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26252342 No.26252342 [Reply] [Original]

Biden's Treasury Nominee Janet Yellen is concerned about cryptocurrencies, and wants to examine ways to curtail their use when it comes to terrorist financing & money laundering. GG boys.


>> No.26252359
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>> No.26252372

ok baby boomer

>> No.26252373

Sucks to be a burger I guess.

>> No.26252389
File: 218 KB, 546x640, trumptweets-546x640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US government wants to crack down on crypto

Wow such big news omg never heard this before.

>> No.26252392

not getting my bitcoins for cheaper

>> No.26252476

Jewnet Yellen lol

>> No.26252523

that is only GG if your a terrorist or money launderer.... you missed the bit where she actually said she doesnt want to over-regulate it, she isnt against crypto at all... she just wants the bare basic regulations to stop crime implemented into it.... this is called adoption, and this should be bullish news but your all using it as fud all the time... you dont want crypto adoption?

>> No.26252557


>not a terrorist
>not laundering money
>not concerned about old lady more confortable with coal and vinil technology


>> No.26252974

>USA gets replaced by PRC as the new superpower

Can't come soon enough.

>> No.26253023

>Bro just let the government fuck everything up it’s cool!
You guys are clearly underage and still in high school. They are going to control crypto completely and devalue it so they maintain control over everything. It doesn’t matter what their stated intentions are, it’s all a ploy to maintain power.

>> No.26253076

Kek literally this. And who gives a fuck? She has a point, they should come after terrorists who are using crypto. But you can assure FBI and CIA already have full traces on crypto movement.

>> No.26253084

Stop posting this dumb fud. Itll be forgotten like the USDT one in less than a week

>> No.26253104

It’s just a fud so that their institutional friends could accumulate

>> No.26253127

Wow, ...talk about naive posting

>> No.26253147

and what are you gonna do about it? It was and is inevitable and we can only hope it turns out bullish or sell

>> No.26253292

how many btc to assassinate her

>> No.26253323
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Don't give a shit. Not selling. Another globohomo FUDing for her rich pals so they can buy up as much LINK as they can to prepare for the cosmic shift in economics that is about to take place over the next few years.

>> No.26253335

USA is a third world country now. It doesn’t matter what some dementia ridden pedo thinks.

>> No.26253391

Did your wife’s boyfriend give you permission to use her computer pal? Seriously, how castrated do you have to be if you’re willing to have an alternative currency ruined to own the chuds?

Shut the fuck up.

>Identified cases of laundering through cryptocurrencies remain relatively small compared to the volumes of cash laundered through traditional methods.
>SWIFT & BAE Research Report


>> No.26253542
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/pol/fags are never, ever going to make it.

>> No.26253870

Maybe they can go after: gold, diamonds, London property, fine art, fine wine, etc as well?

>> No.26253910

Prolly about 100 for a pro.

>> No.26254005
File: 23 KB, 480x360, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, cryptofags are so pathetic

>Ha ha ha! We outpriced you from our shitcoin! Now you'll be a government slave eating bugs while we live in the citadel! Enjoy seeing your wealth being printed away fag!
>O-o-oh no! The Fed Jews don't approve of my shitcoin! DUMP! DUMP! DUMP! SEEEEEELLLLLL!

>> No.26254062

>t. Nocoiner

>> No.26254124

t. ngmi

>> No.26254236

>doesn't see the weakness of this fud
Get back to the white board, hag

>> No.26254278
File: 39 KB, 590x406, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrorists use USD and they receive it in cash, from the CIA.

>> No.26254281

How about stop doing things that create terrorists?

>> No.26254316
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>> No.26254331

he won tho

>> No.26254371

You are like that guy in /d/ threads that wants to talk about fetishes' psychological origins when everyone just wants to fap and nut

I made a fortune from crypto (otherwise I wouldn't browse this shithole) but it's just so hilarious how you have these libertarians who think they can finally one up the government consistently shit their pants and sell as soon as the Federal Reserve says anything slightly negative about crypto.

>> No.26254419
File: 122 KB, 922x2048, IMG_20210121_004713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just announced

Tether about to get Subpoena along with bitfinex.

Check out pic related. Withing next few weeks.

Enjoy the red days guys

>> No.26254424

I'm confused. What are you guys even arguing about?
Seems like you're agreeing to me, but you're both tangled up in autism.

>> No.26254457

Yeah, she's talking about anti-Israel terrorists dude. They're definitely barred from the JewSD

>> No.26254524

Not really. It’s awesome if you’re rich.

>> No.26254530

My point is that I don't understand why on the one hand the crypto community sees their coins as above government control but on the other hand the community sells and price drops whenever the government raises the slightest concern.

>> No.26254555
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I plan to complain about it on the internet and point out that yellen is a FUCKING KIKE REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.26254579

>Woman in opinion


>> No.26254655

pretty much this banks wouldn't be putting in 500 million in one day if this was gonna be a serious thing

>> No.26254679

Normies get scared when their money they could've spent on a vacation is in jeopardy over a day's fluctuations, it seems.
Nothing too out of the ordinary. Strikes me odd that people investing in coinage are so prone to fits of anxiety.
This shit is honestly like crack to me at this point.

>> No.26254734

Come on then brainlet explain why this will result in anything more than stricter regulation so that the US can impose fines and enforce taxes.

If that happens if anything it will creates an environment for the remaining institutional wealth to feel comfortable with buy into. Hell it may even mean we are small investors have some protection on our investment!!

>> No.26254762

You seem to think everyone who's active in the $1 trillion market is of the same libertarian mindset and a selloff is a reflection of this group's lack of faith.

I'd check your premises. They're very out of proportion in my view

>> No.26254801

what does the letter mean?

>> No.26254806

Of course it’s a Jew

>> No.26254920

More signs of government interest in coin signals a burgeoning wider adoption.
We're basically in a cashless society already.

>> No.26254967

Wow that’s so anti Semitic, goy

>> No.26255020

it's not even been 1 day and im already sick of you faggots and muh biden administration. this nigger is NOT my president and never will be. hopefully someone minecrafts a statue of him

>> No.26255047

Fuck you statist niggers

>> No.26255066

Sup, Chang?

>> No.26255130

they're definitely scheduling a conference

>> No.26255178

I don't like that privilege coming outta that cracker bitch mouf

>> No.26255430

Anyone else thinking Bittrex is a fucking shady ass market?

>> No.26255561

you are literally retarded. this is the same stance as every regulator and every bank manager in the country. every single person in the finance industry is required to follow KYC/AML laws and that is literally all she is saying. exchanges have been requiring identification for years already, this is old news. but go ahead, sell everything you god damn retard

>> No.26255595

Kek, they want another 30 days to "finally" provide "proof" of USDT reserves.

>> No.26255744

you must be in little childrens school too given you think america is the world... the world is bigger than america, american is but a tiny dot on the world and crypto is global.... america can ban crypto, and it wpouldnt make a goddam difference to the market, infact after the first dip it will be stronger than ever as all the bullshit america keeps doing would no longer drop bitcoin and all the other nations in the world never do anything that fucks bitcoin up... lets face it, it is better if bitcoin community came together and jointly decided to blacklist america, pull out of america and decouple from it. america is shit, crypto is bigger than america. your shit doesnt matter to crypto your just 1 single nation that no one even cares for, hell africa has bigger stakes and cash in crypto than all of america does lol africa is ahead on crypto compared to america.... america can get fucked. it doesnt matter what your government does, your government cant even control its own fucking people these days let alone anything else in this world lol

>> No.26255762

>crypto gets banned for the 6 gorillionth time
Weird how these articles never appear when crypto is shitting the bed

>> No.26255900

Terrorists = White people who aren't 100% on board with globohomo

>> No.26255978

Ooga booga Biden bad, Trump good