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26251481 No.26251481 [Reply] [Original]

German Linky here. I am thinking of logging out of wagecucking in the next 3 years at the latest. I currently have over 13k LINK which is 220,000€. How much is enough to live neet in Germany forever? The plan is to invest very safely and get like 5% per year and reinvest a bit yearly. Should be possible right? I think I only need a million at most, get my own house in a cheap region (East Germany here anyways) which is 150k, then hold like 50k in cash, keep some LINK and then invest the rest. I never spent much, I think I can do great on 1000€ per month after socials and taxes which is not too hard to do with a capital of 500-750k. Of course I'd keep a good portion in LINK for the inevitable ride to 1keoy but I'm in my 20s now and don't want to wage them away.

>> No.26251506

My stack is %100 BTC. Link lost satoshis.
Is selling BTC for LINK dumb?

>> No.26251551

>he plans to sell his crypto once it has gone up in price
>he sees moar fiat as the goal
you're not gonna make it

>> No.26251623

i bought in around 0.0006 for 20 btc

link has more upside short term. hope to swing back around 0.0012

>> No.26251625

Shut up, more fiat was always the goal. I started gambling my Bafög in 2017 and went all in LINK 2018. I held all the way, I know what Link is about and I plan to hold a part forever
I think now's a good time, LINK is ready to burst really hard.

>> No.26251769

>East Germany
What you gonna do? Buy bananas and poster from the afd with your gainz?

>> No.26251789
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>> No.26251893
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>> No.26251900

kys ahmed

>> No.26251926

Haha east German commie

>> No.26251966
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>more fiat was always the goal.
Retarded dumbfuck

>> No.26252002

You're a fucking retard if you're planning to stay here in Germany after making it with Link

>> No.26252033


>> No.26252041

Have fun trying to buy shit with BTC

>> No.26252156

So redest du nicht mit mir du Windhund

>> No.26252505


>> No.26252516

>I think I can do great on 1000€ per month after socials and taxes which is not too hard to do with a capital of 500-750k.
read oliver nöltings blog if you are serious about living of that sum, it's gets pretty complictaed with Krankenversicherung etc.
I currently have 200k in crypto and plan on fulltime neeting within the next 5 years but I will leave germany no matter what. Our country is lost anon, literally anywhere else is better. I know some people in switzerland and it's a much better version of germany I'd consider.. or Lettland? We'll see.

>> No.26252584

Does the Bafög-Amt know that your assets were worth more than 8k while getting their money, which exchanges did you use or did you buy crypto under the name of one of your parents? Asking for a friend that may be still studying

>> No.26252649


>> No.26252688

>How much is enough to live neet in Germany forever?
2-3 mill minimum
5 would be better

>> No.26252711

Sounds based. I have the same goal but I only have 300k USD. I calculate that I will need atleast 800k at 6% to retire, not accounting for inflation. Need cardano at $1

Fucking Australia is too expensive, 400k AUD for a really shitty 1 bedroom apartment, 600k for something decent (still 1 bedroom apartment LOL)

>> No.26252822
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newfag here, how do you make interest on crypto?

>> No.26252861

there are lending services like cake but they are all pretty new and therefore not exaclty bulletproof

>> No.26252945
File: 902 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201001-150509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh, when i was in my 20s i turned down teenage girls bc i thought it was wrong to date too young, now im a lonely mid-30s loli fapper. i fucking want to destroy everything this world stands for.

>> No.26252949


>> No.26252961

any coins beside ADA u can stake?

>> No.26253059

why not buy an index fund?