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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2615846 No.2615846 [Reply] [Original]

im a member of /sci/, honestly disgusted with business majors. im a computer science major who is working at a start up creating software.

ive meet many business majors, ive met business fraternity members, bankers and salesmen.
complete fucking scum. two-faced greedy opportunists.

just funny knowing how im 4 times as intelligent as the average business major who needs the help of a STEM major for almost everything yet gets accredited for almost everything.

fucking faggots.

>> No.2615872



>> No.2615882

Income is highly correlated with IQ so they are probably as inteligent as you but also psychopatic

>> No.2615888

you realise that /biz/ is a misnomer and this is actually a board dedicated only to crypto
so jokes on you sciencecuck you wont find a single university qualified businessman here HA!

>> No.2615889


>> No.2615895
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op you're just mad because you'll never get pussy like all the "faggots" that leave their room more than once a month

>> No.2615903
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>big dick

pick one xD

>> No.2615934

Stfu chink

>> No.2615943
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>compares Intelligence, assigning superiority to himself with no basis other than perception and education
>referring to academic qualifications, even though you have made absolutely no developments in any academic field

What are you trying to achieve here ? You point out others greed without reflecting on your own, the technology you use is produced by children in China recieving slave wages for labour

The food you eat is also produced by people living in near permanent poverty and being exploited for labour, and the taxes which help support the lovely first world life we all experience, is largely a product of exploited labour

You're discusting too, just a different kind

>> No.2615944


Most of the whales are Asian ;)

I'd like fries with that, milky.

>> No.2615955

>i'm a student
aka trash.

>gets accredited
is English your second language, pajeet?

>> No.2615970

>make more money than comp sci majors
>fuck more bitches than comp sci majors

What's the issue again?

>think IQ matters when you're millionare


>> No.2615985

no, its my 4th language.

>> No.2615994
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>> No.2616000

ya i can tell.

>> No.2616001

Java and ruby don't count, pajeet

>> No.2616009

how many languages do you know faggot?
probably only one because thats how much your mental capacity can hold

>> No.2616038

>code monkey acting mighty

>> No.2616123

>b-but muh /sci/

You belong to /g/ with all the other pajeets.

Business management does not create inherent value, that is true. The reason why people operating in business and finance are still relevant regardless is because the people in more practical fields have no idea how to manage liquidity.

The best example of this are the tech startups that fail after a year because realizing that you can't afford an office in the CBD and fully-speced Macs is too much for these people.

>> No.2616139

still a gook though.



>> No.2616162


wish i was the genetically superior white alpha male

>> No.2616192

me so ronry me luv you rong time. lol

fucken chinks m8

>> No.2616205

Pol and sci argument on biz.

>> No.2616223

> im a computer science major who is working at a start up creating software.
Same here.
> just funny knowing how im 4 times as intelligent as the average business major
You're not.

>> No.2616245

i know 6 languages.
i know difficult advanced mathematics.
i know 4 coding languages.
i've read more than 1000 books on history, science, economics, philisophy, politics, greek and classical literature.
i've participated in robotic competitions and ive won every single one of them. i'm also a fairly advanced lifter.
my deadlift is 350kg.
my bench is 150kg.
my squat is 200kg.

please dont tell me a fraternity business major is smarter than me

>> No.2616276

Proof. Your original post. QED.

>> No.2616300

How much are you worth?

>> No.2616317

>just funny knowing how im 4 times as intelligent as the average business major
I have a CS degree too but you seem to be suffering from some serious dunning-kruger. syndrome.

It's stupid because you need good quantitative skills to make it in finance these days. Do you really think bankers and hedge funders don't use R and Matlab or something?

>> No.2616364

University qualified businessman reporting. It's all about efficiency for me. I just wanted to make as much money as I could while doing as little work as possible, crypto has been good for this lately so I am here.

>> No.2616367
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>> No.2616409

I totally agree. People who do business or want to get into operating businesses are opportunists that only care about having the advantage. Although I'm working towards a career in business, I've always identified myself as a scientist at heart but am too stupid for the math part of it. My life goal is to raise a company dedicated to funding the research for scientific achievements rather than in private pockets, like it should be.

>> No.2616447

I know that feel.
I would like to be a spacial scientist, but i was born in Brazil.

The dream is still up, i just need to make some millions on crypto and i will be good to go.

>> No.2616480


>> No.2616498
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this is a joke thread. im planning to become an opportunist. im in highschool and studying business management.

ive wanted to be an engineer before but i was too stupid to do math and still am to this day however i excel in other areas.
luckily i came to my senses and after swallowing the black pill i realized that hedonism is the only way in life. why would i service society when society has done nothing for me?

im laughing at you faggots wanting to become the next elon musk

>> No.2616504

Cool stats bro. Now:
How many deals have you landed?
How many customers have you sold and closed?
How many girls have you fucked?
How many friends do you have?
How much private equity have you raised?
How big is your active network of financiers?

Engineers are great , I love you guys, but you couldnt sell a life jacket to someone drowning. You need to learn how to meet and make friends with GOOD businessmen, who deal in the art of people. It's likely your emotional IQ is in the basement. It's also likely you live out of your intellect primarily. It's also likely you've never done a hostile M&Q takeover, hell you've probably never negotiated in your life. So have some respect, otherwise engineers like you are literally a dime a donzen.

It's a team game. The goalie shouldn't get mad because the forward doesn't save as many shots as him. Without Woz there is no Jobs, without Jobs there is no Woz.

Maybe read iWoz to get an understanding of HUMILITY.

>> No.2616536

i dont have to prove why im superior to you,, the results speak for themselves.

>> No.2616566

you need someone who without autism to sell your product

>> No.2617400

Sales is so fuckin easy....

People wanting to buy that just need someone to sell.

Sales fags sell contracts to customers because they're so desperate to get papers signed and get that Cancun bonus, they overlook the fact that they are selling shit the company can provide.

So sign papers first.... then discuss what we'll actually do for you, but it's the engineers and managers that have to deal with the pissed customer, not the sales guy. He can just blame the engineers for "not doing their jobs"

If someone is calling and asking for quotes, If you are actually a better company and a really good fit for them, they WILL sign. They just need someone to hold their hand and tell them its OK.

Literally all sales is. Reconfirming highlights and downplaying the shitty parts.

>team player
>goes to cancun by selling shitty contracts
>services we don't sell (but how would a non tech even know)
>ignores calls from pissed clients
>talks in circles with no clear definition, trying to read my reaction before committing to an idea.

ps. country clubs are goldmines... totally see why those guys golf all day. A ride on a cart getting drunk with no worries in life but a little white ball. Perfect scenario to get chummy and ask for money.

>> No.2617439

Don't you get it? Being the next Elon Musk is a great thing. It sure is a great cover. Everybody loves you, thinks you're helping the world and shit. But actually, you're in it for more than just the money or fame, you are building a legacy. Etching your name into history making everybody think you're a god while really you're doing it for yourself. Selfish people like you will never understand the concept of such a way of life. Good luck anon, hope you "excel" in life.

>> No.2617452

> It's also likely you've never done a hostile M&Q takeover
LOL as if you have my transparently larping friend.

in b4 "f-fine i d-dont care if you believe me"

>> No.2617462

>im a member of /sci/
as long as you're not an academic vampire/parasite living (and vacationing) on taxpayer's dime I couldn't care less but in case you are, fuck you and be very afraid of the coming reforms on your way to homelessness

>> No.2617522

You're going to get replaced by an H1-B and you're worthless without stack overflow

>> No.2617555
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Hating the merchants, now you just have to find who stays behind them.

>> No.2617641

Your ID says you're a pleb though

>> No.2617670

>People wanting to buy that just need someone to sell.

selling isn't about selling to people who want to buy, it's about selling to people who don't want to buy.

>> No.2617716

You are confused. Interests have nothing to do with intelligence.

I am an extremely high iq individual with genuine autism. But I realized a long time ago that having a superiority complex is a huge waste of time and completely inefficient in life. In fact, I have had a much better life since learning to "play dumb" or at least come down off my high horse enough to have actual dialogues with people and not just lecture them.

Oh, and fuck all your books and whatever other arbitrary shit you've consumed to convince yourself of your "intelligence." You just sound insecure. All I do is watch dragonball z and make money. I have almost no other interests at all. But it doesn't mean I don't have a photographic memory and a calculator in my head.

You are the definition of butt hurt dweller. And I feel sorry because I used to be the same. You need to learn to self reflect. One of those "scum" salespeople could be infinitely smarter than you, just less knowledgeable in certain areas. There's a big difference between intelligence and knowledge.

>> No.2617743

I'm a finance major.

I use you autistic ComSci faggots because you're too disconnected to know what consumers want. None of you are leaders or are good at running a business.

Know your place.

>> No.2617880

holy shit OP you got gang raped

>> No.2617898

>. im a computer science major who is working at a start up creating software.
another weeb turning sql into html
kys faggot. your kind is the worst. you're not creating anything new. you just build skinner boxes to be unleashed on dopamine deprived degenerates. the day of the rope cannot come soon enough!

>> No.2617924

Yea business is for douches, what's new

>> No.2617955

>I use you autistic ComSci faggots because you're too disconnected to know what consumers want. None of you are leaders or are good at running a business. Know your place

t. Tyler Winklevoss

>> No.2618083

Fags like you are a dime a dozen though

>like dude bro i had this totally sick idea for an app bro like uber for cats bro you do all the work and we'll split equity 80-20 kk

Lol get fucked

>> No.2618090
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>all that larp shit
>still posts on 4chan

>> No.2618127

If you went to school in the USA, and it wasn't an elite university, many of us are probably much more intelligent then you are.

I was in business and went to university later on.
And to be honest, fresh graduates are a risky pack of people. They think they are smart or intelligent, most of the time they are neither.
They have no experience.
Are totally over their head.
And the market has to crush them first, which brings the whole company at risk.

So yeah, go out into the world and learn newfag.

>> No.2618179

also, you talk like a insecure tennage boygirl. Grow up dude... shit is superior to you in your state of mind.

>> No.2618192

I split 55-45 and do all the work other than the coding.

I hate wantrepreneurs as much as anyone.

>> No.2618198

stfu you retarded commie. nobody gets exploited, you fucking 19th-century-meme-enthusiast. read a book on economics thats not written by a angry virgin.

>> No.2618217

Too bad—I almost thought you were on to something. I can write software AND run a business.

You're half of the kek—just like everyone else mostly.

>> No.2618349
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I used to know the guy that launched the marketing of Windows in Europe. However big the monopoly power just coming into his hands, at one point Bill Gates still had to sit there in a hotel room, rocking quietly, while listening to what the best way to do this would be, being convinced he had the right guy. He was also a customer.

Yes, when running his own shit, this guy was a giant fantasist and bullshitter, the most full of business speak hogshit LARPER I ever heard in my life. But he still helped form the greatest monopoly of the first tech age, and Gates trusted him to make it work. The real genius is not in the code, it's managing sales, relationships and growth. How many fuck ups could Steve Ballmer have made that would have destroyed MS? Who on this board could get anywhere near managing that growth, hiring right and creating worldwide divisional structure?
It looks easy from the outside, on the inside is always controlled chaos. It needs a lot of head control and balls to sustain that for years.