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26165991 No.26165991 [Reply] [Original]

>you could have had an eth2 node in 2020 for 3k
>you could have had an eth2 node at launch for 15k
>you could have an eth2 node now for 40k
>you can't afford an eth2 node in 2021 for 160k

When are you going to grow up and stop chasing shitcoin pamps? There's already 3bil locked up by smart money. You think these whales are going to let eth2 fail? Get with the program anon.

>> No.26166013
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All hypothetical use-cases anyone could think of putting on Ethereum will eventually be usurped by centralized solutions which by nature, will ALWAYS perform faster and more efficiently than being on a decentralized network like Ethereum. Bitcoin is the only thing that actually makes sense to be decentralized, and trying to "decentralize" / "dAppify" anything beyond that represents an abject misunderstanding of what Bitcoin is, and why it's the way it is (simple, limited, and elegant).

Bitcoin is all that it needs to be and it knows its place. Ethereum on the other hand, is trying to be everything to everyone, and as a result - it's turned into an over-engineered, overly-complex monstrosity doomed to fail. Just look at how expensive and fucken slow everything is on it. NOTHING can run on it, no serious business application or anything. No institution is going to want to touch this crap with a 10-foot pole. And it's worth $1k+ per coin? It should be worth no more than $10!!!!!

Any Ethereum "use-cases" will be served more efficiently on non-blockchain solutions built around BTC, and NOT ETH. ETH will just fade into obscurity and descend to zero, all the while trillions upon trillions will get poured into BTC with early adopters becoming filthy rich. ETH holders will find themselves looking up at BTC holders skyrocketing in generational wealth as their shitty token plummets to zero.

>> No.26166040

i really like the new ethereum aesthetic, but I cant stand the whole dog thing. just weird

>> No.26166209

>uniswap is stupid just use binance lol
>also not your keys not your coins lolololol

>> No.26166230

Eth is not gonna reach higher than 10k, ever heard of market cap?

>> No.26166265

Nice copy pasta. Go back to your cave gremlin

>> No.26166292

enjoy getting slashed

>> No.26166353

Check your math brainlet

Only retards get slashed

>> No.26166368

gas fees will prevent this

>> No.26166406

Ever heard of deflation?

>> No.26166434

>being this oblivious unironically

>> No.26166486

retard alert

>> No.26166496

Two node eth chad checking in. Whats with all the eth FUD lately?

>> No.26166630

how many eth for a node?

>> No.26166667

Nice. We're so early fren. Coinbase hasn't even let people stake yet. Feeling comfy AF

Mainly poorfags already priced out shilling their bags. The FUD is getting more and more desperate.

>> No.26166673

Based thread and good advice, but most retards won't take it.

I already have 16 ETH nodes and ultimately plan on having at least 32 (which of course I already could, I'm just in no hurry to set them up yet, would rather wait for the next Eth2 releases before committing to it).

>> No.26166737

32. You can use a staking service if you don't have 32, but they butt rape you with fees. It's best to run your own node if you can. You can get setup in like 2 weekends tops

>> No.26166744

Uniswap is retarded rugpullland

>> No.26166769

I only have 40 dollar, what do?

>> No.26166786

Have you read this yet https://www.coindesk.com/occ-banks-stablecoin-payments

Im guessing most banks will be running nodes very soon

>> No.26166865

32 squared? This man fucks.

>> No.26166876
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I'm ready mETH bros

>> No.26166931

Uniswap is enabling the economic revolution fren. The killer app of eth. We are on the verge of enabling the most pure market mechanic ever invented. Do not miss this next step .

>> No.26166956

Not every coin there is a rugpull you mongoloid. I can swap from ETH to LINK right now and I won't get rugged faggot because LINK is a legit erc20 token.

>> No.26167065

Get a job

Yep. Brian Brooks who was a C-level exec at Coinbase left to push this stable coin shit through the OCC. This year is going to be nuts.

Why hello there handsome

>> No.26167246

I have a job but student loans, rent etc are raping me

>> No.26167319


$100/UNI imminent

>> No.26167410

Fuck man. I've been there. Unfortunately you need money to make money in this world. You won't get far with $40.

Try to figure out ways to get other streams on income. Once you have 1k it's easy to make 2k. Once you have 100k it's easy to make 200k. You need to get over that first hurdle.

Chasing shitcoins with $40 will not make you rich. It'll stress you the fuck out.

>> No.26167435

Im sad i sold 1200 uni for eth before the pump to 1200, but telling all my new fags frens to get into uni asap

>> No.26167506
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Nice math lol
I like this pasata saving it!

But btw dunno how many here are newfags but shit like dexes, amms onchain lending you know whole idea if we have decentralised asset that we dont need third parties to provide services and jew it out of our hands again where big part of btc discussion back in the day its acuall sad narrative came to this "btc is perfect as it is lets build banks arouind it" i know this is pasta meme but it acually hits me in feels every time as semi oldfag...
Btw ex maxi 12 validators chad now cya on other side

>> No.26167541

when is v3 coming out?

>> No.26167696


>> No.26167727

Ethereum is a technological dead end. Most of the innovation you see, like AMMs or yield aggregators are not really innovation in a true sense. They are work arounds to deal with the fact that Ethereum is too expensive to transact on and cannot scale to a high number of users.

ETH 2.0, Sharding and Layer 2s will just make an even bigger mess and still won't meet the scaling requirements you actually need.

I'm not making any comment on price btw. If you wanna trade it go ahead, crypto trading is highly narrative driven and irrational, the tech barely matters.

But from an engineering perspective Ethereum is dead in the water.

>> No.26167779
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Same lol commited only 25% of my eth for test its really comfy so im not in rush

>> No.26167835
File: 54 KB, 750x585, 1589726848150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread delivers saved this one to

>> No.26168012

>imagine believing this

Please explain how these factors won't meet scaling demands
>PoS consensus
>aggregated sigs with BLS12-381
>gossipSub protocol
>weak subjectivity
>kate commitments > merkle trees
>data availability sampling
>stateless clients
>L2 rollups

This is the most ambitious L1 project atm and it has had to move slowly because it has actual users. No other project comes close to this level of innovation
>t. senior cryptocurrency engineer

>> No.26168206

All vaporware garbage. A million moving parts that could break at any moment, no big institution will want to touch it with a 100-foot pole. Bitcoin will go to $700T market cap. ETH will go to $0.

>> No.26168352
File: 61 KB, 558x544, 1610187035728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. senior cryptocurrency engineer
Jokes on you youtube influencer and telegram marketing menager told me this next ethereum l1 is solving blockchain trilemma, smartcontracts wont have any bugs, it will be fast and have 234234234234 nodes AND we are building ethereum bridge to liberate all eth devs enslaved by this shit protocol!!!!

Have you used eth?
The fees mr. t. senior cryptocurrency engineer
The FEES!!!!!

>> No.26168359
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 12432512451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vaporware garbage
>ETH to $0

The solutions are actually pretty damn elegant. Hate to break it to you but the institutions are already here. What's your coin of choice fren?

>> No.26168450

>t. non programmer
Its ironic that most bitcoin holders cant recognize market innovations unfolding in front of their eyes. Blinded by shortsightedness they will miss the boat a second time. No matter.

>> No.26168455

An insane amount of complexity, to get you about 10k tps. Still nowhere close to what you need.

Sharding and L2 will fragment the ecosystem and add ridiculous complexity when going cross shard. Going across Layer 2s is a pipe dream at the moment.

Ethereum devs are building solutions for the wrong problems. You can nerd out about cryptographic proofs and zkSNARKS, but you are ignoring the real issues. We know how to do web scale engineering with distributed systems, but Ethereum is trying to reinvent the wheel with fancy crypto stuff.

>> No.26168456

ETH is that new stablecoin right? It’s great having a good stablecoin while everything surrounding it moons to fuckijg high heavens and I have my whole net worth into ETH

>> No.26168474

Open up the ETH/BTC ratio chart, dipshit. Oh look, it's fucking dumping... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

>> No.26168660

Sell faggot. Dont need limp wrist new fags instilling Basless FUd. Ethereum is becoming a SoV as more people use it to lock collateral. Were seeing consolidation when alts pump just like bitcoin, because ethereum is no longer an alt.

>> No.26168726

>down 1% today
>up 12% in past week
>hurrrrr it's dumping

>> No.26168786

ooohhhhh you *smirk*

Do you even know how shards communicate through the beacon chain and shard blocks? It's actually very straight forward. What in the world are you even talking about?

This is short-sighted thinking. I don't give a fuck what ETH is doing day-by-day. This baby fucks and will be giving me some sweet as passive income. It's not too late you too anon.

>> No.26168853

See yall at 20k


Anyone investing into crypto should understand metcalfs law. We are ironically still early

>> No.26169241

ETH2:Useless Boogaloo is pointless. There are already better solutions in the market with nowhere to go but up. ETH2 only serves as Vitalik grasping at straws to stay relevant with his vaporware in development for ages with so little sign of actual progress that fucking ADA is going to overtake it in actual usage since ETH is more of a money-making scheme at this point because "Centralized" Blockchain isn't even a relevant platform, let alone "Decentralized" blockchain. It's moving slowly in that direction but even then Blockchain is only a server substitute for the dApp memes when the internet provider can just tell you to fuck off as you've suddenly shifted all responsibility onto them, and suddenly you have no access.

>> No.26169297

You may want to do some more research on this as a senior blockchain engineer. Shards will become your nightmare if you aren't careful.

You ever wonder to yourself why they went from 1024 down to 64 shards? Things aren't as pretty as they seem.

>> No.26169411

This makes me hard

>better solutions than eth2
Name one that is more decentralized, secure, and has actual users

>> No.26169502

Sharding is inevitably at scale. What's your point? Every L1 project is racing to be the first to solve sharding. Some are doing it in different ways, but you can't escape the reality of needing parallel computation and split state.

>> No.26169544

Didn't even read the post you faggot.
>has actual users

>> No.26169597


im sorta of a retard and have been holding exactly 33 ETH for 4 years now. Should I attempt staking or just hold for long term? I am afraid of losing everything obviously.

>> No.26169799

>can't name a single project
Yes schizo if the internet explodes then so does everything else. Cool story.

If you're holding long-term you should definitely stake. Use a provider if you're not tech savvy. Benefits include:
>not having to stress about the daily pumps/dumps
>passive income
>a ticket to the moon

>> No.26169864


ok ill do more research into it. Any providers you recommend? documentation to get started?

>> No.26169905

check out the French artist Moebius aka Jean Giraud
Ethereum's aesthetic is so heavily inspired by his style it's almost a blatant ripoff

>> No.26169923

To put it simply, Ethereum 2.0 is taking the approach of pushing the complexity of the sharding out to the edges. Dapp developers will be responsible for handling the complexity and asynchrony of cross-shard interaction.

While this approach makes sense from the perspective of making Ethereum 2.0 itself simpler, the complexity didn't go anywhere, you are just kicking the can down the road onto DApps.

This is a bad idea, and you probably can see why for yourself if you are familiar with the rise of web tech companies.

>> No.26169978

Is it even worth it to stake now when that's a taxable event to convert to ETH2?

>> No.26170049

ETH price in May?

>> No.26170284

Hmm... not sure which providers are best since I'm staking myself. Here's a list of them so far: https://beaconcha.in/stakingServices..

There are a number of guides available for staking on your own. Just google "eth2 staking guide". You can play around on the testnet before committing to anything.

Any time sensitive, dependent contracts will be deployed to the same shard. I think you're greatly overestimating the complexity here. Asynchrony is nothing to be afraid of at scale. It's just how it is.

I've spoken to my CPA and it's not a taxable event