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26187420 No.26187420 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a newfag to /biz/ and I'm looking for advice about how to proceed in cryptocurrency. I was broke almost all of last year but recently started my job and now have about 10k USD saved up to invest. Right now I have $1k in bitcoin and xlm early last year so that was a minor gain but seemed big at the time.

What is my best bet here? Try to find a coin that will 10X or more? Or just put it all in btc and etc? Any advice would be appreciated. YAGMI

>> No.26187628
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>Safe Option:
Put it all in Bitcoin and Ethereum

>Smart Option
Diversify among the top 5/10 Crypto Currencies

>Get Rich Option
Autisticly research and buy/swap several new shitcoins for cheap, selling them when they 5x/10x, and hoping to the next pump and dump

>> No.26187645

Whatever you do, don't listen to biz. 80% of the population here are shills that will try everything to sell their shitcoins.
When it come to tech: avax, xtz, ada, are pretty much the only serious networks imo.

>> No.26187679

I'd like to play around with the get rich option but not sure which shitcoins to invest in. I'm considering avax and grt since they seem like legit projects. I'm waiting for grt to go down right now.

>> No.26187680

Just buy bitcoin everything else is complete garbage. Bitcoin will unironically 20x in five year

>> No.26187703

Email me here and I will give you some invite codes for Coinbase. Once you make an account and use my codes we will both get a bit of free money from the referrals. It's not much but a start with some money to play around with

>> No.26187733

Avax definitely seems promising to me based on the research I've done. I work in tech but am not a god tier programmer so maybe I'm being shilled though...that's the main thing keeping from dumping 3k into it

>> No.26187737

>What is my best bet here? Try to find a coin that will 10X or more?
Depends entirely on what you want to do. Are you looking to get decent returns on a long term investment or are you looking to catch a coin before it goes to 10, 20 or 50x? A little of both?
My advice is to hold 50-60% of your portfolio in BTC and ETH, and then the rest in 3 or 4 coins you feel have a shot at going to the moon.

>> No.26187757

AVAX is a good bet. As for shitcoins, I'm a rubichad myself, but DYOR

>> No.26187822
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I have a pretty healthy balance of the 3
Feels good man

>> No.26187851

Says the faggot on biz

>> No.26187924

how much is it ok to keep in exchanges like coinbase/kraken/etc before its too risky and you have to get a hardware wallet?

>> No.26187983

I'd say anything above 100k, but when people warn to not leave money on exchanges i don't think they have Coinbase and binance in mind, but the smaller, newer, shittier ones

>> No.26188014

Just buy more XLM and a bit of LINK you massive faggot

>> No.26188019

ok thanks, i am nowhere near that level. i will probably go in with like tens of thousands worth of USD. not sure what i should buy though and when because i'm a newfag

>> No.26188021

>80% of the population here are shills
>proceeds to shill ada and xtz
Kek. Atleast you got Avax in there, the only notable one.

>> No.26188149

Look for safe options for now, simple 1x's and 2x's, which are common even among the top projects. Actually amost all cryptos 10x'd since march.

You you multiplied your money somewhat, ands paid taxes, go for the wildride of shitcoin pump and dumps

>> No.26188157

Other newfag. Do you guys use some basic ta? I play with RSI and MACD and it seems to work much better than in stocks. I'm less than one week in crypto though.

>> No.26188225

It works better in stocks because cryptocurrencies are almost pure capitalism.

There's a supply, there's demand, stuff has utility, people need utilities.

>> No.26188269

Banks and corporations don't care about subsecond finality or w/e. They want formally verified code and contracts, on-chain governance, history preserving consensus, and etc.

>> No.26188284

Isn't it too late for Link?

>> No.26188317

How long would it take to turn 8k into 32k flipping shitcoins? I want to eventually stake/run an AVAX node because that's apparently good passive income, but it requires 2000 AVAX first

>> No.26188371

a week if you pick the right projects
pumps and dumps happen all the time. The bitch is in predicting which shitcoin and when

>> No.26188406

what info and methods do people use to make such predictions?

>> No.26188485

>Non-Anon team
>Very low Market Cap
>available on few exchanges
>great tokenomics
>multitude of utility cases
>high decentralization
So on it goes. Many shitcoins break most of this rules and still pump massively. Its almost impossible to predict, but if you do it, its easy, fast money multiplier

>> No.26188546

Thanks. Where do you get this kind of info? Is it all just DYOR or are there some resources I should know about?

Also, what percentage of shitcoins actually moon?

>> No.26188586

I've already spoonfed you far and beyond most /biz/tards will ever bother to. Do Your Own Research. Only then you'll learn

>> No.26188648

Ok thanks, but I gotta ask one more. What happens to the shitcoins that don't moon? Do they just fizzle away into obscurity and end up worth nothing?

>> No.26188680

not necessarily knocking crypto since I hold some myself, but you should understand what the TRUE meaning of crypto is and how it's going to play into the upcoming digital communism, UBI, social credit system


>> No.26188683


Search youtube and buy whatever big names shill at the moment. Ie crypto bureau.

>> No.26188697

Most projects are failures

>> No.26188717


Yes. They go down the shitter. It's casino with shitcoins.

>> No.26188745

If you were to look at the shitcoins on coinbase, what percentage of them will fail typically?

>> No.26188806


I'm a newfag too so dunno really. But just check graphs of some random coins
A lot of them had pumps and dumps.

>> No.26188956

buy avax, bitcoin, eth

>> No.26189389
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LINK, AVAX, ETH, BTC are coins you should be invested in. If you are risk averse you can ignore the latter and I'd say split it 80/20 LINK/AVAX. I would not be surprised if LINK rose to $50-70 within the next 2-3 months.


AVAX is an interesting new product that has a smart management team from Cornell that make for a promising start. They've done well recently.


Otherwise, autistically researching various new shitcoins to time PnD is a good process. That's how I came to LINK and AVAX. Other coins worthy of looking further into are STA (Statera), RSR (Reserve Right Token, funded by Peter Thiel), DOT (https://www.coindesk.com/asia-traders-bitcoin-polkadot-prediction))

Long term bets would include Ripple winning its XRP lawsuit, or it losing (buying XLM could be a smart hedge if they lose)

I think RIpple will prevail and conservatively reach $2,000 by end of 2021

>> No.26189511

Look up Horizen my dude.

>> No.26190159

You already bought bitcoin, why didn't you think it was too late for that? Eth, link and dot are large caps worth owning but you won't see the massive returns/losses that some uniswap shitcoin will give you.