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26224949 No.26224949 [Reply] [Original]

brainlet here, I need someone here who understands the tech behind crypto and blockchains

what's liquid network and elements?
what's omni layer?
why would anyone use those? let's say I want to create an official crypto-euro, backed by bitcoin, how do I do that, do I "fork" the bitcoin github? so why is there so much bloat tech then like side chains, atomic swap, and countless of other terms?

please enlighten me I don't understand what any of those things above mean and no article can explain with simple words

>> No.26225010

go to binance academy

>> No.26225094

omni layer is old and outdated token tech built on BTC. Tether is transitioning from it and soon Agoras (the only omni coin i really care about) will too.
liquid network is an attempt from blockstream to copy ethereum's primary use case as an ICO scam coin printer. it's a side chain that's faster than BTC but no one will ever use it.

>> No.26225134

it doesn't explain that

>> No.26225331

ok, so how someone would be supposed to create a bitcoin backed crypto?

>> No.26225369

unironically just watch a 10 minute introduction video to bitcoin then watch the video of michael saylor and rao paul talking about bitcoin. All of the questions you just asked are silly and about irrelevant tech.

t. works in crypto
t. been here for 4 years
t. almost to 7 figs

>> No.26225422

look up the meaning of “collateralized loan” and you tell me bb. People do this with bitcoin, eth, anything nowadays really with aave

>> No.26225594

you have a few options.
but none of them matter anymore. it's literally all about ERC20s now. why do you want a token on top of bitcoin specifically?
there are other options i suppose... chains like Komodo and Blockstack are semi-backed by BTC. i don't know if you can issue tokens on them though.

>> No.26225784

a token on top of bitcoin is preferable to a token on top of ethereum because bitcoin network is much bigger and much safer