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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 512x512, FtMw4Uhc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2625259 No.2625259 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who resisted the urge to sell and believed in the dip will be greatly rewarded. Watch as our Ants climb Ethereum mountain.

Post your hodl's!!

>> No.2625344

350 ANS reporting in

>> No.2625367

520 ANS :D @ 3.75$

>> No.2625389

830 ANS no selling or trading

>> No.2625394 [DELETED] 

300 ANS strong

>> No.2625402

300 w/ titanium hands

>> No.2625429


>> No.2625431

50 ANS bought at 410 370 230

>> No.2625442

i bought ANS for the first time today. have 185. already in the green, will hold long term.

>> No.2625443

82 ants


>> No.2625452


520 ANS. Had 2k but I sold it at the top and diversified the gains into other coins.

>> No.2625464 [DELETED] 

cool google translate, bro

>> No.2625475


>Chink knock off ETH

Crashes like real deal

>> No.2625480

I've been learning chinese for over a year buddy :)

>> No.2625481
File: 3.89 MB, 550x309, ANZZZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27 ANS, poor as fuck but will probably be enough to buy me a pair of nice shoes when it moons

>> No.2625492


>> No.2625501 [DELETED] 

you'll get about 10 grand if you sell at the peak.

>> No.2625504

428 little Ants here

>> No.2625516

People thought this was called AntShares because of the bug. When in reality it was called that because of the association with Ant Financials, the HUGE fucking
Chinese company. They are obviously connected and Ant will not allow this thing to fail.

>> No.2625536
File: 79 KB, 325x400, basedChoice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe

>> No.2625565

Bids have flipped big time. Get comfy for the next few hours and watch our gains roll in.

>> No.2625586 [DELETED] 

Telegram Pump group that blew up CANN EBST TRIG and BRX on bittrex https://t.me/DayPumpers

Fuck u faggots join or dont idgaf but what you think. I did it with .1 btc and left with .23 btc but I felt like it was fucking lucky lmao

>> No.2625675

look at the chink site.

its above well above 40 yen again
almost only bids coming in

I think we got our money back lads

got 625 ants but I fucked up big time a few hours ago, used to have about 790

>> No.2625724 [DELETED] 

the gains... the sweet gains... they are coming.

>> No.2625898

What's that red stuff mean?

>> No.2625925
File: 26 KB, 326x323, ans levels logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anybody explain buy/sell walls to me?
utter noob here with 60ans. i was planning to sell them now and buy IF next dip occurs

>> No.2625932

y-yeah j-just look at those pumps r-right haha

>> No.2625976

I have 17 ANS, is this good enough?

>> No.2626084

Great time to buy. Good work sir

>> No.2626137
File: 66 KB, 398x634, 1498080755525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1k+ club reporting in

>> No.2626211

6259 ants and counting.

>> No.2626256

Ants on the moon. Ants on mars. Ants in the matrix. Ants in jars

>> No.2626445

They're just words for large buy/sell orders on the order book. Since they can be effortlessly created or taken down, they don't mean much and are mostly used for mind games by whales.

>> No.2626457


>> No.2626488

154 ANS reporting in. We still have great volume on Bittrex.

>> No.2626544

To expand upon what that Anon said it basically prevents the price from either going below a certain point or from going above a certain point.

If someone sets a buy 80 BTC buy order at 180k then if you want it to reach 181K it has to be bought through. It forces people to either sell for LESS than that or wait for it to get eaten through.

The manipulation is that the whale is the one buying up all the things being sold in front of the wall and still makes a profit if anyone actually reaches the wall because it is the price ceiling which is lower than it should be because the whale created a wall preventing the price from going up.

Eventually they take down the wall and the place sell orders for all the coin they bought for cheap because of their wall. It gets bought at a higher price and they make a profit.

>> No.2626579

Fuck me replace 80 BTC buy order with sell order.

>> No.2626585

is this how the artificial pump and dumps have been done?

>> No.2626590

Great explanation /biz/brother, this is mandatory learning for all crypto traders

>> No.2626608

85 @ 146 - 240. I hope you all make it, bros.

>> No.2626609
File: 127 KB, 1818x838, orderbooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look for this pattern in order books

>> No.2626660

see this cunt hole with a 9btc wall at 203k? well odds are he put that there and is now buying up gradually all the orders that people put under 203k, eventually he will get satisfied and go make some hot pockets or some shit and will remove his 9btc wall, and the price will resume climbing as normal

rich get richer

>> No.2626829

What does your notations on the chart mean?

>> No.2626864

Will the price continue to drop until the rebranding is officially done?

>> No.2626893

Fuck your gay ass pump and dump. "Ethereum of China" my smooth white DICK!

>> No.2627043
File: 32 KB, 724x231, antshares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We shall colonize the moon! Prepare yourself for BIBLICAL gains (see image) !

>> No.2627073

Purchased 620 ANS at 450k.
pls no bully.

>> No.2627104

I have 60 soldiers but payday is thursday and im wondering if I should pick up a few

>> No.2627116

2085. Sold 1100 before the peak and more than doubled my initial investment.

>> No.2627133

use a credit card made


>> No.2627150

Can someone explain the "show all" button on bittrex.
What is it not showing when you have it unchecked?

>> No.2627160

I can only buy 0.156 ETH. I'm also a broke ass student, is this worth it?

>> No.2627191


every little bit is worth it

>> No.2627313

I have 2 ETH and 154 ANTS
Should I drop my ETH and go for the ANTS or is it better this way?

>> No.2628180

Drop ETH. Not going anywhere.

>> No.2628206
File: 213 KB, 512x384, Sad_Milhouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw only 24 ANS

>> No.2628216
File: 4 KB, 251x201, depressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw only 9

>> No.2628340

Is now a good time to buy? Antlet here

>> No.2628413

I only have 50 ants. Anyone spare a few ants?

I want to board antpollo 11 for the first ant moon mission

>> No.2628421

It may drop a little more but I don't think you will save yourself a lot of money if you're buying <1btc worth. It should start to get hyped and pumped as Binance gets launched on the 15th.

>> No.2628438
File: 51 KB, 400x262, Candy_Boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if ANS is Chinese ether, and ether is bitcoin's failing Russian cousin then that means it's level 3 garbage copy of a knockoff that doesn't work.
So why would it ever recover?

>> No.2628449

143 ANS inbound

>He cashed out all of his holdings at a substantial loss and went all in at the ATH

I would have so much more if I wasn't a retard, but I bought a lot as it went further and further down too to make up for it. I'll keep buying in though while the getting is good. Hope it's not too high in a couple of weeks when I get paid again!

>> No.2628474

Because its a similar concept to ether, which rich people like, but without many of the cons of ether, the cons that rich people don't like. Microsoft supported them, alibaba supported them. They're being listed on a new exchange in china funded by rich chinks on the 15th, and there's rumors that poloniex is also going to list them soon. If you don't buy in now, you're literally a mongoloid. You're guaranteed to make money. Maybe lambo money, maybe not, but you will get a positive return just for pissing a little bit of money on ANS.

>> No.2628510

39 ants

>> No.2628695
File: 172 KB, 1125x2001, IMG_7949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No choice but to hold.
Tempted to buy more now that it's cheap, but not feeling confident.

>> No.2628731

I just bought 21 if that makes you feel better

>> No.2628741

Once it comes to Poloniex, I am selling my DGB/ETH for it

>> No.2628770

>Panic bought not once but twice during the huge pump and dump two weeks ago

Wew lad

>> No.2628787

Why do you all continue to waste your time on this shitcoin? Don't you realize the opportunities you are missing out on by focusing on this shit?

>> No.2628795

1350 ants here... i lost about 1400 trying to time the market though fml. just took them off bittrex so i can no longer do that

>> No.2628797
File: 15 KB, 250x300, beavis-and-butthead-rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably have around $1,500 in
>Price finally reaching $800 again


>> No.2628819
File: 69 KB, 662x540, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy another invalid. Consider it's the second highest volume on bittrex after Ethereum right now, and has been in the highest ranks since it blew up. Stop being another fucking useless in the way person, and start thinking about why it might BE THE SECOND HIGHEST VOLUME TRADED COIN RIGHT NOW!

>> No.2628860

Why do you guys think it's gonna go up now?

>> No.2628894
File: 260 KB, 593x635, 1493509543643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I..I'll be ok..

>> No.2628900

Because the dip is over and it's one of the only coins to prove it has a real future right now. NMR is pretty good but in the dumps because it's new and hasn't actually DONE anything worthwhile yet. I'd say Ripple is pretty fucking good too. Ironically, those are both right beneth antshares in volume, and I swear I didn't check before hand. Antshares has the plan and is rapidly gaining the backing, NMR has the tech and the smarts behind it for sure, but doesn't yet have the real backing it needs (it'll probably get it though). Ripple is trying it's hardest with the backing, and has good tech. You should at least hold one of the above, if not all, because they're all going to fucking break out eventually. Ripple is actually extremely impressive to me and I expect good things from it. NMR is more up in the air, but I'd be more surprised if it failed than if it succeeded.

>> No.2628905

1503.xx ants reporting, sir

>> No.2628909

3 Times.
can you tell me when you are buying next so i can sell?

>> No.2629033
File: 39 KB, 1184x306, aewaeawe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d-dip is over guys!!
I'm not so sure, it hasn't climbed anywhere yet

>> No.2629082


how can a coin with 38 billion in circulation possibly "break out"

>> No.2629129 [DELETED] 

yup. forget the jews. we ANS bag holders are God's chosen people.

>> No.2629151
File: 486 KB, 614x1042, 1498356332345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2629183

I also don't like ripple as an investment. Even if for some miraculous reason it manage to surpass BTC in marketcap, price wouldn't be that high due to insane circulating supply.

Now take Factom for example. Very promising project and technology, with only 8m circulating supply and 200m marketcap. If Factom managed to get to ETH's marketcap for some reason, price would be almost 4k per factom.

>> No.2629192

Any idea how to get the web wallet running in linux?
Very disappointed that they are only running on insecure OS

>> No.2629335

holding 100 ANS in my wallet and just bought 40 more on bittrex.

What do you guys think ANS and ANC will be worth in the future? (or NEO and Gas)

And how do exchanges plan on trading ANC in theyre just gonna call it generic "gas"?

>> No.2629376

Anyone else gonna miss the ant memes when the rebranding is complete? I mean NEO has meme potential too but man, the ant memes are pretty good so far...

>> No.2629410

do you think ANC will be worth more than ANS?

>> No.2629423 [DELETED] 

we will always have the memories.

keanu reeves will take us to the promised land.

>> No.2629532

i need some positive movement soon, this is getting depressing.

>> No.2629547

Bought ANS at sub 200k ^_^

Sold BTC at the bottom too tho... Thought it was going lower

>> No.2629563

Not just for ANS though, market is having a bearish momentum.

>> No.2629632


well the big coins are recovering a little bit while ANS is stuck at 200-220 for ages.

>> No.2629634

When is ANS becoming NEO?

>> No.2629662

I didn't know 4 days of stability was "Ages"

>> No.2629704

Q3 of this year

>> No.2629706


looking for advice on crypto

>> No.2629717

So July 1st?

>> No.2629768


Set your coins to sell @1btc if you're not gonna move them
All of you right now

>> No.2629813

It has collapsed 50% in four days, antshart bagboy

>> No.2629829
File: 171 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170627-024126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just thought I'd share this $3.5M sell wall @500k. What in the actual fuck. Anyone have a real answer as to why this exists?

>> No.2629833


why would we do that? wouldn't that further drive the price down?

>> No.2629837
File: 11 KB, 568x25, MEMES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA good work lads

>> No.2629855

It bottomed out at 200k 4 days ago cuck been seeing sideways movement since.
I'm still in the black until we go <100k

>> No.2629867

This was always going to be a 6 month hold, what it does in-between doesn't really matter

>> No.2629880 [DELETED] 


It's tonight ffs, >1btc

>> No.2629886 [DELETED] 

good idea. let's send a message to the whales. WE WILL NOT GIVE IN.

>> No.2629889

sold my 200 ants just before it fucking jumped yesterday

it need to go down to 194 so I can be even at this point

I'm fucking dead inside

>> No.2629892


4 days ago it wasn't stable at 200k, shitheel. It was in freefall though like the manipulated pnd shitcoin it is.

Only in the past 24 hours has it been ranging between 200-230k which is the new normal. Sucks to be a retarded bagholder.

>> No.2629912


>> No.2629930

Like i said in my last post. I bought in at 100k. and made extra on the bull run.
Feels nice to actually make money. You sound like a mad cunt who bought at the top.

>> No.2629938 [DELETED] 


>> No.2629950

I sold mind at break even after the laughable conference. Don't give a fuck when you bought. The point is that the only stable thing about this shitter since the conference is it's failure.

>> No.2629977

t.me/cryptoadvice just said he is buying into it too, so I'm very confident in my holdings!

>> No.2630003

Thanks senpai now you're speaking my language.

>> No.2630005

Sound like you shouldn't be in Crypto if you cant make money on a 500% pump

>> No.2630020


I hope you like hodling for FUCKING EVER. Your ANS will NEVER be worth what you bought it for, Hodl your chink coin into the fucking grave.

>> No.2630023

Pumped and dumped and not in the last four days. Pump is never happening again bagholders. Gook whales will make sure this continues being strangled.

>> No.2630052

Just reading about the Byzantine Fault Tolerance system vs POW and POS. Do any other coins have this? it sounds like best system for mass adoption by a mile

>> No.2630070 [DELETED] 


>> No.2630088

anyone seen this? this guy claims to be the 3rd dev on the ant/neo project


>> No.2630123

More like moongoloid, amiriteguise?

>> No.2630144

so i should move my ETH into ANT?

>> No.2630174


>> No.2630194 [DELETED] 

you mean you haven't done that already??

>> No.2630289 [DELETED] 

ANS the only thing that didnt tank in the last 2 hours
So good advice?

>> No.2630721

450 ans holding

>> No.2630730

Anyone not holding ANS is a moron.
This shit will blow up within a few weeks.

>> No.2630767
File: 645 KB, 1882x758, cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

binance.com countdown stopped

>> No.2630781
File: 110 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170627-103339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this coin, not even upset about this loss so far.

I have a lot of faith in out colony, holding for at least 3 months (possible much much longer if it escalates).

When are we thinking our MoonMound will be ready?

>> No.2630785

Oh fuck off

I'm already down 12k because of you assholes

>> No.2630877


127 hodlng

>> No.2630895
File: 36 KB, 660x350, nicholas-cage-con-air.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2630902

There seems to be an effort to keep putting sell orders in at 227k even when it goes to 229k

Someone is trying hard to keep the price low.

>> No.2630910


i predict it will hit 235k sat at next peak

>> No.2630923

88btc whale at 220k.

>> No.2630929

Yunbi market is flying higher than bittrex, this might be it.

>> No.2630930

already at 245k on yunbi.

>> No.2630938

we are already at 235610 I expect it to be around 300k by the end of next week

>> No.2630941
File: 7 KB, 272x186, 1494435390365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been manipulated so hard on this coin

>> No.2630943


>> No.2630944


no reason this couldnt have current BTC marketcap in 2-3 years

>> No.2630946

time to get rich

>> No.2630961

go antnigger

>> No.2630962

Careful guys it could be arbitrage so the steam will run out in a min.

>> No.2630968

we are indeed, targeting 25

>> No.2630973

sold it all. will buy more

>> No.2630974

Houston we have a liftoff

>> No.2630976

300 today monks

>> No.2630977

261k on yunbi, still goin up lads.

>> No.2630984

Should I sell all my strat for this? I have 84 ANS and 164 Strat sold 34 of the strat into ANS what do with the rest?

>> No.2630989

It's worth a punt atm.

>> No.2630991

woah see that someone bought 2708

>> No.2630992

woop i bought at 299 so will finally be in the green!

>> No.2631006

Is STRAT fucking dead? I have no clue what's going on there.

>> No.2631012

>tfw sold at 220k

>> No.2631014


>> No.2631017

yunbi almost at 0.003

>> No.2631019


>> No.2631024

bought at 6.90, should i wait for 9 or 10 dollars?

>> No.2631026

Broke $7 on yunbi

>> No.2631027
File: 22 KB, 1202x349, 1243567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt go to 300. its already at bittrex frontpage with 20% increase everyone noticed it already might even reach 400

>> No.2631031
File: 16 KB, 1805x102, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i open a tradeburo?
im literally making millions

>> No.2631034

Dang! Newb here. Just sold and made 16%, happy with that for my first trade, but I realize now that I should have HODL

>> No.2631035

time to finally dump dem bags. The last spastic movements of a dying shitcoin.

>> No.2631038


>> No.2631041
File: 54 KB, 357x368, 1494600513612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2631043

Lets guess what would be the ATH, 500k sats?

>> No.2631048


>> No.2631050

300k def happening today thank dog

>> No.2631052


>> No.2631053

2200 ans reporting in doc

>> No.2631054

we are getting rich lads TO THE MOON, claiming 400 tonight

>> No.2631060

Yes. Yeeeeeees!

>> No.2631062
File: 69 KB, 600x900, IMG_8528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting in epic mooning thread.

>> No.2631063

This is really getting sad guys.

>> No.2631066
File: 2.00 MB, 265x244, 1412253404053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We MOON mission now NIGGAS

>> No.2631069
File: 172 KB, 1428x942, gooktv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.2631071

Yunbi crashing.

fuck this.

>> No.2631074


>> No.2631076 [DELETED] 


>> No.2631081
File: 16 KB, 251x251, 1431119119519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 usd per 1 ans when

>> No.2631083

Sold at the top. Das it mane.

>> No.2631088

I type d that naem twice because I knew it was wrong the first time. Still wrong. w/e. GF's out at a lesbian bar, ANS crashing WHY AM I HOLDING? I'LL TELL YOU WHY. It's because I'm a bad trader and I KNOW I'M A BAD TRADER. Yeah you good traders can spot the highs and the lows pit pat piffy wing wong wang just like that and make a millino bucks sure no problem bro. Likewise the weak hands are like OH NO IT'S GOING DOWN I'M GONNA SELL he he he and then they're like OH GOD MY ASSHOLE when the SMART traders who KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOING buy back in but you know what? I'm not part of that group. When the traders buy back in I'm already part of the market capital so GUESS WHO YOU'RE CHEATING day traders NOT ME~! Those taunt threads saying "OHH YOU SHOULD HAVE SOLD" YEAH NO SHIT. NO SHIT I SHOULD HAVE SOLD. I SHOULD HAVE SOLD MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY SELL AND BOUGHT MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY BUY BUT YOU KNOW WHAT NOT EVERYBODY IS AS COOL AS YOU. You only sell in a bear market if you are a good day trader or an illusioned noob. The people inbetween hold. In a zero-sum game such as this, traders can only take your money if you sell.

so i've had some whiskey
actually on the bottle it's spelled whisky
sue me
(but only if it's payable in ANS)

>> No.2631089


fuuuuuck im only at like break even point

>> No.2631095

Sold. Will buy back in on next dip.

>> No.2631098

Yunbi cant generate ANS wallets atm....

>> No.2631100



>> No.2631101

time to go back down to 200k and buy more.

>> No.2631103


>> No.2631105

will this have another leg? when to buy in again? 230?

>> No.2631107

Are you me?

>> No.2631108

but I bought at 315k

>> No.2631110

>there are actually people buying at 245

A new generation of bag holders.

>> No.2631113

And it dipped back, moon mission failed

>> No.2631117

not enough red vol imo, pullback is already dying

>> No.2631118

shut up fatty, we're just starting

>> No.2631119

Depends, how cute is ur bum? cos mine is very cute.

>> No.2631124


>> No.2631126

>falling for the beartrap

>> No.2631131


>> No.2631134

>tfw bought the dip

>> No.2631135

bittrex is now higher than yunbi.
Look out kids.

>> No.2631136



There's literally no reason for a moon right now.

>> No.2631138

What a fucking surprise it goes up after i sell. Fuck this shit time to hodl.

>> No.2631139

too risky for my cohones

>> No.2631140

>some whiskey
Scotch is Whisky
The rest is Whiskey

>> No.2631152

dont panic on every dip lads. movement in the right direction is the start. a lot of eth to get swapped into neo yet

>> No.2631153


>> No.2631158
File: 310 KB, 1316x918, lamboland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what color?

>> No.2631160

Still going strong. Hodl this shit

>> No.2631162

Dip/crash is over. It will never be 200 again. Next floor will be 300

>> No.2631164

Dark metallic blue.
I don't fucking care if the option isn't there, get it.

>> No.2631166

mooning hard . buy now you faggots with weak hands who always fear the big crash.

>> No.2631178


>> No.2631179

It's also number 1 at %gains 24 hours, besides one pump and dump shitcoins.
That's it. Eth ANS flippening is happening

>> No.2631181

volume dying, its over dude.

>> No.2631182

Don't worry my grip is strong.

>> No.2631183

veiny pinkish. like a live boiled dog skin

>> No.2631190

i hodl 1003 ans, bought the most at around 450k sats, and some at 185k sats.
i believe in one year, my iron hands are gold hands

>> No.2631191

They will I bought at nearly every price, averaged to 270.
Allready put in wallet to get antcoins. I will never sell

>> No.2631201


how many coins do you get per and/per day approx?

>> No.2631202


>> No.2631205

STOP SELLING FOR 3 MINUTES. you will ruin the mooning if you sell !!!!!!!!! them BOTS man!!! trick the bots!

>> No.2631206

Lets pray anon.
Never cheap coins again!

>> No.2631207

NEO just been announced on chinese news station

>> No.2631208


Imagine having a green one with NEO license plate, every nigga wojaking as you drive past

>> No.2631213

Here comes the panic sells.

>> No.2631215




>> No.2631224

if you buy a Chinese Shitcoin Now

Weee Troow In frree cooked Puppy

>> No.2631233

Hopefully the crash goes below 200k so I can scoop up some ANS cheap.

>> No.2631237


>> No.2631240

This is the news video. just released


>> No.2631242

It's memecharting. Get out

>> No.2631245

it wont

>> No.2631248

i don't think vitalik would be biz friends with the lead developer of a shit coin.
He's canadian, you know...

>> No.2631258

does this mean 20 million chinks are going to hop on the ride with bitcoin dreams?

>> No.2631270

It's going for the memetriangle.

>> No.2631272

fuck knows. i got no idea what they sayin. its a state news channel though

>> No.2631281


hodling 45 ans.

Bought at 500, 300 and 190. I hope the price stays low for at least another few weeks so I can bring it up to 100 as my wages come in

>> No.2631288

j..j..just a shitcoin right guys?

>> No.2631298
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carshing hardcore


>> No.2631303 [DELETED] 

are we going to moon today?

>> No.2631309

it will close at 280k sat in the next hour

>> No.2631311

why do u do it to yourselves guys?

>> No.2631315

I don't think it's going to moon again today.

We know at least that the floor for ANS is around 200 and will continue to increase as popularity increases

>> No.2631322
File: 70 KB, 960x731, A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons watching their shitcoins go to $3

>> No.2631330

Please explain how this coin is any shittier than any other. The only appealing option right now is literally BTC everything else is just going to shit.

>> No.2631335


>> No.2631336


Ans WILL go up. Its may drop slowly a little bit, to make up for it going up really fast a minute ago. But it will now continuously rise.

Turn bollinger bands on!!

>> No.2631350

Youre just so wrong, ant shares are brilliant
Itll finish at 320 today

>> No.2631358

i think im going to wake up tomorrow in the green

>> No.2631359
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>> No.2631362

ANS is going to go no where because its now neo

>> No.2631364
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>he didn't sell at 25

see ya sucker

>> No.2631368

The idea of a fucking ANT making me a few bucks is great. NEO will be nice so it won't look like a joke anymore. How many are you holding anon I have sold 500 of my 900 ARK because that is going no where. 34 of my Strat because that is shaky at the moment. All my via and Aargon for this god damn ant (only had small amounts of both.) Currently have 132 ANTS but might sell some of my ethereum for more.
I am on the ant train with you senpai this is a long term hold for me. My portfolio has dipped from 4k to 3k and this is our answer. I hope we make it I really do.

>> No.2631374


>> No.2631442

Let the bodies hit the floor

>> No.2631455

lol Neo is crap buy btc instead too risky

>> No.2631463

i honestly hope you droped your bags earlyer

day trade for moa ants

>> No.2631469
File: 14 KB, 348x300, wojak-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah the bags are growing

>> No.2631473

this. noobs here again fell for an ark-tier coin. people need to know these things

>hired a new dev that's bragging about himself as the "rockstar of coding" and that ANS is lucy to have him
>ANS isn't the only blockchain in China
>China doesn't need a 'chinese ethereum' because ethereum is already huge over there
>there was no ali baba partnership
>there was no microsoft partnership
>ANS owned by OnChain a start-up that is working on other blockchain offerings that directly compete with ANS
>if Onchain sinks so does ANS

There are better mooners out there.

>> No.2631475

This is it?
I thought it would go up more.
Welp i guess i'd keep on holding then

>> No.2631482
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>he didnt buy 50k AntShares for 0.25 usd

>> No.2631485

All the text in green are misinformation

>> No.2631489


>> No.2631508

Yeah you are right the luckyest thing for the owners will be if it gets pumped and dumped

>> No.2631520
File: 317 KB, 1024x733, Superimposed1498558369749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making memes for ANS
Help me expand my mound

>> No.2631531

Antshares to Neo i would sell all my ants as soon as I heared this

>> No.2631535


Now I'm 100% convinced this is a P&D group baiting noobs into losing money

>ANS owned by OnChain

Scroll down

>Hired a retarded developer

>> No.2631538
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>> No.2631547


>> No.2631554

Meanwhile my btc is getting dumped too

>> No.2631569

shall i go 100€in ants?

>> No.2631595

you can piss off, how about that?

fucking cunt....

>> No.2631633

Onchain are partners, not owners.

>> No.2631652

Volume is steadily increasing

>> No.2631672

is your brain severely damaged?

>> No.2631679

Keep buying while it's cheap lad. Now is the time to buy in if you haven't.

>> No.2631698

Ethereum has partnership with microsoft not the ans, they have just partnered with a part of M$

>> No.2631723

B b b but the ANS boss is friends with vitalik.
T-that's got to be worth something, right guise?

>> No.2631732


about $2 per share

>> No.2631762

Yunbi shitting the bed again. No way would I trust the chinks enough to hodl this.

>> No.2631763


>> No.2631789

Hodl is the worst of memes

Youre supposed to crystalize your gains at the peak by selling

Fomo goes hand in hand with hodl

>> No.2631797
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>> No.2631819
File: 25 KB, 500x375, fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>website is chinglish


>> No.2631906

>Told the coin needs round eye investors to moon
>Won't hire a proficient English translator nor website designer.

Yeah, they can get fucked.

>> No.2631915

except when you mistime the launch and your left on the pad with your empty bag

then romo sets in

>> No.2631952

I'm in... let's do this boys. Make them ANS bagholders happy, and then maybe lift the DGB hodlers in july ... ;)

>> No.2631966

i also want to remind you that ARK is rising. Hit the floor today :)
I'm in both of them now... see where it goes. Converted my USDT to trade today :)

>> No.2632025

Keep buying. PUMP IT UP to my conditional sell order.

>> No.2632127

what is your conditional?
mine is at 388k. if it touches 260 i'll dump 10 btc into it

>> No.2632269

Onchain does not effect ANS. They just shared tech in the past. There was something posted in their slack.

>> No.2632464


because we're brothers in arms

yunbi is faster than bittrex and gives you the latest update about 20sec earlyer

make of it what you want

>> No.2632480

How do I buy this shitcoin? I have fiat.

Post how to you faggots.

>> No.2632504

I believe ANS is going to be one of the main coin in the coming few months. Watch out also for Qtum. Their testnet is going live tomorrow, before the September release.

>> No.2632507

buy BTC from an exchange, send BTC to bittrex, buy ANS

>> No.2632513

Get BTC transfer to bittrex BTC wallet trade BTC for ANS

>> No.2632530
File: 411 KB, 932x1042, 1497795313413a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only have 20 ANS

>> No.2632892


>20,000 ANS

>> No.2633053

Why wont it drop to 200k?

>> No.2633129

safety net at 211

>> No.2633194

What to set buys at? Dont want to miss the moon launch

>> No.2633277

either the orderbook for detailed listing of all sell/buy orders or you can switch tabs on the graph to show you a visualisation of the buy/sell orders

pleas learn to read and be a bit more curious about your surroundings...

>> No.2633294

you guys are so rich!
i'm jelly.

>> No.2633428
File: 346 KB, 936x936, 1498491376228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made 250 from day trading in the last 3 hours

i need to quit my job ANT making me rish

>> No.2633480

i have no idea how to day trade :D
too nervous/slow for dat.

>> No.2633483

wtf, how?

>> No.2633499

So is my ANS automatically morphing to NEO or I will need to trade it 1:1 ?

>> No.2633547

it's because you idiots can't read


buy the dip sell the peek

also it will barely fall below 230 maybe 280 and it won't go higher than 250, except for that pump we witnessed a coupple minutes ago

>> No.2633566

>buy the dip sell the peek

who know where dip is stopping and where is the real peak....

p.s. almost sold it all at 180...(people shilled that it will drop to 100 yesterday).. that would be a mistake.

>> No.2633580

Everytime I bought the dip it only dips further down and never go back up

>> No.2633611


uhh excuse please,

what is dip what is peak

>> No.2633625

provide with a legit source or fuck off, chink scammer.

>> No.2633638

good idea, sell at super low

>> No.2633670

look at the buy/sell orders ffs and make up your mind don't listen to /biz/
well that happens but i can assure you if you try often enough you will get a feeling for it
also you understand the orders better
a dip is the decrease in pricing it can verry from 5-20%, atleast this is a dip for me
a peak is what you think the price won't surpase

>> No.2633674

>tfw even with the rise I can only sell with 20 bucks profits compared to 500 dollars last week

>> No.2633675

Is it too late to buy in? That green is scary

>> No.2633712

buy high sell low

>> No.2633723

maybe will try some day :D thanks.

>> No.2633735

Based Anon senpai, how do I tell the peak or bottom from looking at the orders?

Also just old my ants at 262k sats

>> No.2633745


how do you learn to accurately spot the dip, and not just a bump where it's going to go down further?

Same with the peak, how do you know it wont go higher, or are you basing these on like what it is doing in a certain period of time

>> No.2633748
File: 23 KB, 1920x104, Screenshot (754).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and my sell order of 262 is filled

>> No.2633752

honestly i just believed in meme that only 5% are getting money in day trading and 95% are losing.

>> No.2633754

The 262k was so sudden that the price is bound to drop a bit again so you did good.

If you buy back in now you'll have a small profit in ANS

>> No.2633766

thanks for help :D
oh i hope someday i will win something like this too.

>> No.2633800

>if i wait to buy at 200 it will moon and ill be left on the pad
>if i buy now it will drop to 100
What do

>> No.2633805

look how much money is needed for the next gain
cheeky cunt, i know it's nothing but im currently in a lol game and im anticipating it going to 300 when the red dragon rises

>> No.2633816

ya'll reckon this might go over .030 or what today?

>> No.2633829

Automatically changes over to NEO on the 2nd of july on bittrex

>> No.2633848


>> No.2633849

>look how much money is needed for the next gain
So if you're trying to sell at the peak, do you look at the bid or ask order?

>> No.2633851

that's not just a meme
i got burned a lot of times


>> No.2633873

>tfw bought 2k ANS yesterday at the dip

Here we go boyssss.

>> No.2633897

new ATH?

>> No.2633906

not a chance

>> No.2633908
File: 109 KB, 1920x830, Screenshot (755).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you see we have about 7BTC at .0170
let's say we buy at .0170 we want to have some decent gain not just cents

so we need to sell at .0185 to make some money here

there is a wall of 15 BTC to .0185 so it isn't really looking good right now, right?
espacially with the .017 on the buying site with a weak buying side

>> No.2633928

might break the 24h high I guess

>> No.2633962

>cheeky cunt, i know it's nothing but im currently in a lol game and im anticipating it going to 300 when the red dragon rises

its not nothing. its money. and i'm honestly jealous!

and i bout at 400 =( so i'm in loss anyway

>> No.2633984

Also , i assume experts are buying on Yunbi and selling on Bittrex??

>> No.2634030
File: 189 KB, 1920x834, Screenshot (756).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so to get a better perspektive we look into the sell book it self giving you the advantage of seeing every set transaction

(i don't really care about """walls""" below 5BTC if the market is strong and healthy)

so we see a wall of 7 BTC at 0,0193 that is the greatest wall to that point there are some minor once of 2-4 but doesn't really matter
what matters is that the coin got greater potantial than just your anticipated ,0185

you feel me?

>> No.2634032

Keep tanking you piece of shit

>> No.2634071
File: 131 KB, 1920x714, Screenshot (757).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always watch the buys and sells that are done it will give you a good idea if you compete with a richer man

>> No.2634073


send this fucker to $2

>> No.2634084

I hope so im waiting to buy back in but it keeps fucking mooning

>> No.2634099
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>> No.2634108


i should of bought yesterday but thought it would go lower and couldnt get the funds together,

and some guy here had me convinced the low prices would last a week

>> No.2634142

its really interesting thank you!

>> No.2634204

im not gonna lie
you will fail and lose money that's how you learn, how i learned, if you keep doing it you become good after a while

i suck at it too, no question, but i made really good money considering im in crypto for 27 days now

can give you advise tho if you want to start

take a cheap and fast moving coin to practice with i used DGB but it's dead now

>> No.2634230

i still hodling it.... BIIIG mistake

>> No.2634243


the steps you would do step by step before you got started, if you had to do it over again.

And, have you tried to day trade on the Dow or Nasdaq or any of that, and would the same stuff work on those??

>> No.2634338

>the steps you would do step by step before you got started, if you had to do it over again.

oky what i did to prepare my self for crypto
1. decide to get into crypto cuz wage cucking sucks
2. watch markets and read up on coins shilled on /biz/ to get starting ground
3. finally get money on coinbase, about 9day for me, was like hell lost some good money
4. throw money at coins see what sticks

that's everything i've done
i also buy some ICO when i see good ones last i bought EQT and i have about 600% return of that one ,05BTC invested

>And, have you tried to day trade on the Dow or Nasdaq or any of that, and would the same stuff work on those??
i have thought about it but as a poor fag i don't have any intentions to get in to it because i just don't have the money i would need to make it worth my time

investing 2 or 3 hundred in stocks for a return of 20% IF you're lucky like REALLY lucky on a long term
currently daytrading with Globaltoken it's flipping like crazy 400sata to 1k up and down the whole day it's awesome

that alone made me more money than stocks could ever have made for me, i guess

also i don't know if my talking points would help you out in the "real" world but it might
stocks are not so volatile and easy to controll tho so you might want to have exstensive knowledge of the product/idea you invest in

not just A did buisness with B so stock goes up
i mean like A did buisness with B but the government of C decided do outlaw child labour what makes the key component of A skyrocket in price and the product of A can't be produced so cheap in the future

if you can follow me...

>> No.2634370

>those fuckers with 22k ANS sell orders

>> No.2634382


saving all of that thanks,

yea i like the possible returns for long term investment on some of these 'shitcoins'

and im trying to get into day trading, but it's really fucking volatile on here i think i'd rather teach it that to myself over in the kiddy pool on the DOW or Nasdaq

>> No.2634420

i think it hit .028 today and then back to .024...too many damn greedy assholes holding it down.

>> No.2634436

just go to coinexchange im there too
just ignore the troll box and look for a decent coin, like i said, GLT is really good for day trading right now

>> No.2634524

Hey, where do you exchange BTC for USD?

>> No.2634556


coinbase, and have all your ID's and shit before you get started, because it takes forever to get started

>> No.2634558


but those faggots take 4€ as fees for EACH exchange

>> No.2634606


RIP me, coinbase doesnt allow to buy or sell in my country. What about coinify?

>> No.2634647

where are you from?

>> No.2634659
File: 65 KB, 841x469, Screen Shot 2017-06-27 at 10.17.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's moon time.

>> No.2634682


>> No.2634687

I wouldnt say moon but the chances for making 0.003 look good.

>> No.2634699
File: 23 KB, 1020x483, Screenshot 2017-06-27 19.20.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot wall pic.

>> No.2634719

there are shitload of exchanges that work with QIWI wallet.

you just need to pick automated one with good reputation

>> No.2634749

well that's unfortunate
you still can use Kraken tho, right?

im still waiting for verification on that shitsite 3 weeks have passed and nothing has happened

>> No.2634764

Dont know what that is, lmao. Never heard about it.

>> No.2634829

>tfw only have 17.5 ANS

>> No.2634854

Dont know, never tried it.

>> No.2634868

"wallet"-thing that ties with your mobile phone address.
i pay for internet through it.
and for electricity.

just don't make their real world card !!!!
its has no protection.
if somebody will just see card numbers from both sides - you fucked.

but when you pay through their site from their web wallet.... spending are verified through free sms code.

>> No.2634976

should I sell ants that I bought for 290?

>> No.2635085

hold for now wouldn't sell when the trend just shifted
you might break even or with slight losses

would sell tomorrow when it's not going above 270 and get your money back with day trade, works great with ANT

>> No.2635138

How do you see from the graph that it has a chance to get to 300k?

>> No.2635161

read the candles and patterns

>> No.2635301

I've never did daytrading or know how ((
Could you please explain what's the optimum gains and strategies for daytrading?