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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.02 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_20210119_012824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26175427 No.26175427 [Reply] [Original]

I cant believe that my mere couple thousand euros invested on internet coin called LINK 3 years back is now worth 6 figures.

Please tell me this is real and not a dream.

>> No.26175464

It’s real but doesn’t change the fact that you’re still a faggot

>> No.26175502

My fiancee is beautiful and sexy but I'd never whore her out for internet cred because I'm not a fucking degenerate

>> No.26175519

>having your prostitute pose for an instagram pic next to your tradingview chart

Absolute nigger faggot shit

>> No.26175551

That could be my life. But I won't stop masturbating :(

>> No.26175576

lmao same

>> No.26175579

That’s the correct play, keep your mind clear of useless thots like OPs who’ll just benefit off his money

>> No.26175592

One of my biggest regrets is not lurking here earlier. Fuck, having so much money from a pajeet stack is the dream man.

>> No.26175631

I hope you invested way more than that over the last three fucking years

>> No.26175641

Let me guess, wasted the last five years on /pol/?

>> No.26175644

lmao captain morgan

>> No.26175664
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>> No.26175698

thats his new years eve hooker.

>> No.26175705
File: 21 KB, 155x61, Screenshot 2021-01-18 at 23.36.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this say?
Riley Tomson?
Cute prostitute btw

>> No.26175708

such a fag

Islay Scotch Whiskey - neat...it is the way

>> No.26175740

I think it's based.
That said, LINK is a meme.

>> No.26175745
File: 77 KB, 693x448, crying-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish linkies didn't fud their own investment so much back then...I fell for the fud

>> No.26175767

>Captain morgan with ice
Jesus christ op

>> No.26175779

youve been warned

>> No.26175783

Lol sorry, been fundding since pre-sale

>> No.26175801

How much you pay for her, OP? I don't give about what you faggots think.

>> No.26175811


>> No.26175855

I am down to once a week now.

>> No.26175867

Same anon, feelsbadman, I didn't have much capital back then, but would still have been a nice stack by now

>> No.26175883
File: 107 KB, 1374x275, dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late to make it now, all coins that could have pumped and stay up already did. Now we are in a clown market.

Pajeet pumps are 99.999% low liquidity pnd's.

>> No.26176369

I only got a suicide stack because of the JSON parser meme.

I unironically think the next LINK is FTM. The FUD reminds me exactly of link

>> No.26176438

Fantom is SCAMtom, it will never be the next link

>> No.26176613

Holy fucking shit the absolute state of these newfaggots. Unironically kys

>> No.26176727
File: 255 KB, 1000x1399, linktard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unknown inflation rate once staking goes live
>no way to guarantee total supply stays immutable
>no reason corporations would need to enter a market dominated by early investors which consists of NEETs and developers holding an scammy amount
>will crash along with BTC once Tether is forced to get audited anyway
Crypto is a clownworld

>> No.26176741

um, what's a fud? what's a suicide stack? i'm new.

>> No.26176787

That's a man

>> No.26176880

fear, uncertainty, doubt. And you can make that green text if you add the greater than sign. Like this.

>see, niggers tongue my angus, it is well known.

>> No.26176887

FUD= fear uncertainty and doubt. People downplaying the potential of a coin or investment due to fear of not making it. Usually done to make kids sell their bags at low prices.
Suicide stack= the bare minimum investment to not feel like you missed out and thus commit suicide.

>> No.26176937

No :^)

>> No.26176981

Gents, I just got back some of my taste and smell. Can finally taste some seasonings on this BOLD chex mix. And now I will try to taste my coffee. The Wuhan Kung Flu is a very mild shit cold, but the loss of taste and smell is truly awful.

>> No.26176993


>> No.26177033

thanx, i thought a ss was investing just enough to not make it and want to kill yourself.

>> No.26177191
File: 53 KB, 591x406, bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love to watch the calm before a storm, when I'm not some retard who decided to jump into the sea on a rubber boat.

>> No.26177193

Been here longer than you, bro. Whiter than you, bro. Go fuck some more children, Mohammad.

>> No.26177321

Fongue touch my fart socks

>> No.26177409

I want a girlfriend that doesn't stick her ass out like a jogger and have that gross shit coloured hair

>> No.26178099

>not convincing her to get an onlyfans account so she can have an outlet for her whoredom and you can both go on vacations and eat at restaurants on the money of her autistic coomer fans

not gonna make it.

>> No.26178139

Only 6 figures, dude your mrs is hot put her on OF she will make 6 figures every quarter like mine!

>> No.26178158

>not going in the link threads where everyone discussed how stupid people are for falling for the fud
>tfw if someone made up funny fud we'd all laugh, call him based, and spread it for as long as it was funny

literally all you had to do was read a chainlink thread and youd realize calling link a meme was a meme

>> No.26178226


It's a hotel room, rented for the purpose of shilling the coin. How gullible are you people?

>> No.26178268

Not him, but yes. That was me until 2 months ago. Spend the last 5 years cheering for an idiot posing as a president and hoping that he would pull through and make my life better. I'm awake now though, I realize that the only person who can help me is myself and /biz/ has introduced me to many interesting things. GRT was my first crypto investment. Made 20k by taking advantage of the first day hype.

>> No.26178501
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>Caffeine mixed with cocaine, porn, heavy metal/hard rock, programming, crypto, more porn, all at once, never ending

just embrace the life with your fellow coomer brethren

>> No.26178538

I can always spot the noobs cause they always have a bag of GRT. Feels great knowing I have an edge over you newfags knowing what's ACTUALLY worth putting money into.

>> No.26179162

who are you trying to convince, him or yourself?

>> No.26179170

Not a dream. I maxed out 6 credit cards and emptied my checking & savings, sold all my other crypto for LINK and now I have $250k+ in LINK.

Just remember.. don't sell!

>> No.26179203

this is my main complaint of magatards: they expect someone else to solve all of their problems.

>> No.26179213
File: 37 KB, 625x466, 38f1b1c9a1c414600f289929c3b120a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she rip a dirty fart as she was walking by your computer?