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26235656 No.26235656 [Reply] [Original]

So funny watching all you spergs freak out over inflation. Its literally impossible under MMT. Sorry to burst your bubble doomers.

>> No.26235713

>my court-intellectuals that subsist on state funding told me the thing I wanted to do all along was actually okay, sorry goys

>> No.26235740

low effort bait, can we just spam report this faggot

>> No.26235844

Of course literal facts make you angry. Its not bait if its what all the people more educated than you know is true.

>> No.26235950

These guys are the economists' answer to the EM Drive faggots. They believe in perpetual motion.

>> No.26235998

>reading things written by a woman

>> No.26236052
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*explains the inevitability of deflation today due to technology*

Heh, nothing personal kid

>> No.26236083

The current monetary policy is NOT MMT.

>> No.26236121

fundamentally they are correct but its a proposition that big capital will never agree with in the slightest. it's like a zebra asking a lion for a head start

>> No.26236153

The foundation of MMT is that the government has a monopoly on money, isn't it? This entire board is devoted to the idea that isn't necessarily true.

>> No.26236164

QE is also not money printing :^)

>> No.26236298

MMT is just as applicable to decentralized progammable money, if you program it accordingly. It's just about outsizing the existing debt with a new investment in the lower class that has a higher return than what we got out our existing debt.

>> No.26236615

I wouldn't automatically say that's impossible, but transparency is the key isn't it? Imagine if government spending was programmed such that it would stop if it ceased being ineffective by its own metrics.

>> No.26236674
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for any /biz/tards who actually cares to know how this system works and doesn't just regurgitate the "brrr brrr printz lmao" meme the fed wants you to believe, this is a pretty good primer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuCxUzgyk2k&list=RDCMUCICRehoZjq3ZtAWgRJX118A&

In written form: https://www.macrovoices.com/podcast-transcripts/922-jeff-snider-qe-still-isn-t-money-printing-and-usd-still-isn-t-crashing

>> No.26236771

The value of a currency is relative to the jurisdiction’s economic productivity. If the quantity of the currency is greater, without a matching increase in economic productivity, the currency will be devalued and inflation occurs.
Government policies over at least the next 4 years will discourage labor participation and real economic productivity. Simultaneously, more QE will have to occur since interest rates going lower than they already are won’t do anything to stimulate the economy.
MMT is retarded.
With all of this QE we are borrowing value from tomorrow’s dollar to satisfy wants today. It will catch up to us and people who voted for it will still not understand why their wages aren’t high enough to put food on the table in the future and complain about what they inadvertently asked for.

>> No.26236832

Humans are incompetent and greedy. The code will just make the greed more affective. You can manipulate the price of gold, oil, whatever. A stable coin even if backed by a basket of crypto. Wealth is wealth and they could also distribute it accordingly to inflate or deflate the stable asset. This depends on how the asset is made stable or manipulated. We all know about how tether and btc get along. There will be more games, more lies, more schemes this time it will just be automated.

>> No.26236854

Imagine being such a faggot dump you take anything a woman says about economics even 1% serious

>> No.26236875

Have you considered that the fed doesn't have absolute control on the supply, or are you just feeding this assumption with the fed's daily lies?

>> No.26236901

>haha how can inflation be real like just raise your taxes nigga haha
MMT is such rancid bullshit that it's not even accepted among economists as a valid model

>> No.26236943

>real MMT has never been tried

>> No.26237016

You don't understand MMT

>> No.26237029

Except we don't operate under MMT. We live under MMT-lite.
Under MMT inflation is negated as taxes collected offset the printed currency.
This is not even close to true as of now, we spend our tax dollars AND printed dollars directly into the economy via QE, bailouts, gibs, everything. We do not offset how much we add with how much we tax, not even fucking close.
Did you even read the book? it's suggesting moves towards MMT to make deficit spending not a problem, not that the deficit isn't a problem now.

>> No.26237044

I understand that inflation is a thing of the past.

>> No.26237077
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yes, the very real and provable science of economics. Real scientists laugh at you behind your back. Tell me more about animal spirits.

>> No.26237084
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>She also served as an advisor to Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign.

>> No.26237184

QE has been done 4 times in the US alone, it has never been shown to cause inflation. Japan did Mega QE, literally buying stocks, and yet inflation never came. Now this time it's different? QE is SHIT, but it's not inflationary.

>> No.26237212

Japanese finance is fucked

>> No.26237218

I think they have enough control to fuck the economic health of this country long term. Please elaborate though; what else are you talking about? I’m open minded.

>> No.26237278

MMT is the unholy marriage of keynesianism and the labor theory of value. Its the synthesis of the two competing monetary systems of the 20th century. Its clearly obviously true and the entire world has been doing a version of it since the late 1970s.

>> No.26237286
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>On May 25, 2017, Stony Brook University announced that Kelton would join the university: "This fall as a professor in the forthcoming Center for the Study of Inequality and Social Justice."
>On December 26, 2014, Kelton was designated as Chief Economist for the Democratic Minority Staff of the Senate Budget Committee, a post that she held in 2015 and early 2016, when she left that position to become an economic advisor to the Bernie Sanders campaign.
Fuck you

>> No.26237314

Australia has not used QE until 2020 and it didn’t have a recession for 30 years

>> No.26237333



>> No.26237340


>> No.26237372

Why doesn't Venezuela print theorems l themselves to be prosperity?

>> No.26237405

>it has never been shown to cause inflation
>Government creates the statistics on inflation
>Government utalizes unknown monetary policy which naysayers claim will cause rampant inflation
>Government statistics report that inflation failed to materialize
>Naysayers look retarded and the government now looks good

The government wouldn't just lie to us like that for their own self benefit. No way!

>> No.26237453

Is that why Bitcoin's price is increasing exponentially you pseudo-intellectual fuckup?

>> No.26237506
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Fucking meme economics for a clown world.

>> No.26237524

It's not the finance that's fucked, it's the economy, and the US economy is all kinds of fucked right now.
QE is basically buying back useful bonds (future USD) and transforming it in bank reserves. The thing is, bank reserves are not cash money. Commercial banks cannot take it out, they can only use it as collateral for consumer lending. The problem is, the bonds they previously had were more useful lending to them, because they can be used for repo agreements (overnight inter-bank lending) that actually produces new money. In current conditions, bank selection of lenders is tight, and people are paying back their loans, not taking new ones out. YES, wealthy and credit secure people are buying new houses, especially with low interest rates, Everybody else though? Nope. The lending standards are tight because they realize that a majority of the population is at risk of not being able to pay back their loans. Banks would rather buy back these new bonds and take the cut on the yield in case they need the "perfect" collateral, instead of adding risk through new loans.

>> No.26237532

>Not wanting FREE PAPER MONEY that the corporations have been getting for the last ten years

Weak. I demand to be treated the same as Boeing and Goldman Sachs. If Boeing and Goldman Sachs get free money, then I get free money. And just like them I will buy the shit out of financial assets and watch my paper valuation skyrocket and live as a lord.

Stop crying and get on the grift.

>> No.26237534

it's not hyperinflationary (in US) because they do it in relatively small amounts, 10% of the economy, not 10000% like they did in zimbabwe, with no economic output to stem the tide.
Japan exports a shit ton, which keeps demand for their currency high, so they only use the BOJ to counteract that and keep the currency lowish and keep export prices attractive.

look at USD/JPY in 1995 and 2008. Yen currency's value fell by 50% over 3 years. yes that BOJ injection did cause massive inflation. Then they stopped because they achieved their goal.

If QE never stopped, inflation would get out of control.

>> No.26237538

the aussie dollar was pegged to the pound and then the usd until the early 80s. Then they did other forms of monetary manipulation to reach an inflation target.


>> No.26237569

Please, show me how inflation is happening! I'm willing to bet it directly correlates with the supply being cut off by covid restrictions. But sure!

>> No.26237573

$2000? What do you need $1400 for? $600 is a little much.

>> No.26237607

Most of Japan's QE happened after 2010.

>> No.26237615

price of netflix

oh wow look "the supply" didnt change at all but its more expensive every year

>> No.26237654

Monetary policy is not MMT

>> No.26237670

wow, profit-making making business trying to achieve optimize profitability! Amazing.

>> No.26237686
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>Debt isn't a problem so long as the rate of inflation is larger than the increase in debt and someone is willing to purchase the debt...

Sounds sustainable...

>> No.26237716

lol just wait two weeks and say that again

>> No.26237728

look at the stock market

look at gold value

look at bitcoin

look at real estate

look at bonds

as soon as these RENT MORITORIUMS and such are fucking done the price of housing will skyrocket too

>> No.26237745

This. They increase price because they were burning cash for years in order to grow the market

>> No.26237758


It costed me $25 for two cheeseburgers and $65 for two games of bowling. A house costs $500k. Wake the fuck up nigger

>> No.26237789
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Now I know we're in hell lads...

>> No.26237798

This is what happens when you decouple your currency from a stable good like gold or electricity.

>> No.26237802

Doesn't matter if the Fed is actually causing inflation or not. What matters is that it makes people THINK it's causing inflation and changing people's behavior.

>> No.26237810

the essence of MMT is that monetary supply should grow or shrink based on inflation and unemployment. Those are the targets, not the number of dollars in circulation. QE is just another way to move inflation and unemployment around.

>> No.26237823

Have you ever heard of an asset bubble? Why would rent moratorium ending HELP housing prices? They exist because the renters cannot pay. Renters cannot pay rent>owners cannot pay mortgage>default.
There are more than one reason why food prices rise anon. Ever heard of supply and demand?

>> No.26237836

Why don't you read any austrian econ book and realize how fucking wrong you are?

>> No.26237866

Basixly what your saying is that we will all be serfs to the state? Lovely.

>> No.26237903

This is good to point out. MMT, whether we like it or not, will be sweet nectar for government types to spend with abandon. If you think inflation comes with it, invest accordingly.

>> No.26237945

>Please, show me how inflation is happening!
>Housing prices rising everywhere
>Financial markets blasting through the stratosphere during a global pandemic
>The Entirety of Silicon Valley and Venture Capitalism
>The price of a shiny yellow rock
>Oil and Gas prices
>The average cost of my fucking lunches at work

>> No.26237983

>what are pension schemes?

>> No.26237985

>economics is not an a priori science, therefore i can fuck with it anyway i want. Also i can justify any state intervention.

Human action is proven to be linked to economics you inbred cocksucker. Quit pushin your Keynesian bullshit.

>> No.26237988

From what I’ve gathered listening to economists the past few months, hardcore inflation will take a while.
>fed is printing like crazy to avoid deflation, which would hurl us into something worse than the 30’s depression.
>it’s barely working, no matter how much they pump into the system, because money velocity is really low
>Yelen is going to come in and they are going to go full MMT, allowing the fed to bypass the treasury
>that is when we get hyper-inflation and an entire new financial system has to be put in place because the USD is worthless.

>> No.26237996

>everything is more expensive
>no inflation
>boomernomics uses some CPI bullshit like how many bales of elbowgrease it takes to buy a firm handshake

>> No.26238023

its funny, the Wikipedia article on Bank of Japan is desperately trying to make it sound like QE doesn't cause inflation

>In January 1995, a terrible earthquake happened and Japanese yen became stronger and stronger. JPY/USD reached 80yen/$, so the BOJ reduced the office bank rate to 0.5% and the yen recovered. The period of deflation started at that time.

What? replace "recovered" with fell, and "deflation" with inflation and the sentence makes sense...

> On October 30, 2012, The Bank of Japan announced that it would undertake further monetary-easing action for the second time in a month.[16] Under the leadership of new Governor Haruhiko Kuroda, the Bank of Japan released a statement on April 5, 2013 announcing that it would be purchasing securities and bonds at a rate of 60-70 trillion yen a year in an attempt to double Japan's money base in two years. But by 2016, it was apparent that three years of monetary easing had had little effect on deflation

Yeah their currency lost 50% of its value in 3 years, but the massive QE wasn't having any effect on deflation....

>> No.26238075

Record asset prices and comodities when main street is going to shit. I mean just look around.

>> No.26238096

You do realize that when supply is constrained, and demand remains the same or rises (in the case of single family houses), prices rise right? For every single family house appreciating, there is an inner-city apartment depreciating at an even faster rate.
I mean, that's point, deflation happens, not inflation.

>> No.26238128

That's not necessarily true. If the Fed purchases the assets from non-banks like individuals, they may use the money received from the sale in the real economy to purchase goods and services which increases velocity.

I wouldn't say the Fed's purchase of assets from banks increases the money supply, but the reserves exchanged for assets can be lent out in the repo market and used to speculate on assets which can cause asset inflation.

Real inflation does occur when stimulus checks are passed out though.

>> No.26238151

Fuck the Austrian school, its a honey pot for retards that don't understand modern economics.

>> No.26238152

Get out of New York City lmao
"Deer in the headlights" Austrian economics caused the great depression.
>kicking renters out onto the street will raise house prices
>we will find people to pay the rent in the worst economic depression in history.
>mass homelessness inreaces house prices

>> No.26238156

no, you don't get it. Deflation reversed, thats why USD/JPY went from 80 to 120 in 3 years.

high USD/JPY means strong dollar, weak yen.
are you seriously arguing that QE causes deflation? that USD/JPY is really JPY/USD??????

why, stop the stupid

>> No.26238158

>Ever heard of supply and demand?
Supply and Demand is how inflation exists you blithering retard. The supply of money has increased. This is literal fact. With greater quantities of money and the same amount of goods, goods will naturally increase in price to obtain equilibrium. The problem is that the increased money supply isn't spread evenly across the population but given to select few first movers. So, the first who receive debased money have increased purchasing power, while the last to receive it simply get dicked on newly equilibrated prices, while the people who NEVER receive the new money just die poor. It's called the Cantillon Effect. Go read a book instead of parroting Econ 101.

>> No.26238180

Yes, but velocity is near all time low. It's not impossible, but it's not happening.

>> No.26238205

>asset bubble
Don't worry goys, even though the price of everything with limited supply is going up that's not inflation, it's just an infinite "asset bubble". Just shut up and spend your money on worthless shit that ends up in landfills, as long as you do that you won't notice the infla... I mean asset bubble.

>> No.26238216

Inflation is not a function of currency price, it is a function of economic output.

>> No.26238258

Still, housing prices are increasing much faster than government inflation figures across the board. On average they increase 4% a year despite inflation supposedly being 2% a year.

>> No.26238264


I have been completating that. With the FED able to create money out of nothing and buying all the Treasuries the public doesn't want.

My only question is why even collect taxes anymore if the Gov can just create as much money as it needs? Is it to keep us slaves?

>> No.26238269

>Keynesian bullshit
I referenced animal spirits, it was a dig on Keynes. He was a hack. So was Hayek.
>writes the road to serfdom
>doesnt realize its a how to guide for techno feudalism

>> No.26238310

What was Venezuela creating in the last few years?

>> No.26238389

I don't think you're considering the Euro-dollar market which is quite massive, but there are no accurate statistics on its scale, so it's hard to track. Additionally, there are also production efficiencies which are deflationary.

Also, you have to consider there are multiple type of inflation, such as demand pull, cost plus, interest, wage, and real inflation.

Regardless, in the case of stimulus the money supply is being increased and so is velocity because some of it is being spent in the general economy which causes real inflation; however, it does take some time to manifest.

>> No.26238435

Real inflation would not be caused by stimulus cheques when nobody has a job as the M0 money supply is very low under those circumstances. When businesses are running out out customers, you'd bet they's cut prices.

>> No.26238493

My entire point is that the euro-dollar market produces deflationary pressure. Yes, what the fed is doing could, in theory, be inflationary. But when the overall USD market is in deflation mode, it doesn't do anything. It's easy to point the finger at inflation for every rise in price but when literally all industries are supply constrained it's also perfectly normal for prices to rise.

>> No.26238495


>> No.26238504

isn't it fun how they set the dollar on fire because they couldn't balance a fucking budget

>> No.26238513

US consumer spending has been growing for the past 6 months.

>> No.26238530

its both. roughly: value of currency = (economic output ) / supply of dollars

velocity and shit obfuscates the immediate correlation you can see day to day, but over time it should be screamingly obvious to anyone looking at a chart that increasing the currency supply decreases the value.
However economic output tends to go up with time, so as long as that holds true, printing 3% dollars per year vs 3% growth is roughly no inflation.

the BOJ printed way more than 3% and it was obvious, so the value corrected 50%.

>> No.26238549

19th century easy growth "just head out west and start a ranch" economics is long dead. Maybe it will return with martian expansionism.

>> No.26238608

Becuase your country is so fucked as the stimulus payments over the summer were actually higher than the average wages of your citizens lol.

>> No.26238637

wall street crash =/ great depression

>> No.26238710

every time the US has entered a budget surplus, there has been a recession immediately proceeding it. Budget surpluses are not a good sign of a healthy economy.

>> No.26238784

Growing compared to 2019?

>> No.26238832

Average wage per week? The stimulus was for a month

>> No.26238849

The only flaw in this strat is thinking white males are going to get anything.

>> No.26238904


oh boy this is going to be good

I have watched hours of lectures on MMT and never once heard the word innovation

prepare to get cucked hard by the government as usual

>> No.26238959


>> No.26238986

The Fed is not capable of doing what it thinks it's doing. It's just a general ledger accounting entry into their books.
Deflationary not inflationary. The Fed pumps disinformation in the economy to get people to consume or invest. Only a belief in inflation matters -> make a signal.
Basically the Federal Reserve is lying about inflating the money supply. They're messing with a ledger and not actually pumping cash into the economy like the meme suggests. They intentionally make you believe this is happening because they want to signal they are causing inflation.

Information is a good and people respond to information. Fed is in the business of pumping out disinformation because they're not really apart of the economy.


>> No.26239008

>price of housing, healthcare, and education has skyrocketed over the past few decades
>this has nothing to do with inflation

>> No.26239050

MMT won't work because politicians will never cut spending or raise taxes if you give them power over the money system.

>> No.26239078

We should all ask ourselves that we aren't experiencing inflation, but wage depression over the past few decades.
Where I live (UK) the average house price outside London has actually fallen in real terms yet as prices in London have risen so quickly, the National figure has actually risen in real terms.
A growth in the labour supply and the deliberate depression of wages via union busting, globalization and government gibs subsidization can feel like inflation to most people.
A reminder that inflation only really hurts asset holders, which most people in the west are not.

>> No.26239079

no one that has ever proposed MMT suggests collecting as much tax as they deficit spend

if they did, it wouldn't even be a new theory

>> No.26239124

weeeeew lad

then why do we have to step over homeless people everywhere and can't afford the lifestyle of our parents?

>> No.26239161

you mean since the world started getting poorer?? kek

>> No.26239194
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Obvious bait post, but just as a reminder to everyone that the actual definition of inflation is expansion of the currency supply, don't listen to mealy-mouthed deceptive language. Rising prices are a symptom of inflation.

>> No.26239227

boomers used to pay for college with a summer job and get a starter home just by working hard and had access to the medical system you absolute retard

>> No.26239266

Obvious bait

>> No.26239282

I don't have to deal with that. Life is pretty great when you don't live in California.

>> No.26239284

Maybe you're too retarded to understand that saying QE is not inflationary and that inflation doesn't exist are two different things?

>> No.26239322

correct - they just create "rerserves" which are only banks can use to correct their books, its not actually currency that can be spent

at no point in this process do banks get more appetite to loan more to drive real growth creation

>> No.26239344

You still don’t live the lifestyle of your grandparents

>> No.26239357

so does your theories only work in the midwest or what?

>> No.26239378

listen here kiddo according to steven raster the MMT of modern economics is not suitable for mileninal melalin men. thats MMM you got that pussy boy, QE is only go so long before MMT becomes obsolete!

>> No.26239389

Your right, I live a better life.

>> No.26239410

his grandparents had silver in their quarters and they didn't have to pay for 99% of this list:

>> No.26239503

Ya. It's deflation that's the problem. Equity assets are inflating and wages are deflating. We are starting to figure out central banks are dead weight to the economy pushing out disinformation to give the appearance of playing an important role in the economy. It's a big lie and they only do damage to the economy by making macro economic policy so insanely complex only the most financially and economically literate could understand.

If we get can enough nerds to figure this out and expose the Central/Banking system as a dead weight of the same magnitude the Catholic church was to European economies by funneling massive amounts of capital into a priesthood instead of commerce. We could buy affordable housing with no interest because it's just a ledger transaction these days. Nationalizing banks and relying on blockchain is the next phase of banking.

>> No.26239529

MMT works for a society where china is content in staying put in their UN designated plot of the world.
Spoiler alert

>> No.26239573

Reserves can be lent out in the repo market and utilized by financial institutions to speculate on asset markets. If the value of the assets rises due to the increased buying pressure and then later sold and spent in the real economy, inflation would occur because you have an increase in the money supply and and an increase in velocity, but it does take longer to manifest than if you were to just cut people checks and tell them to spend it.

However, asset value can be destroyed too, but most assets are at all time highs at the moment.

>> No.26239603

I mean just look at /biz/, it's never going to happen. These retards just eat up the boogeymen central banks feed them and think they are ahead of the curve by doing exactly what they want them to do.

>> No.26239697

If it includes jacking off to anime just gtfo

>> No.26239739

How? In what sense besides the convenience of the internet?

>> No.26239858

Also, unemployment is not a cure for inflation because generally governments are reactionary and will increase the money supply and promote spending in order to resolve unemployment and restore the economy.

>> No.26239897
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Anybody listen to the macrovoices podcast? They did this bit a while back where they basically draw a line between fiat debasement and inflation. We are going to experience some mad fiat debasement in the future...but whether or not we experience inflation is kind of anybody's guess and that's what is harder to hedge. Becauese the money isn't circulating around the economy, it's going into the pockets of big boys.

MMT can suck a dick because inflation isn't what's happening right now and inflation in an economy where all the money is flowing around somehow is inevitable. Currently however, it's not, and that's why we are where we are at.

>> No.26239983

we have had asset inflation for a few decades now. the money goes straight to jewish billionaires and the peons get $600.

>> No.26240080

I linked a good episode here >>26236674

>> No.26240092


>> No.26240119

nice, glad to see im not the only one who watches it. I haven't listened to that one but I did start listening to it a week before the EOY two parter so I must have just missed it. Really smart podcast actually.

>> No.26240133


>> No.26240183
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>> No.26240280

Probably too much avocados.

>> No.26240537

Electric guitars used to cost $300-400 for top brands in the 70s.
Now the same guitar would cost $1200. Now, ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION, it may be cheaper nowadays, idk. So it follows that inflation must be a thing if we are adjusting prices for inflation when comparing the price of a product against one from other time.

>> No.26240608

nobody is saying inflation doesn't exist. Inflation is a normal effect of a debt based economy. The only argument being made here is that current monetary policy is not inflationary.

>> No.26240621

has your wage risen in tandem with inflation? Then it's not cheaper

>> No.26240805

That is inflation for the price of guitars specifically. We’re talking about CPI.

>> No.26240827

That's the thing, our purchasing power gets lost among all this discussion about inflation.

There was at least this anon around asking for proof of inflation happening. See >>26237569
So if there's inflation, it is happening, and it hasn't stopped happening while using MMT... If it isn't causing it, at least it isn't stopping it, right? (Assuming my premises are correct)

>> No.26240835

>it wasn't real MMT
we have reached peak clown

>> No.26240913

Until you get stagflation

>> No.26240928

The anon was me and I was asking in context of QE.

>> No.26241012

Artificial scarcity and branding. Same with clothes.

>> No.26241050
File: 35 KB, 1076x345, Screenshot_2020-12-29 Fifty Years of Tax Cuts for Rich Didn’t Trickle Down, Study Says(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservatives are quite literally incapable of grappling with facts, they only operate on their feelings. It's quite sad.

>> No.26241137

It’s a bunch of leftists who can’t win the economic argument who went in search of a theory they can point to in order to say the economic arguments are invalid. The MMT’ers litter DSA circles. It’s obvious what they are doing.

>> No.26241529

>government inflation figures

>> No.26241740
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>study says

>> No.26242121
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>Most comprehensive study done on the matter
>h-heh dont believe s-studes guys uuuh jews!


>> No.26242213
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Can somebody here debunk this stupid ass book so I dont have to read it. All the reviews are globoshill to the max.
>deflation is good! Inflation isnt real!
Wtf is this nonsense. If deflation happens, everythings collapsing because of the debt

>> No.26242284

I am sorry the truth makes you so angry.

>> No.26242300

I was a student of hers at UMKC four years ago. Best econ class I ever took

>> No.26242344
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Sergey begs to differ

>> No.26242365
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>By the International Inequalities Institute
sounds like an unbiased and fair "study". Did they perhaps, partner with UC Berkley?

>> No.26242470

>Center for the Study of Inequality and Social Justice.
It isn't hard to figure out why dumb niggers remain poor anon...

>> No.26242742
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A well done studied that covered multiple bases, using robustness checks; standard deviations, alternative thresholds, different time-lags, parametric and non-parametric matching, mahalanobis distance and more found no evidence to support the proud capitalist/libertarian claims present throughout 18 OECD countries.

Can't find a more fitting definition other than BTFO'd, but you're worried about the fact that they don't like inequality

>> No.26242863

>wahh wahh the jews its unequal the jews have everything
>study showcasing inequality due to tax reduction of wealthy in great detail
>Inequalities institutes lol thats the jews right can't be trusted

I swear you could not make them up more retarded

>> No.26242898

>If Boeing and Goldman Sachs get free money, then I get free money.
do you know maths or make good engine?

>> No.26242973

there it is folks. feelings and not facts, ben had it wrong the whole time.

>> No.26243049

>>this has nothing to do with inflation
well the high demand locations its rising but i doubt the shit neighborhoods are rising at all
i know for a fact that if you city has anything to offer then yes housing is rising due to high demand
but go further out of a city to a shit location and you can get a huge house for the price of a 1 bedroom house in the popular place

>> No.26243074
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>Bernie Sanders economic advisor

She makes Krugman look like an austrian.

>> No.26243158

>government doesnt need our money
>we need the governments money

This is unironic slave economics 2.0

>> No.26243459
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>most interesting thread on /biz/ has retards unironically defending MMT

>> No.26243510

if you think thats bad. Enjoy Ben Bernanke fan may mays


>> No.26243638

Housing prices go up because interest rates go down. A 300 000$ house for 25y at 2% has the same monthly payment that a 350 000$ house at 1% for 25y does. Your average plebs do not understand that they are being ripped off and they just buy whatever they can afford. It's the same thing foŕ cars and none of this stuff has anything to do with inflation.

As for food prices, i keep my own receipts and do my own cpi and the only thing that went up since march is lettuce which has something to do with the hurricanes or whatever. You also have to understand that grocery stores now have new sanitation cost added to their expenses and same goes for food manufacturers, they are flipping these expenses to you driving prices higher.

I'm not argujng there is no inflation the problem is the monetary system is designed to create inflation and right now its barely doing any.

The old quantity of money theory does not apply since the gold standard has been abolished.

The only way to get inflation now a days is to provide quality debt that will lead to growth. And since governement is using debt out of debt in order to get reelected instead of helping industry's and small businesses to create jobs and opportunities. MMT will never work because governements are incompetent, you just need to look at students loan to see how incompetent they are at making proper financial decision.