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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26287027 No.26287027 [Reply] [Original]

So if you somehow do win the lottery (850mil rn) how the hell are you supposed to stop it from ruining your life?

>> No.26287143

Just never tell your friends or family

>> No.26287195

How the hell would more money than you can spend in your lifetime ruin your life? You can literally just enjoy the rest of your life.

>> No.26287224

Never tell anyone.

Immediately deposit almost all of the money into an annuity with a fixed monthly payout so that you can never go bankrupt.

Splurge a little on a nice house or two.

>> No.26287238

Buy a Silverado 2500 + a boat
And pretend I still make $50k a year but have all the time in the world

>> No.26287245

you must have cheap taste in houses

>> No.26287271

By not being a retarded NPC?
It's not that hard to have self control fag.

>> No.26287291

Honestly id give a lot of it to inner city families. Id keep maybe 10 million but there are so many unfortunate people in need in the ghettos of chicago and baltimore, etc..

>> No.26287317

by putting it all on crypto

>> No.26287330

lol yea you and every other pretentious nigger until the money is actually in your hands

>> No.26287337

Delete any possible way that someone I currently know could contact me. Put money into index funds/annuities. Buy homes, a ranch, yacht, travel the world and make new rich friends that won’t be asking me for money.

>> No.26287346

It should not have taken this long to see this.
All of you not only wont make it, but wouldn't know how to stay making it once you got there.

>> No.26287380


>he doesn't know about the curse of sudden wealth.

>> No.26287386

Please neck yourself

>> No.26287450

By taking the lump sum and investing the whole principal after taxes. Live off of your 8% interest and NEVER spend the principal, EVER. Oh and don’t do drugs.

>> No.26287481

winning $850 million would give you the launchpad to overthrow the United States

>> No.26287574


This is the obvious answer allthougj a boring one. Is there really not a better option that doesn't imply risk?

>> No.26287597

you arent allowed to accept a lottery payment anonymously

>> No.26287630

Yeah, just like hire someone to run that shit for you.

>> No.26287636

Take 10 grams of mushrooms. Ask the universe what can you do to better the lives of everyone here on Earth. Come back, do that.

>> No.26287646

Does it not depend on the state?

>> No.26287668

Did you ever think that maybe they shouldn’t have kids?

>> No.26287676
File: 58 KB, 1055x555, Screenshot_20210120-215256_Calculator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit.

I guess that much money you would need a small team of accountants to manage.

>> No.26287686

what a faggot, enough money to never think about money again so the first thing you do is think about making money
if i got this id just have it hooked up to a visa card and just live my life as if the laws were just a suggestion

>> No.26287705

it does depend on the state and i'm pretty sure in some states you can claim it through an LLC or something. if you win the lottery you need to call a lawyer ASAP before telling anyone

>> No.26287713

>buy nice house in decent area for 1M
>buy lambo, buy Ferrari, buy rolls Royce, buy Tesla
>install gym at home
>put 600M into accumulation index fund
>put remainder into income index fund
>live off salary
>make poorfag family seethe

>> No.26287721

accept it under a fake name and invest all of it through various overseas trusts

>> No.26287765

I always hate it when people say shit like this. It's so nihilistic and weird.

Yeah people in shitty situations shouldn't have kids. People with physical ailments like Asthma that are hereditary, probably also shouldn't have kids. People who work long hours probably shouldn't have kids. The human race is overpopulating, so the majority of people shouldn't have kids.

Not everyone is content shitposting on 4chan all day and wants some sort of meaning in their life to keep themselves grounded. for 90% of people that will be a family.

>> No.26287847

And that’s why you’ll never make it anon. Blowing it in 5 years on drugs and toys is clearly better than generational wealth right? Not to mention your interest alone would grant you 2m a month. Do you really need more than 2m a month? Stupid nigger.

>> No.26287887

How do I keep it safe for the unforeseeable future while science learns how to unfreeze my head and bring me back to life?

>> No.26287957

Mega Millions is this Friday right? Might buy a few tickets for shits and giggles.

>> No.26288114

>It's so nihilistic
it is, and i'm no nihilist... but to be fair, the root of many (if not a majority) of the issues we have in the world today arise directly from broken homes, unplanned families, and cultures that relatively do not place great value on their lives. so how do you fix it? throw money at it? we've done that for three generation, only makes it worse. it's a catch-22. the kids are blameless, innocents, that if you don't help will end up like their parents. the parents are poorly educated, unable/unwilling to improve, and many just resigned to their lot in life - not able/willing to make any meaningful effort at changing. you can't just take all the kids away, sterilize the adults, and ship them off to some colony. if you could, maybe you could break the cycle. but the problem is culture and values. it's ingrained in such a large portion of the inner city types (and rural trash too desu), that it's never going to change. imo there has to be a better way to siphon off the good ones to help them w/o further enabling (and in the process creating untold misery for the many yet to be conceived - that may not need to be conceived)...

>> No.26288161

Yeah, but if your friends don't follow the lottery they'd probably miss it. Maybe if they search your name online they'd see it, but I don't know who won the last lottery.

>> No.26288187

oh, here in canada they literally make you take a picture with the cheque and its put in all the newspapers lol. You have no choice

>> No.26288245

lol fucking leafs

>> No.26288261

>not putting $1M into rubic

>> No.26288293

Why do you retard pajeets shill this fucking coin everywhere fuck off nigger

>> No.26288432

depends on the state. some people wear a mask to the photo op and claim it through an LLC

>> No.26288468

people regularly terrorize lottery winners. tons of them lose all their friends and family for not giving their money to everyone

>> No.26288507

Being destitute and drug abusive is not the same as having asthma, retard

>> No.26288559

although realistically people probably wouldn't even treat you differently here, lol. My city actually has a fair amount of undercover former celebrities who moved here because they can just be normal people again without being constantly bothered for things

>> No.26289058
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Op here I feel like there such a better way than spending it on stocks. I'd probably end up buying a realastate management company and then buy grand swaths of land in a big city downtown area. And accumulate real power.

>> No.26289118
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This post must be bait. What the fuck

>> No.26289197

this is why you're poor :)

>> No.26289280

you shouldn't be on /biz/ faggot

>> No.26289387

Fuck off nigger pajeet, your mom is gonna fall into a shit pit and die.