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26257109 No.26257109 [Reply] [Original]

I recently bought a large commercial building, 8000 square foot downstairs and upstairs. The upstairs is mostly an open floor plan with a few offices up there, however I plan to convert it over to apartments and I am not sure which would be the best route.

>5 studio apartments at 750sq. ft each for $800 a month
>2 double bedroom apartments at ~1100 sq. ft each at $1050 each
>2 studios at $800 each

Obviously the first is more money, however it shoes you into studio apartments only, as well as having to maintain another dwelling and deal with that headache. So I am personally inclined to do the second option since it would also cost less to remodel 4 compared to 5 apartments.

>> No.26257185

Based and landchad pilled.

>> No.26257276

First one of course. Rent one to a group of escorts and enjoy "benefits" lol

>> No.26257410

what this anon said

>> No.26257428

you are an idiot

>> No.26257523

>t. no rentals

kek me and my friends talk about doing this all the time. Luckily none of us have taken that leap

>> No.26258132

Landlords get the rope first

>> No.26258254

The real question is - what is more in demand in your market?

I would lean towards the second option for diversity of unit size and 1 less unit to convert/maintain, personally.

>> No.26258377

That is my thinking exactly, however I also dont really want families with small kids in there shitting up the place. So if I keep them all studio I eliminate that risk. However where I live 750 sq. ft. is a bit on the small side.

>> No.26258558

depends of the location of building. If there are some universities or business parks nearby, studios will be better for young people but if it is a suburb will be easier to rent it to families so bigger one.
But if you gonna do this make sure that you will isolate acoustically those walls

>> No.26258624

Good luck getting permits to convert it lmao.

>> No.26258712

Depends who you want renting the place.

If you do single studios you'll get single people

If you do double bedroom you'll get families.

I would recommend the first choice

>> No.26258915

Permits would be no issue.

Definetly would have to insulate them well so you would not have people complaining constantly. If I go with the 4 apartment plan it would be set up in such a way that there would only be 1 wall shared between 2 apartments.

>> No.26259326

Permits will be an issue.

>> No.26259409

Kill yourselves commies.

Where did you buy this such that permits aren't an issue? If it literally is that easy, to just buy a commercial building and convert it, I want in too, fren.

>> No.26259614

Being friends with the town manager helps, not to mention the top of the building is already listed as “residential”

>> No.26259660

with gradual erosion of small businesses and the destruction of white collar jobs is this the future, will housing return to the high street again? its a great idea to get in early.

why would they be an issue?

>> No.26259704

>he thinks families do more damage than studio dwellers

>> No.26259806
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could be smaller

>> No.26259853

Why bother wasting all that space for a toilet. Just piss and shit directly into the shower. A little waffle stomp never hurt anybody.

>> No.26259859

it is harder to evict the family

>> No.26259913

Your first step is seeing if youre even allowed to rezone this property from commercial to residential. The you have to secure the require permits. You can't just turn an office into apartments on a whim.

>> No.26259961

Didn't read this, if it's zoned as residential already then you should be fine. But if it's not, they will literally fine you every single day you have tenants there until you remove all the renovations you made

>> No.26259962

could use poop masher

>> No.26260100

gratz OP!

>> No.26260128

Love this one

>> No.26260166
File: 49 KB, 507x640, groceries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not reading the thread but is OP one of these guys that buys commercial and tries to use it as residential? haha

>> No.26260270

Kitchen/appliances/bathroom is the most annoying part of rental maintenance imo, and you're multiplying them with studios with less $ per unit. But then again you get a bit more money per individual. I'm not sure how the math works out. I think I'd go for 2-beds however possible.

>> No.26260276
File: 154 KB, 1039x1155, 9248B5DE-4F07-4735-8577-64AFDC4BFC75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lease special now starting at a low $2299/mo!

>> No.26260364
File: 74 KB, 674x674, haha plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never legally convert it to residential

>> No.26260487
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>beds in commercial

>> No.26260497

>not reading the thread>>26259614

>> No.26260758
File: 47 KB, 970x545, dr klaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then I hope it will work.

There is a reason why commercial buildings are much cheaper then residential.

>> No.26260909

>There is a reason why commercial buildings are much cheaper then residential.

I have 5 residential properties and so far this commercial one has been way easier to deal with. The downstairs storefronts have tenants that have been there for 5+ years, that alone pays my loan bill for the building. Adding in the apartments will be an additional ~$50,000 a year income.

>> No.26261054

Good luck bro. I have been eyeing commercial property since residential properties scare the fuck out of me.

>> No.26261281
File: 137 KB, 1200x675, https _cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_190705094701-01-podshare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many pods you can squeeze there

>> No.26261394

There's 8 beds in that photo which is $9,600 a month lmao

>> No.26261487

i bet they dont even needed to convert that space to residential, as its more like something like a hostel

>> No.26261627

Seethe harder rentfags. Nobody cares about the media eviction scare and OP will make money telling faggots like yourself their rent's due.

>> No.26261820

Holy fuck they don't even have curtains.

>> No.26261838

OP will get raped for using commercial as residential

>> No.26262184

Imagine the smell

>> No.26262214
File: 169 KB, 1200x630, smelly-town-buys-bizarre-device-sniff-weed-farms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based smell anon

>> No.26262276

Fuck that's actually genius

>> No.26262481

This. I speak with authorities who evict people in my country, and one of them once told me a crazy story, where a woman threatened to throw his baby out of the window if the police entered to remove her.

>> No.26262494


All of downtown is zoned for "dwellings above retail" so there is no issue for that.

>> No.26262554

Even Japs have a sense of privacy with their capsule shit.

>> No.26262565

WTF 800 month for a 69 sq Meters dept...you burgerbots are fucked......

>> No.26263011

Where do you live?

>> No.26263216

on a super mario 3d world country 100 USD for a 1723 sq feet dept. for wage comparission im a professional living with a wage equivalent to a qualified operator on the USA.

>> No.26263258

2brs invite families to rent, and all the chaos that comes with relationshit and children. You preferably want all your renters to be 20yo single white female government employees, so you can just collect a paycheck and never worry about avout your tenants punching through the walls, smearing shit on the ceiling, dealing crack, etc. So go with the studios for sure.

>> No.26263643

Why are families so bad? I figured they’d be easier to deal with.

>> No.26263717

$800/mo for 750 Sq ft is cheap in most of USA. Stop being poor

>> No.26263942

What metro area? Can I rent from you OP? I want to move out of Jew York

>> No.26264312

this guy gets it.

Basically only rent to government employees and you will never have to worry about paychecks

>> No.26264390

an extremely small town in NC

>government employees
>mostly black

>> No.26264591

That sounds like a lot... there are cheaper apartments in the sticks of upstate NY... people upstate are fucking assholes though and hate city slickers. what is the quality of life like down there? Friendly white people? Would I be welcomed as a neighbor in your community?

>> No.26264798

Depends if you act like a typically yankee asshole, and generally speaking people from NYC are horrible humans. That being said I have customers who come in my store from up state NYS and they’re cool. It is slightly elevated for the area but I raised it to keep out the tweekers

>> No.26264858

one thing to look into or consider is that financing will probably be easier and have lower fees with the four unit vs five unit, or it will at least be two different types of loans, because 4 units qualifies as small income and 5 units would be classed as multifamily. don’t know what the implications of this would be at the current time or in your case. Also make sure to consider parking, nobody asked you about that yet. If you have good parking it may be worth eventually turning it into a condo if the market improves to that extent in the area but it all depends. The 4 vs 5 unit thing as it reates to financing is big though, have you talked to banks about this or do you not want/need to have financing?

>> No.26265164

A mix obviously. 1x 1 bedroom, 1x twin bedroom, 3 studios. A good architect could get a floor plan that supports that. 750 sq ft for studio apartments is excessive, especially since your rents are quite low, more units, more revenue.

Your studios are likely to have higher occupancy turn over, so the double and single apartments will help keep occupancy rates more consistent.

>> No.26265169

When I lived upstate my landlord loved me. Rent always paid on time, apartment kept tidy, always pleasant interactions. I cleaned the entire apartment after moving out too and got my full deposit back. And yes downstate people are also assholes in their own way but that leads to a lot of prejudice upstate which means people automatically don't like me when they hear my accent or see how I'm dressed. I got kicked out of a bar once just for being from out of town

>> No.26265307

>I got kicked out of a bar once just for being from out of town
Genuinely interested: how did it work?

>> No.26265342

>or see how I'm dressed
>I got kicked out of a bar once just for being from out of town
Are you a tranny?

>> No.26265357

Families are harder to evict so bear that in mind, that's why i'd rather have a 1 bed for a single professional to live in that i could also charge more than a studio for.

>> No.26265381

Ahh yes
I too love shitting, eating, and sleeping in the same room

>> No.26265663

So the full story is a bit more complicated, but some local friends invited me and a girl who was also from downstate out to a bar that turned out to actually be a biker clubhouse. None of my friends were members of this club but they hung out there all the time. Once this girl and i walked in people automatically started grilling us. Some lady who was drinking there started yelling at us from across the bar and then the bartender came over and said it would be best if we just left. The justification was that we weren't members but that was obviously bullshit because my friends weren't members either and had been there for hours.

>> No.26266038

Not a tranny, but if you're dressed up like a hipster in camo country you stand out a bit

>> No.26266093

Bathroom should be AWAY from kitchen, otherwise you are gonna smell stinkies while eating

>> No.26266135

Wrong, plumbing costs.

>> No.26266244

>grilling us.
Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker; what does it mean?

>> No.26266287




>> No.26266497

Depending on the context it means either staring at someone in a very unfriendly/suspicious way or interrogating someone in a very unfriendly/suspicious way. Basically it means giving someone the impression that you do not like or trust them. In the context I used they were grilling us by staring the moment we walked inside.

>> No.26266825

I grew up with this word and I'm not sure if it's NYC regional slang or not, so I would advise against using it if you're learning English as a second language because there's a good chance most people aren't familiar with it

>> No.26267626

It means they put you on a barbecue and roast you