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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26156406 No.26156406 [Reply] [Original]

Ah, another day working from home doing absolutely nothing

>> No.26156441

Same. Feels good anon.

>> No.26156457

Kek I’m not working today

>> No.26156490

will be done with doing nothing in about 20 minutes

>> No.26156532

Wakie wakie wagies, time to get in your cagie

>> No.26156539

I do websites for banks and based MLK gave his life for us to have a day off. Working from home is the only way to do it, fren! Just watching crypto gains waiting to remove the "work" part of the equation.

>> No.26156602

do normies actually work? I have the feeling they indeed do so, cant be more fkn retarded

I try to keep my contributions to 5hours a week tops

>> No.26156675
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>tfw had a 3 hour meeting over zoom today

>> No.26156693


Another day emulating king nigger himself

>> No.26157058


>> No.26157207
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>Work up 5 minutes past my clock in time
>Roll over and turn phone's DND mode off
>Check my tickets
>Close a couple out, make some small system changes
>Customer complained about something not working
>Call the company that makes the product, call the customer, conference them together and make the other tech do the work while I mute my phone
>Playing Rimworld and checking my crypto while they figure it out.

Just another day in the life bois. Only downside is I'm still at mommy's house at 30, but another 3-6 months of this and I got a downpayment on a comfy house.

>> No.26157309

Living at home is best way to save up until you're truly ready. Sounds comfy.

>> No.26157318

Already done with computer related work. In about 6 hours I will show up to my job, fix a bunch of shit the noobs fucked up while I was riding powder in the mountains with my brother and then check on the network and mechanics of the building. That only takes a few hours and after that's complete, I will go talk to the girls hang out with the front of house and then go check my ltc miners that are stashed in the air handling rooms. Once all of that is done, I will go hang out in my office, tune my snowboard and wax it, watch a show on Seren and shitpost on here.

I needed a regular job. It keeps me socialized and normal. Helping others help themselves is super rewarding and it's nice to have a hobby job where they would never fire you.

NEETS die of cancer from lack of motivation and exercise all the time. Get a fun job where you can feel good and help others. Or at least help others.

>> No.26157368

build it man. don't buy someone else's idea. buy the land and build what you need. you always come out ahead.

>> No.26157440


The downside is no privacy, I've been looking for a good woman for the last year, and it's been rough. I've had opportunities for sex, but it's crushing when I have to say, "uuuh, not at my place" and suggest a hotel. Some girls go for it, some are immediately turned off by fucking in a hotel, and I usually go for nicer places, but that's just how it is. Either way, I may not immediately buy a place, im considering going to Texas for 2-3 years to pursue a career in Database administration, but I don't have any experience outside of classwork and some interactions with a DB system where I'm currently at. Any DB lads out there with advice for someone that wants to break into the field?

>> No.26157727

If the girl really likes you she won't care you live at home. If she's just down to fuck, she won't care about a hotel. Sounds like you're accidentally filtering out the golddiggers and other red flags.

Most of our DB guys are Indian or literally in India. Get familiar with the latest trends and prepare to start low pay because of Indians. Prove you know your shit first year and it's easy to beat pajeet cuz they're cheap but don't really know much and can't think for themselves. Good luck, Anon. DBA pays well but is more time demanding so try to be DBA lead ASAP so all you have to do is delegate.

>> No.26157877 [DELETED] 
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Not working today and calling off tomorrow for an interview. I hate my job so much. Overbearing manager. Acts like everything is under control when it has been backlogged for months. One of the staff even keeps saying it's not like this usually. Clearly desperate for newer staff to not quit. While the manager is just pushy and trying to get us to jump through multiple hoops to work no matter the circumstances even when just a moment ago it wasn't an option. Car troubles and won't be able to come in tomorrow?
>Set up our system on your personal pc!
Even if it's just a single day.
>Don't want to use your personal pc incase a data breach ever happens and we attempt to place a warrant to confiscate your pc?
>Oh look anon we actually have a work provided laptop!
Pass on it. Like Im giving a company laptop access to my personal private connection and slowing the internet down heavily for the rest of the family due to type of work it is.

Cheap jerks especially when most places provide a company laptop and phone.

>> No.26158040 [DELETED] 

The biggest kicker. The moment she notices you have no work left or are going slow she talk to you and likely verbally reprimand you for it. Finish y and suddenly you'll be told to no longer track the time cayse after all your done and at home. Even though if you were at work you'd still get paid. Yes she went and tracked how long it should take to do it and used the top speed (of herself) as normal. Wouldnt surprise me of she'd call 2 hours later saying there's more work and have a change in tone if you were no longer sitting patiently next to a pc somehow knowing she'd call you to get back on the clock.

>> No.26158073
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Sounds comfy sir.
Me? WFH, marked some support tickets as ‘waiting for client response’ answered others with ‘please provide more information sir’, finally commented on the last ones ‘do you still have the issue?’
Living in Mumbai, doing absolutely nothing all day as well except inviting foreign girls to my home who visit our Great Country. Stay comfy sirs

>> No.26158152


>Waiting for client response

You work for intermedia or something? That's exactly the shit they write back to me when I have issues.

>> No.26158256
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>tfw government holiday and nobody working
>tfw still claim 8 hours for $400

>> No.26158381

Unfortunately sir, I work in DurgaSoft

>> No.26159145

I got another week of vacation this year, but why would I ever use it when I don't do any work?

What to do bros

>> No.26159200

Not a single poster of these threads have a job.

>> No.26159268
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We get MLK Day and "Juneteenth" off from work each year now because our VP of HR was terrified of not seeming progressive enough after the George Floyd riots.

>> No.26159423

Based thread. I wasn’t given the day off but I sure will be doing nothing.

>> No.26159730

Kek based

>> No.26159746

All I got was two emails about how important the day is, but we don't have it off


>> No.26159794

This. I find that I feel guilty if I don't do at least an hour of work a day but after that I call it quits and focus on a hobby. Last week I played minecraft, this week I'm building a new PC because my GPU fan broke and it's basically about to melt. But over the last few months I've carefully calibrated expectations and my boss thinks I'm a hard worker, but retarded and slow, so he can't really expect much out of me but also can't give me too much shit since I'm "trying really hard". It's fucking great. My evaluation will be shit but I'm gonna quit soon anyway.

>> No.26159815
