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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 353 KB, 604x630, femjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26209123 No.26209123 [Reply] [Original]

New fag here. I went from 700 to 1100 in my first week. What now?

>> No.26209173

Now keep waiting

>> No.26209177

get out of this rat race while you can faggot

>> No.26209181

You buy more and you wait. Then you buy more then you wait. hodl until you make it im not even fucking joking.

>> No.26209195

1100 to 700 next week

>> No.26209222

That's nothing... So your first task is to get used to it. You don't want to be so psychologically weak to all the volatility in crypto that you let small fluctuations in price or in net worth effect you.

>> No.26209225

Depends, how much can you afford to spend now and are you a minimum wage cuck?

>> No.26209245

Wait for moon. Bubble crashes when there's too many people and too much media hype. You've got some time.

Market is cyclical, watch vids on crypto market cycles. Bitcoin will be $1M - one day, in a few years. but it will have multiple bubbles by then.

>> No.26209291


yup, listen to all these

>> No.26209343

Realise that you'd have to go out of your way to try and lose money in a bull market. You're not hot shit because your coins are pumping and you'll probably lose it all and become a bagholder by the end of this cycle.

>> No.26209344

Minimum wage cuck who has literally zero expenses living with my mom and could honestly invest everything if I wanted to.
Yeah I mean I just put in 700 to play around with and get a feel for things I really didn't expect it to go up 400 so quick, and like
mentioned I'm just waiting for things to dump before I become a cocky retard

I'm planning on doing this for years if it ends up being right for me but above all I want to fucking make it

>> No.26209393

now you delete the folder from where your picrelated came from, then leave this place and never come back
you can also post tits, but i would very much prefer the former

>> No.26209424

Wait for the dip, be patient and then go all in when people are screaming saying BTC is a Chinese ponzi. Anything under 20k BTC is a firesale. Or buy sub 500 ETH

>> No.26209431

I'm not a woman, nor do I want to be

>> No.26209498

post ur dick

>> No.26209521


>> No.26210093

OP, listen to >>26209498

>> No.26210111

increase leverage

>> No.26210112

retard alert

>> No.26210168
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>> No.26210200

old fag here, i went from 10k to 700

>> No.26210504

How do I do this?>>26210168

>> No.26210535

sell signal

>> No.26210858

Now I think it's time to get Waves and AVAX

>> No.26211070

I went from trying to make a quick buck with 10k to realizing that all my holdings are actual gold in a year or two and that I don't want to cash out or convert anything, so now I'm working overtime at my work as much as possible to dump more money in.

>> No.26211113

assuming you are a femoid from pic. fuck off.

>> No.26211195

Thoughts on LINK?

>> No.26211438

its unironically over

>> No.26211441


>> No.26211602

Try to become a multi-thousandaire.

>> No.26211606

I said I'm not a femoid
I'm trying to figure out what's going to be a good multiple year long hold and when to put money in. Is it just luck or does DYOR really make all the difference?

>> No.26211684
File: 33 KB, 480x360, 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f557064596b56492e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26211793

Unironically this.

>> No.26211895

Yeah, i started with coins yesterday and i already feel like i'm part of this place.

>> No.26212082
File: 47 KB, 881x768, bb38da0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I at least gonna get rich?

>> No.26212137


>> No.26212175

This but unironically
My first month in crypto i went from
2k-10k, then next month 10k-2k

>> No.26212753

You got in in time to make some money this run, maybe not rich. Good job. The ones who FOMO at the peak will get pinked.


>> No.26212866

Do I cash it out or put it into something that won't lose value? I thought you lose a fuckton each time you cash out.

>> No.26212897

Both, just like any investment.

>> No.26213055

First one is free.

>> No.26213072

Put it in stablecoins, because you will accummulate again when the bobos take over. Only actually "cash out" to pay taxes and any emergency spending.

You can make hella interest on stablecoins in the meantime Celsius,eg. Btw.

>> No.26213102

hello sir you might consider rubic, banks will use it, 100x guaranteed it's the new eth-killer, extremely low market cap. the team is solid and active on telegram.
get on this moon mission unless you hate money and/or want to stay poor.
you can thank me later and screenshot this

>> No.26213135

Pajeet-written AI did this post

>> No.26213180
File: 310 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210119-130657_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you buy $CLF


>> No.26213226

Buy rubic

>> No.26213257

are you an actual chick?

>> No.26213409
File: 132 KB, 640x480, A515FC08-04EE-45D0-BEA6-97961C7B2B5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good one.

>> No.26213415


the fuck are you talking about. people are acting like it's more important than btc. why wouldn't you buy when it price corrects?

please elaborate.

>> No.26213477

No women on the internet

>> No.26213555

You should go all in now that you have it all figured out.

>> No.26213572

Always buy cheap bitcoin

>> No.26213597

Step1. Convert to ETH and create a MetaMask Wallet
Step 2. Send said ETH to MM wallet
Step 3. Use Uniswap to Swap ETH to the scam token of the week as shilled on /biz/
Step 4. Instantly lose 10% of your worth in various fee (transfer, swap, sell approv1l)
Step 5 Lose 80% in the next few days as the scam unravel
Step 6. Finally sell. You have 70$ worth of ETH left

You may not want to do this, but you will 100$ guaranteed

>> No.26213603


>> No.26214383

how to determine the cycles? do you actually have a good video about it? tyty

>> No.26215201

lmao that's so cute

>> No.26215252

good job friend. Now you either stay or move your funds, but don't forget good ole uncle joe, pay your fair share of about 51%.