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File: 76 KB, 369x369, avalanche1593161126011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26297855 No.26297855 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it different from the thousands of ethereum killers before?

>> No.26297885

its fast or something idk

>> No.26297950

apparently the consensus is unique and new of all the blockchains out there. The rest are just derived or hard fork from Bitcoin's consensus model causing it to be slow.

>> No.26297951

Haven't heard much about AVAX, but the likes of FLETA, ALGO and ofc DOT will gain a lot more momentum over the next few years

>> No.26297978
File: 1.27 MB, 731x5843, avaxredpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only been posted a 100 times in the last 2 weeks but here you go faggot

>> No.26297989


Fast as shit, transfers instantly to a few seconds.

Gas is a few cents per transaction.

The avax based swap, Pangolin, drops soon.

>> No.26298126

Did you just wake up from 2018?
It's not about being the eth killer anymore, offer interoperability or L2 solution.
DOT, FLETA, and OM have been focusing on interoperability , which I belive is the way to go.

>> No.26298158

>twitter wall of text
>here bro buy some roach coin

>> No.26298160

it's turknology. all you need to know really

>> No.26298169

Is this really going to $50 end of month? Feels like I'm buying other peoples bags if I enter the market now. Don't want to get dumped on.

>> No.26298203

It is a discord pnd

>> No.26298221

Exactly my point sir

>> No.26298265

>Why it's different
The only layer 1 solution to use a completely new consensus that isn't a variation of classical/nakamoto. The consensus is revolutionary by all means.

>Why it's better
AVAX causes "technological stagnation", While the word sound like a negative it's exactly the opposite, AVAX fulfilled the initial goal that every blockchain aimed for, Meaning we won't see any major breakthrough in blockchains that their idea already existed, From here the progression will be like going from Iphone 9 to Iphone 10, It'll more of the same thing. AVAX is enough, and it's enough for the first time in blockchains history.

>> No.26298282

another shitcoin
just like IOTA
Oyster Pearl

Remember list of ETH killers

AVAX has nothing novel about it
Does not even have Sybil resistence

pump and dump

>> No.26298363

In very simple laymans terms

-Super fast, transactions more or less instant
-Super cheap, transactions cost a fraction of a cent
-Super decentralised, 700+ block producing validators, very easy for anyone to set up a node if they have 2k+ AVAX (an average PC is enough)
-And possibly most importantly and what really sets it apart: Super easy to port from Ethereum. Ethereum bridge launching soon and then Avalanche will have a Uniswap fork (Pangolin) + bZx (margin trading/lending/borrowing dApp). These are complex ethereum apps that have been easily ported. It's the first non ethereum blockchain that can say that.

>> No.26298376

Is the smart contract capability as good or better than ethereum? Is it possible to convert easily ethereum code to Avalanche code?

>> No.26298461

Didn't see it shilled here

>> No.26298494

Does this mean ethereum can coexist with those solutions?

>> No.26298584
File: 166 KB, 1630x352, daddy_popov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26298753

Emin Gun Sirer has a Ph.D in compsci and is one of the heads of IC3. The suggestion that he doesn't understand mathematics is ridiculous.

>> No.26298758

>Something something maybe in the future hypothetical
Really think people are not gonna swap to AVAX because of that?

>> No.26298809

‘Ethereum killer’ is a marketing term to sell you platforms with marginal improvements.
Avalanche is revolutionary because for the first time we have a blockchain fit for real world use cases. This will start to become clear as traders move en masse from Uniswap etc to new Avalanche DEX with sub second finality and < $0.01 transaction fees.

>> No.26298953

holy cope

>> No.26299145

> Super fast
NANO. Litecoin. Algorand.
> Super cheap
Every shitcoin is cheap when noone is using it bitcoin was cheap too
> Super decentralized
80% of stake is owned by creators
> ethereum
who cares

>> No.26299300

Turkish coin. The only good thing that came out of turkey is kebabs. That’s all

>> No.26299375

>NANO. Litecoin. Algorand

Centralised, unable to scale, no smart contracts/dApps

>Every shitcoin is cheap when noone is using it bitcoin was cheap too

In tests they have achieved 4,500-15000 TPS

>80% of stake is owned by creators

Wrong, moron. You're including vested ICO buyers + future staking rewards as "owned by creators"

> ethereum
>who cares

Idiot, all smart contract activity is currently on ethereum. No other ethereum competitor has gotten anywhere with actually dApp development. Avalanche will be the first.

>> No.26299507

its just hype, there was perlin in 2018 which was the original avalanche consensus based shitcoin and it was released at a bad time, there is nkn which is similat in a way and it was released at a bad time during a bad marked
timing is everything with these shitcoins
except if it's something really legit and being used like hashgraph

>> No.26299604

in 2022 pajeets will be posting the next avax killer.

>> No.26299613


Why would I believe the words of a scammer ?

>> No.26299640

OMG BAD FUD, super bullish for Algo & Nano.

>> No.26299689

> In tests they have achieved 4,500-15000 TPS

bitcoin can also do 15 000 tps
it will, very simply increase block size to 32. reminder that in bitcoin a trx is not 1trx per input per output but 1trx can have many inputs and many outputs

bitcoin can scale beyond avalanche and it will when its time when Satoshi decides and noone else

anything else is stupid

>> No.26300360

> which was the original avalanche consensus based shitcoin

Top fucking kek.

So many straight up lies itt, too bullish

>> No.26300444

you forgot about security as well plus 51% attack resistance

all 3 trilemmas solved by one coin

>> No.26300467

It's great but obviously not enough, since you could say the same for other "eth killer" (for example, ADA is super fast and has also ridiculously low fees).
There's got to be more to AVAX than this

>> No.26300488


>> No.26300588

AVAX is difficult for Americans to even buy right now. Surely it will rise once it gets a US exchange listing?

>> No.26300599

AVAX doesn't suffer from 51% attacks unlike ADA.

Basically it solves the fast TX, security and decentralization dilemma. You get all 3 without compromise. That's the main selling point of AVAX.

>> No.26300715

And non of them does all things combined. That's the whole point and that's why most "ETH killers" are Pump n Dump scams because they don't improve anything, just severe trade off.

>80% of stake is owned by creators
It's 10% and distributed between many people.

Avax is the most decentralized protocol running rightnow, No scammy centralized consensus validators limitation and no pools.

>> No.26300772
File: 21 KB, 355x550, 1610721158902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch this


>> No.26300781

a 100% pajeet scam confirmed

>> No.26300865

Cardano admitted they're running 40% of their nodes, and they are selection of pools per epoch, Majority of the nodes don't participate in the consensus, Can't match Avalanche TPS and that's without mentioning their finality that isn't even close to Avalanche (AVAX is x20-60 faster, Whole of a lot different that'll make or break many use cases).

>> No.26300922

yes sir, if you buy it now you’re in early

>> No.26300959

You guys convinced me. I will wait for the dump to get in balls deep

>> No.26301088

What would be a good entry point? Do we expect a dip?

>> No.26301107

either now or in 2 years

>> No.26301143

It feels kind of surreal that avax is still ranked #50
After years of churning premined centralized shitcoins, there finally emerges a protocol which solves the blockchain trilemma. And it's as if nobody is seeing it. AVAX should be in the top 3 already, it's plain to see, the opportunity is almost too easy.
I mean I'm not complaining, I'm happy to have snatched up a good stack. But it has always baffled me how irrational the market can be. Most crypto investors apparently have no clue what they're dealing with.

>> No.26301186

What happens in 2 years?

>> No.26301219

you’ll have had enough time to think about it

>> No.26301220

I can buy 1000 AVAX, is it enough as a suicide stack?

>> No.26301224

IOTA client got hacked twice, they changed signature scheme multiple times (showing they have no idea what they are doing) and the initial version of their network is a centralized joke. As always with scamcoin, they need to FUD the competition hard since that's the best way to get attention when you have no tech to show up.
>IOTA Mainnet Halted for 11 Days

>> No.26301433

People in general are stupid, remember this and use it to your advantage.

>> No.26301721
File: 901 KB, 961x863, sat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it have good privacy?

>> No.26301761



>> No.26301875
File: 122 KB, 895x1280, 1610893349268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transfers happen instantly because of low usage of the network. Same reason for gas fees. If only a few people used ETH it would also be fast and cheap. But with more users AVAX will also get clogged and gas bidding will start. It can handle more users than ETH yes, but it can't handle mass adoption.

Also no composability. Kek

>> No.26301936

Reminder AVAX isn't intended as an ETH killer but as supporter.

>> No.26301955

that's actually wrong except part on composability (btw ETH 2.0 will handle that). That's why smart money is accumulating ADA & ALGO.

>> No.26302028

>It's not.

>> No.26302148

checked brb buying more avax.

>> No.26302156

Have these guys turned off the coordinator yet?