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26301638 No.26301638 [Reply] [Original]

And why now? Every time btc dumped even 2% chainlink took a nose dive, but now btc crashes hard and chainlink holds well? How so?

>> No.26301659

To price you out, that's why

>> No.26301669

Santa Klaus

>> No.26301676


It’s being bought at a set USD price (allowed to fluctuate a few %). That’s why sats drop when BTC goes up, and it gains sats when btc goes down. The same pattern occured around 1$, 4$, 12$.

>> No.26301678

pee pee poo poo linky super stinky $1k eoy

>> No.26301683

because it's the less correlated with the rest of the market.
mm bought a ton at 18.5$, it's going to be really hard to even get close to that.

>> No.26301718

How many thousands of link you bought?

>> No.26301719

if btc crashes further you're going to see a repeat of March. LINK was the only one in the green til plunged to the nether. The same thing will happen now.

>> No.26301777

>And why now? Every time btc dumped even 2% chainlink took a nose dive, but now btc crashes hard and chainlink holds well? How so?
Whales are still accumulating.

>> No.26301792
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>> No.26301877

big bois bought, im just a small fish in the pond :)

>> No.26302032
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>> No.26302036

You Link faggots are so delusional.
Do you even know how many Sergey dumps are incoming?

>> No.26302045

Chainlink was oversold on the LINK/BTC pair. Bottom was around christmas, it's now recovering. Historically speaking Chainlink does best when Bitcoin is dropping, so that might also add to the case.

I was hoping LINK would gain versus bitcoin while bitcoin continued to run up or at least stay stable, but I guess LINK is going to gain now because it stays stable while btc shits the bed. Could be worse though so not complaining

>> No.26302061

You can start for example here and do the math.

>> No.26302141

three years

>> No.26302149

if i would swing btc now i would swing it into link, you guys think many do that?

>> No.26302188

Government fears about "money laundering" and "terrorism" have no bearing on the price of Chainlink. Either smart contracts connected to external data will revolutionise the way we do business or they won't. It's becoming increasingly clear that they will.

>> No.26302190

Should've done it like a few weeks ago at the local bottom of the LINK/BTC pair

>> No.26302334

Faggot, I've got several thousands. Yes, not much, I know. I'm poorfag.
But I think you got the point from >>26302061

>> No.26302335
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Yeah I bet you can time the bottom.

>> No.26302401

Went all in at 37k sats. It was the literal fib retracement line

>> No.26302426

LINK is a legit project that isn't used for terror activity

>> No.26302515

Of course you can't time the absolute bottom, but you can time the period when the bottom is approximately forming.

When the catalog is nothing but LINK fud with countless AHAHHAAHHAHAHAHHAHA OH NONONONO link chart threads, that's when you buy

>> No.26302658

We are pumping lmao

>> No.26302785

Why is this shitcoin pumping

>> No.26302919

>It’s being bought at a set USD price

>> No.26302956

so do you think a x5 from here?

>> No.26302981

its going to $200 the next parabola

>> No.26302987
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>> No.26303001

>Chainlink was oversold on the LINK/BTC pair. Bottom was around christmas, it's now recovering
but it's recovering in USD not sats

>> No.26303210

>but it's recovering in USD not sats
It is not mutually exclusive.

>> No.26303234

>its going to $200 the next parabola

>> No.26303289

Sergey doesn't dump. Nobody sells. Price gains on all other coins during the dump

>> No.26303304

source: pee pee poo poo

>> No.26303331

his ass

>> No.26303363
File: 68 KB, 772x522, 1581869077423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was also pretty obvious when that scamwick to $8 happened. LINK FUD at all time high, laughing spicnigger posting AAAAHAHAHA threads and a scamwick to liquidate longs? Yeah, huge reversal and buy signals.

>> No.26303394

$20 is the new $2 that we had in March

>> No.26303485

This, I noticed this at $4 too

Would only make sense if someone or some groups are accumulating link from fiat, not trading with btc. Trading with btc is what traders/investors do. Buying with fiat is what new buyers do OR entities accumulating in preparation for staking. The same pattern was happening at $4 as well with obvious price suppression. I really do think it’s institutional buyers...

>> No.26303510

You know, linkies are $20 so that image is completely fucking moot.

>> No.26303722

I like to post that image every now and then to remind myself and other linkies that no matter how much LINK fud is being posted, you just have to hold. That image was posted throughout the latter half of 2018 constantly, since LINK was rejected at $0.60 a whopping three times, and fell back to $0.20 every time after that.

I saved it and now looking at it makes me happy, knowing that I actually managed to catch a 100x despite all the fudniggers trying to make me sell for 3 years.

>> No.26303886


I don’t know because they can keep it at this level for a long time, they are willing to spend a lot of money because why not if Link will be worth 500$+ in the future

>> No.26304160

Well that's pretty motivating

>> No.26304218

Yes, imagine those companies buying Links from autistic faggots for $1000, right?!

>> No.26304300

Right, got into it not long ago but agree 100%

>> No.26304347
File: 112 KB, 880x585, HAHAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes it's good to remind yourself where we came from. I have more of those little time capsules.
I screenshot pic related to shit on UncleOldFag. He was up to his shennanigans again, fudding left and right and made a thread saying he was going to dump x million links and crash the price to under a dollar. His "dump" got boggled up and Chainlink shot up to above $2 not much later.

Looking back at this now it is even more hilarious. It all seemed to important back then but now it's peanuts. We are up almost 1000% since that screenshot.

>> No.26304370

I was being ironic, although it would be nice.
Can some1 explain how should it work?

>> No.26304415

How what should work? Chainlink in general, or selling Chainlink for $1000 a pop? It's basic supply and demand, really.

>> No.26304440

>How is it holding so well?

Uhhh didn't this happen last time BTC pumped? When we went to $14k or whatever? Remember? We held strong for a few days before dumping like a fucking bitch?

>> No.26304442

Fuck him and his thinking pattern, it is hilarious indeed.

>> No.26304479

I was bit ironic too but i can't say that i'm non believer

>> No.26304597

Chain link has real life applications other than drugs

>> No.26304658

>Bottom was around Christmas
Just like the winter solstice.

>> No.26304660

Because we still needed to recover to 1500 sats to begin with

>> No.26304722
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>selling Chainlink for $1000
>It's basic supply and demand, really.
I still can't believe it will be (was) that easy.

>> No.26304761

> btc crashes hard
you're and idiot

>> No.26304835

held aloft by an abhorrent fetor

>> No.26304935

>le institutional investors