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26276191 No.26276191 [Reply] [Original]

You WILL pay taxes on unrealized gains
You WILL eat bugs
You WILL live in a pod

>> No.26276246

how is saying this even legal

>> No.26276383

I dont think they would actually do this, it would devastate every single market. Everyone knows that markets are ponzis which is what keeps people from cashing out every year. I know people are scared of Biden and his jew cabinet but imposing something like this would be suicidal and widely unpopular. Everyone's pensions and 401ks would suffer because of it

>> No.26276386

The market already shook it off

First time you have a politician rantling shitheaps? Cute

>> No.26276407

fucking burgers and late-empire taxation schemes

>> No.26276483

repeat after me

>> No.26276510

Since when has anything about our tax and monetary policy “legal”

It’s all blatantly unconstitutional but that has never stopped (((them))) they only use the laws to stop those who try to oppose (((them))).

See: this entire century and the one before it.

>> No.26276567

You do know that literally 100% of Biden’s cabinet are Jews right? Just like all his grandchildren.

>> No.26276624

how do we bypass the rules imposed by the governments onto our society

>> No.26276684
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republicans suck ass, but i think they are at least good enough to block any legislation that taxes unrealized gains... at least i hope so

>> No.26276689

post source

>> No.26276693

No retard, they aren't all Jews, but around 50% of them are Jews. That meme doesn't show everyone in his cabinet. Almost every single white person in his cabinet is in fact a Jew though.

>> No.26276704

Have the pic?

>> No.26276728

this is already a thing in germany for ETFs

>> No.26276732

no more crypto, no more stocks. all Americans will work at a giant Walmart and that's that

>> No.26276740

>[Yellen] raised eyebrows of some senators and Wall Street when she said that Treasury would consider the possibility of taxing unrealized capital gains

>> No.26276746

all the most powerful positions are kikes.

>> No.26276750


>> No.26276774

It’s worse than that, we have rules to protect the people that are ignored and rules to restrain the government that are only observedwhen it’s to obstruct someone like Trump who actually manages to get in and do some things for whatever reason that are in the actual American people’s interests.

>> No.26276797


>> No.26276829

The token non whites aren’t people they are Jewish golems so they count as Jews also.

>> No.26276867

Are you fucking serious..?

I was cool with the bug thing but taxing unrealized gains WHAT

>> No.26276883

I wish you guys would just accept you lost the culture war so we can stop talking about this

>> No.26276942

oh you want to assume 100% of the risk goy? that sounds like a good plan to me we'll just have to take a few shekels along the way goy then we all win

>> No.26276992


>> No.26277029

is it just me or has /biz/ turned against jews and niggers lately. bad goyim.

>> No.26277038

Based. I can't wait for all the smug crypto millionaires to start going to federal prison for tax evasion.
Unless you're a Monero Chad you're literally and figuratively fucked.

>> No.26277051

I highly doubt this is ever going to happen. The concept itself makes no sense, it would be a logistical nightmare, and it would be the actual, unironic death of the stock market. Besides, there are too many politicians who have gotten rich off investing and engage in insider trading and they wouldn't do that to themselves.

>> No.26277110


>> No.26277198


>> No.26277221

Yea I’ve been fucked by the tax man for faaaaar less. Many people don’t understand the IRS doesn’t care that you spent it and have nothing left to give they they are still coming for you.

One year I made 2.7m lost 2.6 paid 30k in trading fees most regulatory to government mandated agencies still owed 20k in taxes + fees for not filing estimated returns with quarterly estimated payments + interest and tip ;-)

>> No.26277280

Everyone who voted for Biden deserves this.

>> No.26277293

>how do we bypass the rules imposed by the governments onto our society
if you hold your private keys and you don't bend the knees with KYC they can't tax shit

>> No.26277302

There are myriad financial products. Many tax free. All the politicians need to do is designate a few tax exempt from it, but those things first obviously with the insider info, make it law and profit.

>> No.26277321

soon? global? please i want to live to see this and taste true freedom

>> No.26277345
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>> No.26277365

America is done, my friend. The chosen people has won.

China is our only salvation.

>> No.26277378

This is going to kill long term investors.

No retirement, slave away so niggers can get their reparations. You get nothing goyim.

>> No.26277395


>> No.26277429
File: 95 KB, 866x900, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless you're a Monero Chad you're literally and figuratively fucked.

Bro Monero did 134% over the year. There are no Monero millionaires LOL.

>> No.26277440

Then I went to spend my earnings and got sales taxed with the car and boat purchases plus all my food phone house etc etc taxed then taxed for having said things with registrations insurances local tax.

>> No.26277448

I would be fine with this if this only applied to billionaire tech CEO's or billionaires invested in tech

>> No.26277467

If 95% bend the knee and take cuck selfies for KYC the feds can statistically infer the remaining traffic.

>> No.26277481
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>> No.26277483

The Biden presidency will somehow manage to be even more jewish than Trump's. We're so fucked

>> No.26277496

Are you implying these policies affect Normies in the way you pay attention to everyday? I mean I guess if Biden banned Netflix or something

>> No.26277527

Monero Chads earn their millions the old fashioned way through drug dealing.

>> No.26277532

What the fuck is wrong with burgers

>> No.26277543
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(((How))) do you think?

>> No.26277603

We are going full degenerate Jewopoly this time around.

There are what, two literal trannies in his administration so far? At least one of which is cartoon stereotype Jewish man with long hair tier.

>> No.26277616
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Watch them make an exception for “accredited investors “

>> No.26277643

where do i start

>> No.26277663

Demorats control both the house and executive. The only way republikikes can block it is jewdicially

>> No.26277683

>hoping the (((republicans))) in government will protect his gains
I've got some bad news for you, pal.

>> No.26277700

What the fuck is she on about? This will push crypto even more into money laundering territory especially here. Demented old jew.

>> No.26277712

So don't spend the money you owe in taxes, derp

>> No.26277746

Bitcoin ATM
cash tornado
monero NON KYC CEX
Bitcoin ATM

>> No.26277748

Republicucks in the courts will just say “government can tax”. They have to or else all other taxes are suspect.

>> No.26277759

Fuck me. Even fucking Soli and Kirchensteuer. I‘m going all in Link now. Fuck this gay country

>> No.26277790

In the final bill it'll be billionaires exempted from this and the rest of us paying the tax

>> No.26277804

I'm sure Xi is frothing at the prospect of us little guys making it rich
No my friend, the answer is not to be found in any world government, only in TRUE decentralization

>> No.26277950

America is going to be more cucked than ausfags soon lol

>> No.26277990

I was just at walmart about 30 minutes ago because my work asked me to pick something up there. I was looking around at the people and most of them legitimately look like livestock, especially with the muzzles on and their dull eyes looking at nothing.

>> No.26278128

I was in a supermarket yesterday and all the checkout staff legitimately looked sickly and dying, most were balding and pale and appeared completely vacant aside from scanning items and giving change

>> No.26278157

Kek murica is doomed

>> No.26278163

That’s true but the majority of both sides are extremely wealthy and generate wealth in the stock market, including pelosi

>> No.26278166


>> No.26278167
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lold not a chance bucko.

>> No.26278238

Tfw live in Netherlands and all most of the supermarket staff are cute young girls

>> No.26278365

Oh don't worry your sweet little head about them. There is a 0% chance this tax will apply to senators.

>> No.26278417


>> No.26278426

I don't know where is gonna be safe, but I'm legitimately frightened almost constantly by what I see day to day in Amerika.

>> No.26278605

Is that even possible? They'd have to quadruple tax their population to outcuck us.

>> No.26278608
File: 125 KB, 368x353, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this were to become a reality, what would be the best way around it? Logistically I'm not even sure if its possible for them to do this, but what are our options here?

>> No.26278768

No because I'm not a bitch

>> No.26278816

Unironically crypto. If something like this were to pass the stock market would immediately be a dead rat

>> No.26278865

Fuck man,
The great reset is real

>> No.26278889


and those are who again?

>> No.26278897

I looked over the article that was linked itt and it seems like they would use some sort of rolling mark to market system that would keep track of the market value of whatever asset you hold. I'm assuming this means increased brokerage regulation and oversight somehow. This still makes no fucking sense to me though like how many times could they tax you on the same asset, even before you "realize" your capital gains? Fuck these kikes man

>> No.26279002

judging by the paper hands on this board we're fucked

>> No.26279115

>being a burger
>get shot
>get blacked
>get snipped
>get taxed worldwide
>get taxed on unrealized gains
>spend 99% of your net worth on insurance and hospital bills
O say can you see...

>> No.26279257

Jokes on you, I spent 350% of my net worth on medical bills when I twisted my knee last year and walked it off but got a few X-rays and an MRI to confirm it wasn’t torn.

>> No.26279340

memes aside, what is the logical basis for wanting to do this?

>> No.26279458

Germany did it first. Switzerland also has a tax on accumulating etfs so they can tax the dividends even if you didn't collect.

>> No.26279470

Because their end goal is for the entire population to be completely submissive, and the best way to do that is to make the population be entirely dependent on you. It doesn't help that retarded twitter commies will cheer on anything that says "tax" in it, not realizing that this will ruin their lives too. Especially since the US doesn't seem to spend their taxes on anything besides the military and "aid" for Israel

>> No.26279481

Well you all voted for it. This is what a Liberal economy looks like. You all fucked.

>> No.26279506

To force people into assets they can track, tax, control and delegate to those they see fit.

>> No.26279656


>> No.26279766

Nah they'd just restrict it to crypto. They've already shown a willingness to overstep their boundaries to target it. No other country is doing to crypto what we are. Fucking retarded ass country.

>> No.26279811


This >>26279470

They don't want people escaping wage / debt slavery. Financial independance is a threat to them, as it means you don't need to agree with them to put food on your plate.

>> No.26279821

>cuban jew
what the

>> No.26279867

Well UBI will come in eventually, this will be the first of a thousand cuts, until eventually it gets to the point that you hand over all your assets to the state.

>> No.26279934

Bullish for crypto, I'll just use exchanges that don't report taxes

>> No.26279936
File: 98 KB, 1125x1109, CCC9CCEB-A551-4C26-A7A1-F5F75EAB142F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not antisemitic but that shit is funny lol