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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 200x200, RUBIC_SCAM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26259729 No.26259729 [Reply] [Original]

Rubic is shilled by a Discordgroup called "/shill/".
It's the same group that shilled Upfiring back then. You can take a look what happened to UFR. They are still sitting on bags of worthless shitcoins. Now they are trying again with Rubic. Don't get fooled. Let them stay poor with their shitcoins.

>> No.26259804
File: 191 KB, 756x1008, rolexgang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got rich from crypto. And I always followed the most important rule:

Never ever buy something that es massively shilled on /biz/. Every coin they shilled ended in a bloodbath and all of them were raging after they realized that they failed.

be wise and follow the rule.

>> No.26259866

Already made and cashed 10k

>> No.26260770

shits ridiculous they have 10 threads running rn

>> No.26261005

Rubic is a pajeet/slav scam.
Avoid rubic at all costs.
They have tonnes of dupes and are ruining this site.

>> No.26261151

true. total scam

>> No.26262301


dont think ive seen a bigger scam than this, expect the rug any minute now

>> No.26262331

cope rublet

>> No.26262395

>they are actually buying back tokens to add to uniswap

>> No.26262589

>wasting a bunch of money on an ugly boomer bracelet

lmao you're nigger rich, retard

>> No.26262689
File: 267 KB, 500x436, adsfjoi2jf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they'll rug anytime... right guys... it just keeps going up

>> No.26263045


>> No.26263254

It's to support their retarded memes. Pump something up that's obviously retarded -> watch it crash and fail. le ebin me me's. So retarded and pathetic.

>> No.26264310

Cope harder faggot

>> No.26264334


>> No.26264367

Don't rope when you realize your schizophrenia is working against you not with you

>> No.26264375


>> No.26264517

Like ChainLink?

>> No.26264550

What do i buy instead rich anon?

>> No.26264625

he mad.

>> No.26264679


>> No.26264741

>Never ever buy something that es massively shilled on /biz/. Every coin they shilled ended in a bloodbath and all of them were raging after they realized that they failed.
like chainlink?

>> No.26264841

chainlink was the only coin that was massively shilled on /biz/ that has an actual usecase and also a real community behind it.

...it was by accident because shillgroups don't giva a fuck about whitepapers. I am pretty sure they don't even understand what cryptocurrency is. they are fucking losers that really believe they can get rich but they fail every fucking time.

>> No.26264918
File: 70 KB, 517x791, rubicranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope more with the loss nigger bitch. Many of us continue to profit. None of these thread are heard. Your plea fall to death ears bitch mother.

>> No.26264920


this the most obvious tranny campaign on /biz/ ever. Just fuck of ya street shitters

>> No.26264922

I'm in the jewelry industry and I can tell that watch is fake, nice LARP though faggot.

>> No.26264947

facts. I've burned my hands quite some times on these fucking shills. Take LOCK, LIT, LCX and PAMP. It's so fucking obvious, get out before you burn your hands aswell.

>> No.26264957

yeah exactly the same as link, that's why i'm rich and you'll never be
can you at least remove that, you useless piece of shit?

>> No.26264961

didnt you say this about GRT aswell . And PRQ ? and AVAX ?.. Terrible Fud.

>> No.26264981

You look brown... pajeet.. is that you?

>> No.26265009

hahah then tell me exactly where exactly you spot a genuine watch to be fake.

u jealous because u are poor and did buy a scamcoin like Rubic? seems to be the case :)

>> No.26265014

HAHAHAHAHA welp that was easy. Rubshit confirmed jeetcoin

>> No.26265025

What a coincidence, me too. It's real though

>> No.26265075

damn you made so much money off rubic that it just manifested into dollars

wtf and I thought it was a meme, i'm buying rubic now

>> No.26265140

Protip to anyone reading this: if you made a profit with RBC, SELL HALF NOW! Consolidate gains. Thank me later.

>> No.26265181


>> No.26265198

no I didn't. AVAX is great created by a big name in the industry.

GRT is nothing special, it could get attention but I think that the big players already can do what GRT is offering. I didn't read the whitepaper of PRQ so far so I can't say anything about it.

But I've read the whitepaper of Rubic. And it's shit. The people behind the projects are noobs, they can't even code. Look at their Github. It's just funny that people can fall for it.

Look at their non existant community. The only thing that Rubic has is a fucking Discordgroup of shills. And that alone is a huge redflag.

Sorry newfag but u fall for a scam.

>> No.26265337

>GRT is nothing special, it could get attention but I think that the big players already can do what GRT is offering.
This is straight up retarded. GRT has a great potential and many real world use. But i'm not shilling shit here. You're right about everything else. I got some PRQ tho, it's good but nowhere as good as GRT. Note that I didn't say grt will moon to 2$ or shit like that. It's just a good token for once.

>> No.26265353

Have fun jumping train on a 31x in 7 day token. See you at $0,005 pajeet.

>> No.26265419

If you were up 2k% you’d be making Threads too retard

>> No.26265424


>> No.26265484

You’re telling me a crosschain exchange with a viable roadmap is not a valid usecase?

>> No.26265616

Medium time lurker here. Whenever reading whitepapers what should I look for exactly when trying to find a good coin?

>> No.26265642

Ever heard of Chainlink, you fucking moron?
Just because you're too stupid to tell pajeet shilling from organic shilling, isn't our fault.

Also imagine buying tacky jewelry as a man lmao

>> No.26265775


>> No.26265820

>organic shilling
Ok you're retarded.

>> No.26265836

who's gonna tell him?
>uh... a-anon...

>> No.26265873

Wonder if it will keep growing or not... the swings deliver big gains

>> No.26266051

There is a definite difference between them. LINK uses to be shilled here and it didn't have this hysterical vibe to it. People were actually talking about the product. All these shill threads and none of them speak about the tokens or the exchange. This is just a copy of uniswap with a promise of cross chain swapping

>> No.26266118

>Posts $100 DHGate replica of a $10k Rolex
It is not that hard to show us your trades instead, hot shot. Even if you are crypto-rich, most people on /biz/ would either buy a fake watch or some sort of techwear.

Are you too young to remember when every other thread on /biz/ was about ETH going to the moon whenever it was at like 50 cents per coin? Not every coin that is shilled here is PND.

>> No.26266291

Yeah that's why I made over half a million from Chainlink that's how retarded I am.
Sold a significant part of my BTC for LINK in 2018, it did a x20 in sats, sold most of my stack for BTC at the peak in August, Bitcoin itself has tripled in dollars since then. Still have a suicide stack of Link though in case it ever actually goes to $1000, which it might because /biz is always fucking right if you're smart enough to look through the bullshit.
Yeah I'm so retarded probably gonna have $2+ million at the end of this bullrun that I purely owe to /biz/ for shilling me a coin that wasn't even in the top 100, wow so retarded how will I ever cope.

>> No.26266697

I feel so stupid. I bought more xlm and xsn following shill threads, expecting big gains.

I also saw 100's of threads calling rubic a scam when it was at £0.02 so didn't bother buying. pretty much everyone was calling it a scam.

Now rubic is up, what? 500% in a few days and both xlm and xsn (especially xsn} has fucking tanked.

What my alternate? Browsing Reddit? Fuck that. I just need to learn to do the opposite of what biz says appatently

>> No.26266768

litterally everyone was buying and saying positive things instead of calling it a scam

>> No.26266968

If you can make quick profit why not? Get in, enjoy the quick ride and get out fast.

This is not for long term hodling.

>> No.26267664

The thing is you have to engage with the people promoting the stuff and also the people saying it's a scam.
I was highly skeptical of Rubic because of their team and bad handling of MyWish. That is, until I started asking other people for their reasoning behind why they thought it was a scame. Soon I started looking and comparing it to Uniswap and its success.

After arguing with both sides, I came to the conclusion that this was worth investing in. Although I still can't buy any ETH with my credit card to get it lmao

>> No.26267772

why would you buy a fucking fake watch? are u retarded or what? please tell me where exactly you spot it is a fake. guess what? u won't be able to because it is genuine. Jealousy at it's best. Have fun stying poor with your Rubic PumpNdump scam.

>> No.26268564

Can't fud me out of this scam europoor

>> No.26268702

No way that /shill/ is still around 3 years later
They weren't that big to begin with and their only project failed