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File: 86 KB, 715x1024, 6DAFACEC-F982-49A5-9291-7D7FB61AA4FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26224227 No.26224227 [Reply] [Original]

Guys what the fuck is this?

>> No.26224269

It means a specific crypto is going up,up,up.

>> No.26224273

I'm pretty sure that's a bull OP. Took me a couple seconds because the thumbnail looked like fingers snapping or something but I got it.

>> No.26224283

It's simple, we will have nigger coins

>> No.26224300

The death of America as a serious nation

LMAO u fucking cucks

>> No.26224346

That means you're not allowed to criticize said policies no matter how stupid they are or you're automatically a hateful bigot.

>> No.26224358

It means I will laugh at all the white people who voted for him because orange man bad when dementia man fucks them all for being white. I just can't do stupid white people anymore, I really hope blue states just start seizing the property of the whites who live in them.

>> No.26224370
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did China just win, bros?

>> No.26224372
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1540936152766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not gonna make it before people start killing each other on the streets

>> No.26224373

god what the fuck i have to leave this fucking country

>> No.26224404
File: 57 KB, 736x717, 1539044352139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china joe does what china joe must do. you voted for this, now enjoy

>> No.26224410


It means in 70 teachers will be teaching students how China won the cold war 2

>> No.26224423

lmao amerimutts

>> No.26224446

They don't want you to notice how poor and shitty your life will be getting ubder gobunism, so they created nonsensical shit for you to distract your focus on

>> No.26224453

it is "science" lovers proclaiming the rules of reality are no longer necessary, shitlib whinging can fix everything

>> No.26224462

It means Joe is a cuck and has no testicles

>> No.26224472

Buy shares in pharmaceutical companies producing female hormones, and private security companies.

>> No.26224488

High IQ post

>> No.26224506
File: 776 KB, 640x545, 34475767434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't leave because of corona lockdowns

>> No.26224514

They've been winning for decades. The last 50 years was a concerted effort by western powers to export wealth to Asia. In doing so we've lifted billions of asian peasants out of poverty will gaining nothing in return. They won't thank us but may spare some of us. Not the negros though, they're fucked.

>> No.26224517

Death of the republic, bullish as fuck.

>> No.26224521

fuck Joe Biden and fuck everyone that voted for him

>> No.26224526

It means everything is going to shit just as Ted predicted. Social Media and the digitization of daily life due to the Pandemic have made his predictions more relevant than ever.

>> No.26224530

No wonder Sergey translated the Chainlink page to Chinese. I for one welcome my new commie overlords who will pump link to triple digits.

>> No.26224534
File: 102 KB, 1185x1257, 1608432286662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means America is really and seriously heading for either civil war or massive and long-term unrest. It's going to be like last summer but constant and far worse. China and Russia will take full advantage and the US military will take a defensive/retreating stance while it tries to maintain neutrality at home.

I have moved away from my home coastal blue state to flyover accordingly. Next stop - rural woodland.

>> No.26224537

you shouldn't fuck dead people, anon.

>> No.26224579

It means business as usual with extra sprinklings of pandering. The same people run the show in America.

>> No.26224612

I'm actually thinking about killing myself everyday. I have about 2 months to turn this around before I'm bankrupt

>> No.26224664

guys our masters did not change, same policies will go on. This is the same old twatter virtue signalling.
also this >>26224346

>> No.26224728
File: 402 KB, 1280x960, 1486832192909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a minority, I just have to say - based. I need to play life on easy mode. Fuck wage slaving, give me money for my skin color.

>> No.26224772

This is the best economic policy the former powerhouse of the United states of America could come up with 2 decades into the 21st century? Your ancestors are laughing at you, and so are we

>> No.26224809

Wow where can I buy a specific crypto?

>> No.26224839

how about those cheap flatscreen tv's and Christmas lights though

>> No.26224854

Sounds gay

>> No.26224899

Imagine actually thinking this money will benefit you and not just be sent to China and and the rest held by the ruling class of tech billionaires as you struggle in a hyper inflated 3rd world country.

>> No.26224945


Change. Get used to it.

>> No.26224951
File: 2.34 MB, 1336x1358, 1541081528514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking I'll keep that monopoly money instead of throwing it into crypto, stocks, and precious metals.

>> No.26224995

So basically a racist policy that expands our meaningless differences. Based.

>> No.26225012

It just means they are going to give out shit tons of loans that will drive up asset prices to help offset the wage inflation they are about to create by passing a $15 minimum wage. Commodity prices are about to go to the fucking moon.

>> No.26225089


>> No.26225099

finally some payback for slavery and keeping women down for thousands of years. what are you white men so scared of? being treated like everyone else?

>> No.26225107

Plus, reperations are on the table. I've narrowed my search to a couple countries, but no options are great at this moment.

>> No.26225147

Protect workers against COVID-19. Millions of Americans, many of whom are people
of color, immigrants, and low-wage workers, continue to put their lives on the line to
keep the country functioning through the pandemic. They should not have to lie awake
at night wondering if they’ll make it home from work safely the next day, or if they’ll bring
home the virus to their loved ones and communities. The president-elect is calling on

Congress to authorize the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to issue a
COVID-19 Protection Standard that covers a broad set of workers, so that workers not
typically covered by OSHA, like many public workers on the frontlines, also receive
protection from unsafe working conditions and retaliation. And, President-elect Biden is
calling on Congress to provide additional funding for OSHA enforcement and grant
funding, including for the Susan Harwood grant program, for organizations to help keep
vulnerable workers healthy and safe from COVID-19. These steps will help keep more
workers healthy, reopen more businesses safely, and beat the virus.


The ideas themselves seem to check out but it's always with lines that make no fucking sense. Does it matter what colour their skin is or whether they're immigrants? No and it's offensive.

>> No.26225170

>he thinks he’ll actually get money

>> No.26225268

pay the reparations white man

>> No.26225325


>> No.26225341

My conspiracy theory is that they tie meaningless identity shit like race and gender, to literally possible end of the human race scenarios like climate change, in order to discredit climate change in the eyes of conservatives and slow the rate of change for sustainable energy/consumption.

>> No.26225508

Give more gibs to people of color and women and tax white men at higher rates.

>> No.26225826

My take? Tomorrow some false-flag will take place giving these psychos even more excuse to put the boot down on all of us. Odds are it will be blamed on 'far-right' groups, adding more fuel to this bullshit fire. Lefties will celebrate the boot stomping because the media will tell them how it's necessary for 'saving our democracy'... also won't be able to resist bathing in vindication. The general public will be scared into compliance by the media. Now they're just attributing any point of view they want to squash as 'whiteness'. Fucking security/surveillance/police state. Seriously, where can I go to escape this nonsense and just live my goddamn life in peace?

Also this.

>> No.26226051

It means that the money printers will go brrrr overtime and the recipients will be everyone except white men.

>> No.26226081


Move to Russia ASAP

>> No.26226147

I'd rather have chinese overlords that the jews shoving niggers and trannies down our throats. Godspeed to them at this point

>> No.26226210

This is a joke right? Please tell me this is a troll account.

>> No.26226266

It means that whites will flood to crypto,gold,stocks and other assets as USD turns into Nigger Coin.
In 2023 they will feel like rich rappers from music videos. In 2024 they will google "inflation"

>> No.26226427
File: 60 KB, 1208x720, A8FF1E7F-A4E0-4FAB-A2A8-D3D9AA6119C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over

>> No.26226507

Yes. Your country will be Africa-tier in a couple years. I hope you have enough money to move somewhere else.

>> No.26226616

I hope not, but it's getting harder tell myself they aren't.

>> No.26226644

This is what white people chose.

>> No.26226662

>Seriously, where can I go to escape this nonsense and just live my goddamn life in peace?
Wooded mountains.

>> No.26226664


>> No.26226689
File: 144 KB, 1024x762, 1610781903315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open e-mail when i get into work
>e-mail from HR about black sensitivity training
>e-mail from HR about mrna safety and why EAU is a good thing
>e-mail from finances about a meeting to shill boomer stocks and retirement plans

I wish I was joking.

>> No.26226736

Haha this is great for crypto. At least that cuck trump is out of office thank holy hell

>> No.26226791

you should expand your time horizon a little bit
it might get better for a little bit but after a little while there will be horrors that nobody on this board can imagine

>> No.26226811

Checked. They deserve it. Get rekt you neutered obese cucks. You have done more damage to the white race than any nation ever existing in the history of the world. I hope you return to complete Idiocracy levels by 2030, being ruled by literal retard Congo niggers and spic cartels.

>> No.26226814

haha nice joke

>> No.26226824


>> No.26226865

(((white people))))

>> No.26226889

How do I short America?

>> No.26226895


>> No.26226932

It's what they voted for and have been voting for for decades. You see it's nonsense? why didn't they? They wanted their egos stroked and didn't care about how it would end.

>> No.26226974

learn spanish if you're low skill labour/manual labor and learn chinese if you're a blue collar type guy.
Also marry a brown so your kids have an easier life.

>> No.26226990
File: 40 KB, 438x533, images (65).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my time has finally come

>> No.26226992

I will only hire white men for the main jobs at my imaginary company, maybe for my diversity hires it will be cute latinas.

>> No.26227068

The war was an info war. Nothing can be done about it, what not with the censorship....hmmmmm

>> No.26227179

The disease of philosophy once so vigilantly shunned from economics coming around again to serve the vanity of our "elected" officials.
We are already at war.

>> No.26227265

The power of the dumb nigger everyone

Let me explain it to you coon, ya wont get dick, your overlord coons will get the money, then buy mansions and lambs while you and your ilk kill each other over Jordan's and crack. Enjoy your hopium though

>> No.26227348
File: 355 KB, 578x433, 1560561838455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok im starting mandarin tomorrow. fucking burgers are done

>> No.26227486

You know most are heavily brainwashed by (((media))) and (((education)))?
Also, more than half of the voters are females, most of them shouldn't be allowed to vote in first place since they can be manipulated by social norms and media as easily as a 10 year old child

>> No.26227640

Same thing happened to me today. You own btc, eth, xmr, link, and [redacted] right?

>> No.26227753
File: 106 KB, 1280x976, Kiwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna move to Ecuador. Nobody there ever gave me grief for being white. But in the US I'm constantly told I'm a bad guy for it.

>> No.26227822

didnt that jew demon in congress say she wants a strong dollar?
how is that compatible with printing for nigger trannies?

>> No.26227850

South america seems like a good idea as an american, what skills are you taking down there to fit in?

>> No.26227895
File: 114 KB, 400x513, B1119AD8-ECF6-4412-90B0-75E20D0E78C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart anons - how long til global economic collapse?
>feds have monetary system on life support
>fighting deflation by printing trillions upon trillions, the numbers keep getting more absurd by the day.
>If they stop, massive deflation and depression, probably way worse than the 30’s
>if they keep going, hyper-inflation, 200 dollars for a carton of eggs
How long can they keep this alive, when does the dam break, and what does it look like?


>> No.26227928

Politics and news are about stroking certain peoples egos and making people feel bad.
Making people feel bad also encapsulates schizing people out when they pay enough attention to see everything is lies and backwards.

>> No.26227982

Biden is actually a chinese satrap I wish I were joking

>> No.26227999

Too soon man. That kid died and never had the chance to see his project through.

>> No.26228016

Neomarxist Leftism, what else?

>> No.26228020

i am from argentina and our strategy consists of buying as many dollars as we can as soon as we get paid with our governments useless currency.
So i guess buy bitcoin?

>> No.26228048

kiss good bye to your White Privileges Anon!

>> No.26228059

So much of this is window dressing to give the Libs a sense of accomplishment, something they can talk about while sitting in the park with masks on spaced 10 feet apart. The same forces that have always run fiscal and monetary policy are there to stay. It would be funny if Bloomberg had to start reporting at 8:30 am on some certain day of the week how many sex change operations were performed, or how many jobs were added or lost broken out by race, gender and sexual orientation.

>> No.26228100

Unironically, bidens SEC lead spoke over algorand... It's on the algo Twitter I saw it this morning. He was praising Silvio. Pretty fucking bullish bros.

>> No.26228132

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

>> No.26228147

The Western world will have to negotiate with China to dilute its decline over time (30 years), in order to avoid a bloodbath due to excessive poverty and violence. Then it will break up into Chinese-friendly city states and vast Cold Civil War zones under Russian or Muslim influence.

>> No.26228185

>Not the negros though, they're fucked.
Somewhat, they will use them like a fiddle to fill agendas. So same as it ever was

>> No.26228228

Actually, that's not bad. Why? Measuring the economy based on GDP is retarded as it doesn't demonstrate how the average american is doing. This was andrew yang's idea first

>> No.26228241

if you wanna play the tranny industry, at least go straight to the source and buy Monsanto. Monsanto is to tranny hormone companies as ETH is to erc20 shitcoins; without the former the latter wouldn't exist

>> No.26228294
File: 9 KB, 225x225, JAL083-CJ39F-ZO3C0-XJ39DL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoors have claimed the death of America more times than bitcoin. Seethe, you will always be our bitch.

>> No.26228330

I'm not very skilled. I do paperwork for a local government. Maybe I'll get a proper trade education up here and then go for the move.

>> No.26228351

JFK said that, and someone before him too

>> No.26228359

China won before you were even born. You can thank the baby boomer generation for selling out your future for a few bucks they could set aside for their retirement.

>> No.26228378

To give an example of how utterly retarded measuring success by GDP is:

Say 99% of people wanted to kill themselves due to how SHIT their lives were. Say GDP went up by a fuck ton. Guess what? By those standards, "the country is doing well" even though the citizens want to die.

So basically GDP doesn't tell you shit about quality of life for citizens.

>> No.26228401
File: 447 KB, 600x1067, 1603188295237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, smug fat from a country that's on the verge of civil war

>> No.26228404

Welcome to the cultural revolution

>> No.26228431


let them rot

>> No.26228440


>> No.26228492

You white people are such fucking pussies for allowing this to happen to you, your ancestors would be ashamed lol

>> No.26228498

Not leftism. It is sjw-ism.

>> No.26228502

Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
Into the blue again after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground

>> No.26228503

You’re seriously retarded. GDP is not the only economic indicator used by economists and never was. It even says it in the OP.
The problem is the pozzed, anti-white bullshit he’s doing now.

>> No.26228572

That is leftism

>> No.26228649

4 years ago everyone was cheering America on and now its “america has always been bad” you aren’t any less cucked nigger. You think 4 chan could exist with its servers in Germany?

>> No.26228670

YOU'RE retarded. I the OP only TWO indicators are mentioned and BOTH don't tell you the quality of life of the average citizen you fucking dumbass

>> No.26228679

laughing all the way to the gulags. this country is dead.

>> No.26228694

checked. is that really what happened?

>> No.26228715

>not the only economic indicator used by economists and never was.
List ALL of them. Tell me ONE that measures quality of life for the average citizen. I'll wait.

>I the OP

>> No.26228725

Stop pretending there is a difference. Leftism inevitably enables bullshit like that.

>> No.26228773

Nigger coin?

>> No.26228793

very woke take, (((they))) always do this. they take an actual issue and pack it together with a bunch of made up shit and see what sticks, then they tell you you gotta pay for the whole lot because the other side will do none of these things

the motherfuckers are using state channels and batching on issues so that you're forced to think in kindergarden scale.

btw for those that don't believe the environment is changing, the skies are literally getting matrix'd over our heads to dim the sun and lower temps, while methane feedback loops are already taking place over the permafrosts both over and under the sea level. this goose is fucking cooked and the duopoly is just depopulating everyone through herbicides

Charlie boy knows

>> No.26228829

Because it gave two examples dipshit. If you want to see a general list of indicators there’s tradingeconomics.com but there’s many more.

Tell me where did you learn economics?

>> No.26228867

we are the next sodom and gomorha

>> No.26228875
File: 973 KB, 1200x1074, 9831793481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Athletic build and my teeth are straight

>> No.26228900

Sell stonks, buy crypto.

>> No.26228913

your a maniac

>> No.26228920

fuck off chink.

>> No.26228933


It's official. The US has left the first world.

>> No.26228962

God wins. biden lost

>> No.26228969

Fuck off worthless nigger

>> No.26228981

So the dow will go down and qqq will go up?

>> No.26229021

Post link

>> No.26229033
File: 47 KB, 500x500, desperate-wojak-59edb22c65545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26229041

Means the USD is about to absolutely shit the bed.

>> No.26229056

The United States, also known as New Zimbabwe

>> No.26229092

>it gave 2 examples
Ya, retard. Those two don't measure quality if life, you stupid ape

>> No.26229117

This also go to your local leftist and tell them how social security is mostly a white privilege watch them destroy it in 1 term cycle

>> No.26229156
File: 95 KB, 1024x681, 1610284849908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26229210


>> No.26229247

Not necessarily, USA is out of the equation, we've become completely gutted and blackmailed/tied up in fucking everything. We are in complete bondage. It's the Chinese vs the Jews and I wouldn't be surprised to see the Russians side with China, the Elite are omnipotent, ruling for the past few millennia. China is the serious underdog at this point.

>> No.26229254

niggers get preference/money/jobs


>> No.26229260

Economic prosperity and the burden of debt are part of economic well being you stupid yellow monkey. I guess this is what happens when you learn economics from politicians.
It shows how much you know when you claim that fucking Yang came up with the saying that GDP doesn’t measure everything. Retard.

>> No.26229275
File: 7 KB, 261x146, 1512274159649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously, where can I go to escape this nonsense and just live my goddamn life in peace?
Did you think "Prison Planet" was a meme?

>> No.26229303

Fuck off worthless nigger leech

>> No.26229342

The thing is people didn't actually vote for this.

>> No.26229359

Pretty sure we are going to have hyperinflation the second the petrodollar loses its global reserve currency status as all of them currently overseas will come flooding back. Not to mention the fed going BRRRRRRRRRT at ever increasingly retarded levels

>> No.26229387
File: 18 KB, 224x224, JAL083-CJ39F-ZO3C0-XJ39D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still seething lol

>> No.26229390

>Economic prosperity and the burden of debt are part of economic well being you stupid yellow monkey.
They don't tell you SHIT of how the average american is doing, you STUPID BITCH. It doesn't explain their QUALITY OF LIFE.

read this, you stupid swine: >>26228378

FUCK. You are dumb as SHIT for FAILING to comprehend my argument

>> No.26229395

Yes they did, specifically niggers, Jews, Mexicans and soiboys did.

>> No.26229413

ergo, we're all in this together

>> No.26229544

Medical and economic well being are part of quality of life. This includes rates of depression, hours of free time, underemployment, disposable income rate, average household debt etc.
These all tell you about quality of life. Dumb cunt.

And yet you’re entire worthless race has still contributed nothing and you’re killing the US, parasite

>> No.26229637

It means that "easy money" from the Fed is about to kick it up to 11 on the stupidity scale. COVID was merely the precipitating factor.

>> No.26229788
File: 20 KB, 255x247, 1598975204433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he brags about having straight teeth
orthodontists are a dime a dozen these days, you'd be hard pressed to find a teen with crooked teeth that doesn't have braces on
but it's apparently a sign of wealth in the land of beetus

>> No.26229801

OSHA is worse than the IRS so far as their shakedown status is. They will always fine a job site if possible.

>> No.26229886

>dont own anything
yeah that'll show em. its not retail that pushes up the price of these things btw. espescially not millenial retail

>> No.26229901
File: 1.32 MB, 1764x875, Zimbabwe_$100_trillion_2009_Obverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it means.

>> No.26229961
File: 400 KB, 1242x841, EA457E0B-0BEF-4C8B-98C1-47E519C4196E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those stats aren't measuring a countries success, shitstain. GDP is the main one. The other is apparently not even what's in the op, but unemployment stats so only 2 measurements are used to determine the success of a country. Dumb bitch

>> No.26230048

>meaningless identity shit like race and gender
t. shitskin

>> No.26230052


>> No.26230145
File: 41 KB, 512x564, 984102893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you gone senile on me anon? We contribute literally everything and this is why you seethe. Refer to my initial post that makes you give me yous.
imagine saying what's been known for decades and yet I'm still cringing when you open your mouth, europoor

>> No.26230284

Go get a Hot Chinese wife now so you'll be spared.

>> No.26230365

GDP is the most archaic, outdated, and useless measure of economic success that we somehow take seriously.

It's for idiots who want to distill the economy into one fucking number because the real world is too complicated for them to understand.

>> No.26230386

That's exactly what I'm saying. Read the chain

>> No.26230441
File: 148 KB, 1600x900, Xi_toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26230451

Not the anon you were arguing with but GDP has been a worthless quality of life indicator ever since wage growth stopped YEARS ago

>> No.26230486

Luckily for me I have well over 200k, enough to at least ditch this hellhole

>> No.26230542

>We contribute literally everything and this is why you seethe.
Such as?

>> No.26230575

>look at what a simple jewgle search tell you!
Must be trolling

>> No.26230627

Ya, Ik. I was arguing against GDP. The other anon was saying that there were other indicators that measured a countries success so I corrected them by posting that pic. I personally was only able to find 2 indicators (GDP and unemployment stats), both of which are worthless.

>> No.26230662

So... what's the alternative? Grabbing shit straight from your ass?

>> No.26230664

No, you’re saying it’s the only thing we use other than employment because you’re an underage troll. And yes it’s important.

>> No.26230708

Every other indicator retard. The government is already aware of them.
Please tell me what indicators you are thinking of.

>> No.26230718

Just Americans being Americans
All of this is the direct result of amerifats being too lazy to pick their own cotton

>> No.26230724

What the fucking hell are you talking about, ape? You said there are other indicators to determine the success of a country. I called bullshit and only found two. I also mentioned how the 2 indicators are worthless in determining the quality of life for americans. Learn to read

>> No.26230766

RETARD. There are only TWO indicators that determine the success of a country and both are SHIT. Burden of proof is on YOU to show otherwise, you fucking down syndrome bitch.

>> No.26230804

You only found two because you’re a projecting simian who doesn’t go beyond an erroneous jewgle search

>> No.26230810

Yes they did lmao
0 fraud maximum COPE

>> No.26230826

in 1000 dollar denominations and you still won't be able to carry enough of them to buy a loaf of bread. Same thing that happens everywhere a retard is running the show.

>> No.26230855

Please tell me where you learned economics so I can laugh. I’m not telling you shit.

>> No.26230863


>> No.26230902

Not an argument, retard. This is your sad attempt of damage control Hahahahahahahahahaha trying to save face to not look AS retarded

>> No.26230919

>Guys what the fuck is this?
A strong indicator that fixed volume crypto is going to explode. Stocks are fucked but we’re all going to make it.

>> No.26230952
File: 102 KB, 828x651, 401FD40E-7AE0-4817-8ADD-0AF10AF61594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when’s the /whitetax/ put in place, it’s not fair jaamaaal has to support his 16 kids from prison. kek burgerland is literally plebbit

>> No.26230973

invest in wheelbarrows now

>> No.26231011

I don’t save face because I’m not a chink. If you seriously don’t know about the US government public list of general indicators than you are genuinely stupid and underage.
I even gave you a website earlier in this thread with a comprehensive list of economic indicators supplied by world governments. Dumb cunt monkey.

>> No.26231087

At this point I prefer the authoritarian chinks over basedboi burgers

>> No.26231095

>implying you and her wouldn't be sent to the gulag for mingling with a laowai

>> No.26231115

>I don’t save face because I’m not a chink.
That doesn't even make fucking sense. Retard. I'm not even asian either hahahahaha
>If you seriously don’t know about the US government public list of general indicators than you are genuinely stupid and underage.
So you're underaged. Got it. Bitch doesn't even understand the concept of "burden of proof" LOL
>I even gave you a website earlier in this thread with a comprehensive list of economic indicators supplied by world governments. Dumb cunt monkey.
I posted a source too, retard. Only 2 main indicators were given for measuring the success of a country. Why doesn't your ape brain just post it here the way I did?

>> No.26231264

Pretty much this, they’ll put bills through catering to niggers and homos, giving plebs a few hundred bucks, alongside the bill will be a ton of other changes to control people further And monitor them, then ultimately take their weapons away and anybody who wants to oppose will be screamed at, over time those people who would usually speak up will see their like trampled on and publicly humiliated/ruined so as the years go by nobody will speak up. That’s the goal, remember the world ends as you know it not with a crack but with a whimper

>> No.26231289
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This is what happens when your society gets too successful—it starts fucking around with useless things while the leftover wealth from when you were doing things intelligently is still around.

>> No.26231293
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Here. Pic related. I was able to find more indicators, BUT GDP is seen as the MOST important in measuring a countries' success

>> No.26231423
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and another example

>> No.26231497

how is whatever they are pushing "philosophy"? It's just ideology

>> No.26231528
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>Ish just ideology

>> No.26231555
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>> No.26231556
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And so it continues, anons. But why?

>> No.26231602

Self fulfilling cycle. There's nothing you can do to stop it at one point.

>> No.26231671

Google isn’t a source

> Why doesn't your ape brain just post it here the way I did?
>learn to read

I never said GDP wasn’t important and neither do leading economists, but you need context for it to actually be useful. I said other indicators are used too.

>> No.26231673

It's called virtue signaling. Calm down, take your meds.

>> No.26231679

South America is the only place that you can go. Maybe Chile or something.

>> No.26231692

pretty much this, it’s all a big experiment but a century of this won’t be good for anyone in the west.

>> No.26232010

No it means that UBI in Fedcoin is coming.
>Race and gender
All races and genders get the same amount of deflationary monthly Fedcoin
>climate change
Will be running off of Algorand or something similar to be more "green"
>traditional indicators
No longer matter because you now have a slave economy

>> No.26232732

Because it's the nature of humanity anon

>> No.26232746
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>> No.26232912

Phasing out Social Security and Minimum Wage in exchange for UBI based on taxing big data and automation would be a good idea.

>> No.26232963

As an asian guy, I get neither the luxury of diversity hires nor the benefits of white genes.

>> No.26233063
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Post link faggot

>> No.26233655

Why you so stupid? You don't have an argument. You're staying that metric designed to gauge economic development "at a glance", doesn't reflect someone's happiness. It isn't meant to. Jesus christ, liberals are completely off their rockers.

>> No.26233708

no you moron. this is what happens when you tolerate leftists. this isn't an inevitable end product

>> No.26233743

>benefits of white genes.
Aren't you supposed to be smarter than me? Use that to make money like Ma, Elon, or Bezos. Then breed whoever you want, however you want, whenever you want.

>> No.26233752

Invest in rejected art students now

>> No.26233786

You could, you know, go to Asia you whiny faggot

>> No.26233797

Asian means Indian too.

>> No.26233808

p. much, senpai

>> No.26233809

That isn't going to happen. Antifa was always suppressive in nature, modern-day kryptes created to enforce the will of the system. They appeared under Trump and they will disappear now that he's gone. You won't see antifa violence, because they are by nature rules-followers and their leaders will tell them to stand down. They were always seeking to defend the system, not overthrow it, and reacted against the police because they saw them as enemies of the society the elite have built.

Look at recent news for proof. The FBI has literally been approaching antifa leaders, asking them for support in restraining any right wing violence. All while these selfsame leaders proclaim they have no problem with Biden and think the system should be thankful for them having averted such a serious threat as American "fascism".

BLM of course is a different story because the demand for new Nikes is eternal.

>> No.26233840

Thanks for the good laugh.

>> No.26233878

Sorry, I'm not familiar with Indian billionaires, but I know there are some. Also a couple Indian guys I know a hella smart. Wait, make that 3.

>> No.26233889


A government that’s at least trying to put the benefit of its people first.

Better than pumping the 1% hoping they tinkle on the people.

>> No.26233984

I’ve been to Quito and the Galapagos. Those mfers party till the sun comes up. And Ice cold showers are tough to breathe in. Literally can’t breathe lol

>> No.26234035

And it still won't fix the inequality. And no one will understand it.

>> No.26234071

>And it still won't fix the inequality. And no one will understand it.
oh but it will
you will be as poor as a ghetto nigger

>> No.26234271

>the benefit of its people first
Sure, by pretending it's all evil white patriarchy's fault. And politicians and Democrats had nothing to do with this shitfest. Just spend more money they don't have, that will make everyone happy! Don't try to make sure education is available to everyone, just discriminate based on race, sex, religion, and pretend this is somehow progressive.
The sheer madness of people who now go around seriously talking about "positive discrimination". Holy fuck, I didn't think there could be someone worse than Trump, but Biden is a top notch contender

>> No.26234522

The urbanites are going to love this. They will finally be niggers.

>> No.26234651

Social credit is coming. Well done democ rats.

>> No.26234787

It means buy BTC, gold and property.

>> No.26234881

>Social credit is coming
how many of your doomsday predictions have to be wrong before you realize you're a fucking moron? will you neck yourself if "social credit" hasn't arrived by 2024?

>> No.26234886

Real wages were already increasing, government expenditure was already at all time highs, taxes were lowered

>> No.26234916


>> No.26234917
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incredibly bullish

GNH Bhutan faggot

>> No.26235014

Dude, I wanna get the fuck out of this Satanic (((democracy))) before they lock us in, but I don't know where to go.

>> No.26235457

They'll still be posting about how Trump is playing the long 4D chess game and how in just two short weeks he'll totally btfo of everyone.

>> No.26235459

The end of America.

>> No.26235511

«So we might have the worse GDP of all time, but AT LEAST, we have more black women as CEO!!»

>> No.26235535

8 more years of copeposting

>> No.26235577

Hopefully in crypto.

>> No.26236005

>The FBI has literally been approaching antifa leaders, asking them for support in restraining any right wing violence
wtf proof? I know biden said he'd prioritize "white supremacist terroism" (largely a glow nigger creation) but I didn't know they were working with antifa.

>> No.26236071

I've got a shotgun that'll let me escape this clown world if it comes to that. In the meantime, I'm buying crypto and living as best as I can. If I got to end it at least I can say I tried to make it first rather than lie down and take it.

>> No.26236269
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0/10 the word slave derives from "slavic." I'm polish so where the fuck are my reparations you dumb nigger

>> No.26236273

its nothing. Its meaningless.
"nothing would fundamentally change"

>> No.26236338

> At least I can say I tried to be a good goy slave

Honestly anon, every day is suffering. Death is preferable and no matter how much you make in crypto, it won't ever be enough to defend yourself or get away from what is coming. You'd at best live in isolation until 2030-2050 when they start forcing everyone into the smart cities and vilify or punish those who do not.

You will have to be completely self-reliant with the constant threat of them simply claiming it is 'illegal' to live outside the smart cities because everything else they'll claim as a nature reserve.

>> No.26236527 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 982x726, alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Russia has a nice strategy of siding with the winners. China are winners. At this point I think a large chunk of Libs would choose siding with China or siding with Republicans, and Republicans would choose Russians over Libs. We're totally fucked. Either one of those countries could invade at this point and pick up huge recruitment numbers and probably colonize half the nation.

USA is ground zero for the ongoing culture war, which will inevitably erupt in a real (civil) war sooner or later. It's inescapable at this point.

>> No.26236669

>will inevitably erupt in a real (civil) war
nope, there's no balls whatsoever on the right, they will be eventually (imo within 30 years) put to extermination camps and no one will blink an eye

>> No.26236782

Then that's when I'll end it. For now I'm in Mexico remote working and buying crypto when I can. Maybe I'll off myself in a year, maybe I'll die in my sleep peacefully in my 80s because life never got to be that bad. But I'm trying to be at peace that I have no control over this clown world and that crying about Drumpf on reddit is a waste of time. For now life kind of sucks but not enough to end it. but its comforting to know that I can always leave this world if I want.

>> No.26236957

If we go down whatever insignificant little land you live in goes down with us anon.

>> No.26236975

I'm 100% confident this kind of thing is to completely radicalize non NPCs and expose them so they can be wiped out quicker

>> No.26237048

evil never takes full hold. It will just grasp for power for a second then lose it.

You cannot beat nature which is by default Good

>> No.26237061

Social credit is already here. It's just enforced in a distributed manner, not by the government.

>> No.26237259
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You really should take the Russia out of the equation. I'm Russian myself and you all should know that we already don't exist as a country. Our resources are wasted, people divided and national self-identification is dying. When Putin was young, he was able to steal money but also make very strong illusion of working government. Now, when he's getting old and his dementia starts growing(which is very noticeable in public speaking) he can no longer keep this illusion alive. There is already a huge spread of western SJW ideology across Russian youth, larger than you think. Leaders of our opposition are liberals who fully supported Biden at the elections.
If you ask me I would say Russia soon will be gone forever as a country with the land shared between China and EU.

>> No.26237279
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As a swedefag I used to browse /k/ in 2013 dreaming of moving to the midwest and getting some funs but now america is reaching strange levels of cuckery. I know the US has been fucked for many decades depending on how you cut it but...

>> No.26237354


Isn’t it crazy that all the shit happening to the US rn is because we gave women the right to vote 100 years ago. Really funny how that works

>> No.26237463

Unironically, that is what they'll say.

>> No.26237620

>based on something that has nothing to do with economics.
>will inevitably lead to poverty and reduced quality of life.
Get out, either in gold or crypto. But gtfo while you can.

>> No.26237634

I thought thats what food stamps were?

>> No.26237715

Depends on how you view it. Economically yes. However their state is entwined in their economy, give it 2 decades to turn into what the us is now.

>> No.26237733

thank god i never sold my airdropped 612 FLYD tokens

>> No.26237786

Anon, it goes back a few more amendments

>> No.26237848

NEW world order...*schizo here* ..they begun here in Mexico our president said the same shit when he took possesion.


>> No.26237862
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Joe Biden is Xi's cockholster.

>> No.26237881

diamond dozen*

>> No.26237882

I really really hate this country. I hope an ied goes off, or an asteroid hits tomorrow.

>> No.26237916

look for this words/meaning on the speech of biden....

“Another ingredient in this new parameter, this new paradigm, [will be] the happiness of the people. The technocrats won’t like it, … but if they don’t like it, it’s probably good for us,”

>> No.26238069

This. It means we will go into WW3 and continue the 20 year long war in the Middle east under a law called "The Sweet Little Brown Baby Protection Act". Democrats love the US imperial war machine as much as the Repubs. But hey, of we run out of enemies, how can we justify massive miltary spending? The US is so very good at finding new enemies.

>> No.26238082

Reminds me of this: https://cepr.net/you-probably-didnt-hear-that-venezuela-was-again-ranked-the-happiest-country-in-south-america/
>But CNN neglected to mention that Venezuela ranked first – again – among South American nations as happiest.
>One of the only U.S. newspapers to note Venezuela’s ranking was the Deseret Morning News, whose editorial page associate editor was puzzled by the country’s relatively high placement: “Venezuela finished 20th, which must mean happiness doesn’t equate with being able to find milk in the store after years under Hugo Chavez?” – a reference to shortages of certain goods this year.

>> No.26238182

>he thinks people voted for Biden

>> No.26238415

yup ...new world order.... chineses won the world this time (corona deaths win, elections win, control of people , yes ,they win) no bullets needed....sorry to break the news for you americunts...

>> No.26239021
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yeah basically
preparing for the demographic change to hispanics, greasing everyone up with Stochastic & Domestic Terrorism: The Greatest Threat to Our Country and poking the bear until they do something that justifies flat out murdering them while people celebrate and give black peepo foot rubs

>> No.26239083

you dont need wars when you dont have nothing to defend..USA went silver medal winner on the battle for world domination vs the chineses....its ok for me i guess... i already live in a 3d world country....

>> No.26239275

The zionists just won fren. China is a front for the rothschild banking cartel. Think about it. Its a country that has embraced communism and authoritarianism yet has a rothschild central bank in charge of it's currency. Why? Rothschilds brr money for china, a second world country at best and use them as a front to subvert and buy all the assets. It makes sense why all the goblohomos are in bed with china and hang out with xi. China is practically their base of operations.

>> No.26239449

West in general is cucked Swedebrah

>> No.26239562

Unironically what is the best coin to buy for the downfall of USD? BTC?

>> No.26239750


>> No.26239804

why do you think its 2X ATH?? chinese get em for free on their farms...BTC at ATH is the best indicator who won and ...yes saddly just by that BTC is the best coin....did you know on my country i can buy more with my pesos than last year VS USD that means....USD is falling...ive never knew USD could fall compared to my peso.... historically here all on USD goe$$ up not down...now its affordable.

>> No.26240005

I laughed, I was high though

>> No.26240048

SEC is leaving out all AMERIFAGS out with legislations....look what "they" did to XRP (an american company)...look at US binance an US WRLD.....look at ALLL other potenctial projects you want to invest but you cant cos you live in NY TXS or just for be an amaricon....

>> No.26240075

There are a lot of us moving to Salt Lake valley and taking our capital with us. The mormons are dead set against any form of government oppression because at one point the federal govt tried to outlaw their religion. They are weird, but based af, welcoming to us, and make great allies.

>> No.26240174

The mormons basically have a theocracy in Utah with almost every governor being Mormon

>> No.26240230

actually *schizo here dont forget that* i think satoshi nakamoto is asian but not japanese..is a made up asian name that "they" give to this communist "on essence" project....

>> No.26240255

the BTC project to get the money off your hands...

>> No.26240271

>what the fuck is this?
It's fascism.

>> No.26240352

>reddit spacing

>> No.26240361

And this isn’t preferable to a globohomo groupthink dystopia how? At least the Mormons will forgive you for sinning

>> No.26240372

while "they" get the money for free...literally growing in farms...

>> No.26240434

except that the PMC won't be affected for at least a decade. By them, Trump, Covid, etc, will be just a memory.

the ones that will suffer almost immediately are the poorest classes, regardless of ideology, race, and sexual orientation.

>> No.26240469

I haven't seen this word used seriously in here in ages. good job tourist.

>> No.26240509

Or I’m just an oldfag

>> No.26240527

lol you can tell this is reddit by how they it becomes a circlejerk.

>> No.26240586

I mean, that's 2013. Even CNN En Español now shits on Venezuela whenever it gets mentioned, although they try really hard not to mention it. American CNN though, they just ignore them lol. It's such a disaster that there is now way to spin it. Same thing will happen in Argentina and Costa Rica.

>> No.26240599

Who do you think sparked Mao's uprising and controls the chinese central bank?

>> No.26240745

"they" wont let you go full 3d world country burgerbots...they dont want a civil war.... but now you will have to share ....and some rednecks nazi cunts on your country will learn to share... if they like it or if they dont...they must ...learn to share now..

>> No.26240873

Venezuela was a shithole in 2013 too

>> No.26240972

Based. I too plan to use my skin color for +ev. Just last week a woman in the store made a fist at me so I asked her to pay for my groceries. She panicked at first but then actually fucking did it. We genuinely CANNOT stop winning family

>> No.26241019

This is what happens when you import low IQ voters en masse

>> No.26241102

Most likely scenario

>> No.26241163

Google positive vs normative economics.

>> No.26241287

yes. they have come out of covid stronger than any other nation by a wide margin.

>> No.26241471

Communism won.

>> No.26241736

Many people don’t realise it but the golden generation that Jewmerica had during the baby boom is what’s literally happening in China right now. They prop up the country with fake money, then suck it dry slowly. U.S is on the last stages and then they would move to China.

>> No.26241798
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>muh racial wealth inequality

Ignore us at the top goy, just pay attention to the relative differences betwixt you slaves!

>> No.26242170

>People of color

You allow these marxists words to worm up their way to the highest level of the state and infect the narrative.

>> No.26242351

High IQ post. They want the peasants fighting amongst themselves whole they slider in the back and steal everything.

>> No.26242504

This. Globohomos will hire pajeet trannies from their bedrooms and and pay in coin.

>> No.26242982

I'm the only one that thinks that it's racist to make separated policies for different groups of people based on their skin color? The same applies for other characteristics that people didn't choose for themselves like sexual orientation or gender. If we are all equal why are they dividing every group?

>> No.26243040

No racism is power+prejudice and uh, the government doesn't have either of those ok?

>> No.26243093

Buzzword and more promises that are so far
held up by hot air.

>> No.26243170

Lmao burgers are so massively fucked it's hilarious.
They won a long time ago friend. Amazing what can be accomplished when you want your country to be successful.

>> No.26243292
File: 48 KB, 662x536, 64ca187fb2ac6c525565de6d21abfd49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon date comfirmed. As for what this means, only he knows. Any clue? I say 8th of march.

>> No.26243325

wrong thread sorry

>> No.26243671

Just went all in on niggercoin.

>> No.26243957
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>> No.26243966

thats just cruel man. you're witnessing a coup where people are having their country and its future stolen from them and you laugh at them? come on. Im not american, but i feel empathy with my biz brothers stateside.