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File: 4 KB, 300x168, bancor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26169562 No.26169562 [Reply] [Original]

Bancor unique design is going to change how every amm works and the market will catch up very quickly. If you’re interested in innovation read about their mechanism and the findings of the results of its implementation

They keep innovating and the results are so good they are starting to revolutionize the fee structure with incredible results:

They also have a liquidity program that will run for 72 weeks to attract more money, and they are going after the defi bigs (yfi-aave-snx). You can, today, stake your linkies with a 40% apy (+ fees) ! Bancor was disliked by some big eth players so much that it led to uniswap inception and that’s the biggest reason why it’s still so undervalued
Bancor fully diluted valuation: 200M
Uniswap fully diluted valuation: 9B
Sushiswap fully diluted valuation: 1.8B
Dodo fully diluted valuation: 400M
1inch fully diluted valuation: 2.7B

There is no safer 10x-20x, short term, in this market, than Bancor.

>> No.26169605

2017 pump and dump

>> No.26169649

I remember that jew who shilled it late last year saying it was gonna go to 20 dollars and destroy uniswap lmao it's completely dead and the nigga who shilled it disappeared

>> No.26169776

back then there was no product but only intentions. today you have a fully tested product that is much better than uni. Just look at link/eth and the tendency of the transactions that go through bancor.

>> No.26169842

Bancor is good but it's stupid to say it's a "short term 10x-20x". It's a slow burner not a quick moonshot.

>> No.26169931
File: 8 KB, 310x162, Bancor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stellar memes came out of that adventure.

It may have a resurgence, i have heard a lot of people talk about Bancor (not the crypto currency, but the proposed reserve currency from the 50s). There is a chance of guilt by name-association, people thinking Bancor + Blockchain, must be what everyone is talking about in regards to the monetary system that will replace the petro dollar system.

>> No.26169973

Usually I would agree with you, but we're in a very special crypto season. And last week shows how bancor volume will grow exponentially. I fully believe the market will catch up really quickly to its potentia, and i dont mean buying the token per-se, i mean actually using the dex. And in amms, dex volume = price appreciation

THey are also workin with arbitrum for a l2 solution

>> No.26170170

Yeah I've been very happy with Bancor development. Governance and the community/dev interaction works as well as an in any project I've seen.
I still think they need a complete UI overhaul to catch up with the competition, and better servers to reduce loading times, but I imagine those will come in time.

>> No.26170555

Their ui is indeed shit, their loading times unacceptable, the rewards taking so long to be released is idiotic and they need to fucking update the spend-limit contract but they also have what i think its the most important, the best product (alongside 1inch, which has different goals)

>> No.26170764

Checked. The thing is I see those problems (UI/loading times etc) as being easily fixable, and at the core I see AMM innovators who are constantly pushing the boundaries, who have a very strong governance model and a very good understanding, probably best in class, of the problems facing AMMs.
If they fix up all the superficial shit, which im sure they will, I think they can be huge.