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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 696x602, cotacastelblanco_118450068_255727368760837_327974264559359733_n-e1599330767401-696x602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26267200 No.26267200 [Reply] [Original]

is it financially intelligent to spend around 5k euros for an exchange semester in an undisclosed European country this summer 2021 ? considering Covid-19 will probably still be around, I don't know if it'll be worth it, bars may be closed and student life opportunities would be affected...

my university already granted me a 2k euros scholarship but 5k will have to be out of my pocket. you're intelligent people, help me make this financial decision.

t. poorfag student from undisclosed Latin American country

>> No.26267241

Jesus fix your windows woman

>> No.26267252


>> No.26267291

No especially if it has covid restrictions

>> No.26267313

Imagine having a girlfriend. Just IMAGINE....

>> No.26267344

yeah but I can't see the future

>> No.26267394

I dont think so. Everything at my uni is distance. SO youd pay to come here, go into 10 day quarantine, and then just have online classes. Save the money and hope for a better year.

>> No.26267412

probably not. what would you gain from the exchange?

>> No.26267427

What's the thing on the right?

>> No.26267435


No one cares brown boy, didn't read.

>> No.26267439

I really want to learn the language

>> No.26267542

I have one friends that did her exchange in the same city in the summer of 2020, when the first wave was at its peak. She had online classes, but she said she still had an excellent time and met a lot of people in the student residencies, which are a micro-society on their own.

I'd be going into one of these residencies.

>> No.26267611

Depends on your field and what you'd want to after university. But very likely not, to be honest.

>> No.26267731

maybe fall semester 21 , but atleast in my europoor country it looks like covid lockdown bs is gonna be until summer atleast

>> No.26267822

It depends where youre going. My uni, all the first year student residences are locked down pretty tight. Again, save the money, and come up one summer and live in a capital like Paris or something for a few months and you'll have as good a time. But its your call. It sound like you already made your mind up and just want someone to validate.

>> No.26268035


>> No.26268068

milk pump

>> No.26268089

he could be from argentina

>> No.26268103
File: 19 KB, 112x112, PepeKMS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont want to be horny anymore, i want to be rich

>> No.26268203

How high is your networth and would this cripple you?

>> No.26268601

I have student debt, so I'm probably in the negative overall. But I have like 10k in the bank, plus some property (cheap rural lots) I inherited. It wouldn't cripple me. My degree should allow me to live comfortably here and pay off my debt.

>> No.26268812

it's literally in the filename

>> No.26268819

aight, black* boy

>> No.26268957

Falling for the college degree meme. Ffs, anon, before this decade is out, there won't be a single white collar job safe from an algo that can do it faster, better and cheaper. Your only chance is holding some assets. So, take those same 5k , and go balls deep into Crypto, by peak market, you won't make it, but at least, you live live comfortably until next peak market, you WILL make it.

>> No.26269000

Dont do it in this case, especially when the language is your biggest motivator. Find people to talk to online and use Discord or something to practice it. You wont make it when you chase the "experiences" meme without an safe financial foothold.

>> No.26269078

Prostitutes are probably cheaper in your homeland.

>> No.26269327

My current state of mind is kinda... "5k is nothing, I will make that in two months when I'm in my thirties. The experiences, on the other hand, those are priceless..."

Is this a dangerous state of mind to be in?

Also, maybe I should mention that 5k is an overestimation. I researched online and I could lower my costs down to something like 3k-3.5k.

>> No.26269690

How did somebody with your mindset end on /biz/? You sound like an dumb teenage girl.