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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2616081 No.2616081 [Reply] [Original]

How much did you lose today?

I have
60% ETH
20% litecoin
20% shitty alts mainly based on eth

You said this would be free money /biz/.
You promised.

>> No.2616106

you're just gonna keep losing money

>> No.2616112

I'm all in on monero, doing pretty ok, all things considered.

Monero is here for you

Monero was always here for you

>> No.2616113

You only Lose when You Sell HER PA DERPA A DERPA ADEURRR

>> No.2616126

I put half of my crypto into USDT yesterday, the other half is holding steady overall. Technically I'm up about by about 5%, but I'll call it break even if it makes you feel better.

>> No.2616136

If it's like bitcoin's crash, it will last 3 years until people forget it happened.

I think this crash will be different with all the icos out and the market cap so much higher.
I expect the rebound to take 6 months.

>> No.2616142

I was going to sell all my ETH two days ago. I was one click away from pulling the trigger. But I have exams and I've been studying rather than scanning the charts. I decided to leave it be.

I'm a lifelong bagholder now, aren't I?

>> No.2616143
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/Dash/ here. Solid, actually usable crypto currencies seem to be pretty comfy right now.

>> No.2616195


Every time /biz/ talks about a new stock being the hot shit. It's time to sell out, it means the normies know as well if it's on here.

Every time I see someone mention a stock here that I'm not trying to shill out myself, I get the fuck out immediately. As soon as someone else mentions it here or on normie book or there's a dam news article on it. Sell the fuck out.

>> No.2616211

I legit was down $2k because of ETH shitting the bed but I made it back with that upcomingPumps tele group, I would be fucked if not for them. Looking forward to the next one.

>> No.2616234

Meh, portfolio if down 3k. Took the opportunity to buy more BAT on the cheap.

>> No.2616242


>> No.2616319

>news article on it
That's the idea.
Whenever it hits the MSM, time's up.

>> No.2616348

then how the fuck do you find the diamonds in the rough like numerious and cloak?

>> No.2616357

Also wondering this

>> No.2616788

Why? Doesn't more people knowing = more buying?

>> No.2617184

Buy on rumor, sell on news.

>> No.2618047

the whole makret is crashing, what fucking news? what rumors? the fuck are you even talking about?

copying something some rondom anon said doesnt make you look smart

>> No.2618071

Cashed out around $375 on ETH and $47 on LTC.

> feelsgoodman.exe

>> No.2618119
File: 43 KB, 329x365, 1445766753331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whole makret is crashing

You're fucking retarded if you think that. And you sound pretty upset. Did you lose all your autism bucks?

Enjoy being poor, I made a fuck ton thanks to you neet fuckers :^)

>> No.2618207


I'm down 7.5% BTC or 12.06% USD over the last 24 hours

>> No.2618321

You get lucky. This whole market is pnd. If you get lucky you ride a big wave and sell at the top.

>> No.2618613

Until a few people sell as usual and it goes down in price a bit
Then the normies are the ones that get scared and start selling thinking the market is going to crash
And that reaction actually ends up crashing the market.

Normies ruin everything because they don't know how to hold.

>> No.2618639

fuck off

>> No.2618739

don't be an idiot

>> No.2618803
File: 269 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suckers buying high market cap coins that are way overvalued based on hype instead of actually researching good altcoins. I think the price floor for ETH is a solid $250 though, everyone who bought below that already sold when it hit $400 or right after it stalled.

>> No.2618807

I lost around $4k


>> No.2618888

Do you want free money? Join this!

>> No.2618950

I've lost after this but I've gained ogreall so I'm not feeling too bad

>> No.2618971
