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File: 911 KB, 500x281, a38c7a97ef90f3b9c286f334a97223b9722c7203_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2627341 No.2627341 [Reply] [Original]

Only idiots didnt notice the downward trend.All this gona fall harder each time till it realizes its final true value at 0.Monopoly money with no real value....a closed system.....SHOW SOME PROOF THAT IT WILL LEAD SOMEWHERE.
This is too slowly advance to ever worth something for normies.Bigger companies are tied to governments.Dream on about lamboland.....

>> No.2627641
File: 1.41 MB, 320x180, yxjeow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2627748

Take chinese conmans out of the picture.... = collapse.Either way they want to control something that was made to be free....

>> No.2627857

You are the worst fud. This is embarrassing.

>> No.2628035

im free to back you into a corner and take a piss on you. doesnt mean you cant keep your mouth closed.

>> No.2628070

>Its going to be different this time
Assuming that the crash is real this time instead of a mere correction explain why this is going to be different than the previous crypto crashes that bottomed out at a higher price than the previous bubble's ATH.

>> No.2628071

Bro. We are not here to give you comfort if you invest.

Nobody gives a shit about cope either. You join in now or you cry later.

The fact that you reference Bitcoin as Monopoly money just goes to show how hard you are trying to cope.

>> No.2628073
File: 93 KB, 962x506, CorruptionHedging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese will rather buy crypto because even with corrections like today's they like the general gains and the fact that it is STILL more stable than the chinese won. The corruption and siezing of assets is much more common in China, their economy might as well be backed by crypto at this point.

>> No.2628293

For real,whats behind bitcoin?I know normal money is or should be backed by gold.What exactly is the case with Bitcoin?
All of this just a playground to those tech geniuses...

And technology is growing with huge steps....one day a new machine or a new algo comes out that could shatter everything....is this what ppl want to rely on?

>> No.2628314

>I know normal money is or should be backed by gold.


>> No.2628332

Why make this topic if you don't understand anything you're talking about

>> No.2628415
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don't be this guy in 2014

>> No.2628418
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>> No.2628425
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several analysts with huge rep voted and agreed on this and now they're crying

>> No.2628460

It is backed by proof of work or proof of stake.

>> No.2628465

I'm still making money on the dead cat bounces, LMAO.

>> No.2628472

It literally cannot hit zero. Imagine how many people have died holding Bitcoin already. Imagine how many lost wallets there are. Most cryptos are even more scarce than their published market cap.

>> No.2628488

you shouldn't be investing in anything except an education young man

>> No.2628534

I know, I am taking Twitter Analyst in uni.

>> No.2628553

I made 600k in 3 months off crypto. You're a poor faggot who will never accomplish anything in life, keep posting pics of anime monkey fighters you fat retard ahahaha

>> No.2628807

Well....that was long ago before these giant prices.
Just think about it....either way fear will move the numbers...the fear that you are left out or the fear that it will crash...if you have the money play with it....but i hope something comes soon that finally does what bitcoin could not done



>> No.2628826

you'll give everything back and more when it blows up

there's millions of stories of retards who caught a bubble, thought they knew something, and then blew up

>> No.2628840
File: 74 KB, 1262x701, Screen Shot 2017-06-26 at 9.40.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le downward trend

>> No.2628856

You may want to look at a more updated version of that chart.

>> No.2628939

Bitcoin stays above $2000 from March until now so what you are saying is not valid. Can you not think before you waste my time typing something out? Insolent moron.

>> No.2628949

Not sure what you are talking about since I didn't say any of that. Just telling you to check out an updated version of that chart since it lines up with the dip we're currently seeing.

>> No.2628958

Also fuck you, idiot.

>> No.2629079
File: 1.33 MB, 498x278, 4523452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is all the money stored that supports Bitcoin?Would it be possible to cash out every bitcoin for that price at the same time?Can you feel how volatile this shit is?
Not like its not controlled by elite now....shit i believe its all part of a plan of a few wanabee billionaires too who want to control the world with their precious collected bitcoins 20-30years from now on and want to war with it and shit....like it will ever happen fools...fucking megalomaniac shits....

>> No.2629219

>the only people that hold bitcoin are the people that have been holding it since 2009 and they are all going to cash out at the exact same time, crashing the market

>> No.2629251

>thinks money is backed by gold
>claims to know what he is talking about

elegiggle wtf brah xxDXDxDxDDd dd

>> No.2629259
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>> No.2629313

I don't need you to explain again. The dip we are experiencing is still at very high levels if the chart is continued. You are just saying the same thing but in a more meek way. You will not recieve pity and remain btfo

>> No.2629316
File: 104 KB, 780x615, 1451598887201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you take your gold backed currency to the bank and see what they tell you when you ask them to give you the equivalent value in gold? Your problem is that you're not asking questions, you're telling us why we're wrong without much knowledge about the subject. Would you argue with your math teacher about why calculus is untrue because it doesn't make sense? Then why argue with us when we're making thousands every month from something you don't even understand.

>> No.2629338

>>2628958 see >>2629313
Fucking retard his chart still holds true and you're still btfo but if you were the sort of person who did research yourself then you'd be making money with us instead of humiliating yourself on biz

>> No.2629357
File: 329 KB, 475x357, 5674567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You got me.its not the 1600s anymore.

>> No.2629383

You don't make any sense. Kill yourself.

>> No.2629432

only plebs think in terms of fiat kikery when it comes to crypto
dat BTC sum is what it's all about

>> No.2629458

It wont go back to 0 but I definitely think it's going to be back around $1200 sometime in the next couple months.

>> No.2629462
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Yeah the ultimate goal is to make money with it.
Yeah you said it all.

anybody can be a millionaire...just hold 1 btc until date x and the meme comes true

>> No.2629517

You seem to be the only one thinking that. So what did you imply by saying that I should look at the current version of that chart? Were you being a good samaratan? Please tell me where I misinturpreted what you said.

>> No.2629528
File: 122 KB, 1278x851, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally agreeing with you.

>> No.2629567

Whatever you are still btfo in my eyes.

>> No.2629642
File: 22 KB, 450x320, chinese-business-man-using-his-cell-phone-outdoors-in-modern-asian-drwk6p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
