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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26283768 No.26283768 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26283843

Amerimutts :)

>> No.26283854

>Sorry tyrone! than for all the lootin' and burnin' tho!

>> No.26283904

Bahahahaha. Leftists really thought he would be the savior. This will be 4 more years of an Obama style administration.

>BRB more wars
>BRB Higher taxes
>BRB shitty health care proposals
>BRB Gibs for minorities
>BRB identity politics
>BRB Tranny bathrooms

>> No.26283965
File: 13 KB, 415x233, B3CF2632-1B55-41AE-B57F-87B0FBF664C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, at least I get to say “YOU VOTED FOR THIS” at every opportunity I can to run it in their faces.

>> No.26283991

>more poors
>more hobos shitting on the sidewalks
list is long

>> No.26283993

>B-but Kamala Harris is a brown person too. She wouldn't betray us, right?
Kek, this shit is too easy for these politicians.

>> No.26284009
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You don't know nothing, goyim.

>> No.26284033

Don't forget domestic and foreign spying
We're fucked br0s

>> No.26284093

>all jews
that's just a coincidence

>> No.26284135

isnt it amazing how good these people are and keeping the idiots on the bottom fighting each other
keep thinking its left vs right retards
the government takes turns shitting on your both.

>> No.26284136

the $1400 isn't about stimulating the economy. that's a kike lie. it's about helping people survive. i know we're all crypto rich but 90% of the country is in the absolute shitter.

>> No.26284148

Thats just an article on CNN designed to be divisive and clickbaity. When there's no actual news, the best way to stir up "engagement" is by pissing half your audience off

>> No.26284159
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Don't be a bad boy, goyim.

>> No.26284195
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Why are tribesmen so hideous and contorted compared to gentiles bros? Is it true they were cursed by God to be soulless demons full of bile and poison?

>> No.26284224

Go back to the misc.

>> No.26284259

I don’t think even CNN can stop the masses from wanting the extra $1400. There is no stopping it

>> No.26284309

hes aware

>> No.26284342
File: 67 KB, 982x726, alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden administration will be a bum Obama knockoff administration with more virtue signaling and "woke" pandering, that's a given. I don't really give a fuck as long as stock go up and they stay the fuck away from crypto regulations.

The only way I'm going to go true jokermode is if he and Kamala start another war and we see lefties defending it. That's not going to happen though because they're already pushing for a weird, never-before-seen internal domestic war where they'll tip-toe into regulating and monitoring what Conservatives can read online, type online, etc.

4chan is absolutely fucked. This website either won't exist in 4 years or will be completely changed. I'd be interested to hear what lib 4channers think about Biden admin potentially shutting this place down.

>> No.26284350

Does she have a neovagina?

>> No.26284405


>> No.26284409

We never got the $600 here. I’m thinking we’re too white.

>> No.26284524

Who the fuck is going to survive with one $1400 check. Like either you’re gonna use it as disposable income, or it can buy you another months rent but your landlord gonna evict you anyway since you probably owe thousands.

>> No.26284575

Who is the left supposed to be?

>> No.26284622

>thinking voting matters

>> No.26284627
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>> No.26284687

left is Linda Carter, American sex idol and former wonder woman. Right is gal gallot or some shit like that. Israeli cone shaped ghoul and current wonder woman

>> No.26284691

exactly. the article bashes joes plans to send stim checks and somehow OP gets 'its cancelled"

>> No.26284736

>The only way I'm going to go true jokermode is if he and Kamala start another war and we see lefties defending it.
How about when they make 70% of crypto impossible to trade because that's what The Stablecoin Regulation Act theyre ramming through Congress will do

>> No.26284737

That image is pure plebbit cringe

>> No.26284797

The biggest, sloppiest neovagina.

>> No.26284808

So when's Joe Baseden gonna put the niggers back in chains?
Or did someone write that speech for him as well?

>> No.26284817

I worry about this. Trying to stay on top of it and frontrun the massive dump that will follow if it goes through

>> No.26284828
File: 27 KB, 220x220, 4L_FvcICvob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kek’d hardest at the executive order “reversing heightened immigration enforcement”

>> No.26284833

Eh I make too much money to get a stimmy check anyway, sorry poorbo's

>> No.26284910

explain this please anon.Stablecoin Regulation Act?

>> No.26284954

It worries me a lot too. Biden clearly agrees with crypto opponents like Yellen and the dem Congress no doubt fall in line with his beliefs. I also know for sure that there are not enough pro-crypto republicans in The Senate to vote it down.

>> No.26284966

It's the benevolent deep state and big tech companies that defeated Blumpf that will be spying on us and managing "our democracy" along the right path, we have nothing to worry about.... /s

>> No.26285059

Alex Jones needs to take off that wig.

>> No.26285058

Berniebros cuck themselves at this point. At least the dog moms and troons are happy. They might get their suicide rate down to 40%.

>> No.26285107

I'm reluctant to discuss my concerns about it here because I know idiots will use it as FUD but basically Tlaib, who is a big proponent of banking as it is, wants to effectively outlaw stablecoins under an umbrella that includes stuff like tether. Get this; she uses "concern for minorities" as one of her reasons for wanting to ban them, talk about an insult to intelligence.

>> No.26285154

The retards in the shitter voted for Biden. Let them eat cake. They unironically deserve this.

>> No.26285199

It will wipe out the redditors who came here to shill for Biden so it's okay.

>> No.26285200


>> No.26285217
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They wont care or notice. Hypocrisy means nothing to them anyway. Theyll just do as they are told to by the TV.

>> No.26285257

Republicans are useless puppets that much is certain now. The globalist bankers obviously want full control of you and crypto goes against that.

>> No.26285382

This. Vote to get shit on better enjoy getting shit on.

>> No.26285463

the election got stolen u idiot

>> No.26285508

they still voted for it retard.

>> No.26285535

>Strong unaware

>> No.26285819

You see the drones right? It’s tongue in cheek, them are actual commies that hate liberals

>> No.26285855

I really fucking hope they cancel it. It would be too funny. Even though I'd miss out on $2400, I don't really need it and I'd rather see liberal's heads explode.

>> No.26285986

You are right, I missed the irony of it because I'm brainlett

>> No.26286045


Buy steel

>> No.26286152

Hey I'm in that bucket too fag. I need that $1400 even though I'm still waging and made 3x my salary this year in crypto. Not only do I want that $1400 i want these poor fucks to bump up my crypto/gold gains.

America needs those stim checks and these capitalist pig naysayers need to fuck off. Think of the children! and my wallet

>> No.26286166

I remember reading something about them being related highoy to Neanderthals

>> No.26286393

We're so far gone that satire is hard to believe in anymore

>> No.26286592

If you programatically peg something to USD, and print as much of it as you want, you're effectively printing up more USD.

The Federal Reserve loses control to people with computers.

So they are just going to ban it because they are boomers.

>> No.26286635

Ive only been able to go as far back as the phoenicians when it comes to tracking their roots

>> No.26286640

i mean theyre not wrong, but lmao talk about literally buying votes

>> No.26286760


It's also not true - that's a cherry picked list.

>> No.26286828
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>> No.26286833

what are the odds wallstreet puts out a hit on her within the year

>> No.26286976


>> No.26287151
File: 222 KB, 356x600, coincidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's also not true - that's a cherry picked list.
you really want to go down that road? you realize the majority of people here (not just the garbage fire that is /pol/) also realize the shot on that issue. it's not like this is the only/first administration, or industry, or institution, etc etc etc. we see this pattern over and over. time to be an adult. facts don't care about your feelings, mr shapiro

the kosher sandwich is real
finkel-think is real

not sure if you're trying to fool people here or just cope because you can't accept reality

>> No.26287248

Just read some stable act, what a fucking shitshow. With claims of "consumer protection" they are simply trying to control how much can be printed and how much can be in circulation. Imagine fucking that. We really want these kikes in control of stable coin issuers?

I mean, clearly fuck no, but you can basically see where they're going with this. They demand the ability to call stablecoins for redemption instantaneously at any time. So they want to be able to take away liquidity at any given time. Fucking horseshit. China needs to move faster. Where's my digital Yuan at? Hurry the fuck up you chink fucks, you're about to own liquidity in crypto.

>> No.26287345
File: 90 KB, 356x600, acoincidenceforbiztoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here i made one for you
pic related

>> No.26287432

>what are the odds wallstreet puts out a hit on her within the year
Are you joking or do you actually not understand?

>> No.26287443
File: 404 KB, 1125x2436, FCBC8E79-7918-4151-A1A4-03AA506D4595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not the best part; pic related wrote it and got exposed on twitter as a literal mongloid mouth breathing midwit. Our elected representatives are literal children. I’m so goddamn mad.

>> No.26287486

more like which trading firm will hire her for million dollar """speeches"""

>> No.26288168

duh but the people were talking about still voted for it

>> No.26288281

people hate on pol including you but it's the viable place on the internet for politcal free speech.