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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26199159 No.26199159 [Reply] [Original]

$PROPH is a unique project in DeFi with a solid dev to back it. The project just integrated with Chainlink and will be marketed by Chainlink across their social channels starting in only several hours. I don't usually make posts about projects as they are always the same old, bag pumps, etc. But I genuinely know this will pump hard, the recent momentum is only foreplay as smart people are buying in before Chainlink promotes it. You are still early. All info can be found below

"The Offertory App is now LIVE! The first game will run exactly 7 days from today (3 winners will be selected for a chance to win 1400 PROPHET + yield generated in the pool).

You can buy your tickets and play here: offertory.prophet.finance

More details on the Offertory here: prophetfinance.medium.com/the-offertory-2-0-is-live-14a3ebb5e692

Big thanks to the LINK team for helping us integrate their VRF Oracles. We have a call set up with them next week to review a joint marketing plan."
Website: prophet.finance
Telegram: https://prophet.finance
Dextools: dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x063271fdac84b94e9283557f748594dc84092bf3

>> No.26199199

>We have a call set up with them next week to review a joint marketing plan."

Yeah right

>> No.26199211


>> No.26199239

fuck off pajeet

>> No.26199247

Best gem in my portfolio. Don’t read haters they want cheap entry

>> No.26199275

Not going to make it.

>> No.26199283

Chainlink doesn't even market chainlink why would they market this

>> No.26199369

lol shady as fuck

>> No.26200067

(he does not know)

>> No.26200716

So this has already pumped 140%? How do people even get in on this shit that early?