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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 584x312, Balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26181282 No.26181282 [Reply] [Original]

Prepared to throw away 200 grand for laughs

Any suggestions?

>> No.26181296


>> No.26181297

elrond nigger

>> No.26181304


>> No.26181307

I'm a poorfag and any gibs would be appreciated. Honestly, you should consider AGI or CEL if you want to make gains.

>> No.26181321

>less safe, larger gains
>least safe, possible moonmission

>> No.26181323


>> No.26181324

Look into BOND

>> No.26181340

Invest in my nazi commune farm

>> No.26181367

2. RSR
3. GRT
5. XLM

Thank me later when youre wealthier than your wildest dreams. Divy the 200k equally amongst each

>> No.26181373

Obviously Statera

>> No.26181378
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Send me 200 grand

>> No.26181431

Whatever you do, market buy it

>> No.26181455

Put it into XRP.

>> No.26181469


>> No.26181471

> Quickbooks
Why are you destroying your business anon

>> No.26181490
File: 89 KB, 1018x568, 139625700_132760132013926_3603077480570461753_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PNK sir

>> No.26181492


>> No.26181504

I unironically hold RLC and PNK, its too late for me to make it off LINK.

>> No.26181509
File: 718 KB, 1125x1574, 1611008480814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao Jesus anon... I bought a tiny tiny stack of rubic because I'm a pussy, but if you tossed all of that into rubic and waited about a couple of weeks, you'd probably turn that 200k into a million easy

>> No.26181518
File: 184 KB, 1080x1080, i made this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this

>> No.26181541

Please stop posting this you dumb nigger

>> No.26181545

Market buy ETH

>> No.26181550


>> No.26181563

these are all pajeet paid shills

RSR, ETH (for defi), VET, ADA, BTC

>> No.26181562

dont be a faggot market buy cardano and link

>> No.26181668

30% BTC
20% Eth
15% link
15% sta
10% grt
10% xrp

>> No.26181789

yeah bro BTC to here for instant +karma

>> No.26181966

Personally I would buy some prq. I've a good feeling about any slavic tokens

>> No.26181969


>> No.26182249

I guess we'll see how RLC does in a couple of weeks, PNK feels like a longer hold

>> No.26182265
File: 607 KB, 800x792, 1478678993158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200k could get you 4,444,444 RSR right now. Could be funny. I'd wait until it drops back down to .01 and get ~20,000,000 personally.
Alternatively all in on link.

>> No.26182292
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>> No.26182318

DEXG, youll 10x your money at least brah

>> No.26182424

Buy GRT and stake it. Thank me for the rest of your life.

>> No.26182438

Buy me a house.

>> No.26182498

Best place to buy it? Voyage doesn’t have it

>> No.26182508

I was gunna suggest that, but they're going to release a shit ton more grt in a few months and tank the price. That's the time to go balls deep.

>> No.26183435

Send it to me

>> No.26183522

well, you could, like, throw it like my way or something, that would be kind of funny, right guys haha ha ha

>> No.26183542


>> No.26183556
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>> No.26183613
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Fantom/scamtom is all you need to know. I'd FUD it but you seem like a cool dude. IYKYK.

>> No.26183637
File: 968 KB, 1080x1546, 1611000916856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kneel to the might of rubichads

>> No.26183717

Listen to this guy

>> No.26183719

I don't think it will tank the prices. The tokenomics make staking just as attractive to early investors as to exchange buyers. Why dump the goose that will lay your golden eggs for years to come? I have a feeling by then the market will have woken up to GRT and any dumps will be quickly bought up.

>> No.26183804
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>> No.26183809

RUBIC for sure.

It's an innovative dex, first mover in multiple areas multi-chain DEX and will soon add instant cross-chain trades will connect to dev team's previous project myWish, making it the only exchange with create and list your token function, among other unique functions integrated/partnered with binance, EOS, NEO, okex, etc. Layer 2 incoming 100% anonymity when trading liquidity pool and staking coming non anon dev team audited $4m market cap

>> No.26183831

Throw it in TRON. its gonna fucking explode.

>> No.26183849

But Fantom. Pump my bags, then stake and earn scuffed good passive income

>> No.26183944

You may be right anon.

>> No.26184004

You already gamble more than that with >$250k at a single bank.

>> No.26184078
File: 39 KB, 680x606, 1601427145425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, this anon gets it. 200 IQ move, fren. Female To Male To The Moon.

>> No.26184194

ETH. duh

>> No.26184213

just throw it at LINK. just to break the crabbing.

>> No.26184291

Buy Rubic, kind sir! You will never be richer!

>> No.26184342

Go into Algorand.

>> No.26184375

all in ETH

>> No.26184452

Go all in on Bantec BANT. PT $2-4 EOY c

>> No.26184483

ETH on the verge of massive breakout, easy 2x flip

>> No.26184977

Monolith TKN
You will rope if you miss what's coming, mark my words

>> No.26185228
File: 82 KB, 1125x662, 5D05059B-2761-442D-B20A-B1F4AFF44909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26185251

he posts this larpfolio every couple of days

>> No.26185268
File: 100 KB, 680x583, 0FE2E7B7-509D-4625-A587-2768D28FD0E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26185275


>> No.26185286

Tron you fucking bitch.

>> No.26185315

Anything but Rubic.

If you believe the rumors of the upcoming exchange shortage, then ETH is the way to go.

>> No.26185346

This screenshot has been posted a million fucking times. You're merely just asking for a x10 without asking for a x10. Get the fuck out.

>> No.26185366

PNK ofc

>> No.26185391

Sports betting - put it all on Kansas City to win the Super bowl

>> No.26185467


>> No.26185526

Is there an exchange that sells VET? Or am I stuck paying insane fees using uniswap?

>> No.26185552
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Get Rubic

>> No.26185588

get a new larp ffs

>> No.26185620
File: 330 KB, 1144x888, 1610761220648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRT when it drops below .50 cents

>> No.26185638

My suggestion is "don't do that".

>> No.26185808

spoonfeeding season is over

>> No.26185886
File: 111 KB, 960x540, PSX_20210118_193750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With 200k you would own the largest rubic bag i believe and it would make all of us poorfags really thankful, especially if you hodl for a month or two. The shilling is fun but the project is very fucking solid. We also have quality meme

>> No.26186014

For the laugh. Well I would say you should buy then 519,480,519 ETHBEAR tokens on FTX. I would lmao as soon as the market tanks and ETHBEAR reaches 1 USD or more.

>> No.26186293

All in ETH and XRP.

>> No.26186705

Fuck off nigger, I'm trying to learn this shit. That requires asking questions. Stop being a whiny gatekeeping faggot.

Any info on an exchange that sells VET would be awesome.

>> No.26186968

binance has VET
also has VTHO

>> No.26187091

thanks man. does binance have some referral program? i'll use your link.

>> No.26187288

Thanks man. Had to edit this link to get around the spam filter
accounts binance us/en/register? ref=35285990

>> No.26187336
File: 28 KB, 1092x1046, Capture+_2021-01-18-22-49-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They give you a qr code as a referral link too