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2616644 No.2616644 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2616678

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA-meh I bought at 70k and sold most at 350. I hold a few of these ants I will let them live for now

>> No.2616684
File: 791 KB, 2268x1500, gameoverants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game over, Chang! Game over !

>> No.2616702

I'm anticipating a wider stock market correction in the coming weeks. Is now the time to invest in an ETF like the 3x daily short FTSE 100 or should I hold back a little longer?

>> No.2616705

Wont a fiat crash boost crypto value? Isn't this the perfect time to buy ANS

>> No.2616714


>> No.2616717
File: 40 KB, 717x437, china yuan fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China has been acquiring gold for years threatening to switch to gold backed currency
>world central bank claiming that China is doomed
Sounds about right.

>> No.2616721

>perfect time to buy BTC
If this is true BTC will surge. Not sure about ANS.

>> No.2616726

I always thought people would flood into crypto if this happened. Seriously only reason I still own PM is because of the real crash was coming soon after the shit that happened in '08

>> No.2616740
File: 80 KB, 856x379, greece-grexit-fuelling-bitcoin-price-increase-ramreva-newsbtc-bitcoin-price-illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happened with Greece, that is what pushed BTC past $1,000.

>> No.2616751

This is great news buy up!

>> No.2616775

Something is not right in the Chinese economy, have you seen the ghost cities? I can understand that in an inferno of growth, one can make such mistakes without it having any real consequences. But still, I wonder how many of these mistakes there are and more importantly how much of the profit from such investments that are already spend.
Imagine that they have calculated to sell all the apartments in these ghost cities at a certain price, they then take the projected income and use it to pay for more unreliable investments. When the apartments doesn't get sold, and the money (they didn't have, but expected to have) are not there and what they had invested the money in doesn't pay off either.
To me China looks like a card house, it can all collapse pretty quickly.

>> No.2616823

it goes far deeper than that

>altering profit margins
and more

Chinese people are honestly scum they can't into economics for some reason

>> No.2616846

that and cheap credit.

>> No.2616850

True but they seem to be having no issue claiming oil in the south china sea with their artificial islands as no one is willing to fight them.

While the average chink can't into economics I think their government can and has been telling their people to buy gold for a reason.

>> No.2616937

>economy, have you seen the ghost cities
Dude, chinese people don't even know what these ghost cities are. They're dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into realestate investments and making mad returns. They don't even know what you're on about.

>> No.2616963

I though most investors pulled out of China back in 2012 when the writing was on the wall that chinktown was about to implode.

>> No.2616999


good riddance, fuck china.

turmoil is the best scenario for crypto lets be honest here

>> No.2617007

To be fair, it's not like the Europoors are doing much better with their economy. Constantly bitching about US bailouts yet they do the exact same shit to bail out their banks all the fucking time. i.e. Italy just bailed out a few banks yesterday


>> No.2617024

They were on the verge five years ago. Nothing has changed.

Though I do hope it happens after the rebranding and ANS spikes again.

>> No.2617043

This is a boost for ANS/ANC not a colapse. These doomsday stories always appear. It was the UK a few years back and then Australia. The US debt clock is beyond a joke. Nothing is going to happen. Fiat and its debts are less real than Crypto.

>> No.2617056


The Telegraph is a such a joke of a broadsheet newspaper. Even though its a mature version of the Daily Mail, its new content is mostly garbage.

>> No.2617072

>the Chinese are spending massive amounts of money on a market that keeps going up despite the billions of bad investments
Sounds like a bubble to me. If a bubble gets bigger it doesn't mean it's not a bubble. Also only the ones that cash out in time have actually made gains. The ones left holding real estate when the bubble pops will lose out.

>> No.2617090
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how have we allowed them to become this relevant? how have we allowed our lives to be even slightly dependant on these soulless savages?

>> No.2617100

Time to check this website:

>> No.2617108

Real money is Gold and Silver. Paper money only started having value because it used to be backed by gold several decades ago. Now it's backed by nothing except mass delusion and geopolitics.

Since the 2008 economic collapse, central banks around the world have overdosed on financial stimulus and printing money out of thin air. They have artificially suppressed the prices of gold and silver to keep the dollar delusion going.

On April 19th 2016, China locked in the dollar's death by launching their own gold price fix. For the first time in modern history there are now two prices of gold, one in the Chinese yuan and the other in the dying dollar.

If the West were to raise the price of gold, it would kill the dollar completely as it would prematurely instigate the inevitable mother of all safe haven panics.

If the East were to raise the price of gold, it would drain the West's gold reserves due to arbitrage. This would expose the West's fake gold market and kill the dollar. Doing this prematurely means the East could no longer buy gold for themselves at heavily undervalued prices for their post-collapse monetary dominance.

The eventual endgame is that the price of gold skyrockets and the dollar permanently collapses along with the global banking system and modern society as we know it. Black Friday will be everyday as the masses murder each other for a peach pit. This is sure to happen anytime between now and the end of 2018.

Don't believe it? We'll find out soon.

>> No.2617130


>> No.2617134

interesting desu. how does the west 'suppress' the price of gold though?

>> No.2617142

sell offs

Look at Canada.

>> No.2617152

What the fuck do we do, AntBros?

Do we sell, do we buy,do we hodl?

>> No.2617155

This is what I thought back in 2015, since then have lost a lot of money being short and pessimistic. Maybe this time it will really happen. All bull markets have to end at some point, but it has become obvious to me that I don't have the ability to predict when it happens, and neither do the typical doom mongers.

>> No.2617158

Not sure exactly.. Deutsche Bank was fined for manipulating gold prices a couple of years ago. The case didn't go to trial, they pleaded out immediately and paid the fine.

I they have an incentive to keep gold prices artificially low, other banks may have the same incentive.

>> No.2617181

Chinese have one trick. Be as cheap as possible.
They care little about value adding which is where the real profits are.

>> No.2617205

BUY no brainer. People are still selling off the price is undervalued. When the rebrand and Binance are released we will see solid gains.

>> No.2617213


Well ideally we should have sold ages ago, we're fucked now so hold.

>> No.2617224


>> No.2617226

I think the 'doom mongers' are wrong only in their time estimates.

The implications of this great scam collapsing are world altering, the system will be prodded up for as long as possible. It could be decades, but i wouldnt even try to guess. I cant even fucking imagine how the west will look in even 5 years at this rate of decay

>> No.2617386

There are something strange going on in the US. The stock market have risen to all-time highs, meanwhile the GDP growth are continuously being lowered.
The Fed are raising interest rates, because the economy is doing so well. How well is it actually doing, if the growth rate are being downgraded?

I also think they have overestimated the Trump-effect, the markets have assumed that he would cut taxes etc. He haven't yet done anything of this sort..

>> No.2617453

Lana Clements is a absolute moron! Mates spitroasted her back in uni. The bitch lost the plot an went off the rails. She fucked mentally

>> No.2618333

Having huge amounts of money riding on physically existent but useless real estate seems better than having huge amounts of money riding on abstractions of abstractions of abstractions of debt packages and stock market speculation though. The vast majority of the world's money has essentially no relationship with physical reality and exists only in computer systems, and only has meaning because people think it does. Just like fiat currency.

>> No.2618344

The Risk lies the most in the US as it always had been

>> No.2618379

There is no mistake in the empty cities. Government sets xx% GDP growth targets, industrials meet those targets by building real estate. Doesn't matter if the prices are too high because you can't rent it to Chinese middle class, the point is for these assets to be worth a lot in paper.

Don't kid yourself into thinking this kind of sheet fixing is unique to China. Western policy makers are well aware different populations are not equal in ability. The constant immigration has one purpose: inflate GDP predictions by using calculations in which one illiterate subsaharan African = one college graduate Westerner.

China's approach to cooking the books result in crumbling dead cities. Europe's approach result in greater civil strife and inevitable civilization collapse / regression to Islam.

>> No.2618434

Dude the Chinese government are so rich those ghost cities were built for the people, to encourage people to move in. But chinese people don't want to stay in those areas and prefer to squeeze in the eastern more populous areas. Like all of Asia, people prefer living in big cities. That's why you get a shit ton of people in cities like Beijing and Shanghai, where prices has 10x in ten years. Ghost cities are mainly located in the northern and western areas. China could build a hundred of those ghost cities and still be in better financial shape than the United States.

>> No.2618473

There is a new law in Chinese real estate. Foreigners can no longer buy real estate, only PRC nationals can. Furthermore, if you purchased real estate you must hold for 10 years before you're allowed to sell. I guess that kinda solves the bubble scenario.

>> No.2618477
File: 81 KB, 475x1025, 1491601039561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to spot someone who has no idea what they're talking about

>> No.2618485

bitcoin has only risen against inflation though

>> No.2618491

chinese banking system increase lending over 30 trillion dollars over the past 10 years, largest increase in history

biggest bubble in the history of the world, wouldn't be suprise to see a revolution over there in the next decade

every single rich chinese is trying to get cash out of there

>> No.2618587

My ants arent going anywhere OP. I'm still at profit with them, my ants arent leaving my pants for another 6 months (at least).

Very interesting thread though!

>> No.2619199

I was told the Chinese Ghost cities were projects, mainly "focused on the future" and in reality was a way to hand out money and boost economy.

Western countries: Unemployed people are given some welfare.

Chinese: Unemployed people get to practice their skills by making buildings that nobody will live in. (But they are told it's an investment in the future.)
Workforce gets to polish their skills and all that trade-balance surplus gets injected into the Chinese economy.
(Unskilled labor can get simpler government jobs doing administrative work someplace far far away.)