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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26269619 No.26269619 [Reply] [Original]

retarded as fuck ADHD burger here. i shuffled 7k around in coinbase between various cryptos, lost a lot of money but since everything was going up anyway i net +700$. my monthly trading volume was 86,000$. what should i know? btw this is a massive sell signal probably.

>> No.26269723

You can report your losses too you quadruple nigger

>> No.26269774
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>trading volume $86k
>net $700
Bruh, if you had put it all in RBC you would have $1M

>> No.26270019

how does that help me? wtf impact does trading volume even have on my tax liabilities? i just dont wanna pay any taxes fuck this crypto shit its not for me. Im scared im gonna owe like 30% of that 80k trading volume. im literally financially illiterate as fuck and panicking right now..

>> No.26270146

pls help, dont die bread