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26212095 No.26212095 [Reply] [Original]

So, we already had

Ivan shilling Radix
Martini shilling Radix

Who's next?

>> No.26212134

Who the fuck is Martini? Ivan is a nigger.

>> No.26212375

Get back to work, Dan. You are embarrassing yourself. Stop pushing the flexathon deadline back

>> No.26212429

What is the potential of Radix? I'm too much of a brainlet to understand it

>> No.26212452

largest holding after btc

>> No.26212537

Most will eventually buy in, its inevitable, same happened with LINK look at how many influencers are shilling it now.

>> No.26212896

Boxmining already shilled Radix too

CZ next?

>> No.26213516

I'm sure it will be listed on binance eventually

>> No.26214278

If you ain't brain-dead then you are in Radix. Only High IQ alphas need apply.

>> No.26214321

The sky is the limit.
1T+$ market cap after Radix has replaced Ethereum (unable to scale).

Buy $eXRD now or regret it later.

>> No.26214341
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Whoever can explain RadixDLT consenus algorithm in lay-man terms will receive 0.5 BTC from me.


Reminder, this is the 5th radix thread, 3rd day with no takers.

>> No.26214788

Lol, AVAX dev, do you want to learn how cross-subnet transactions can work?
I know that it probably sucks not to know how to implement that for Avalanche subnets.
Kind of a basic functionality, don't you think?
Maybe start with that first before trying to implement atomic composability across the network trying to compete with Radix.

>> No.26215190

43 days till avax collapses.. supply tsunami coming!

>> No.26215575

Subnets are not for scaling you retard. They dont even need to communicate with each other to harvest the sweet TPS of AVAX

>> No.26215624

Only retards will fall for this

>> No.26215874

avax's 4500 tps is only for simple txns (payments)

for complex txns (smart contract interactions) the tps drops like a stone. just another disappointing crappy blockchain project I'm sorry to say

>> No.26215911

Lol, you don't get it.
Without the subnets you don't even have ANY sharding. You NEED sharding for scaling.

Therefore all you are saying is that Avalanche can't scale.
Your single shard main blockchain TPS is not enough for world wide adoption.

So folks, swap your remaining AVAX (if you still have some) for eXRD.
Avalanche is UNABLE to scale stated by the devs, since they don't have any plans for sharding.

>> No.26216000

Anyway, what are the TPS on the C-chain for complex smart contracts?
I assume a lot less than 4500?

>> No.26216026

>You NEED sharding for scaling.
Nope. Read about AVAX and be enlightened

>> No.26216174

Better look for another job. Dev work doesn't seem for you.
Without sharding on a single blockchain you WILL have a bottleneck and therefore you can not scale for worldwide adoption.
Probably you should learn how a blockchain works and that it has limits you can't overcome.

>> No.26216421

Is this a white man's coin?

>> No.26216622

Dont say that, i still couldnt find a project to invest when i sell my AVAX before Seq and Co. dump on us

>> No.26216696

In Ethereum and most blockchains it works like this:
Imagine a pizza buss going around delivering pizza, it can only deliver 1 pizza to 1 house at a time, so it goes around town delivering to who ever ordered first. BUT if you pay a extra fee (Eth gas), the buss can come to you first before it goes to whoever is next in queue. Now add more people to the town and everyone starts paying a bigger extra fee because they want pizza faster but the buss doesn't go any faster because they pay more, it can't hold more pizza either.

Sharding in general would be like you adding a lot of busses that can all go and deliver pizza in the town, but a problem with sharding is that the busses cannot talk to each other.
Sharding makes the busses go on different paths and they never meet.

This is a problem because Smart contracts can't interact with each other, for example Link cannot pull data, a loan or funds away from Uniswap because there is no way for them to talk. (Example with normals apps: You can't share a photo from Facebook to Google photos because the apps can't talk)

So in Radix you have the busses, but the busses have telephones so they can talk to each other and swap pizzas with each other by shooting it over with a cannon. So even if they are on different paths they can talk and share information and pizzas. This means that if you want pizza X and Y, you only need to call Buss X because Buss X will call Y and get the pizza sent to them and then deliver to you. In Radix there is also an infinite number of paths (shards) which means there is an infinite number of busses, so the buss will always go to you first. If Buss X is busy deliver something to someone else but you also want X you just call buss Y instead and buss Y gets pizza from buss X while they are both driving towards their goal.

You can send the btc here


>> No.26216736

Radix would be the perfect choice.
Since it is the only project able to scale without breaking atomic composability - all other wanna be "ETH killers" simply failed in achieving both.
Sky is the limit with Radix $eXRD buddy.

>> No.26216916

my largest holding after XRP.
buying more as we speak

>> No.26217002


>> No.26217203

wouldn't go in Ripple XRP, they are not decentralized at all and therefore not a legit crypto currency.
Or let's call it by it's name: XRP is a shitcoin

>> No.26217284

Good job! Thats made me hungry.. for Radix :)

>> No.26217570

how many radixes u got

>> No.26217630


How is this gonna moon with its release schedule? Does seem like a safe bet for slow gians, however.

>> No.26217631

Great explanation, did you receive your 0.5 BTC already?
I really liked your lay-man terms version - as requested by the AVAX dev :)

>> No.26217738

Enough eXRD for Dan's MARS MISSION


>> No.26217783

I'll give it a shot, come back in a few hours.

>> No.26217936

what's make it stack?

>> No.26218061
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>> No.26218269

Unfortunately not!

>> No.26218416

What does shooting it over with a cannon mean?

How can a global view exist what happens on all the buses, which doesnt prevent me from saying Buss X fetch me pizza here is payment A , and Buss Y fetch me pizza here is payment A, and have them both delivered?

>> No.26218510

that is the most street shitter name in existence

>> No.26219043

The busses can hear each other through the radio so if buss X tells buss Y he is shooting over a pizza for person A (remember that computers are better than humans at this) other busses will agree on that this is what has been said and should have happened. So when you get payment A from person A all relevant busses to this knows that payment A by person A has already been sent.

>> No.26219604

> The busses can hear each other through the radio

So the busses (shards) are not actually independent but have to listen to other shards? Does that not affect the transaction-throughput, at least bandwidth of each bus?

What if a liar bus would start transmitting bullshit and say everyone wants a pizza - would the other busses just trust it blindly?

>> No.26219903

yeah but whos driving the pizza buses?

on avacuck its a panjeet and on radix its dan the chad so fuck you im buying more

>> No.26219937

Listen man, you wanted layman, not technical explanation. I can try to layman everything for you but it's just annoying trying to come up with stories about buses and pizzas when that's not what's actually happening

There are clocks on each bus and other things to make sure you can see who made a transaction and at what time, if you try to double spend only one payment will go through depending on which one reached the destination first. If both arrive at the same time both transactions are dropped. The busses will use clocks and radios to validate this. As this will happen within the time it takes for both transactions to be busses to all buses in a shard, certainty of a transaction can be generally reached within 5 seconds or less.

A liar bus would would be called out by the other buses since the radio is broadcasted globally (within the shard)

>> No.26219989

Where is the btc?

>> No.26220173

> broadcasted globally (within the shard)

Ah I see, sacrifice transaction throughput in favor of security.

Its ok to claim millions of tps, when its done within a shard, and yet when shards will be required to listen for others in global scale, expect that "millions tps" to be more like 1k tps like all other shitcoins using PBFT and global broadcast.

>> No.26220225

>Give me a laymans explanation
Layman explanation provided
>Nah give me an in depth technical breakdown
Don't be a twat pay up the 0.5BTC

>> No.26220451

No you dont fully understand it because it's in laymans terms about pizzas and buses. If you want the full technical explanation to how it all works just read the whitepaper, if you want laymans which obviously cant be explained fully in simple terms then you got it. Now send the btc

>> No.26220804
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laymans explanation was for ETH and their sharding solution
not in any way Radix specific
> ant be explained fully in simple terms

Gee I wonder why Radix cant be explained in simple terms.

>> No.26221144

Quality of the consensus mechanism is more than enough

Enjoy your vaporware failure

>> No.26221167

Gee I wonder why quantum field theory can't be explained in simple terms? Physics must be fake.
Pay the 0.5BTC and stop being a sore loser

>> No.26221210

Ok explain exactly what you want to know?
Double spend?
Each transaction has a source shard and a destination shard e.g shooting pizza (transaction) to different shards. So if pizza A comes from bus X then bus Y that is now carrying pizza A would know it came from X and is going to person B. A double spend would have the same source shard (bus) which makes it easy to check for. There are also clocks registering the time of each transaction so even if you manage to get them to be sent and arrive at the same time they would just be dropped. If they arrive at different times then the one arriving first is the one that gets through, the other one is checked for against the source shard and validated further which takes about 5 seconds.

Ask more exactly and not for me to describe the whole thing with buses and pizzas and I will as you want describe it in layman terms

>> No.26221275

QFT can be explained in simple terms, just head over to /sci/ and say QFT proves existence of god, youll get 10 simple explanations.

Nice you compare a consensus algorithm with QFT, as if Radix is so fucking advanced only a few persons on the planet can understand it. That was the same sales-pitch done by IOTA and other shitcoins.

>> No.26221371
File: 140 KB, 1280x814, fa481a1f-c1fe-409f-ba58-2e63d47efa75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just this

>> No.26221376

GODDAMN these autonomous electric Radix buses are legit

>> No.26221430

But it doesn't prove the existence of God.... So your argument makes no sense
Pay up the bitcoin and stop being a snake

>> No.26221929

Who the fuck is Chadix i saw the guy many times on twitter