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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26228877 No.26228877 [Reply] [Original]

Been shooting deer yesterday/today, what did I miss?

>> No.26228904

10k suicide stack
100k make it stack
simple as

>> No.26228941

rubic is now /ourcoin/
a majority of the holders are fellow bizraelis

>> No.26228943

A group of pump and dumpers created a shill campaign on biz, "dumped" on bizlets for 0.03, but biz just kept buying. Now it's at 0.07 and most wallets are controlled by biz.
If there ever was an /ourcoin/, this is it.
See also your double dubs.

>> No.26228945

Somewhat unique DeFi exchange that allows multi-chain trading.
Shitty product by some guy who made several crypto products already.
Shills are going insane on this. We're probably not at the peak for a few days, but you gotta have the balls to join in for the ride.

It's not an outright scam but the guy behind it has no real idea what he's doing.

>> No.26228948

check the graph sir

>> No.26228980

Coin being shilled by paid indian pajeets and hopefuls who FOMO'd in

>> No.26229013

wallet count up 16% just today totaling now over 1500 wallets
cross chain non kyc swapping and order book
non anon team hosting another ama tomorrow and also talk about the results of some testing they did.
first we thought it was a pump and dump but all whales exited sub 3m market cap and now biz owns most of this shit.
twitter, reddit, youtube not in yet
im unironically expecting 10cents within the next day.
if they drop some bombs at the AMA this might go to 15m MC
also much more liqduity on the uniswap eth pair than for example balancer which is a 1,8 billion MC

>> No.26229028

this is going to dump at the ama

>> No.26229036

Yeah sorry pajeet nigger I’m white

>> No.26229089

Damn coinbase took forever so I only have 90k

>> No.26229097

>spend 2k on rubic
>it shoots up to 7k in value in two days
>withdraw 3k
>let rest of my 50k stack ride

Yup, feels good. Never listen to biz fud.

>> No.26229125

how can you know this for sure?

>> No.26229190

Maybe, but as long as we buy the dip. Big wallet scammers pumped and dumped the bitch and got bought out yesturday. It's just us now.
Faggot redditors are soon to buy in and regular normies never heard of it.

>> No.26229198

This was a thoroughly enjoyable read, thanks all.

Missed the part about the pajeet shilling campaign that kept reposting the same text. Was over 5 threads at one point.

It's been a cracking day really.

>> No.26229225
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>> No.26229239

KEK I hope this is true

>> No.26229276

checked. RBC is undeniable

>> No.26229290

Price action is entirely correlated to last few days and biz memes.

70 percent new wallets last few days, volume is more skewd but those 70 percent own around 50 percent of total MC now

>> No.26229309

Just your average fudding campaign, disseminate incertainty to push faggots to sell high and buy the dip.

>> No.26229368

me too the retardation of /biz might be it's salvation.

>> No.26229398

Since this is pretty much our coin now, when normies start hopping on can we dump on them?

>> No.26229410


>> No.26229415
File: 3.10 MB, 3120x4160, OURCOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

false. we are not pajeet and we are white.
this coin is to the moon sorry bitch.

>> No.26229417

Rubic is used to Pump and Dump by a group of discord scammers. They spam /biz/ in hope that people will buy that useless shitcoin.

>> No.26229441

unironically anon, no matter what happens, the majority of holders are now anons from /biz/. the huge whales from the initial pnd are long gone and those of us who stayed saw the potential in crosschain dex that seems to be fully functional

>> No.26229452

Don't dump it all at once, >we have room to make it.

>> No.26229474

You will be saying this all the way to $20

>> No.26229482

Poorfag here, put in 400 dollars hopefully this goes somewhere

>> No.26229611

Guys for real alt season hasn't even started yet, bitcoin still has to go to somewhere between 100 and 200k to complete it's parabola and after that it's 2 months of alts catching up.
We can meme this to $1 at least. Stack up. I'm not selling until the end of the bull run and I hold a sizeable stack.

>> No.26229713
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Dumb mutherfuckers

>> No.26229760

christ Gav, delete this

>> No.26229822

What about the people who own 200k?

>> No.26229825
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It's almost like memes raise awareness, who knew.

Btw leaving that here:

2nd "holder" in rbc. Some more knowledgeable guy check thoroughly please igtg

>> No.26230000
File: 105 KB, 720x914, iMarkup_20210119_003215__01__01__01__01__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy if you like the taste of pubes

>> No.26230053


>> No.26230074


thats the uniswap liquidity pair

>> No.26230182

I am a retard, gn thnks

>> No.26230254
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, 40108C52-3B8A-4D2B-82D7-7C01ED1958AD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100k make it stack
>owns 200k
Good work anon, that means you’ll make it twice

>> No.26230444

Thank you anon. I will donate all the money to Black Lives Matter so I can contribute to build a better and fairer world for everyone.

>> No.26230503

blessed coin

>> No.26230541

>tfw the fud comes full circle
Back to the drawing board nigger

>> No.26230590

checked, bought 10k

>> No.26230740
File: 250 KB, 360x400, beatrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW holding 200k RBC and 120 DEXG, both tokens which have endless make it potential
>up x4 on both


Any dexg bros here?

>> No.26230758

Checked and same. It’s shameful that no major institutions or corporations in this country are even doing anything for these people. Our media constantly heap praise upon the White working class and can’t stop talking about “black criminality”, whatever the fuck that means. Even our incoming President and VP won’t even talk about the White on black violence that these guys experiencing all day, every day. MAGA chuds even tried to launch a coup against democracy and it gets no attention whatsoever. When this hits $10 I’m selling and giving my millions away so these oppressed citizens can finally get the love and the praise that they deserve.

>> No.26231335

Please spread your message to the normies anon. Rubic = Freedom. We can be kangz again. Your blessed digits confirm it.

>> No.26232362

where to buy sirs?

>> No.26232531

Link that here would you anon

>> No.26233076

why dump on normies one time when we can dunk on them for years? I will never sell.

>> No.26233263

>12M stack
Am i going to make it with a 10k stack? do i need to buy more? should i wait, invest daily, or just dump money right now?

>> No.26233300

Make it, cubed.

>> No.26233327

Jesus I love you rubichads, but this type of question is so retarded... Stay dumb anons. Just hold and get your money like a good goy.