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26231415 No.26231415 [Reply] [Original]

>CS degree
>graduated on june
>covid fucked me over and couldnt do an intership
>every job wants 3+ years of experience

Was the “learn to code” shit a fucking meme and I felt for it???

>> No.26231469


>> No.26231492

wrong board retard

>> No.26231518

lmao you got meme'd. Degrees are for losers. t. 12 semestre CS student, never going to graduate.

>> No.26231545

start lying faggot

t. lied constantly in the early days of my code monkey career

also degree is a meme in CS

>> No.26231559

just lie on ur application retard

>> No.26231616

are you white? lel

>every job wants 3 years of experience
There are postings for fresh out of college grads, just look harder. The challenge of software jobs is the interview not getting your foot in the door. Use your University's job site, look at HN monthly job threads, etc.

>> No.26231639


This. Study people who had success and emulate them. If you're getting passed over then you were just a generic student anyway and frankly that's ngmi tier. I had tons of projects I built outside of class that helped. We had remote interns at my company this year and they all had good folios and shit. It's cut throat so boss up.

>> No.26231650

Dont blame covid or your lack of experience

It’s that attitude why you do not have a job, just expecting things to fall into your lap because you fell for muh degree meme

Self entitled cunt

>> No.26231661
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Make a shitty web dev portfolio on git hub, you should know enough to do that in a month EZ. Learn some graphic design shit to (don't be too fruity about it though) and then walk in to interviews smug as fuck, shake those hands firmly, and show off your portfolio like its Jesus Christs shit. Practice a shit ton of project Euler questions because they will quiz you (you know how to code right?). End of the day, its all about selling your self. Nobody cares if you actually have the 3 years, just be like "I'm a young hard worker that can solve ALL the problems and can learn ANYTHING at any moment" You'll be hired in no time trust me. Now close this tab and start working on your portfolio ASAP.

>> No.26231737


sell yourself like you're hot shit, that's all it takes really

>> No.26231738

I'm a social autiste and somehow I've managed to secure a job via networking. You just have to get out there and meet people even if you don't know how to talk. I've been to events where I just sat around in a corner and people would just do all the work and initiate conversations with me.

although I'll admit that lockdowns has made this harder now.

>> No.26231780

fruity but not too fruit graphic design about a *fucking coding* job? You utter fucking pleb

no don’t ever do this

>> No.26231889

Normally you’d look like a social autistic pleb sat in the corner though, so if people approach you must be beautiful

Congrats you’re gonna make it

>> No.26231923

>he doesnt already have 10 failed internet businesses
why even study cs if you want to be a wagie? there are easier gigs

>> No.26231989


I went to a 3 month bootcamp and found a job. Then I realized 75% of people who got CS degrees at my company are fucking retarded. What do you even learn in school?

>> No.26232160
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t. never made a website in his life
pro tip, nobody cares about your stupid "low level" garbage spaghetti code. The money is in web dev and everything else is a waste of time.

>> No.26232275

>Degree at a non-health field.
You deserve it.

>> No.26232351

The truest coding pill.