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26173929 No.26173929 [Reply] [Original]

What is the connection between chainlink and qanon? What does china have to do with it?
Lets think frens

>> No.26174167

take it to /pol/

>> No.26174560

They dont know about link

>> No.26174590

literally only connection is that they’re both 4chan memes

>> No.26174692

Dont be retarded my fren

>> No.26174791
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>> No.26174922

Will chainlink die if q is for real?

>> No.26174999
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>trust the plan/trust the trip
Chainlink psyops mirror Q and shills. It is likely the discord trannies have been aware of advanced information warfare tactics and have been exploiting them to manipulate markets through the minds of investors.
Checked. No. Q is the means by which we extract ourselves from the tyranny of old (i.e. central power structures). Chainlink is part of the new order: definitive truth.

>> No.26175034

Fuck off back to pol with that boomer shit

>> No.26175079

My fren, you need to understand what is what to make wise financial decisions

>> No.26175315
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That's a Shill. They use webcrawlers to detect keywords. Then they use division logic (only boomers research Q) to demotivate anons from seeking the truth.
Chinese sleeper cells, feds playing off against other departments, false flags, unarmed 30k national guard, permanent fencing around the capitol, people dropping out of Biden's ceremony, reschedulings, etc.
It's happening. But if it doesn't note that the new wealthy will know their purpose.

>> No.26175408

Qanon is a psyop Kushner ran to pacify Trump's core supported block while phasing out the people who could have made it happen. Trump is based but bluepilled boomer. The military likes him, but not enough to start a civil war in the country. The elections were stolen, but the successful steal proved the influence and power of the democrat party's owner, Xi. Noone with power will stand against him openly.

LINK is the opposite. It was discovered early by some smart anons (actually smart, not schizo smart) who had their discussions right here on this board and a lot of anons who weren't as smart but could recognize when something isn't a pnd scam jumped in. They've been memeing wildly ever since to pass the time until the 4th industrial revolution happens, but LINK is only a piece of the puzzle, others are still not operational such as Ethereum that doesn't run like shit and AGI.

Pizzagate started as an investigation of actual pedo rings but the water was muddied by glowies.

Meme magic isn't real. The brain is good at finding patterns - a bit too good, perhaps. People have been memeing since before we have language, and finding meaning in everything, but the way information influences reality is how a rational person would expect - people believe stuff and then act out on it.


>> No.26175572
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Here's some more food for thought
>biden is a triple agent faking dementia so that he can pled insanity regardless of what happens
>the military have been in charge the entire time. Trump was just a big orange distraction
>there are no clear lines between friend and foe only alliances with multiple secret societies on vertical and horizontal dimensions
>the real elite are cleansing their bottom tier control measures and replacing them with new ones (from centralization to decentralization).

>> No.26175639
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>magic isn't real
they defined it

>> No.26175845

Take your black asshole back to Africa you smelly fucking coon.

>> No.26175933

>what's the connection between my made up bullshit cult and the Chainlink network?
get the fuck out faggot. nobody gives a shit.

>> No.26175979

nufag detected

>> No.26176065

go back to pol you sniveling retard. My LINK back is worth more than your annual wage

>> No.26176082

> magic means wishing really hard for something, and then it happens
Whoa, those must be some big-brained glowies.

>> No.26176156

What is it with retards and their prophet q?

>> No.26176159

I'm og crumbs bro faggot pre silos.

>> No.26176255
File: 98 KB, 1024x767, B58BE6B9-B9E1-4B48-8A93-D56B5687EDB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the IBM Q is a quantum computer that uses ChainLink to feed it real world information that predicts possible timelines that can help guide intelligence gathering for people close to the president.

>> No.26176272
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Most people cannot achieve that level of focus because they are hylics and only consider the material world. The few who can are not alone so distortions occur when thoughts become material reality. It's a group project that everyone thinks they're working alone on.

>> No.26176328

>Q is real
>Q is mil. Intel
>People behind Q are also people behind Satoshi, BTC, and LINK
>consists mostly of DARPA, NSA, and various Mil Intel
>Trump drains swamp and begins 2nd term
>Satoshi wallets “miraculously” start moving old BTC around
>China has immense BTC exposure
>Q/Satoshi dump BTC into LINK
>fucks China

>> No.26176462
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based. Also consider the technology mentioned in the EO for "space"