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26232680 No.26232680 [Reply] [Original]

Should I get a communication degree, graduate in 1 year, not take out any loans and end up paying 4k in total or should should I become a teacher, graduate in 2.5 years, take out 5,500 in subsidized loans and end up paying 14k in total? I want the summers off and every holiday off but I have to live in poverty until then. Taking out loans scares me. What are the chances I’ll be able to get a nice teaching position at a good suburban none urban school straight out of college? I don’t don’t to teach in the ghetto. If I get a communication degree I fear I may not be able to get my dream job, which is a nice comfy office desk job, because everyone says a communication degree is useless. If I can make 20 an hour I’ll be happy. All I want is an office job, pushing papers or doing anything at a desk. I have years of retail customer service experience but nothing more. Help annons. Anyone here a teacher or a communication major?

>> No.26232724

how many stinkie linkies for a booba like this ?

>> No.26232802

You can get a job as a substitute with any English or history degree right now because they are so desperate for bodies to fill in for Boomers too afraid to go back to work, I would take the comm degree but to be honest both degrees are hardly worth getting and you should go for finance or accounting if you aren’t a stem chad

>> No.26232907

I want to nurse those milkers

>> No.26232954

I’m not smart enough for a stem degree. Why is a teaching degree worth hardly getting? Will I not be able to get a job as a teacher straight out of college? I live in a union state so teachers get nice benefits I assume but don’t know.

>> No.26232958

As a fellow comms plebian (in canada, however) I wouldn’t call this degree entirely useless, but you have to have a very specific idea of what you want to do with it and pursue internships before you graduate. It’s basically just a less academic and more vocational English degree that’s designed for marketing/public relations/journalism type roles. If you want to be a schoolteacher you’re probably better served by majoring in something more in the traditional liberal arts fold. You’ll probably hate the coursework otherwise as it’s very specific to those aforementioned fields at times.

>> No.26232980

both are retarded. how about you actually apply yourself and get a real job out of college.
>t. became a teacher after goofing off for 4 years in college.

>> No.26232996

Depends on your district but public teachers around me make decent money after 10+ years

>> No.26233056

Is this a copypasta?

Start a business.
well, you asked /biz/

or work for an insurance company. it sounds like your perfect dream job

>> No.26233095

I have an English degree with a comm minor and I can tell you employers don’t give a fuck, if teaching is something you think you could do as a lifelong career it’s probably a good idea but I am personally too listless to dedicate myself like that, currently trying to learn as many trade skills as I can to have actual marketable skills

>> No.26233109

I just want an office job. It can be anything. I’ll hate which coursework? The teacher coursework? If I get a communication degree I’ll probably won’t have any internships unless I can find just 1 this summer. I would be graduating next spring and won’t have time for them during the school year

>> No.26233228

Working at an insurance company would be my dream job but what position would I be able to get without a degree vs with a communication degree? I assume a sales job would be easy to get but would I be able to get a higher paying job like in claims or anything that pays at least 20 an hour? Would I be able to get that without any degree? Would I be able to get that with a communication degree?

>> No.26233285

Dude, even those tough STEM degrees that you’re scared of are basically toilet paper if you don’t have any other qualifications once you graduate. Why did you wait so long to get relevant roles on your resume? Even volunteer shit helpful.

I’m not saying you’re fucked but just getting the degree isn’t going to help you a lot right this minute. You need to be able to show employers that you’ve been productive in the context of real world projects. Delay your grad if you need to, seriously.

>> No.26233367

I don’t want to delay my grad. I run out of financial aid in 1.5 years and can’t afford to pay for college after that without taking out loans which I don’t want to do

>> No.26233856

Fucking lol I thought a Comms degree meant something actually useful like learning about fiber optics or building management systems.

Go fuck yourself, OP. You're a faggot making faggot choices.

>> No.26233983

i wanted those milkers to make me milk but then i saw the disgusting ass tattoos this woman has

>> No.26234006

I'm a teacher OP AMA. The pay can be pretty good depending on your state and district. If you think you'd enjoy it, then go for it. But if you're in it just for the pension and summers off, jump into something else.

>> No.26234012
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 124792521_2854727774809805_8279405403795635275_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working at an insurance company would be my dream job

you what?

>> No.26234172

Will it be easy finding a job as a teacher straight out of college, in a none urban district? I’m mostly in it for the summers off and holidays off but I would I would also enjoy working with kids

>> No.26234175

damn bro i can see her entire tit that's wild

>> No.26234280

I need a desk job because I have health issues and can’t work full time at any job that involves standing up all day. I hurts a lot to do that. I currently work at a retail job where I have to stand all day and my body can only tolerate that part time or if I do full time I can’t do it for several months

>> No.26234379

someone i went to school got a comm degree and got a job at an insurance company, I doubt $20/hour though.

but like others are saying, jobs actually come from internships and especially good interviewing rather than a degree.

I regret not delaying graduation.
damn right to avoid taking loans.
Working in retail full time actually is actually doable without loans.
Honestly, taking time off school to work at like Costco or Walmart, maybe become assistant manager, would look really good applying to companies compared to some person with a piece of paper.

>> No.26234706

How bad would it be if I took out subsidized loans? $5,500 worths?

>> No.26234831

>health issues
better yet, hit up a temp agency they're great. their knowledge of what jobs are available... you tell the agency rep what you're looking for and they can match you up.
again probably not $20/hr, but with no loans, that's doable.
could be call center, or data entry. or sitting at an inspection station in some packaging plant. get picked up for a full-time position and within a year, could be assistant management.
better than a degree. better than debt

>> No.26235015

Thanks I’ll try that. If I can get 17-18 an hour I would be satisfied.

>> No.26235681

The area I live in supposedly has one of the best school districts in the US, pays well over the national average, really good bennies, operating on a budget that's at least 2x more than they could ever need, and they still have horrible retention rate with new teachers. Most of the newer teachers I've met have seriously considered switching careers and the older ones are just riding it out till they qualify for their pension. The main complaint I've heard is that you deal with a lot of crap outside of just teaching students. Which is fair, but teachers, more so than anyone else, will try to make themselves out to be the martyr and act as if everyone else doesn't have to deal with bullshit at work or have to stay later than what you're scheduled for.

The other thing to mention is that the US is on a verge of a pension crisis once all the boomers retire. For decades local, state, and federal governments have been giving overly generous pension packages that is as bad, if not worse than the looming social security issue. The overwhelming majority of these are completely unsustainable. In some states it's got so bad that they've had to slash or flat out stop pension payments. A lot of governments have now completely changed their bennies, which has in turn made it far less appealing to work for said school district. You're not going to want to work longer to get a smaller pension and have to eat a shit sandwich from principles, school directors, parents, or children.

>> No.26235793

> went to community college for programming
> got out of college best in class (everyone else were spergs or retards)
> use social skills to beat university grads in interviews
> get paid 73k first year out of school
>spend wage on crypto

>> No.26236080

>getting a job
Dude America is over. The world is ending

>> No.26236198

Get a teaching degree. Pay sucks but at least you get to travel the world teaching English to shitty third worlder kids.

>> No.26236393

Your saying that even doe those teachers are in one of the best school districts they still hate their job? Teaching must not be a good career field. Is that a state that has unions? Are the summers and holidays off not worth it?