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26236216 No.26236216 [Reply] [Original]

So I had a dream about Sergey.

I dont know what the fuck it means, but you are all the more welcome to interpret this however you like. Now some of it may not make sense at all, and it still doesnt make sense to me, but I will try to explain this as best as I can. I had multiple parts of a dream, I guess I'll split these up into scenes because some times dreams tend to skip into and out of "frames"

Scene 1, its raining and Im outside this industrial complex/factory setting. I have a raincoat on and a few other people are standing around. I look around and I see him. I say, " Hey! Youre him." No answer and I begin to feel this dread type feeling.

Scene 2. Im in a classroom. He's sitting behind me. I dont know if its actually him, but I just have a feeling it is. After all I can hear his voice. Talking about smart contracts and LINK I turn around and suddenly Scene 3

Scene 3. Im behind him and finally I can confirm that its actually this fuck. He's talking about smart contracts and LINK, but no one is listening except me. We begin to talk and we deep dived into LINK and smart contracts. Ive never been so fluent in crypto language before and we talk for hours. Its probably the greatest feeling in the world and yet no one is listening. Felt like pure euphoria . He even mentions something about private and public keys?

Scene 4. Im transported to this school gymnasium (?). The lights are green and the entire room has this green hue. Sergey is there but way fucking fatter like almost american slob boggie2988 tier. He has this fucked up muscle T on (seems like he cut it himself) and is showing some tattoos. I see the ripple logo, there were more logos on there but I cant recall them. Sergey is looking for batman? Batman shows up in the bleachers and then he makes this retarded derpy fucking face.

I dont know what any of this mean. 10mg of melotin and constant tossing and turning in my sleep. Woke up like shit.

>> No.26236267

Was he wearing his trademark famer flannel? If so linkies 10000 OEY

>> No.26236328

Well, I can only say that dreams usually don't mean shit

I had the most vivid dream of Bitcoin crashing to few dollars and in few weeks it went to 40k from like under 20k

>> No.26236384

Of course.
In every scene except scene 4. He looked like a slob yet the room was green, could mean large pump greedy americans? idk

>> No.26236449

I had another dream of LINK last year that I even posted on here.

Talking with a group of people and shilling LINK to them and kept repeating we will never see LINK below $8 again. And there was even an announcement on TV about LINK.

>> No.26236457

linkies 10000 EOY confirmed if he was a t-shirt linkies go to stinkies .000001 each

>> No.26236525
File: 63 KB, 600x460, TheWalkingDude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So I had a dream about Sergey.
Is the real life Stand happening?

>> No.26236644
File: 5 KB, 194x259, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no he was naked and looked like this

>> No.26236773

Did LINK reach $1,000 EOY in your dream?

>> No.26236826


Unironically kinda looked like this but with a shitty muscle t on and random crypto logo tattoos

>> No.26236871

I cant remember if we talked about price. I wanna say yes but I even if we did I wouldnt be able to recall the price

>> No.26237114

first link will plunge again in a series of dark days, washing out the weak.
then institutional investors will skyrocket the price straight into euphoria. only those who truly comprehend what link does will have been holding before this pump. the rest will FOMO on the way up.
it will make people so stupidly wealthy before they are mentally and spiritually ready, so they will crumble and let themselves go (spiritually and/or physically). finally, your parents will both suffer in a tragic crime-related incident and you’ll use your gains to avenge them.

>> No.26237239

Thank you anon this makes sense.

God willing, stay safe

>> No.26237329
File: 239 KB, 1440x628, 1610740492947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIR are u make this pepe?

>> No.26237638

The dream is prophetic.
>Scene 1: Sergey didn't answer because your question was obviously rhetorical. Everyone knows who Sergey is at this point.
>Scene 2: Classroom setting = Smart contracts are being taught in school, since they are a part of our everyday lives now.
>Scene 3: The feeling of pure euphoria is the what you're going to feel when you've finally made it.
>Scene 4: The green hue in the room is due to a chart of LINK/BTC that is being projected on the wall behind you. Since there's nothing but massive green candles on the chart, the whole room lights up green. Sergey's obesity signifies the gains that you have made in the process of holding LINK.

>> No.26237695

I only got started in crypto 4 days ago and the last 3 nights i've had dreams about coins going 20x and other ones about them plummetting by 80%.
When do the dreams stop bros? T-they aren't permanent, right?

>> No.26237847

I had a dream where I met Sergey at this bar on the beach. He told me was working on something WAY cooler than bitcoin and to check it out. Pretty simple but impactful

>> No.26238268
File: 890 KB, 896x1200, 1611111678415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audibly keked

>> No.26238279

Incredible thank you anon.
I really need the hopium

Idk. Looking at chart cant be all that healthy.
Ive only ever dreamt of LINK and BTC