26303286

wtf else am I supposed to appeal to. Her policy? I've done that. She's literally done basically this job before and did totally fine if not great rope please

>> No.26303333

so i can pay poor idiots like you to lick it off

>> No.26303369
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She is a keynsian they already ruined everything


>> No.26303377

>7 posts by this yID
Gas yourself kike

>> No.26303412

That's kinda weird.

>> No.26303417

8 now, glad u can count

>> No.26303429
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>> No.26303451

hey look, enron accounting again.
fuck all of you.
mark to market never fails

>> No.26303452

Bros you know what must be done. Lets assemble an army

>> No.26303457

weak response

>> No.26303569

define ruin, i see our viewpoints diverge

>> No.26303840

stop trolling us, she is a super underqualified silver haired granny who belongs in a nursing home for retarded old people. If she is so smart why she say bitcoin bad? you ve got to be retarded to think bitcoin is bad or just plain evil.

>> No.26303841

It's all about taxes (hidden or not). dHEDGE solves this.

>> No.26303862

fucking faggot

>> No.26303977

Holy shit you are fat.

>> No.26304034

That's where you're wrong. She is a Polish jew from Brown that's 5 IQ points from being an inbred retard.

>> No.26304092

I think the Fed and Treasury can "solve wealth inequality" by tipping their friends to stay in bonds, while they crash the stock market.

It's happened before and they'll do it again.

>> No.26304141

>say you're going to tax unrealized income forcing everyone to sell

OP...you know the Treasury cannot levy taxes, r-right? You have at least a middle school grasp of US civics I hope?

>> No.26304210
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>> No.26304212

Sell into EUR or GBP?

>> No.26304226
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>> No.26304381

Those currencies are jew controlled as well.

>> No.26304430
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>> No.26304435

shes jewish lmao she will do whatever her kike leaders tells her to do

>> No.26304443

my shitcoins are gonna pump when they print this money right guys?

>> No.26304459

sell to gold

>> No.26304486
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>Shes a super accomplished economist

>> No.26304506

Decentralisation is bad for (((them)))

>> No.26304508

Tell me why Keynes is wrong fucking friedman faggot

>> No.26304585
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>Nobel Prize winner of economics

>> No.26304598

Do you even go outside?

>> No.26304644


>> No.26304672

>two old white-haired jewess trying to regulate crypto
And the cucks will obey and sell it all to jewish institutions.

>> No.26304697

Fallacious argument, Shlomo

>> No.26304699

>mfw i've already my phat silver stack ready
Feel gud being redpilled about the kikes and their tricks since a decade.

>> No.26304723

massive retard

>> No.26304774

This wasn't the Nazi's, dumb fuck.

>> No.26304775

I bought 4 egg & sausage biscuits at McDonald’s the other day with a ice coffee, came to fucking $15.

>> No.26304854

she's an XRP kind of gal

>> No.26304871

Is this bait?

>> No.26304920

The right to pay taxes.

false dichotomy retard

>> No.26304952
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>inflate the dollar to oblivion

Bullish for Steel


>> No.26304955

Search on mr goggles and you will find his string of quotes saying "recession will happen now!" and always wrong.
Of course, one day he might be right and suddenly he is a magician.

>> No.26304956
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>Shes a super accomplished economist
Economists are on par with astrologists.

Pic related won a Nobel prize for economics.

>> No.26304974
File: 530 KB, 734x781, 1610635822564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at mcdonalds for some breakfast the other day and I was shocked how much I paid. 12 bucks for a mcgriddle meal with an extra hashbrown and oj. A year ago I know I could get this for 8 bucks or so. They're crazy if they think I'm paying that much again.

>> No.26305017

we will gun you down too

>> No.26305026

Good goy

>> No.26305038


>> No.26305310

buy silver and gold
bitcoin is a jew chink trap

>> No.26305543

based & checked !

>> No.26305957

never cease to amaze me, how can you survive after that kind of shit

>> No.26306019

>70iq niggers on /biz/
Welp, looks like we really did hit the top. Regret not selling everything I had at 40k now

>> No.26306053

I got a bean burrito, a medium kickstart, and a chipotle chicken roll up for 4.50 something yesterday at Taco Bell. Not frugal, my man. Ngmi

>> No.26306067

They are a central bank. They can print money out of thin air and buy assets.
They are literally the biggest criminals.
Bitcoin is fair and crystal clear.

>> No.26306070
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He knows what he is talking about ok?

>> No.26306173

>i dont know how monetary policy works
>i dont know how monetary policy works
>i dont know how monetary policy works-.

read mankiw

>> No.26306184


> "btw Bitcoin is used for money laundering"
> (((Yellen)))

>> No.26306260

triggered polfags, incredibly based

>> No.26306288

>Waaa waaa, I'm entitled to my gains.
>WAahhh waaa, i don't want to work.
>WAahahh Wahh, i wasn't born on this earth to be like everyone else.
Just kys already faggot.
Or move to some shit hole without a government or taxes.
Or create your own currency and form your own monetary policy.

>> No.26306291
File: 523 KB, 2259x2989, 1609732548091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raises concern about crypto money laundering
>suggest a tax on unrealized capital gains to encourage it even more
Yeah no I'm thinking dementia

>> No.26306319

>done basically this job before and did totally fine
So you're saying to me she has a long track record of doing a job that tries to keep all of us poor and dependent on the government?
Imagine posting on biz and still believing in the system that keeps you enslaved and poor by debasing your money year by year. Ngmi.

>> No.26306520

>you know the Treasury cannot levy taxes, r-right?
You don't need Congress to change policy for what counts regarding an already existing tax you pseud.

>> No.26306605

>modern monetary policy
Is literally: print whatever the fuck you want
Only literal retards think monetary policy and central banking is able to stimulate economic growth. It is only able to stop it. Japan is all the proff we needed.

>> No.26306800

That's the macro picture. In the meantime we get idiots shouting about inflation for at least this year.

>> No.26306869

If they keep up giving out money to the citizens, then that actually may cause inflation. But central banking policy will not. They government stimulus checks will cause inflation because the citizens are dumb consoooooomers.

>> No.26306908

china is using monetary policy to boost it's exports.
aggressive QE by the FED is the primary reason the US recovered quicker than Europe in 08
it's true that monetary policy, and fiscal policy as well has little impact on creating economic growth, but it's proven time and time again to be able to prevent complete economic fallout

>> No.26307107

The US is inherently more industrious than Europe because they are highly deregulated (comparing to boomer EU). That's ny main conjecture why it recovers a lot faster. And why it also bubbles up and crashes faster as well.
China is manipulated, and Chinese bug companies are slaves to the CCP, so they're injecting money directly into business operations, it's completely different.

>> No.26307155
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Show tits.

>> No.26307177

this is pump and dump on the highest levels, who are buying? institutions, who are selling? plebs and smaller investors who panic at the mainstream FUD. You can bet "they" know the transfer of wealth to the crypto industry is inevitable but they are kinda late to the party compared to us, so they want to shake us down, FUCK THEM! YOU WANT TOTAL WAR YOU FUCKING MOTHERFUCKERS? YOU WANT WAR? FUCK YOU NEVER SELLING BITCH!

>> No.26307181

good thing you're just some fat fuck in their mom's basement and not treasury secretary, because this is the dumbest shit I've read all day

but seriously, get off biz and go read mankiw

>> No.26307194

Are you guise memeing or are you niggers?

>> No.26307216

stop feeding the trolls everybody knows silver haired granny is a retard

>> No.26307222

Sometimes you just want something bad for you

>> No.26307231

He has smol brain.

>> No.26307265

Ok, nigger, nice going for you.

>> No.26307323

if they try to tax unrealized gains we shoukd tax boycott everything

taxation and government needs to get smaller, not bigger

>> No.26307391

>You're going to eat the bugs
>You're going be gay
>Your Daughters will be whores
>Your Sons will be trannies
>You're going to SEETHE
>You're going to SNEED

>> No.26307405

what if all of us decide to contribute a little money and start buying our own piece of land and install our own laws, a brotherhood where normies are not allowed to dwell. Wouldn't that be awesome?

>> No.26307412
File: 9 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is an unbelievable amount of quantative easing taking place across the western world. I created the bitcoin core blockchain exactly for this moment. Imagine the world's balance sheets in 2030 if they carry on like this, as it soon will be, 2030.

Just my 2 sats.

>> No.26307460

never! not on my watch! we shall arise from the underdog position and grab power once again with Trump in the next term of presidency we shall conquer, make sure to vote Republican next elections.

>> No.26307491

Reddit want you back Schlomo

>> No.26307497

Switch to physical and lose it in a boating accident.

>> No.26307502

okay Satoshi, also can you send me 1000 bitcoins to prove you are Satoshi? help a brother out

>> No.26307549

>also your vote is now worthless with election machine fraud and 11 million illegals

Th-th-this is good for the country!!!!

>> No.26307645

Nigger, gib those trips back right now!

>> No.26307704

these people are just pawns

>> No.26308107 [DELETED] 

what if "they" decide to start World War 3 to use US political and military power to eradicate all of Israels' enemies and ignite the clash of civlizations? Meanwhile make sure everybody is in debt and "they" controll and rule everything? Being an investor in crypto currencies can thwart such centralized evil plots and as such each and every crypto currency investor is a freedom fighter and part of the resistance. They shall never take away my coins, never!

>> No.26308253

Hey, cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks

>> No.26308401

Gradually, I began to hate them

>> No.26308607
File: 6 KB, 226x250, 2E17E2E2-05EB-4F0D-A230-EBF08B3A6080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is an incompetent overrated-by-communists bitch-whore who does not have a fucking clue what she is doing

>> No.26308701

What do you know..

Wikipedia Early Life section....


What could she be....

A fucking polish Jew

Gas the kikes

>> No.26308737

hey now, nobel prizes are important because an algorand guy won a nobel prize, okay dipshit?

>> No.26308803

Wrong, we're everywhere. Don't relax whitey.

>> No.26308819
File: 11 KB, 252x200, 850A76DA-14A3-448C-89B4-2F2F7D90BDDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks the rule of law applies in the US going forward

>> No.26308830
File: 1.83 MB, 333x358, 886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, trust the plan, keep doing nothing.

>> No.26308839

they're the most jewish institution second to the fucking frankfurt university cultural marxist team

>> No.26308847

Remember when Paul Kruger, a nobel peace prize winning economist said we could just mint a trillion dollar bill and pay off all our debt?

Economists are not magicians and they are not better than you. They are academia propagandists who perpetuate the federal reserves ponzi scheme.

>> No.26308897

She is a Jew and works for Jewish interests.

>> No.26309088

The Jews are not dumb, he was fudding on purpose so people would miss out on a great investment

>> No.26309225

I'm white (56 percent blanco)

>> No.26309531

>she is an incompetent overrated-by-communists bitch-whore who does not have a fucking clue what she is doing
Just like Lagarde and that poo at the World Bank. The media and loves to shill women as if theyre yass queen slayer but they are all stupid and incompetent in the end.

>> No.26309583

please stop posting this goblins ugly face.

>> No.26309625

>shill women
Why can't the media shill Ayan Rand just for a few weeks at least it would be funny.

>> No.26309774


Biden is going to sink crypto:
>Janet Yellen suggests 'curtailing' cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, saying they are mainly used for illegal financing
> 'curtailing' cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin
> 'curtailing' cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin
> 'curtailing' cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin
> 'curtailing' cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin

Start selling, the Biden dump is coming.

>> No.26310049
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>> No.26310273

Your loss.
You were warned.
I don't want to see you post one fucking pink wojack.

>> No.26310379

It's not about taxing the rich you dumb fuck, they're going to tax (You) and call you rich.

>> No.26310448
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>> No.26310713


>> No.26310740

not only did she not say she was going to tax unrealized capital gains, that’s not even realistic or beneficial in angw ag to begin with. People will literally pay zero and take extended vacations to belize if they were to implement that. She was talking about a specific loophole involving estate taxes and real estate.

>> No.26310861

Post nose

>> No.26311081

McDonald's "value meals" are unironically as expensive as a random teriyaki place fren

>> No.26311099

post proof of nose.

>> No.26311162

how does Proof of Work compare to Proof of Nose?

>> No.26311170

Imagine holding boomer stock for 4 fucking years to gain 13%

>> No.26311220

pretty much incompatible. won't catch anyone from the nose tribe do any sort of work.

>> No.26311498
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Soon enough even most leftists will be begging for Orange Man to march back North to set things straight.

>> No.26311608


>> No.26311620
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Essentially this. Retards in appointed positions always talk a bunch of bullshit but at the end of the day, Congress writes the laws and Congress is bought and paid for by the donor class. You know, the people that bank roll 90% of political campaigns. What's that, AOC just voted to raise taxes on the wealthy instead of pushing for open borders to suppress wages like we told her? Guess it's time to primary this cunt and replace her with a fat black woman that will play ball. We have a uniparty and any partisan disagreement between senior members is all theatre. This is a lesson they quickly teach to the new members. They learn it or they're replaced. Simple as that.

>> No.26311698

>trust the plan goy

>> No.26311755

Nah they're too retarded they prob ask for more taxes.

>> No.26311842

Repeating things doesnt make it true.

>> No.26311863

No. This is the opposite of that Q larp bullshit that thinks something good is happening behind the scenes. I'm telling you nothing has or ever will happen. Anything that looked like a happening was just some fag not playing ball and they released his blackmail. Got a story on a famous politician explicitly breaking the law? Reporters won't do anything because they will be black balled on access. DOJ won't do anything because laws are for peasants. Not until that person goes against the money will they face real consequences from the system. So just sit tight and play the rat race as best you can.

>> No.26311965

People that make under 14k don't pay taxes and still get a refund. Especially if they have kids. They don't understand that the tax policy hurts middle class people earning an income and that the wealthiest people are wealthy via capital gains at 10% a year max but probably less given the deductions they can pull off.

>> No.26312011
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>> No.26312039

in his defense the dot com bubble did burst and put millions of people into ruin.

>> No.26312197

He was talking about the internet in general; the global communications platform.

>> No.26312334
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>say you're going to tax unrealized income

>> No.26312402
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>> No.26312872

> just my 2 sats
I like that, let's count in sats bro. Thank you for creating bitcoin.

>> No.26312920

this profession was never useful